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Kadvar felt it suddenly diffucult to breath with the smell in the air. He covered his mouth with his clothes, trying to keep the smell and taste of whatever chemical was being used out. The heat in the room only worsened the smell. He coughed once or twice from the sheer power of the odor. He was sure if the smell remained long enough his eyes would start to water. "Fine! I'll answer your questions!" He snapped, not wanting to talk much. Everytime he opened his mouth he could taste the air. He waited until the smell was removed before talking, the smell of rotting food was what he really couldn't stand.

Kadvar took a few breaths of fresher air before speaking, having had held his breath. "My wrists are sore and overheat," this particular question made him feel like a child at a doctor's office.

Lucius very much enjoyed seeing the rude gifted suffer from the smell. Lucius tended to be more calm and collected, but when he had a chance to make someone he didn't like pay, he took the chance fully.

Lucius started writing in his notes about Kadvar's strangely sensitive wrists. He would have to figure out why that happened. He glanced at the clock. Not today though. It was another hour before the lab would shut down for the night and Lucius had paperwork to do before then.

He looked through the one-way glass. Kadvar looked uncomfortable, but that very well could be because of the smell and not the heat. He wasn't going to stop the test until he figured out how much Kadvar could take.

Kadvar seemed relatively unnaffected by the heat. At around 100 degrees he wasn't sweating yet. It looked like he wouldn't for awhile He wasn't affected, until the room reached the temperature of 106. Suddenly blood vessels in his wrists were no longer able to keep contracting. His wrists had been warmer than the surroung air, and now all of that heated blood was allowed to freely flow through his body.

His body temperature skyrocketed. He collapsed to the ground, his body unable to adapt so quickly to the heated blood in his system. For a moment or two he thought he was going to pass out, but his body began adapting before he could. He started acting worse off than a normal person would. He began sweating heaviliy, and his heart sped up. His body reacted like he was a child that had been left in a car. He felt breathless for a few moments, "St... Stop the test!" He begged, feeling the need to get out. He was sure he would have lasted longer if he had had something to cool off his wrists.

Lucius scrambled to lower the tempature. All of the symptoms took effect so quickly that it took Lucius by suprise. He stood up and turned to the guard with a look of ergency.

"Get him out of there!" He said.

The guard moved douple-time to unlock the door and get into the room. He took Kadvar by his armpits and dragged him out. It didn't look like Kadvar would be able to walk out himself.

Lucius went to the computer but did not sit down. He set the chair to cool rather than to heat. He wasn't sure how being cooled would effect Kadvar, but he couldn't stay the way he was.

"Get him on the chair like before." He said.

The full effects of the heat had kicked in so quickly. The guard had to drag him out. He had never been at a temperature that caused him to overheat before, but he at least knew it wasn't normal for heat to kick in that quickly. He felt nauseous from losing so much water through his sweat in such a short amount of time. This was probably the worst test he had been in so far.

The gaurd quickly restrained him into the chair. He looked at the scientist confused, as he had done so well until those last few minutes. "What happened?"

Suddenly he felt the chill of the chair. If he wasn't restrained he might have jumped out. It was cooling him down much too quickly and he began shivering. "Slow it down!" He hoped he never had to do a test like this again. His body was stressed from having moved from hypothermia, to spontaneously overheating.

Lucius didn't like Kadvar giving him orders, but he felt he needed to do what Kadvar asked. That was enough for today, he didn't want to put anymore stress on him for now. Lucius stopped the chair from cooling or heating. He felt it was best for Kadvar's body to return to a normal tempature naturally.

He sat down again and picked up his notepad but didn't write anything just yet.

"You seemed to have passed out." Lucius said. "Did that cuase any memory lost? What is the last thing you remember?" He asked. It was common for someone to be confused after passing out but it was best to check anyway.

Kadvar tried to think but he was vaguely confused. It took him a few minutes for him to process his question. What was the last thing he remembered? He tried thinking back. This took few more minutes. "I was fine one minute... then the next I fell over and I felt like I was burning up." He couldn't think too fast, his body using more of his energy to cool down than on thought processing. He noticed his wrists weren't as tense anymore, and wondered if that had anything to do with him overheating.

He cooled down a bit and his wrists tensed again, now at a good temperature to contract and begin regulating his body temperature. As soon as they were able to contact the heat from his body began concentrating in his wrists. The temperature in the rest of his body began lowering, and his wrists grew warmer again. Kadvar noticed his wrists warming and becoming sore again and rested them against the slightly cooler chair.

"So you haven't lost any memory, good." Lucius said. "When you feel you are ready we can have you returned to your room."

Lucius sat back down in his chair and starting writing up his notes. Once he had finished that he turned the swevel chair around back to the computer. He pulled up the paperwork he was required to fill out after a test. He started typing and his hands went over the keyboard at a fast speed. He had spent many a hour typing which caused him to be quite good at it. Hopefully Kadvar would recover quickly so that he could be brought back. Lucius would rather not stay late at work.

Kadvar wanted to go to his room as much as Lucius wanted him gone. He felt that his body had his temperature under control again. His body was still warm, but was well within safe limits now. He was dehydrated from having sweat so much. He knew he could wait a while and frustrate Lucius who had to stay until he was brought back to his cell. He rather not though, he was tired and all he wanted to do was see his bed again. If he wasn't so tired he might have forced the scientist to stay late out of spite. He was the reason he had overheated like that.

"I'm ready," he grumbled, clearly only half awake. He hoped he could stand, remembering he had to be dragged out of his cell.

"Bring him back, will you?" Lucius asked the guard, without looking away from the computer. He wanted to finish this up. He was tired and wanted to have some time to have dinner before he had to go to bed.

The guard took the restrains off of Kadvar and motioned him to get up. Kadvar now wasn't weakened by heat or cold and in this moment there was nothing to keep him from attacking. The guard looked a little on edge because of that. One hand slowly slid down to his weapon on his belt, but he did not pull it out.

Hopefully he could get up, his body having been under such a great amount of stress. He noticed the guard was on edge so he moved slow enough as to not alarm them. Kadvar rather go to bed without any further incidences. He shifted himself into an upright position. Feeling lightheaded he paused for a moment. As soon as this passed he shifted his first foot onto the floor, then the other. He should be able to walk he decided, and stood up.

The guard went to put on the cold cuffs. His wrists were still hot, having had absorbed his excess body heat. The difference in the temperature between the cuffs and his wrists were great enough that they felt like they were burning his wrists.

The pain evoked a strong reaction in Kadvar. He suddenly jolted completely awake and he kicked the guard away. He didn't want to be trouble but was convinced those cuffs would damage his wrists at the moment. The guard reached for his weapon threateningly. "Stand down!"

Kadvar would happily move back to his cell, but not in the cold cuffs. "I'll go, but not with those cuffs."

The guard reflexively pulled out his weapon and pointed it at Kadvar. He did not fire however.

"No! Put that away, weapons only make it worse with him." Lucius warned. He had read Kadvar's history. The pyromaniac was known for painicing and loosing control when in the presence of a weapon of any kind. It was a trigger. Adding a gun to the situation did not make anyone safer, rather it made people in more danger.

The guard either didn't hear him or ignored him. Without taking his hazel eyes off of the people in front of him, Lucius reached behind him. He looked for a button using only touch. When he found it, he pressed it. Maybe it was an over reaction to call for more help, but he'd rather over react then not react at all.

Kadvar tried reading the guard's expression, trying to guess if he would shoot or not if he made any sudden movements. He wasn't very good at this. He already felt the adrenaline in his system. It was clear he didn't want to burn anyone, "Might I suggest putting the weapon down?"

"You are in no position to make orders!" The guard didn't look like he would put his weapon away. Kadvar felt his wrists starting to heat slightly. This was bad. He remembered his first incident like this, and how he had burned the scientist's face. He really didn't want that for any of these people. Well, maybe Lucius, only a little.

"You really don't know what your doing!" Kavar felt his fear get worse the longer this went on.

"I know what I am doing, I'm doing my job." Said the guard. "Now you'll get these cuffs on or else."

Lucius rolled his eyes. For once he agreed with Kadvar, this guard had no idea what he was doing. Maybe if he hadn't chosen to ignore Lucius then this could have gone smoother.

He heard footsteps in the hallway and the door was slammed open. At the door was another guard holding another gun. But this wasn't a gun that shot bullets, it had darts. It took the new guard only a few seconds to aim then shot. A small dart with a stringy red end flew through the air and into Kadvar's sholder.

Yeah, no. He couldn't differentiate this as a dart shooting gun. As soon as the gaurd had shot him in the shoulder with a dart the coats and jackets of any gaurds or scientist nearby burst into flames. If they didn't want to be burned they needed to get their jackets off quick. Kadvar felt faint, the effects of the dart kicking in fast. He weakly removed it, his vision growing fuzzy. He hunched foreward feeling naseous, a drugged sleepiness washing over him. He also had started sweating, his gift always increasing his internal temperature slightly.

He collapsed to the ground. His last thought before he passed out was what idiot hired these gaurds?

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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