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Nori stared blankly at the one way mirror, then nodded slowly. "Yes sir."

She scuffled over to the door, and as she did she turned slightly and waved her fingers at Alex, a tiny, happy smile at her lips giving her the apperance of a cherub.

"Thank you so much - you just made me the happiest and luckiest girl on the planet!" she said softly, eyes crinkling with joy.

She stood at the door, and in her excitement she shivered and bounced on her toes, prepared to get back to work as fast as possible, dreaming of her cart and cleaning supplies.

Lucius brought down the wall again and unlocked the door. He stood up from his chair and went to the door. He took hold of the handle, pushed it down and pulled the door open. He smiled widely and turned so that Nori could leave the room.

"Thank you for doing this, you really helped with our tests." He said happily.

Lucius went back to the computer and sat down. He clicked away at the screen for about a minute before he looked back at Nori, grinning.

"We are going to need a gurney." He said, before he pushed a button on the computer.



"You need luck just to get through the day." Alex mumbled as the wall lowered. He didn't try to get over on the other side. Lucius would just not unlock the door, plus Alex would get punished in some way. It wasn't worth it when there was no chance of excape.

He wondered what they would do next. They needed him back in his cell, but that meant going in the room and trying to get cuffs back on him. Lucius would do something with the computer, that was for sure but what?

Alex's answer came in the form of a thin mist collecting into the room. With the first breath he took he felt dizzy. He took a few steps back so he hit into the wall behind him and slid to the ground.

Nori smiled back at Lucius, delirious in her state of pure bliss. At first she didn't even catch his words, and by the time she was about to ask what the gurney would be for Alex had already collapsed. 

She rushed to the one way window and put her hands against it, staring in terror at the collapsed prisoner. "What did you do that for? Oh goo- is he okay?"

Nori turned back to look frantically at the scientist, eyes widened in horror. She ran her hands through her hair in a panic, looking back and forth between him and the Gifted, unsure of what to think and what to do.

"How could you just do that to him? He was practically angelic! He behaved, didn't he?"

Lucius looked openly conserned about Nori's reaction. Did she acually care about the gifted? Personally Lucius view them as just test subjects, not even human.

"He's fine." He said, allowing the would 'fine' to draw out a little longer than normal. He stood up and walked over to Nori.

"The only reason he did what I told him is because he knows he doesn't have any power once he is in that room." Lucius explained. "The moment he gets out he will act the same way he did in his cell." He paused to but a hand on his own shoulder. "And that lamp didn't feel nice."

A small battle of emotions washed over Nori's face. She glanced back at Alex and put her hand as a fist over her heart and bit her lower lip. It looked as if she were weighing her words, deciding how to respond.

"Don't... don't you think... that maybe if you didn't punish him for nothing he might start to act better?" she suggested, her eyes conveying her strong belief in her words. "I mean, it's not like he'd change right away, but... I mean, isn't this technically abuse?"

She blushed and lowered her head, looking off to the side. Her hands were now clenched at her sides and shaking slightly. The janitor swallowed nervously but then looked back up in determination. 

Kadvar sat in his cell waiting for Alex to pass by and to slip him a note about his escape plan. He'd be useful if they were to escape. A gaurd passed by his cell, the area he was in was particularly well gaurded. Although his power was inherently more dangerous than the gifted in the cells around him, he triggers for his gift were thought to be predictable. He also had a mildish temperment, and was most of the time all bark and no bite. He had threatened many scientists before, but almost all of them were empty threats. He had only burned people twice. Once was a scientist who was foolish enough to be in the testing chamber and scare him by waving around a gun. His second burn victim was a scientist who would always go in his cage, which clearly meant the scientists didn't take him seriously anymore. She was unprofessional, always taunting Kadvar when he threatened her. He one day singed her hair in frustration, and she was since moved to a different section of the lab. Kadvar looked down at the box containing the escape plan, waiting for Alex to pass by.

This was a strange turn of events. Lucius perseved Nori to be someone that would just go along with things. The fact she called him 'Mr. Superior' made him think she thought he was, well, superior.

The look of suprise quickly was removed from his face and replaced with a look of dangerous amusment.

"You don't know how things work here," He said with a strangely low voice. "All you know is how to scub floors."

He then stood up, pushed his chair in and went to the door.

"We must get the gurney if we are to bring him back." He said, as if he had not spoken a word before hand.

Nori's fists shook more visibly, and tears began to gather at the corners of her eyes which she closed tightly as if trying to recapture an image or memory. She slowed her shallow breathing and pulled it into a rhythm of deep breaths, lips moving, silent words repeating themselves over and over again. The mouthed chant continued as she reached for a small communicator on her belt and moved it up to her lips.

"Berns to Hospital Wing, or whoever's got a gurney on hand. We need a Gifted moved back to his cell from testing room..." she pulled the device away and asked softly to the scientist, "Which room are we in?"

Lucius paused at the doorway, he hadn't thought that Nori could just call for one. He had always just gone and got it himself. He acually enjoyed it, since he tended to think better while walking rather than sitting down.

"It's C thirdteen." He said. He then closed the door and went back to his chair. How long would it take for them to come? How long would he have to sit here with Nori? It would be very awkward to just sit their quietly. Might as well try to learn a bit more about the gifted loving janitor.

"How long have you been here?" He asked.

Nori brought the communicator back up to her mouth. "Testing room C thirteen, please. He's a beneign, as far as powers go, so no need for anything special. Berns out."

She clipped it back onto her belt and shifted on her feet, thinking over the question she'd been asked. No one had asked her before, and it seemed to make her uncomfortable.

"I've been here for a month and six days."

Silently, she thought, And nearly fifteen hours, I think, maybe only fourteen.

Then she sniffed a bit and turned to look at Lucius, a miniature smile pulling at the corner of her lips. It was a reflex more than an honesty - her eyes, swimming with something unrecognizable to most, betrayed her.

Lucuis was somewhat suprised by Nori's answer. Most people here had been around for a few years. It wasn't that often that a new person would show up, since they had to come in by boat. The island was quite far away from any land as well. He was about to answer when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in." He said. As he expected, it was a person with the gurney.  
He stood up and thanked him before he pushed the gurney into the room.
"Can you help me get him on?" He asked Nori as he unlocked and opened the door to the room that held Alex.

The janitor nodded quickly and hurried into the room to the collapsed Alex. She didn't like seeing him on the cold floor that was, in her eyes, terribly dirty - it made all the more anxious to get him up onto the gurney.

He looks a little less angry, she thought as she surveyed his face, amazed at how relaxed his features had become in comparison to when he was awake.

She looked back at Lucius. "It's sort of cool how calm he looks right now. That's what I like about sleeping people, they get to kind of reset themselves before they get up and take on the world. Should I grab legs or arms?"

Lucius laughed softly at Nori's comment.

"This is most likely the only time you'll see him like that. Sleeping or when he thinks no one is watching." He said as he followed Nori into the room.

Alex was still upright, his back leaning on the wall. It would be quite hard to pick him up like that. Lucius took hold of his legs and pulled so that he would be flat on the floor. Sadly, he had done it too quickly and too hard and Alex's head slammed into the floor.  Lucius flinched then looked at Nori. Judging by her reaction to him knock Alex out, she wouldn't really like what he just did as well.

"That," He paused. "Was not intentional."

Her eyes widened, and she looked back at Lucius with a blank face.

"I can't believe he slept through that," she whispered before covering her mouth with a hand and giggling. "Heck, I could use whatever he had to help me sleep at night."

Nori bent down and lifted his head. "He's going to be sore when he wakes up..."

Carefully, in the manner of someone cradling a baby or picking up a sleeping child, she slipped her arms underneath his back and up around his shoulders. With a small, resolute nod to the scientist, she lifted him back up into a sitting position with his head neatly cradled beneath her collarbone.

"Ready when you are."

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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