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Lucius thought over that Verner said for a few moments. He was ninety nine percent sure that these two were brothers. The simular apperance along with the same last name, but there was still that tiny chance that they were not. There was a chance that they could force an answer that wasn't even correct. But the chance was so low and it would be so much faster.

"Very well," He said. "But there is no time tonight. We can do it tomarrow after we have thought it over."

Lucius glanced at the gifted. He was so clearly lying, there was no way that he was not Alex's brother.

Verner nodded and turned toward the guard, "You can put him back in his cell." He was glad that Lucius had agreed with him, as DNA testing could take awhile. And if they messed up or the samples turned out to be contaminated with someone else's DNA they would have to restart. He stood up and grabbed his papers and notes from the previous test.

Once he was sure he had all his things he turned to Lucius, realizing he forgot to introduce himself. Sure they could just look at each other's name tags, but that wasn't a proper introduction. "I forgot to introduce myself." If they were to work together he felt they needed An introduction. He held his papers underneath his arm and held out his other arm, "I'm Verner."

Duncan did not like the sound of this test. He wanted to see his brother, but not in the way Verner and Lucius were talking about. He was too distracted by his thoughts and got frightened when the guard gave him a light push to get him moving.

The guard did not speak to him at all as she lead him down the hallways and back to his cell. That was typical, guards rarely spoke to him. But this time he would have liked to have someone's voice get in the way of his thoughts. 

They knew he was lying, Duncan was well aware that he was not good at it. They will figure it out and then they'll use him get get Alex to do whatever they wanted him to do. Alex wouldn't allow Duncan to get hurt.

Lucius took the offered hand in a handshake. When he took his hand back he placed it inside one of his lab coat pockets where he kept a washcloth. Pretty much every scienist was clean, but Lucius was a bit of a neat freak.

He knew who Verner was before he told Lucius his name, and it wasn't because of the nametag. Lucius was not able to memorise every person's files so he didn't bother with the ones that he didn't work with often. However he still tried to remember names. Since he was going to work with Verner for a little bit, he would see what kind of information on Verner he could get.

"I am Lucius," He said. "Lucius Lee."

He didn't look foreward to dealing with the gifted Lucius worked with if he was as bad as he said he was. Hopefully his gift wasn't too dangerous. Verner remembered why Lucius had originally came here, "You said you needed to get something?" He reminded him. He didn't look like the type of person who was forgetful, but he'd hate it if the scientist had made all his way here only to forget the one thing he came here to get. He looked forward to working with a new scientist. He worked best with others, and most of the work scientists did here was alone. He wouldn't bother reading Lucius's file later, feeling the best way to get to know someone was spending time with them.
"Ah yes," Lucius said. He walked around Verner and sat down at the computer. Since some one else was using his computer, he almost expected to feel crumbs on the chair and sticky stuff on the keys. "A guard pulled a gun on a gifted who is known to catch things on fire around weapons." Lucius explained as he worked on the computer. "He burned the guard's clothing and my lab coat. It caused me to," he paused, remembering his break in composer. "Me to most of my paperwork." He finished. He got all the files up on the screen. He then sent the files to his own computer so that he could print them. He stood up and looked back at Verner. "Sorry for walking in on your test." He said before he walked to the door. "I will be off then."
Verner waited for Lucius to get a headstart before grabbing his papers and making his way to his own office. Otherwise it would look like he was fallowing him, as most of the scientist offices were in the same general location. He wasn't looking forward to the paperwork he had to finish, and lab results he had to go over.

The night had passed. Verner started work and made his way to where Lucius' office was suppose to be.

Kadvar woke up at a regular time, having mostly recovered from his head injury. He was concerned to see no sign of the janitor yet and turned to Alex who seemed to be awake, "Still no Nori?" He thought she would have checked the whole facility by now.

As if his words had summoned her, Nori appeared out of nowhere, wheeling her janitorial cart around like it was a stroller. She had a pen tucked into her bun, and her clipboard was still set out before her on the trolly. Her process was slow, and it took her a few minutes to make her way close to Kadvar and Alex's cells.

When she glanced up and saw Kadvar, her bubbly eyes seemed to sparkle and spill over with general happiness. She came up to his cell and waved with fluid fingers, glancing around to assess what kind of mess there was for her to clean, if any at all.

"Wow! That water did a good job of washing away most of the dirt that was in here before! Ka.. ca... ci... hmm.. Caviar... no..." she muttered, looking up with a dorkishly cute frown. Suddenly she snapped her fingers and looked back at him in excitement to say, "Kadvar! Right?"

"Yes." Kadvar said simply, slightly confused. He thought he had offended her before, and was somewhat suprised she had decided to remember his name. Her happy tone also threw him off, he thought he had upset her. How was she not mad with him? She worked as a janitor in a facility that kidnapped and tested on what were essentially humans. How could anyone love such a job? Nori seemed too happy for her own good. Maybe the world needed more people like her though. People who no matter what life threw at them, could remain happy.

He knew Alex would probably want to hear from her, "I heard Alex's cell is bad." His cell didn't actually look dirty, but neither had his own cell before he had set off the sprinklers.

Nori nodded, her eyes widening in absolute terror. "Oh, I know, his cell is just awful, I can't believe they let him live in there like that, but it is hard to get the cells clean, I guess."

She glanced over the room, squinting at the ceiling with determined, seeking eyes that glimmered like jewels behind her eyelashes. Her lips puckered in thought, and she began to move them to form silent words only she could hear. Her fingers slowly went up to her bun and pulled ou the pen, the other hand reaching behind her to grab the clipboard. It searched helplessly, far overreaching where she had set it on her cart. Her eyes and mind were still stuck to the room, and before she realized it she was leaning farther and farther backwards in reach for her checklist.

"I think..." Nori began to say, but was cut short as she rocked too far back on her heels.

The janitor fell backwards, crashing into her cart. Cans and brooms of all sorts were knocked to the floor, and the cart itself moved away from her as she collapsed against it, effectively dumping her on the floor. She stared up at the ceiling with eyes widened in shock. Slowly, she blinked, then sat up and looked around her, legs sprawled awkwardly.

"Aigo..." she huffed, looking around her in a startled manner.

Kadvar wondered what the janitor was looking for in the ceiling, before she fell over. He was somewhat startled to see her fall over. He shouldn't be suprised though, as she was a clumsy person. Surely noone could fall over so much on accident. Maybe she wanted attention? Her startled expression however said otherwise. "Looks like you reached a little too far." Hopefully she wouldn't injure herself too badly before the time to escape came.

"Maybe you need heavier shoes," he half joked. Heavier shoes would make it a little harder to fall over, but would be useless if she leaned too far. She wouldn't have a long lifespan with as clumsy as she was. What if she fell down some stairs or tripped into a road? "You're not hurt, are you?"

Nori sniffed and began picking up the cleaning supplies around her, putting them back onto her cart.

"Jeoneun gwenchansumnida," she said over her shoulder, chasing after a runaway cannister on her hands and knees. "Mm, I was doing so good today - no untied shoelaces or anything. Oh well!"

She caught it and pulled it up into her arms where the others were tucked, then knee walked back to her trolly. Her face was twisted in determination as she placed them into their proper spots, muttering things to herself, imagining how she could modify her cart to keep everything more secure. Then, slowly, her hands slowed, and her face untwisted until it was blank, then gradually climbed into an amused smile.

"Oh, heavy shoes - you're funny!" she laughed, smiling at him until her eyes nearly shut.

Kadvar didn't think his comment was that funny. He turned his head, as Nori confused him. She seemed like an odd one. Of course he himself wasn't normal. Very few gifteds were. The janitor seemed likable in her own odd and different way. She was far too easily entertained, which amused him slightly. Her laugh seemed just as odd as Nori herself. He waited for the janitor to finish laughing to speak, sure that Alex was anxious to hear about his brother. "Alex has been waiting for you," he ensured he faced away from any camera's. they couldn't escape without Alex knowing if his brother was here or not.

Nori nodded slowly, taking in a long and deep breath, letting it out through puckered lips as she brought herself to standing. Her hand grasped at her pen and moved to climb down the checklist in search of the right cell number.

"Mm-mm, I know, but he can wait for a moment or two more. I have to do my job!" she said, her last sentence jumping with cheer.

Though Nori understood the importance of what she had discovered, she knew that gave her no excuse to neglect her duties. It was a principle she lived by to the best of her ability.

Alex was laying in his bed and didn't wake up until Nori fell and the crash woke him. He sat up but didn't get out of the bed or even pull the blanket off. He brushed his chair using his fingers and listened to Nori and Kadvar speak. It was true that his cell wasn't the cleanest room around. It was because they needed a guard in order to let a janitor into his cell because he was constered dangerous. Plus Alex wasn't the cleanest person in the first place. Alex tosed his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. Nori could be carrying very bad news and he was almost afraid to hear it.

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Side Character

Second RP Master
Ink (#35575)

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