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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Duncan heard Verner but choose not to respond. He was too focused on not tripping over his own feet. Duncan was a clumsy person, well known for walking right into walls or falling over. He did not want to mess up and cause Verner to start the whole test over again.

Duncan had just resently started to breathe a little harder, but there was no sweat yet and he did not feel very tired at all. He hoped that he would be able to exhause himself so he didn't have to worry about energy build up again for a while.

He did notice the higher pressure from the fan very quickly and it made it harder for him to keep going. He felt like he may have slowed down a little, but that wasn't his fault. The more that was holding him back, the more slowly he would go.

Verner noticed the gifted slow down a little. Well that wouldn't do. His file didn't have anything about his fears written. He'd have to come up with something himself. He typed in something and suddenly it sounded like their was a loud metallic crash. It was just a loud noise to start getting his adrenalin pumping. People often ran faster when afraid. The floor near the wall behind Duncan burst into flames. Most humans had a basic fear of fire. He wouldn't actually let him get burned. There were sensors that would shut off the fire before Duncan could even get close to them. The fire was just a motivator.

"I suggest you start running faster, unless for some reason you want to be burned." He expected him to start running faster, but was ready to turn off the fan or slow it down in the event he didn't.

Duncan flinched at the studden sound, which caused him to make a few awkward steps before he got back to his normal running cycle. Then there was the heat, a studden burning feeling at his back. He was about to glance behind him to see what was going on when Verner spoke.

Duncan hated when some kind of danger was added to the mix. He hadn't done anything wrong, had he? Why did Verner feel like he needed to do this to him? Duncan wasn't massively afraid of fire or anything, but like any normal person, he rather not be burned. 

Boosted by his fear of the fire, Duncan was able to add one or two mph to his speed which caused him to get a little closer to the fan. But his somewhat panicked speed didn't last long, he wasn't making sure he didn't trip. After thirdy seconds of the fire being turned on, Duncan fell. He fell face first onto the ground, though he was able to kind of catch himself with his hands. His feet landed near the fire and it automatically shut off.

Verner wrote down the speed at which Duncan had stopped and quickly shut off the fan. That went somewhat well, he seemed to be able to be going a little faster than if he was going in circles. He usually never had to harm a test subject, just give the illusion of danger. Verner probably wouldn't actually hurt Duncan unless he was refusing to do something. He typed in a few commands and the fan raised, removing it from the room. The fire was already off, so he typed in a few commands to remove that mechanism from the room as well.

He wrote down a few more things before turning to the guard. "You can get him out of there." He waited for the guard, collecting all of his papers together. He rolled his chair only to run over a small bit of burned cloth. It looked like it was from a lab coat. Probably just from whatever scientist usually used the room. He picked himself off of the chair, mostly sure that he had everything.

Duncan pushed himself up onto his knees and would have gotten all the way up if the guard had not entered the room. Moving too much could cause a guard to think that he was up to something. He really, really didn't want to get tased. He only got up after the women cuffed him and told him to do so. 

He walked out of the room without any complaint. He looked a little nervous though. When Verner came into view Duncan avoided his gaze. He felt like he messed up the test and that he would be upset with him.

"I'm sorry.." He said. "I didn't mean to," His voice was low and a little ragged.

Lucius was working in his office. It was a small, cramped space but it was more comfortable then the testing room. He had a desk that wasn't covered by a computer keyboard as well as various other testing objects. Lucius had obsessively orginized everything in the room as well as labeled them.

He had just finished writing the last bit of his paperwork when he realised that he had forgotten something. Sighing deeply, he pulled out his chair and stood up. He made sure his door was closed behind him. He would have locked it if it was aginst the rules. He didn't like the thought that people could go in there whenever they wanted.

Lucius walked down the hallway and happily greeted all the people he passed with his fake, overly friendly smile. The only reason he knew there names by heart was because he knew their files by heart.

Lucius had not checked his email, therefore had no idea that his testing job was being used at the moment. So when he opened the door to the room he looked a little puzzled for a moment when he saw Verner, Duncan and the guard.

"You didn't mess up, I just needed to motivate you to run a little faster."

He heard the door open to see Lucius. He had seen him in the halls once or twice but didn't personally know him. Verner noticed his confused look, "Did you not read the email?" It felt like noone read emails anymore. He assumed the scientist would want an explanation for all of this. "I was working with a strength gifted yesterday. Have you ever seen how quickly they tear through lab equipment?" He set his papers down for now. "The gifted climbed one of the lab weapons meant to keep him in check. He tried breaking through the one way glass to get to me." He didn't want to talk too long and bother the scientist. "I had to use your lab while mine was being fixed, I sent you an email."

Lucius replaced his puzzled expresion with a slight smile. He hadn't checked his email, the day was almost over and he didn't expect to get any new emails.

"I'm sorry, I hadn't checked my email since this morning." He said. "I had forgotten something from my last test, but I can wait." His tone was friendly like the voice he used when greeting people in the hallway. Most other scienists have never heard him speak in any other way.

Lucius glanced at the guard and the gifted. The gifted looked quite familar, but he was sure he hadn't met him before. It took him a few moments to realise why felt like he knew him. The gifted looked very simular to Alex.

"Who is he?" Lucius asked, nodding to the gifted.

"Him?" Verner wondered why he wanted to know, but wasn't too concerned. "That's Duncan Rose," he normally couldn't remember a test subject's name and went by nicknames. However since he worked with so few compliant gifted, he was careful to remember this gifted's name. Verner was slightly concerned that maybe this scientist wanted to work with him. He had to work with some difficult gifted, and prefer that he didn't have even less time with one of the few compliant ones. He already worked with a strength gifted that he shouldn't have to work with. They said he wouldn't be working with any difficult gifted until year five, and just under year three they were tossing him gifteds other scientists didn't want to deal with. He didn't show his slight fear though. "Why do you ask?" He was good at appearing relaxed most of the time.

Lucius' eyebrows rose for a second, then he put on a slight smirk. It wouldn't just be chance that this kid looked realated to Alex, and also shared last names.

"Rose?" Lucius said softly. He walked slowly closer to Duncan, but stopped at a distance where he couldn't be easily attacked.

"Tell me Duncan, do you have a brother?" He said. Duncan looked uneasy and nervous. He avoided his gaze and did not respond. Lucius frowned then looked over at Verner for a moment to say,

"Is he deaf or something?" Then he looked back.

"No," Duncan finnaly said softly.

"Really? Are you sure? Because we have ways of testing that."

Verner had looked though Duncan's file before, he never read anything about a brother. Then again information like that wouldn't be on file. They needed permission from the parents or Duncan. Even though this gifted seemed compliant if he cared for his brother he wouldn't tell anyone about him. He assumed the brother must be a gifted if he existed, or he doubted Lucius would be asking about him.

He looked down at the gifted, interested that he wasn't telling them. Sort of like he had something to hide or protect. Verner stayed a safe enough distance, and sat down on the wheel chair so he was closer to Duncan's eye level. "Now Duncan, I just need you to answer the question. Do you have a brother?" He managed to ask his question in an unthreatening manner. It really wasn't that hard for him to do. Hopefully he was a little more likely to answer to him, as he occasionally worked with the gifted.

Duncan raised his sholders and looked down at the floor. He tried to look smaller, as if he could just shrink away. He shook his head slowly and whispered softly,

"I already answered the question, I don't have a brother." Duncan was never a good liar, just the mere act of lying made him uneasy. The thought of being caught in a lie scared him greatly. He knew that they could easily do some kind of DNA testing or something to figure out that Alex was indead his brother. However Duncan wouldn't tell them, he did not want them to be able to use that information aginst them.

They could put him back in the lab and force Duncan to give an answer, but if it turned out he was telling the truth they were simply forcing words from his mouth. It sounded pretty clear to him though that he was lying. Maybe he could persuade him to give an answer.

"I hope you're not lying to me Duncan. DNA testing isn't that hard. All we would need is a hair or two and we could find out rather quickly. It would only take a day or two to find out if you're lying to us." It would end up taking more like three to five days to be processed. He preffer just to get the answer out of Duncan now rather than later.

Duncan did not respond and Lucius was starting to beleive that he wasn't going to give any different answer. It was so clear that he was lying, you did not have to have the skills Lucius did at watching people to see it.

"Well then, we'll have to put that up to the test." Lucius said and then he looked over at the other sciensts. "I am planning a few tests with the person I beleive is his brother, but he is very difficult to put it lightly. It would be easier if I had something to," He paused, looking for the right word. "Persuade him."

"I can do to DNA test on the brother, but I rather not have to fill out another form so that I do tests with Duncan." He said.

He didn't look frustrated with the speed gifted, just tired. "I can do a DNA test with Duncan." Verner couldn't do much else anyway. Not while his lab was being repaired. He hated the idea of waiting more than a day for test results though. If they could get a confession this would have been so much easier.

"You don't think doing a test with the two of them would get one to speak, do you?" He doubted it. If the gifted Lucius worked with was as difficult as he said he was, he'd probably try and prolong the event. Duncan might crack though.

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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