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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Lucius looked slightly amused. Nori looked like was hugging a giant stuffed toy. It was strange to him out Nori thought of the Gifteds. Everyone else he had met at the labs had similar option as Lucius'. Nori acually cared about them, as if she viewed them as human or something.

Lucius nodded back to Nori and took hold of Alex's legs again. He lifted him up with Nori's help onto the gurney.  It complained softly as it took on the gifted's weight. He then pulled the gurney out of the room. 

"Thank you for your help, Miss Berns." He said.

(One more word..........)

Nori nodded and clasped her hands behind her back, bending forward at the waist a little like a playful school girl. "Mm-mm, you're welcome. I'm always up for helping in any way I possibly can."

The earnesty in her voice was absolute. Whatever drove her to work as hard as she did was certainly strong and stuck with her at all times, never failing to keep her hands moving and her lips smiling.

"I guess I can go get my cart and get back to work! No more dirty hallways! Oh, and..." Nori shifted awkwardly, grinding her foot into the floor. "Ah, could... could I ask for you... just to maybe... like... Well, if anyone at the office or anything asks about me, or mentions me, do you think you could just put in your personal opinion of me? I... I need some brownie points with them..."

She looked uncomfortable asking, and her cheeks had blushed a light pink. However, her downcast eyes were hard and her fingers were curled in determination.

Lucius held back a malicious grin from growing on his expression, instead he just smiled.

"Of course." He said before he turned away and left Nori to clean her hallways. He knew he was good hiding his emotions and opinions of people, but he also knew he slipped up a few times with Nori.  Was she really that blind to think that it was a good idea to ask him that?

Dispite his dislike for her, when the time comes, if it ever, he wouldn't say very many negative things. He wasn't known to be a very negative person. She did love, for God knows why, her job. That was a good point for her.

Lucius pushed the gurney down the hallways back to Alex's cell in silence. He didn't pass very many people as he went since many people were in their office or in some test room by now.

All evidence of Alex's attack on Lucius had been removed from the cell. The lamp and the shattered lightbub were nowhere to be seen. The desk was still there though. Lucius couldn't think of a way at the moment it could be used as a weapon but it was best tp have it removed soon.

He put the gurney behind the bed and just pushed Alex off of it and onto the bed. He then wheeled it out and locked the door.

Nori watched the scientist leave and then crouched for a moment inspecting the floor like a child would watch a bug.

Poor Gifted... I should check on him later when I come to clean... Poor Scientist... no, I guess weird Scientist would fit better... crazy, I guess, like a Mad Scientist, she thought, tracing a pattern on her shoe with a single finger.

Then she stood, stretched, and practically skipped out of the room back the direction she had come from. Her mind was filled with thoughts of her cart, dirty floors, and doing better than she ever had before at her job.

Kadvar managed to slip the note on his plan of escape into Alexander's sock as he passed by. Lucius and the Janitor didn't seem to notice. He wondered what kind of sick test they had done on him for Alexander to be passed out. He watched them drop Alexander onto his bed.

When Lucius had passed his cell he couldn't help but hiss, "How can you do that! He must be half your age." He realized attracting Lucius's attention was not such a good idea, he might decide to make up a test for him. He couldn't help but be upset though. "Or maybe your just so weak you can't handle a kid," he insulted.

Lucius was half way out of the door when he heard Kadvar's comment and paused. Kadvar was one of the particularly annoying gifteds. He was always yelling insults and threats, but the moment you pulled out a weapon he shut up. Lucius didn't like when people didn't go through with what they say, it was annoying to him. He looked back at the pyromaniac with a look of both annoyance and boredom.

"I do not need unnecessary violence." He said simply. "Age is not a factor in how dangerous a person can be here." He added as he started to leave the room again.

"He doesn't even have a dangerous gift! How are you suppose to deal with the more dangerous gifted when you let some kid break your arm!," he taunted. He clearly was an idiot, if he knew he was so dangerous, why didn't he have a gaurd? "You're just weak." He was sure he could say most anything and Lucius couldn't do anything about it. At least if he wanted to seem like his fake proffesional self. The only thing he could do was do some tests, which he probably couldn't do even yet. He probably has some paperwork to do at the moment because of Alexander.

Lucius looked up at the ceiling and breathed in deeply, he let it out in the form of a sigh. He had better things to do than argue with a gifted, but he couldn't help but to put in a last comment.

"If I am the weak one," He said. "Then why I am I the one who is free and you are the only who is locked up?"

He usually would have just left and ignored Kadvar's insults, but he was interested in how he would respond to the question. That would be it though, he wouldn't waste more time here. He had results to look over.

Kadvar glared at Lucius, "Because you were fortunate enough to not be born with a 'gift'." He didn't like any of the scientists here. They were free to leave while he sat in his cell because of his genetics. He didn't choose to be this way. Just in the same way Lucius didn't ask for the color of his hair, or the color of his eyes.

Kadvar knew insulting him would have not much more use, although he was sure Lucius couldn't do anything to him right now. All there was left to do was to sit in his cell and wait for Alexander to read the note he had slipped into his sock. He was sure that could be awhile.

"Oh, there are many more reasons that that." Lucius said before he turned away and contenued his path back to his testing room. He did not even bother to listen for Kadvar's reply. He had spend too much time speaking to him already and there was work to be done. 
Kadvar was right in a way that Lucius was lucky. It was purely the luck of the draw when it came to being gifted or non gifted. Gifteds could just randomly pop up out of nowhere in a family made up competly of none gifteds. Alex was a prime example of that, his parents most likely had no idea.
Kadvar glared at Lucius as he walked off. He grabbed the cards he had. There wasn't much to do, and it was a struggle to keep entertained. He set a few cards on the ground and tried playing solitaire, which he was horrible at. It was the only game he could play by himself. He looked over at Alexander's cell, he was still passed out. He didn't have high hopes of him waking up soon. Kadvar then wondered when he'd get food. He jumped to see a rat in his cell, how did it get in? It tried getting closer and he jumped. Before he knew it the rat burst into flames. Living in a cell sucked.

It took about an hour before there was any signs of life in Alex's cell. He woke up with a pounding headache. He opened his eyes and looked up at a blurry ceiling. Groaning, he turned his head and closed his eyes again. Alex felt aweful and could not think of any reason to get up, in fact he couldn't think of anything at all. His mind could not focus, instead it went through random, strange and dream like thoughts. The only though that was reacurring was the thought that something was really unconfortable in his sock. 

It took another hour or so before Alex slowly sat up and leaned on the wall behind him. He was momentarly blinded by the pain in his head. For a few moments he just sat there and waited for the pain to subside. He then reached down and pulled the object out of his sock.

A card? How on earth did that get there? It was scribbled on with a crayon. It was difficult to read since it had been wringled and crayon didn't really stick to the card very well. Along with the fact that Alex's mind wasn't really performing at top noch at the moment, it took him a while to read it.

Once he had, he crumbled up the card and shoved it under his matrice. He looked over at Kadvar's cell, but said nothing. He wasn't sure how he planed to pull this off. Expecially since there cells were far apart and it wasn't like they could just whisper to each other.

The note he had slipped to Alexander had read: We need to escape the last Monday of a month, when supply boats arrive. We need to get a fairly dangerous gifted in a far off sector to escape and be a distraction, which means someone needs to volunteer to do a test against someone like that. We also needed the other three gifted near us involved to help escape. When the alarms sound we need to get out. We need to gain the trust of that dumb janitor to let us out, she probably has keys to clean the cells.

Kadvar looked at Alexander who was now awake. He was sure he knew they couldn't talk about the escape plan out loud. "How was testing?"

Alex crumpled the note, but wasn't sure how to dispose of it. He couldn't let there be any chance of someone finding it. They would instantly make it impossible for the two to see each other and plan an excape. Alex turned on the bed and let his legs fall off so his feet hit the floor. He then looked over at Kadvar. It took him a tad bit longer than normal to process what he was saying, the drugs were not yet completely out of him. "It was," he paused. "Just a typical test, nothing crazy or anything. They had me healing a person this time, a cleaning lady." It was the first time they had his gift tested on another person. First it had been a plant, then animals. He had expected another gifted, not one of their /so important/ humans. He didn't think they would risk that, but he guessed she had just a really bad janitor or something.
Kadvar knew if anyone found the note he had given to Alex, he would probably never be able to talk to another gifted again. Then there was no way he'd ever get out of here. He would probably spend the rest of his years in solitary confinement, or something similar. He knew of one way to get rid of the note, but he'd doubt Alex would appreciate it. Alex could always eat the note and it would never be found again. "I wonder when they'll send food," Kadvar could only hope Alex would understand his subtle hint in his still slightly drugged state of mind.

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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