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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Alex looked a little confused about Kadvar's statement, it seemed rather random. It wasn't like meals were too exciting. They were always boring sandwiches or oatmeal or anything simple and cheap. Alex leaned to get a better look down the hallway where a clock was perched over the door. It wasn't digital and Alex was never good at reading those kinds of clocks. He was taught, but he never bothered to try to remember it. "They start handing it out at twelve and it's eleven," Alex paused, he wasn't sure of the exact time because of his lack of skill in reading the clock paired with the distance between him and the clock. "Eleven thirty." He said. "By the time they get to us it will most likely be around twelve thirty."
By the look of Alex's confusion it was clear he didn't understand his hint. He had noticed the question was out of place, but hadn't interpreted it's meaning. Surely Alex knew he had been here awhile. Kadvar had been here long enough to know when food would be brought over. Maybe his hint to eat the note was too subtle. Maybe Kadvar would try again later, when the drugs were completely out of Kadvar's system. He looked at the other gifted in the cells around them. There was Alex, Rina, and gifted in two other cells. He didn't know them as well. He'd have to determine if they were safe to tell their escape plan to. There were some gifted who would tell about such escape plans to the gaurds or scientists for privelages or rewards. Not all gifted were to be trusted in this facility.
Micha had finished doing the cell inspections. She would've been done sooner if one gifted hadn't been smuggling peanutbutter from the testing lab. The gifted had eaten most of it, and had spread the rest over the walls to make what he called art. She had left a clumsy janitor to clean up the mess. It wasn't her place to question why they would even have that in the testing lab. Her only guess would be that it was his weakness, but even that seemed a little far fetched. Maybe a scientist was eating his lunch in the testing lab, although that would be terribly unproffesional. She passed by a gaurd or two but didn't see too many gaurds. They were probably all busy helping scientists or doing their patrols. She was walking down a corridor when the same clumsy janitor- Nori was it- had passed by her. How was she already done?

Nori saluted to the guard awkwardly. "All done, Miss Guard! If you have any other duties for me don't hesitate to ask, but now I'm set to inspect the floor."

This last sentence was said with a nearly evil smile with a glint in her eyes that seemed like it had been born in the darkest kind of depths. Her hand tightened into a fist around a mop as if it were her most reliable weapon on the battlefield of dirty versus clean.

Her features suddenly turned pleasant and smiley, then she grabbed her cart and proceeded to wheel it down the corridor, humming a quiet song as she went, the smell of peanut butter still slightly detectable on her hands.

Kadvar thought about his plan. If they were to go through with this they needed to gain the trust of someone with keys. Someone like that clumsy janitor they had seen. They would have to do that over time though, which meant they should start soon. But how would they get contact with the janitor? He looked around his cell and saw his cards and a few crayons. He could draw on the walls, but that wouldn't give him enough time. Even if he did make a mess there was no gaurantee that the clumsy janitor would be the one to clean up the cell. He could always try burning something which would buy him more time, but with so little possesions did he really want to burn his stuff? That was if he could even activate his ability.

Kadvar took his crayons and cards off his desk and set his desk in the corner of the room. He sat down in front of it and stared at it intensly, willing the desk to burn. It wasn't working. He managed to get weird looks from the other gifted in the cells around him though. He looked around for gaurds. When he was sure there were none he turned away from the camera so the security gaurds couldn't read his lips or something like that. "We need to attract that clumsy Janitor," he spoke mostly to Alex. If they were to increase the odds that Nori would show up, more than one of them needed to attract the janitors. Kadvar tried focusing on the desk again, trying to trigger his fire ability. Fear was a good trigger, but he couldn't just be scared on command. He gave up and picked up his crayon, broke it in half, and hid the other half so he could still write notes. He started scribbling on the walls, trying to cover as much area of the walls as possible. Hopefully some of the others would try to create a mess too to increase the odds of Nori showing up.

Alex watched Kadvar with a amused look clearly writen on his face. What did he expect to see on his desk? Why is he just just staring at it? It wasn't uncommon for test subjects do go a little crazy. 

He had a friend once that would suddenly stop whatever he was doing and just stand there for aparently no reason. He wasn't crazy though, not that it mattered. He was pretty useless, however he would have come in handy for an excape. Too bad he had no idea where he was.

Even when Kadvar told him of his plan, it still didn't explain the staring. Whatever, as long as Alex ended up out of the labs, he didn't care how mentally sound Kadvar was.

Kadvar eventually ran out of crayon. This wouldn't give him enough time at all. He looked back at the desk for a moment. He couldn't trigger his ability. There was no way he could make himself afraid. He thought about provoking a gaurd. Of course did he really want to risk getting injured for a few more minutes of conversation? No, it wasn't worth injury. Not when he already had an escape plan. He'd have to try and trigger his ability somehow. He'd have to think of something that frightened him before. He sat in front of the desk, staring at it again. One gifted he didn't know in a cell near him looked seriously concerned about his mental health. Kadvar tried to ignore him, when the particular gifted started questioning him, "What are you crazy or something?"

"I know what I'm doing," Kadvar grumbled. The gifted in the other cell continued going on about how he was crazy. "Quiet!" Kadvar had finally snapped. Suddenly a small flame formed on the desk. "Ha! It worked!" Or it would've, if the sprinkler in his cell hadn't gone off moments later, putting out the flame. Kadvar's face quickly turned to frustration. He had forgotten they installed a sprinkler in his cell. Now he and everything in his room was covered in water, that could've gone much better. At least now though all the water would have to be cleaned up, all he could do now was hope that Nori was the janitor to show up.

Nori's communicator chirped. She looked down at it, then unclipped it and answered with, "Tell me what's up!"

A crackly and highly unhappy voice said, "That annoying fire Gifted set off his sprinklers. Cooke can come help you if-"

"No! No, it's fine! I've got it!" she said quickly, eyes lighting up. "That area's my responsibility! I don't want to tie up any other janitors!"

There was a short silence, then, "Alright."

Nori wheeled her cart around and nearly skipped down the hall, ready to pull out her squeegee and water vacuum. She tripped in her excitement and ran into the handle of her cart, knocking the breath out of her. She slowly sank to her knees, coughing, then slowly got back up and began walking.

"Yeah. Maybe a little too much enthusiasm, Nori," she muttered to herself.

Kadvar rubbed his wrists. After using his ability they always felt warm like they were overheating. He brought this up to the scientists before, but they said it was probably nothing. He thought diffrently and was sure something that activated his ability was in his wrists. Maybe an organ or system of some sort ran through them. Of course, this was only his guess.

Kadvar saw the sprinkler finally turn off. Realizing he was sopping wet he started to wring his clothes of any water. His desk had a minor burn and was soaked. It would have to be removed as it was ruined. Water was all over the floor and it would have to be cleaned. It was then Nori had opened the cell and wheeled her cart in. "Hello," he made no movements, knowing that some gifted would attack janitors. He couldn't scare her if he was to gain her trust. He saw the water vaccum in her hand. "How does that work?" He tried to appear interested in what she did.

Nori glanced over at the Gifted, then back at the guard near the door who was watching with a careful eye. Then she turned back to the prisoner and smiled enthusiastically.

"Anyoung haseyo! Uhm, you're supposed to be harmless, but they told me to handcuff you, so..." she said, awkwardly kneeling and sliding a pair of cuffs to the Gifted. "Normally you wouldn't be in here, but this should be a quick clean, and I told them it's okay, especially since I could probably suck your face off with the vac if you try anything."

She smiled and stood back up, slipping on the water and falling against the cell wall, nearly cracking her head against it but catching herself with her hands at the last moment.

Kadvar looked down at the cuffs on his arms. The gaurds and scientists always insisted on giving him cuffs that were cold. It slowed down his fire gift, but it couldn't actually stop his ability. Sometimes if he was unlucky enough they would be cold enough to stick to his skin.

He watched Nori get up and slip. She seemed gullible enough, that is, if she didn't kill herself in some accident before they needed her. He prefer someone not crack their head open and die in his cell. He was sure the gaurd would find some way to pin any injuries that occured to Nori on him. Kadvar stayed still not wanting to provoke the gaurd into threatening him. If there was any gun waving his fire ability could be triggered. He turned to look at Nori, "Are you alright?"

Nori rubbed her hands together and giggled. "Mm! Gwenchan su- er, I mean, I'm fine! Please stand back!"

She adjusted a few dials and pressed a few buttons on her machine. A wide funnel attachment on the end opened up, and the vacuum started up. It sucked up water as quickly as a kid might inhale candy and just as easily, too. Nori's thin frame shook from the power of the vac, and when she spoke her voice bouncced around in her mouth.

"I-i-i-s-s-n-n-'t th-th-th-i-i-s-s-s-s g-g-g-g-r-r-e-e-a-a-t-t-t?"

Her smile widened, her teeth chattered, and as the vaccum tube dragged her around the room she couldn't help but laugh at the sheer power of the thing.

How was this janitor allowed a machine she could hardly control? How was this woman able to hold up a job at all? He stood up as his legs ached. He heard the guard grab his gun and Kadvar put his cuffed hands up. "Relax, I'm just stretching," he grumbled. The guards here seemed to always be on edge. He didn't want the guard to activate his fire ability. If he scared the janitor he was sure she would use the machine on his face, which would be painful. He had to gain her trust while now making the guard suspicious. "You have a name? I assume you have one."

Nori powered down the machine and smiled at it, patting the controls like a loving mother. She nodded in acknowledgement of the prisoner's question while searching her cart that stood just outside the door.

"Nori Berns! I'll bet you have a name, too, don't you?" she said, turning to smile at him before diving back into her cart.

She rifled around, knocking a few cans onto her head which she picked up and placed carefully back in their place. Then, with a triumphant noise, she hauled a squeegee out of a bucket that hung off the side of her cart. She turned the tool on the wall and began to pull the water drops down to the ground, moving with surprising grace that was similar to that of a painter.

Alex stood up from his bed, he felt a little dizzy but not too bad. Alex had to wait for the random black spots in his vision to fade before he could do anything. One it had passed he walked to the wall of the cell that was open to the hallway and looked out. He wasn't sure what Kadvar was planing to do, or how he was going to gain the trust of Nori, but it was better than nothing.

He wanted to help, but he didn't have any idea how he could. Plus with his reputation, he was sure that guard would be even more edgy than he was with Kadvar. So he kept silent and watched. 

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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100 words per post.

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Ink (#35575)

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