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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Kadvar had been different from other kids when he was just a child. He could never play in the snow like other children, always becoming cold much too quickly. Even when he could he had to be bundled up so much that other children would make fun of him. His teachers thought of him as fragile because of this. He always sheltered his wrists, which children had always teased him about as well. It hadn't been until the bakery incident though that he had first created fire, as he hadn't feared for his life until them.

"I had saved the bakery and her life. She thought I was a hero." Kadvar remembered the looks his father had given him. Worried that his ability would hurt or kill them. "My father acted much differently. He said I was too dangerous and to stay away. I ignored him after awhile and kept working at the bakery though. That was until I was brought to the lab."

Alex had a feeling the reason Kadvar was caught had to do with his father distrust in him. Though he felt that would be wrong to say. 

"Your lucky, that your mom felt that way. It must have been a lot easier to handle that you were a gifted that way." Alex said. Then he sighed deeply. "My parents never liked me and being a gifted really didn't help. I guess it would have been pretty easy to hind my gift but I was careless." Alex said. "In some ways I wanted them to find out so they would kick me out. It was like finnally being free from them."

"Clearly neither of them are fit to raise children." Kadvar rubbed his head, his headache was starting to wear off. Where was the janitor? They couldn't exactly do much without her. He pulled out the cards and tried playing soltaire, which he hated so much. When in what was essentially a prison though, there weren't many ways to entertain yourself. "If only they actually gave us something to do." He looked at his cards, realizing he had couldn't find any moves to make. He put the cards together and tossed them asside frustrated. The only thing there seemed to do was testing, which was far too stressful on most gifted. "No wonder some of us go insane." He preffered not using the word gifted as his parents were human and he was raised as such, though human implied they were treated as such by the Lab staff. Prisoner, although more accurate, was a more depressing term he preffered to avoid.
How had the same gifted get ahold of a jar of peanutbutter again? This was rediculous. She took out her communicator contacting head of security, "One of the gifted has smuggled peanutbutter again. Please remind the scientists to not eat near the testing facilities." The gifted coated his face in peanutbutter like a face mask. Micha wished she didn't have to deal with matters like this. It took her the next few minutes to obtain the peanutbutter from him, the gifted seemed to like putting up a fight. After obtaining the peanutbutter she exited the cell throwing it out before continuing her patrol. What scientist kept eating in the testing lab? Maybe she'd ask a scientist later.

Nori wheeled her cart along the celled hallways, inspecting the cells through the bars. She kept a checklist out at all times, marking off the cells that looked like they needed a good clean. She knew it was troublesome to remove the prisoners just to tidy up their quarters, so whenever it was her turn to work the prison floors she wrote up a list and contacted the scientists in charge of the cell occupants in hopes of cooinciding her cleaning to their testing schedule.

She was also on the lookout for the brother that Alex had spoken of, and so far luck had been on his side - he was nowhere to be seen, but there was still a lot of ground to cover. Things could change.

Duncan was laying on his belly on the floor of his cell. In front of him was a very thin stack of white printer paper. Beside it was a few colors of crayon. They wouldn't allow him to have pencils or colored pencils because they were sharp and could be used as a weapon.

"If I thought I could excape I would just run away, its not like they could keep up with me." Duncan thought. It was true to, Duncan could outrun anyone in the lab easily. That was his gift, to run unnatrally fast.

Duncan's cell had a few different objects in it since he was very compylant. He had one blanket and one pillow on his bed along with a stuffed animal of a black and white horse. The stuffed animal would seem strange consetering that he was a teenager, until you realise that Duncan very rarely acted his age. He was overly friendly, even to people who hurt him, and extreamely gulible and nieve.

Nori wheeled her cart up to a cell and looked down at the floor with a blank face when the sight of a coloring gifted greeted her. She had a flashback to her son laying on his belly with his crayons, kicking his feet in the air and singing nonsense words to a tuneless, high-pitched dirge.

"Anyoung! What are you coloring there?" she asked, waving and smiling at the prisoner with her cheerful eyes sparkling.

It wasn't a regular day for her - she had pulled her hair into a bun, and the green undertone that never went away no matter how hard she tried to dye it blonde was showing, accenting the matching flecks in her eyes - the result was a bubbling, sparkly appearance that reminded her coworkers of a nymph.

Duncan looked up, a little suprised that Nori was speaking to him. Usually only other gifteds or the scientst doing a test would speak to him. He sat the crayon down and pushed himself up into a sitting possison.

Duncan looked very simular to his brother. They both had the same bright green eyes and blonde hair. Duncan had a slightly fatter face than Alex but it wasn't by a lot.

"I was trying to draw a tree but," Duncan picked up the paper and showed it to her. It was a picture of a very large brown square with a lime green bush on top of it. "I'm no good." He said, smiling.

Nori smiled at him before bending her knees to squat across from him and look at his drawing.

"It's not that bad - I can't do realistic art, just the abstract kind, like washes of color and splattering and shapes. Mm-mm! That's okay! I don't mind, of course, that I'm not good at realism, but I think what I do is fun. As long as you have fun that's really all that matters!"

She grinned so largely at him that her eyes turned into crescent moons made of blonde eyelashes and her white teeth showed fully.

"My name is Nori! What's your name?"

Duncan smiled widely back at Nori. He didn't care if she was a gifted or a human, he didn't even care if she was a guard. If she was nice, he would be more than happy to be nice as well. Some gifteds looked down on him for that trait in him, but Duncan wasn't going to change who he was just because some people viewed his actions as wrong.

He looked at the paper again for a moment. He guessed it looked alright, if you were viewing it as an abstract drawing like Nori was.

"My name is Duncan." He said.

Nori's eyes widdened considerably, and she glanced around before leaning in close to the bars, giving Duncan a very serious yet innocent stare.

"Be really quiet when you answer me, okay? But are you Alex's brother? The guy who can heal people?"

She couldn't believe she had found him. At the moment the only thing she felt was amazement and almsot excitement because she knew where this Duncan finally was, but then she realized exactly where he was - in the Labs - and those feelings withered away to give room to dread and fear, both of which mixed together making her feel nearly sick.

Duncan's expression changed in that second from open and friendly to nervous and conserned. How did Nori know Alex? He had never seen her before, there was no way Alex knew her. The only way she could have met him is if... oh no.

"Y-yes...." Duncan studdered quietly. "How do you know my brother?"

It was bad enough that he had gotten caught, but now Alex was here to. Duncan was able to keep calm and not have any problems with the guards or scientsts, but he knew Alex wouldn't act in the same way. Alex hated being controled, that was the main reason he hated their parents. He would not be very nice, he may even hurt people. That wasn't like Alex normally, but Duncan could totally see that happening here.

"Well, he fixed my face a few times," Nori said, looking up and around as she thought about how to answer him, her mouth slightly agape in a stupid looking fashion that made her features seem all the cuter.

"Mm-mm, he's a bit rough, but I think maybe he could be a very good person, and he seemed nice after he got to know me a little better."

Nori looked at Duncan with a quizical face, wondering what she should do next now that she'd found him. It wasn't likely that Alex would react well, and she couldn't just run to his cell without a reason to give any suspicous guards.

"I volunteered to look for you, for him," she added.

Duncan swallowed nervously and shifted his weight uncomfortably. The last thing he wanted to hear was that his brother was here to.

"He's here?" He said softly. Just a moment ago he looked like a happy, almost carefree young teen, but now he had the expression most test subjects had here, fear and unsertanty.

"He's gotten into trouble hasn't he? He always gets into trouble, its like he is a magnet for it." Duncan said. His speech was fast, it was actually hard to tell when one word ended and the other started. Thing sped up for Duncan when he was upset, he guessed that it was just part of his gift.

Nori nodded slowly, sad that she had upset him, but she knew it was necessary.

"Mm-mm, he's in here too. He's alright, though - he makes a bit of trouble, but they just give him a little trouble back. I don't think he minds it too much, though, because they expect it from each other. Besides, wouldn't it be worse to hear that he wasn't making any trouble? It would mean he's changed a lot, right?"

Nori knew it had to be awful to hear that his brother was in the same place he was, but she also knew it could be so much worse for the both of them.

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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100 words per post.

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