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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Kadvar decided he didn't need to gain her complete trust. Just enough so when the time came he could steal her keys and communicator. He as suprised by how quick she worked. It was clear she cared for her job, for whatever reason. "I'm Kadvar." The guard was glaring at him. They were already suspicious of him. He had to be careful of what he said. "How did you get a job here?" He acted like he was interested in her occupation. The gaurd was clearly not happy with him asking so many questions. He could care less, the guard wasn't the one who lived in a cell all day.

Nori slowed her work for a moment, faultering, before picking up the pace. "Oh, you know, just needed a job! You sure ask a lot of questions, Kad."

She rushed through the rest of the job, nearly missing spots as she went, but she managed to wipe down all of the walls without leaving a single drop of water. Her last action was to grab the water vacuum again and suck up the last of the water that had gathered at the edges of the room, but this time there wasn't a smile on her face - just pure determination.

Kadvar looked at his ruined desk, it would have to be removed. He guessed Nori was beginning to become a little suspicious of all his questions. The guard most certainly was suspicious. He doubted he could reduce their suspicion besides being quiet. He let her continue her work, and the guard seemed to become less tense. Kadvar looked down at his cuffs that were starting to give his wrists frostbite. He shifted them higher on his arm and the guard yelled at him to stop. He did stop as he had already moved them into a less painful position.

Kadvar noticed how hard she seemed to work. He decided it was best to ask no more questions, so he'd tell her something about himself. He doubted she'd ever trust someone she knew nothing about. "I was a baker before I came here, I was going to take over the family buisiness. I worked long hours, sometimes skipped sleep. Of course, it's easy to work hard for a job you love." The guard seemed annoyed with him, but he tried his best to ignore him. "Do you like your job?" He noticed her determination. "Or are you trying to impress the higher ups."

Nori stopped her work completely, then walked slowly back to her cart and hooked the water vacuum nozzle back in place. She awkwardly rearranged some things, brow furrowed in deep thought. When there didn't seem to be any more cords to shift or wrap up, she sniffed and rubbed her hands together. When she looked back up at Kadvar her face was confused with emotions, so many that it was hard to pinpoint when an exact one stayed on her face for more than a fleeting moment.

She opened her mouth, paused, but ended up saying, "I... I don't know anymore."

Haltingly, she turned and pushed her cart away from the door, stepping aside to the let guard go in and retrieve the handcuffs. Her cart got parked a few cells down, and she pulled out her mop and a container of water that came from the heavy-duty vacuum. Thoughtfully, she went on to cleaning the floors, refusing to look up at Kadvar's cell. Even as the guard passed her to man his post farther down the hall, she kept her eyes pinned to the floor.

Kadvar let the gaurd remove his cuffs and walk out, locking the door. Had he asked the wrong question? If he did then he could have ruined their chances of ever getting help to escape. Maybe he had misread her determination, maybe she just had wanted to get done with her work. Maybe he was annoying her and wanted to be gone as swiftly as possible. He doubted Alex would be able to help. He was in speaking distance but she seemed to want nothing to do with him. He was never the social type before the labs, but he had never felt he had offended someone quite as quickly as he had now. "Great Kadvar, you messed up," he muttered to himself. He felt as clumsy as Nori for upsetting her so quickly.

Nori looked up and saw Alex standing near the front of his cell. She mopped her way over slowly, taking her time to make sure she didn't miss a single spot of the floor. Her eyes roved back and forth, occasionally glancing up to see if he was still there.

"Anyoung, I-think-your-name-is-Alex," she said to him, not looking up from her job.

Her fingers tightened on the mop as she pushed extra hard against a spot on the floor until it disappeared, her knuckles turning white, then pink again.

"I'm sorry that the scientist was mean - I thought you were being pretty good. How's your head?"

Kadvar noticed she seemed concerned for Alex. He may be able to gain her trust. After failing so horribly he might just have to. Kadvar motioned towards Nori, hoping Alex understood he had to gain her trust. If they couldn't gain Nori's trust, they would have to steal keys which would cause a higher risk of discovery.

Kadvar couldn't believe how fast he had offended her. Of course, maybe occupation wasn't such a good topic to discuss with a janitor. At least he hadn't discussed family, which most lab staff lacked. He decided the discussion could have gone better, but could have been much worse. He chuckled at the thought of getting the water vaccum to the face. He wondered why she hadn't used the vaccum if she had been offended. With nothing better to do he grabbed his cards, trying to play solitaire which he was terrible at. Maybe it was better if Alex talked to Nori anyway.

Alex was noticably suprised that Nori choose to stop and speak to him. He would have thought she would be at least a little scared of him. She did see him attack someone with a lamp afterall. After Kadvar so horrorably failed at the goal of getting this janitor on their side, Alex guessed it was best if he gave it a shot.
"I'm alright, I got a slight headache but it'll pass." He said. Alex then paused, thinking of what to say next.
"Are you alright? I've only healed flesh wounds before, I don't know if I can fix a sickness." He said, he looked rather conserned.

Nori shrugged. "Yeah, I feel fine - I think you did the trick. You seem to be in a better mood."

She smiled at him and laughed before turning to mop a particularly persistent spot on the floor. She didn't seem to be working as enthusiastically at her job as she had before, and her movements were much slower. With her back turned to Alex, she said,

"You know... I like my job... Cleaning, that is! I think I hate what goes on here... I mean, they say you guys are dangerous, so I don't hate that they try to keep people safe by having you guys here... but I do hate how they treat you."

She stopped cleaning entirely, sitting into her hip and running a hand through her hair, playing with it a bit before turning back to the cell with a curious look on her face.

"Do you like kids? Like, children?"

The more and more Nori spoke, the more Alex thought Kadvar had made the right choice picking her. Not only did she seem quite gulible, but she also was alright kinda on their side. Not very many people here had that kind of opinion, hopefully she was smart enough to keep that to herself.

He was very clearly taken aback by her next question. It was very random consetering what they were talking about before. Alex did like kids and could be very protective of them. If he saw that just some little kid was in this place he would be rather upset.

"Yes I do," He said slowly. "Why?"

Nori smiled hugely at him. "Oh, that's good! I like little kids, you know? Mm, they can be so cute, and even when they're being bad it's hard to get mad at them because they're so little. It's fun watching them stumble through life trying to make sense of things that they might not figure out for years - it reminds me that it's okay to make mistakes and not know things."

Every word she spoke was said passionately with a rare type of conviction nearly rare to find anymore.

"I guess I just think they're important - it's nice to know that one of you do, too."

Alex looked away from Nori, his expression hard and determined.

"I just think that they are so innocent. Nothing bad has happened to them yet and they still got a shot at not getting all screwed up."

He then looked back towards Nori. His expression had changed greatly. He was smiling with genuine softness in his startling green eyes.

"They are quite cute as well." He paused for a moment and his expression left just as quickly as it had come. "You haven't seen any little kids here have you?" He asked.  Alex's voice went down into a low whisper, laced with consern.

Nori scratched her head thoughtfully and looked up at the ceiling, mentally running through the list of faces she had memorized over the past month.

"Well... I haven't gotten to work in too many areas with cells, so I'm sure there could be some around here. I mean, I've heard about little kids showing their powers very soon after birth, right? Mm, and I'm sure a lot of kids with gifts get sent to orphanages, so... orphanages are part of the government, meaning that I think kids who show signs of being gifted would get picked up their faster..."

With her tone of voice and the looks crossing her face, it looked as if Nori had thought long and hard about this before.

Alex looked rather angry when he processed this new information. It took him a while before he responded.

"If someone found out about their kid's gift, why on earth would they just abandon them? They should be protected from the government, not handed over to them." He said. Though Alex tried to sound calm, slight anger seeped into his tone. His expresion clearly showed that he was upset.

"There is no way anyone would have the heart to treat a child like how they treat us." He said. But he knew it was just denyal. The people here were heartless carebears and they wouldn't care if they were testing on a newborn.

His words made her feel bleak, because she knew as well as he did that testing on gifteds wasn't considered cruel, no matter their age.

Nori gave a small, hopeless shrug. "I guess it would be scary, though. I mean, like, wouldn't it be weird to find out your 'average' kid just, boop! Melted into water one day or something?"

She laughed, but her eyes were glassed over, and her movements became mechanical. For a few moments she mopped over the same spot repeatedly but then snapped back into focus and moved forward, putting all of her muscle into the floor like she was trying to scrub it straight through.

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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100 words per post.

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Ink (#35575)

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