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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Kadvar was just happy that he hadn't completely ruined their plan. He had long since given up on playing with his cards. "Couldn't have gone much better. All we need now is to find a gifted strong enough to distract the other gaurds." He wringed his clothes getting the remaining amount of water out. The desk was ruined, but at least he hadn't been tested on yet. Anyday he wasn't tested on was a good one. He sat on his bed, suprised that he hadn't died of boredome yet while in this facility. No wonder so many gifted became violent or insane.

Lucius leaned back in his desk chair and sighed deeply. He was quite happy he had finnally finished all the paperwork that came with tests. He sat there for a few minutes doing nothing before he pulled out the wheeled chair with his legs and stood up.

He had an idea for a new test, this time with the fire freak. Lucius didn't like his snide comments, and he'll pay for them. He picked up the phone and called to request that a guard came with him. Kadvar had the potential to be much more dangerous than Alex.

Once it was all set that he would have backup set off. Half way to his destination he met up with the guard. The guard entered the room first and stood in front of Kadvar's cell. He had pulled out a pair of cuffs.

"Stand up." He ordered.

Kadvar was preoccupied trying to wring water out of his clothes when the guard showed up. He stood up preffering not to be injured today or provoking the gaurd into pulling out their weapon. He let the gaurd cuff him without too much trouble.

Then he saw Lucius. The scientist had probably decided to test on him because of his earlier comments. "How professional," he growled. Normally he wouldn't insult a scientist before testing, in fear of them being harsher. However he still was cross with him for bringing Alex back in a stretcher. Would he regret his comments later during testing, most definitely.

Lucius blinked slowly and looked at Kadvar from over his glasses. His expression was slightly amused. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." Lucius said. He then looked to the guard. "I'm assuming those are the special cuffs to keep him under control?" He said. The guard nodded then pressed a button on the cuffs. There was a beep and it started up. There were many different ways to keep the Gifteds from distroying things. These cuffs can become very hot or very cold. Lucius wasn't sure, but he guessed that being cold will make it hard for Kadvar to create fire.
Kadvar had always hated the cold cuffs. They could get at a temperature to where they'd try to stick to his skin if he was in them long enough. He had to shift the cuffs around as they stung if he let them sit in one spot. They were effective at slowing down his ability. There was a delay between whatever triggers his ability, and when he actually generates fire. He could still use his fire ability, but the cuffs gave time for people to get away from him or knock him out before he could use his gift. He shifted the cuffs a liitle further up his arms, away from his wrists which were more sensitive to the cold.

The gaurd told him to stop messing with the cuffs and to start moving foreward. Kadvar moved foreward, not bothering to slow down or try to stall. He preffered these cuffs were off as soon as possible.

Lucius led them down the hallways and back to his lab. He said nothing the whole trip there. The only interaction he had with the others was the occasional glance backward to make sure they were keeping up. Lucius had a habit of walking quite quickly without really noticing and leaving others behind.

He opened the door and held it open for the guard and Kadvar. Once they were through he closed it behind them. The room was the same one that Lucius used with Alex. It was a wide room with a smaller closet-like room inside it. One wall had a door and the other wall had a one way window.

"Put him in there please." Lucius said, pointing to the room.

Kadvar was worried when Lucius remained so silent. He feared what he was thinking, and what he had planned for him. He started regretting his comments as soon as he was put in the room. This room always reminded him of how powerless he really was. It was so empty and large, making himself feel small and weak. The guard removed his cuffs, leaving him in the room. Kadvar looked at the walls, knowing that every testing room had a one way window somewhere. He stood still, feeling even more helpless to not know where Lucius was. All he could do was hope that whatever Lucius had in mind wasn't too horrible.

Lucius sat down at his desk and started typing away at the computer. He had done a test like this before. However it was done on an ice gifted rather than a fire gifted. It would seem like tests done on the two would be opposites. Just a little tweaking was needed and it would be perfect.

It required no explaining to Kadvar. Lucius grinned softly then he though of the gifted's expresion when he activated the test. He would lower and lower the tempature in the room and see how long it would take until it took a toll on Kadvar. He clearly was effected by the cold cuffs, so how would he react to this? Lucius pressed the button.

At first Kadvar hadn't noticed anything. The difference in temperature wasn't noticeable. He only started to notice the difference when he had gotten goosebumps. At first he hoped it was a draft, and that Lucius hadn't started the test yet. He expected instructions, but recieved none for quite some time. Then he looked around the room, there was nowhere for the draft to come from.

He felt the air grow colder, but it was still tolerable. It was then Kadvar realized the test had already started. The temperature was being lowered deliberately. Now the air was starting to become slightly less tolerable. He held his wrists beneath his arms trying to keep them warm, as they seemed the most sensitive to the cold. His heart sunk not knowing how far the scientist would take this test. "How is giving me frostbite going to prove anything?" He shuddered as the temperatures dropped even lower.

"I am not trying to prove anything," Lucius said into a microphone so that Kadvar could hear him. "Only learn."

Lucius carefully watched both the tempature and Kadvar's body's reaction to it. He did not want a test subject dead, he needed to be able to tell when enough was enough.

"I have done this before, I managed to get the ice gifted out before he got heatstroke." Lucius explained. "You will not get frostbite." He assured Kadvar.

He quickly wrote down notes between checking on the tempature and Kadvar. Though he was writing so fast, his hand writing was very small and neat.

That wasn't very comforting at all. His arms grew cold and he tried to rub them, taking his wrists away from under his arms. His wrists started to feel much colder than his arms so he moved them back under his arms. He could see his breath now. He sat down to stay warmer, holding his knees to his chest. He wished he had better control of his fire ability, maybe he could have warmed himself up by now. He felt his heart and lungs slow slightly because of the cold. "I'm sorry?" He muttered halfheartedly, the cold starting to become uncomfortable.

Lucius narrowed his eyes and grinned softly. Lucius was one to hold grudges and he didn't much like being insulted. Seeing Kadvar suffer was more enjoyable than the acual test simply because he had gotten on Lucius' bad side.

Saying sorry wasn't enough for Lucius, honestly he didn't care at all what Kadvar said. He liked to see that he was below him and at his mercy.

"Sorry for what?" Lucius said. His voice was low and covered in amusement. His hand was on the button to end the test. It was getting to the point were Kadvar's long term health was in danger. However Lucius wanted to hear his answer first.

Kavar narrowed his eyes, Lucius sounded horribly egotistical. He started to feel slightly dizzy from the cold, and he began to wonder how he had become this cold so fast. Surely a normal person should have lasted longer before feeling such symptoms. He felt his breathing slow even more, though there wasn't much he could do about it.

He felt drowsy all of the sudden. He couldn't be certain if Lucius was still lowering the temperatures, or if the current temperature was simply too cold for him. His wrists hurt the worst from such a low temperature. As much as he wanted out he didn't want to feed the scientist's ego. He had to let him out soon anyway.

Lucius frowned, quite upset by the lack of an answer. Still, he had to stop now or else he could be paying for the death of a test subject. He started turning the tempature back up again.

Just like he had thought, Kadvar could not stand as much cold as regular person. It wasn't really that bad in there, yet Kadvar was acting like it was Antarctica tempature in there.

"Get him out and get him restrained on that chair." He ordered the guard and he pointed to a chair. It was pretty large and was attached to the computer with many wires.

Kadvar felt the room warm up, greatful that he was surrounded by warmer temperatures. He was still shivering as his body was slower than normal people to recover from the cold. He watched the guard walk in, and Kadvar was relieved testing was over. He was slow to start moving, his body temperature still hadn't risen to normal levels yet.

He thought he was done with testing, until the guard had started to restrain him to a chair. "I... I thought testing was over." He might have struggled if his body temperature wasn't so low. He couldn't help but be afraid, unsure what the chair did and why it was attached to a computer. Immediately his mind went to electric chairs, "This isn't an electrical chair is it? You.. you can't kill me..."

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

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