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Nori tripped over to Alex's cell, glancing down at her shoes as if she thought they might be defective, then spotted him and smiled widely. She began looking over the walls and ceiling, totally ignoring the floor - she already knew it would need an intense scrubbing.

"It looks like this is going to be a deep clean," she said more to herself than anyone else, grabbing her clipboard and checking off his cell number. "I wonder when Mr. Superior is going to take you out for another test..."

She started scribbling notes down on her clipboard, peering over the room as she imagined how she would go about cleaning it in the most effiecient way.

"Don't make a move or sound or anything, okay? I am not telling you right now, and you aren't going to act like I'm telling you, that I met your brother who is very sweet, by the way, and has a very good knack for coloring. I am not telling you that he isn't under high security, and I am also not telling you that he looks so much like you that if Mr. Superior Scientist doesn't figure it out then he's not as smart as I thought he was," she said, scanning his room without giving him a single glance.

Alex looked devastated from Nori's words, but managed to cover the expression. Duncan was here, that would add a whole new layer of difficulty in an excape. There was no way that Alex would ever leave knowing that he was leaving his brother behind.

It was clear that Nori did not want anyone else to know she was giving this information to him. He felt that he should conseter himself lucky he got it. Alex did not want to push his luck with her and ask her where Duncan was in the labs. Nori appeared to be at least somewhat on their side and he didn't want to push her too far too quickly.

"Thank you." He said softly.

Vener had found the office that Lucius was suppose to be in. He had already arranged for a guard to pick up Duncan with him later and have him brought to the testing lab. All he needed to do now was to was make preparations for the test with Lucius. Mainly they needed to go over the files of the gifteds that the other worked with. It would be unfortunate to have an accident occur simply because the other scientist knew too little about the other gifted. He also needed to know how Lucius wanted to go about getting a confession out of Alex. He knocked on Lucius' door.

Nori nodded slowly, highly concentrated on the room before her. She turned to look at Alex slowly, her default face looking like a startled deer. She blinked, then said,

"Is there anything you'd like me to do? I mean, tell him anything? He wanted me to tell you that he's quite alright - I saw, they treat him rather nicely."

When she had been in grade school everyone had passed notes through her; somehow, teachers never caught her, even if a note was in her posession at the time. She was clumsy, without a doubt, but hiding things, whether simple notes or secrets, was something she never tripped up on.

The first thing Lucius did when he got to the labs was read the information on Duncan. The speed gifted had many tests under his belt. That was what happened to gifteds that did what they were told. The system actually encouraged gifteds to act out in that way.

He was printing out the files on Alex for Verner when he heard the knock on the door. He stood up and took the papers from the printer.

"Come in." He said. Lucius took a clipboard and stuck the papers on it. Hopefully Verner had already seen them, but Lucius had to just asume that he didn't. It was important to be informed.

Nori smiled at his hesitation and silence as if he'd already answered her with a 'no'.

"Okay! Well, I'll be on my way! Annyeong!" she said in her cheery attitude, turing to grab her cart and push it away.

Part of her wanted to be sad that he had nothing to say - she wasn't sure why, of course, but she had a few good guesses. Either way, she wasn't about to let that bother her, and she moved on with her job. There were more important things for her to worry about, she decided, and it wasn't her place to question him.

She wheeled on, prepared to work extra hard that day.

Verner heard Lucius' voice, and was happy to know he had the right room. When he was new to the facility a few years ago it used to take him hours to find the right room. He opened the door, his papers on Duncan with him. He had read about half of Alex's file. He had finished his paperwork later than he would have liked, and found sleep a priority over reading that last half. If he was tired on the job he wouldn't work as well, and that's when most lab accidents occured.

If he had read the last half he would have heard about the bed sheet incident. He would have to read the last half while walking and going to get Duncan. Lucius seemed like the person to have read all of Duncan's file, but he had the printed file with him just in case.

"Good morning." Lucius said in his typical friendly tone. He stood up from his chair and walked around his desk. Since each office was pretty small most people made their desk up aginst the wall. But that meant that when sitting at the desk your back was to the door. That made Lucius very unconfortable.

"I've read the information on Duncan, hopefully you have done the same with Alex." He then guestured to the clip board in his hand. "I printed it just in case."

"Got any ideas on how to do this test?" Lucius said. He already had a idea, but he felt that it was best to see what Verner had thought of.

Hopefully Lucius wouldn't think of him as an idiot. "Well I read about half of it," Verner muttered modestly. "I was later than usual to finish paperwork." He not only had to do paperwork on Duncan, but had still been in the process of filing an accident report because of that strength gifted. Accident reports could take longer than test reports were to complete.

"As for test ideas I haven't thought of much. None of them seem to have specific fears," he had at least gotten that far through Alex's file. "We're probably better off trying to get an answer from Alex though." He thought Duncan would be better the day before. After reading the first half of Alex's file though, he seemed like he'd try to tough out whatever they threw at him. He had read how a room had to be flooded for him to pick up a flower, he was certainly a more stubborn gifted. Duncan on the other hand seemed more fragile. They were probably better off threatening Duncan and questioning Alex.

Lucius nodded, not very suprised that Verner hadn't finished up reading the files. He then offered him the clip board with the papers he had just printed out.

Lucius had to agree with Verner though. He had learned pretty quickly that Alex would do pretty much anything just so that he didn't have to do a test. No matter how harmless it was. He was also good at keeping the look of pain or fear out of his expression.

But Duncan didn't seem to be that way at all. It would be much easier to get him to feel like he was in danger, and show it.

"Then we should get Duncan in the testing chamber and stick him in some dangerous situations and see if we can get Alex to speak up, in return we'll stop messing with Duncan." Lucius said.

Verner took the clipboard with information on Alex and begun looking for where he left off. "I'll get Duncan then." He called for a guard who should be waiting for him right about now. "I'll see you at the testing lab." His own lab still hadn't been repaired yet. He found the spot he left off and begun reading on his way to Duncan's cell. The other scientists didn't bother him. Even if they did wave or say hi he was too busy reading to notice them.

Verner held his clipboard at his side, greeting the guard he had called. He let the guard go in and cuff Duncan. He wouldn't say much to Duncan, as if he knew what they were doing he might try to run away. Sure he seemed compliant, but if he knew he was going to be threatened he may not be.

Duncan was much more reluctiant to go with the guard this time around. He had a feeling that now that they had the suspicion that he and Alex were brothers things were going to be bad. 

He wanted to try to get Verner to tell him what they were going to be doing. However Verner seemed to be very into the papers on his clipboard. Duncan's suspicions were confirmed when he caught a glance at the papers and saw the words 'Alexander Rose' printed on it.

He looked around wildly, his eyes wide in panic. But he could see nothing that could help him nor could he think of any plans that could.

Lucius phoned someone to get Alex out of his cell. Usually Lucius would then just go to his room and wait for them to come. However Alex was a gifted who was more likely to attack. It was safer to have another person to call for help if the guard was being attacked.

Lucius was quite upset to find out that he had gotten to the cell room before the guard, therefore he would have to stand around a little bit and wait for him. Since Alex was in one of the closest cells to the door Lucius saw him first.

He was sitting on his bed, but he stood up when Lucius entered the room. His eyes narrowed.

Verner looked back, making sure he wasn't moving too fast. He continued looking at the clipboard while he walked. Duncan seemed panicked, but he doubted the guard would let the gifted go. The last thing they wanted was the gifted to run off. It could take days to catch him. Days of the building being on lockdown and absolutely no progress occuring.

They were the first ones to the lab. After finally finishing the packet, he wasn't suprised. Alexander was probably stalling. He turned to the guard, "Put him in the room." It was safer to have the gifted in the room while they waited. Less chance for him to run off.

It was Lucius, again? Kadvar wasn't too happy with him. Especially after his last test. He was convinced he still had a head injury from one of those guards. It had been the first day two tests had been run on him in a row. It was also Lucius' fault both he and Alex had to be returned in a gurney. He glared at him, wondering if he could burn him through the bars. Even if he could, the worst he could ever do is singe his hair. That was the worst burns he had ever inflicted intentionally was singed hair.

"How's the coat?" He reminded Lucius of his last test.

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Ink (#35575)

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