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Lucius suddenly felt very hot, but it took his brain a second to understand why. Once he did, he tore off his lab coat and started stomping on it with one foot to stamp the fire out. When the flames had died out he turned on the two guards, and he looked weeed.

"How can you be so stupid? Do you know nothing?" He said angerly. He knew he would regret this outburst later, but at the moment he did not care. Both guards didn't seem to know what to say.

"This gifted is known to do this when he is around weapons, so what do you do? Shoot him! What did you think was going to happen?" Lucius pushed his way past the two guards and left the room. He would return to do his paperwork once he had cooled off and the guards had left.


The guard with the dart gun sighed deeply and sat down the weapon.

"I'll go get the gurney..." he said.

At least he was harmless while unconscious. The guard arrived with the gurney and they started transporting him. Kadvar would be passed out for at least the next few hours, possibly the whole night. His body was stressed from his body having fluctuated in temperature during testing, having used his fire ability, and from the drugs that were used in the dart. Even if he did wake up during the night he would probably pass out again.

He would remember what the guard that Lucius had used during testing looked like. If he were forced to deal with him again he'd possibly flip for him being so clueless. The ordeal was certainly another incident that would be added to his record.

Alex was laying on his belly on the bed. One arm was tapping on the bed frame. He looked terribly bored. He was starting to wish that they would trust him more and give him something to do. But he knew they wouldn't, because he knew he wasn't trustworthy.

Alex quickly sat up when the door opened. One guard was holding the door open and the other wheeled in a gurney. Alex stood up and walked to the bars of his cell to see who it was. He narrowed his eyes in anger when he realised that it was Kadvar. 

"Is it your guys' goal today to bring everyone back in a stretcher?" He said madly.

The guard that had started this whole mess looked particularly offended, "Only those who won't listen." The other guard who was wheeling the gurney had to stop by the cell door.

"He's not worth it, now can you open the cell door?" The distracted guard unlocked the door. When they were lifting Kadvar into his bed, the first one who had messed up let go of his head and the gifted hit the floor. Likely his hands simply slipped, but more likely on purpose. The second guard who had wheeled the gurney just glared at him, "Really?"

"What?" He paused for a moment embarresed, he was clearly a newer guard, "He burned my favorite jacket!" And would probably not get a new one for a while, given the lab liked to cut costs where it could.

That added to the length Kadvar would be passed out. He was definitely going to sleep through the night now.

Alex clenched his fist in rage. Couldn't they see that Kadvar has had enough? Had he not taken enough punishment already? It didn't matter that he knew Kadvar or that they were planing an excape together. He would have reacted if any gifted was treated in this way.

"He doesn't need any more punishment for your worthless coat, look what has already been done to him!" Alex said. He knew that yelling at guards never ended good for him, but he was weeed. Alex had never been good at holding his temper and it almost always got him into a lot of trouble.

The guards walked off, the one that had pushed the gurney having to convince the other that it was late. They both needed the sleep.

Kadvar slept well into the morning. He groaned rubbing his head. When he looked around he noticed that all the other gifted were already awake. He turned to Alex once he noticed there were no guards, "Any sign of Nori yet?" He decided to ask one last question, seeing as everyone was awake, "What time is it?" There weren't any windows underground. He could have slept an entire day and there was no way for him to know. He rested his head in his hands, realizing just how bad his headache was.

Alex was sitting cross legged on his bed. Each hour that past with Kadvar still asleep conserned him more and more. Surely it was normal though? They didn't want him dead, they would come if something was wrong, wouldn't they? He was visabily realived when Kadvar spoke to him.

"No, I haven't seen Nori yet." He said. "You've been alseep for quite a while, not a full day or anything luckily." Alex stood up and walked to the bars of his cell. He looked over down the hallway to see the clock over the door.

"It is twelve now." He said.  

Kadvar couldn't help but be a little suprised, "Twelve?" He rubbed his aching head, "That long?" He usually woke when the other gifted did. They must have been using some powerful stuff in those darts for him to be passed out that long. Maybe they were the cause of this headache too. "Must have been the darts." He rubbed the back of his head which seemed to hurt the worst. What bothered him was it had also been that long and there was no sign of Nori yet. He groaned his headache making slightly difficult to think, "It feels like someone took a hammer to my head."

"Well, they want to make sure you are really out, not just faking it I guess." Alex said. He walked back to his bed and sat down on it again. His room was looking quite bare since they had come and removed the desk and the lamp. The lamp was broken anyway because of when Alex used it as a weapon.

"You got a headache because one of the guards dropped you when you were asleep. Why did they have to knock you out anyway? They do it do me for no reason but I don't think they do that to everyone." Alex said.

Kadvar seemed slightly frustrated that his headache was because of one of the guards. Of course even if his headache was from the darts it was their fault too. "The cold cuffs they used hurt so I refused to put them on. The guard overreacted and pulled out his gun." He felt his shoulder where the dart had hit, "Next thing I know another idiot guard came in and shot me with a dart. I ended up setting their jackets on fire though, I doubt they'll be that stupid next time."

He tried to recall what the guards looked like, wanting to know which of them dropped his head. "Which one dropped me? Was it the stupid one, or the snarky and stupid one?"

Alex shrugged then pulled his legs up so that he was sitting cross legged again. 

"I don't know, why does it matter?" He said. A guard was a guard, Alex didn't really seporate them as different people very often. Alex stretched then put his hands behind his head. He leaned back on the wall. He looked pretty calm and comfortable. It wasn't the kind of pose you would think a prisoner of a lab would be in. 

"Your gift is pretty powerful, too bad you can't control it well." He said. Alex himself could control is own gift just fine, but healing wasn't really going to help much in an excape.

Kadvar had tried to control his gift before, but it never worked too well. He could make himself angry, but fear was a more basic emotion. He couldn't seem to make himself afraid. Maybe if he knew more about his gift he could control it well. He had used his gift once on purpose, but only ever managed to singe a scientist's hair. At the very least his trigger was guns. Almost every guard in the facility had one. "As long as guards have guns I can probably take care of them."

He was sure that the event of escaping itself would be stressful. His ability may come more easy in stressful situations. He looked down at his wrists. If he did want to gain control of his gift, maybe he needed to know a little more on how it worked. He looked up, wondering where the janitor was. Alex seemed set on knowing if his brother was here or not.

"What's with your issue with guns? I mean, they are weapons and you should be worried about them an all, but you seem overly scared of them." Alex said. He wasn't sure if he was touching on a sencetive subject, but he felt it was important information if they were going to plan an excape together.

It also worried him that Kadvar didn't seem to have very much control of what he did burn and what he didn't burn. Alex really rather not catch on fire. He could not heal himself which was quite disapointing for him.

But even if they formed a perfect plan that could be set in motion this very second, Alex wouldn't go. He needed to know if Duncan was here. He could not live with the thought that he could have freed his brother but didn't.

Kadvar paused, remembering the armed robbery. It felt like it had happened so long ago. This was a somewhat touchy subject, as he had never found out if the two robbers had died or survived. It was stupid to care for two people who had threatened himself and his mother at gunpoint, but knowing he wasn't a killer would mean a lot to him. He rubbed his arm, not entirely sure if he wanted to talk about it, even to Alex. If they were going to escape together he decided Alex was entitled to know a little about himself.

There was another long pause before he answered, "Armed robbery...There were some guys that had broken into my Mother's buisness. They were armed. They threatened to kill my Mother if I didn't give them money. Next thing I knew they were on fire." He thought for a moment, "I never burned my Mother so I must have some control of my ability... Just not most of the time."

The long paused before Kadvar spoke made Alex think that this was indeed a touchy subject for him. Though Kadvar didn't say it, Alex assumed that the men were either really wounded or dead. Why else would it effect Kadvar in such a way? Or was it the first time he used his gift and that was what caused it? Or maybe it was what got him exposed. In the end though, it didn't really matter. At least Kadvar seemed to have the ability to not harm his allies.

"That seems pretty scary," Alex said. "What did your mom think? My parents threw me out of the house and tried to pretent they never had a son when they learned about my gift."

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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