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Duncan studdenly laughed and leaned back.

"Yeah, it would be more bothersom if he wasn't doing anything bad. He's strong, he can handle anything." Duncan said. He idolized Alex like how a three year old may idolize his thirdteen year old brother. He looked up to him and looked to him for guidness. It was stange that he still ended up with such a starkly different personality. 

Duncan actually felt more hopeful now that he knew Alex was here. He wouldn't tolerate this place for long. He would made an excape plan and Duncan had faith that he would not leave him behind.

Nori beamed at him, her eyes hiding away behind her eyelashes again. She was thankful that he seemed to be in a better mood. Though she knew the news would hurt him at first, she was glad she had told him. It was good to see him bounce back, and it made her feel better, too. She definitely got her joy from others, and when they had none she was almost too willing to give them some in return.

"Mm-mm! That's the spirit!" she cheered, nodding enthusiastically. "I'm inspecting the cells, so I should be passing your brother's at some point - is there anything you want me to tell him for you?"


"Just that I am okay," Duncan said. "He will be worrying about me."

Duncan knew how Alex could get very worried about him or other people he cared about. There was enough stuff to worry about here, he shouldn't be adding Duncan to the list.

"Is he okay? I mean, did he get himself hurt? Sometimes you can really take a beating from tests." Duncan said, the consern going back into his face a little. Alex would get hurt more often than normal because of how he acted. He had a lot of people that didn't like him. It didn't care if the person was important, if he didn't like them he let them know.

Nori shrugged in a close to careless manner before saying, "Well, there's one scientist who seems kind of mean to him, but it doesn't look like Alex gets too hurt. There aren't any scars or anything like I've seen before, and he looks really healthy."

Nori stood up, losing her balance in the process and falling onto her cart. A few spray bottles fell off the side, tumbling onto the floor and bouncing off of one another. She pulled herself upright, then bent down and began to collect them.

"Well," she said as she began to place them back on the cart, "I have to get back to work, but I'll make sure to let Alex know you're doing good!"

She mentally took down the number of his cell, then waved at him cheerily.

Duncan flinched, he was not expecting Nori to fall like that. What did she even slip on?

"Are you alright?" He said. He stood up and dropped the crayon he had been fidgeting with. He moved over to the bars of his cell. He looked her over, looking for anything that could be hurting her because of the fall.

Since Alex had healed her before, he was sure that Alex would do it again if Nori got hurt. 

"What did you fall on?" He asked, he didn't see anything on the floor. No water, no objects, no nothing. How could someone fall on nothing?

"Mm-mm! I'm fine!"

Nori stopped and looked around on the floor, wondering what he meant. Then she shrugged and grabbed the handles of her cart.

"I guess I just fell over my feet! No harm done, though! I'm off, but I'll be back soon, I'm sure! Keep coloring - you're doing pretty well!"

And with that Nori pushed her cart, heading down the hallway to inspect the rest of the cells, greeting and stopping to talk with any gifted that wasn't in a foul mood. It seemed she was quite popular with them, though some were less than thrilled with her attitude. Some swore her off, and she, in turn, smiled all the brighter and continued to talk, inspecting their cells carefully. Thus was the essence of Nori Berns.

Verner was suppose to work with a strength gifted today and yesterday. However yesterday the strength gifted had damaged some important lab equipment that would need to be repaired. It was best not to test on the strength gifted again today. He was still going to do testing, just in a different room with a different gifted. All he had to do was to make sure he did testing while another scientist was doing paperwork, or out sick.

While looking through the available gifteds to test on today he noticed Duncan Rose was available. He had worked with him a few times before, but not too often. Compliant gifteds were hard to come by and many other scientists were often eager to get ahold of the few that they had. He quickly put together what papers he had on this particular subject and picked up his phone to ask that a guard would accompany him. Although he could have easily handled Duncan himself, it was a standard procedure to have a guard when working with fast gifted.

He met up with the guard on the way to the Duncan's cell. He stood near the door, letting the female guard handcuff the speed based gifted.

Duncan had returned to his drawing after Nori left. When he heard the door open his mind went straight to the idea that Nori had returned. This was, of course, incorrect. He didn't nothing to prevent the guard from cuffing him. If he wanted to excape, the cuffs really wouldn't stop him. It was weight that would slow him. Duncan was athletic but he was small and skinny, he couldn't carry much. "Mr. Wallace," he said, recognizing the scientist. "What do you want from me today?" He hated tests because he had no idea what to expect. Sometimes, if he was respectful, people would tell him what kinds of things he should expect in the testing room. Though, it didn't happen often.
Normally he wouldn't tell a gifted about the test he was doing. Of course, most test subjects often acted bitter and aggressive. The test he had in mind today wasn't too harmful, and he didn't see anything wrong with telling him as the started walking. "Have you ever heard of wind machines Duncan?" Normally they were only used for flying gifted, but if used vertically they could test Duncan's maximum speed. The way that was this was usually tested was having the gifted run in circles. This was far too innaccurate, as a gifted would waste too much energy turning around constantly.

The concept of using the wind tunnels to test a speed gifted wasn't new, but only somewhat recently was the idea starting to be used with other speed gifted. The wind tunnel allowed them to run in a straight line sithout hitting the walls of the testing room. This somewhat new way to test speed hadn't been used on Duncan yet. "We get to see how fast you can run without you running in circles." Often running in circles would make speed gifted feel ill.

Duncan smiled softly, that didn't seem like an aweful test or anything. "Last time someone tried the running in circles thing I tripped and fell on my face." He said. If his hands weren't bound, he would have pointed to the light pink scar on his cheek. "That hurt." He said. He was slightly annoyed about how slow they were walking. Anyone else would think they were walking a normal pase. But Duncan's idea of normal walking speed was a bit higher than normal. Duncan had more energy than most, it was how he could move so fast. But if he couldn't use it, it drove him crazy. He liked the idea of letting all the pent up energy out. He was starting to get the usual twitches and spasms from stay still too long.
"You shouldn't fall forward during this test. If you start falling forward the wind should push you back up," of course he didn't say anything about falling backward which was much more likely. They made their way to the testing labs, one of his favorite places in the building. "We'll be in a different testing room than last time," he almost shuddered, remembering how quickly the strength gifted crushed metal equipment. It was like he was crushing a soda can. Strength gifted had arms strong enough to split skulls and sever spines, and were especially dangerous as far as gifteds go.

They reached the lab and he turned toward the guard, "Put him in the testing room." He made his way to the computer and one way window, appreciating all the things this equipment could do. He checked the roomnumber quickly, C-thirteen. He was in the right testing room. He had already emailed the scientist that he was using this testing room while they were doing paperwork.

Duncan looked around the new testing area, but found very little differences. The room looked pretty much the same as the others he had been in. When he was put into the room the guard removed the cuffs. He lifted his hands a rubbed his sore wrists. Some guards put those things on just too tight.

There was nothing new in the room, but Duncan assumed that there would be a fan somewhere at some point. Which way should he be facing though? Once in the room it could be hard to figure out which wall had the door and which wall had the one way glass.

"What am I meant to do?" He asked.

Verner typed in the commands to lower a large and powerful fan into the room. It took up a lot of space. "Turn around," he spoke into the microphone. He loved working with this technology. The goal was to have Duncan run as fast as possible. "Get ready to run, but don't run too fast. Not just yet.," He started up the machine. It started to hum, the propellors sounding like that of a plane engine. It wasn't quite as loud as one though. He quickly sped up the machine, increasing it's speed just slow enough so Duncan would be able to compensate for the higher wind speeds.

Duncan turned like he was told to. The wind blew back his blonde hair and caused him to have to squint. He started off slow so that he wouldn't end up hitting into the wall. He was a little afraid that Verner would stop the fan just to see him run right into the very soild wall.

He slowly got up to a 'typical' speed for him, which was way faster than any olimpic runner. It was a little harder for him to run with the wind, because he held him back a bit. He didn't care though, he loved to be able to run. His cell had no where near enough space for him. Staying still and not being about to get his energy out was driving him batty.

Verner looked at how fast the gifted was running. He could've just stopped the fan to have Duncan run into a wall. He might've, and it sounded like something he'd do. He couldn't though because at that speed running into a wall might do some actual damage to the gifted. He looked through his papers, checking what Duncan's maximum speed had been when running in circles. He thought about not telling the gifted he was turning up the fan, but if he fell backwards it might do real damage to his back.

"I'm turning up the fan, get ready," he dialed in the maximum speed Duncan had reached when running in circles. If he was correct Duncan would be able to run a little faster than this. Once he hit his maximum he would try and scare him to get him to run faster. He wanted to know just how fast he could run, and if scaring him made him run his fastest he would most certainly do so.

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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