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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Sparky watched Squeeky and Zelos leave. "I better go after 'em, little creatures might get into trouble." He followed them down the hill, as silently as he could. Thoughts raced through his head as he ran. Sparky was hating what his world had become, where brothers attacked brothers and Volkov was in power. How it scared him.



Sparky rejoined Zelos and Squeeky, and saw them watching something. A glimmer of paws in the leaves, and Sparky watched it. He crawled along the ground towards a frightened Squeeky and patted her shoulder. "We have a big horse with us. I saw a bear taken down by a few horses once." He winked at the squirrel, then looked back to the paws.

When Sparky patted Squeeky's shoulder, she jumped. "Oh, Sparky, you scared me there!" she said. Sparky reminded Squeeky that they had a horse with them. "Yeah, I know this horse probably wouldn't let anyone take a nip out of any of us, but still, what if Volkov is near?"she answered. Now she was just feeling stupid. Volkov would be having more "important" things to do than eating a squirrel. Squeeky noticed that she still was hugging Zelos leg. She looked up at Zelos, and she let go of his leg. "Eh...hehe...sorry" Squeeky said with a very weak voice.

Squeeky stood next to Sparky. She looked at him. "So, you decided to follow us? Im happy you did!" she said.

Volkov suddenly grew enraged. He threw his nephew off of him in a frenzy of force. He pinned him against the ground and growled in his face. "Listen here, foolish child! You, along with the rest of your foolish family, have chosen your fate. Their choice led them to their untimely doom, and so will yours!"

Volkov was just about to rip his nephew's throat when a loud crash shook the nearby forest. Volkov jumped back and quickly retreated into the forest. What! Could it be?! Is it finally happening? He thought as he ran into the forest, not looking back at his nephew.

Moon Moon recognized the squirrel and the otter. He found it strange how they acted near the giant deer-like thing with the weird smell. They avoided him. He understood why, because he could hunt them, but he felt hurt by this. He didn't want to be a threat, he wanted to be a friend! He padded near the creatures, his tongue lolling out of his mouth in a friendly fashion. "Hi!" He barked, wagging his tail. "I'm Moon Moon! I really like running. I won't hunt you, so don't worry. I'm not hungry at the moment, and I have no pack to feed." He didn't seem very broken hearted about the fact he was a rogue wolf. 
Coal was pinned down. He tried to get up, but was weak with grief and anger. Volkov yelled at him, threatening to end his life. Suddenly, a crash sounded. Volkov ran off, not even looking back at his nephew. Coal stood up with a growl and rubbed his neck. He then licked his wounds and raced after Volkov. "You're not going anywhere!" he yelled. Coal sprinted through the trees. The forest was huge, but Coal managed to get through without ramming into a tree. He could see Volkov just several steps ahead. "Volkov! Fight me like a Fighter wolf!" yelled Coal. He gained on his uncle. Coal was so close, that he lashed out and bit down on Volkov's hide. "Stop running you coward and fight me!" yelled Coal. He pulled his uncle to a halt and then rammed the wolf into a tree. Coal snarled, making himself look bigger. "Come on," he said. "Fighter wolf v.s. TRAITOR wolf," growled Coal, his tail curved in the air. He bristled as he fangs showed. His ears flattened as a savage snarl erupted from his throat. Coal was ready.

Zelos had initially ignored the squirrelâ€â€that is, until she decided to grab onto his leg. That surprised him in a bad way, he snorted at her “do you mind?†he spoke out of the side of his mouth trying not to draw any negative attention from the wolf. The otter arrived on the scene and spoke aloud, Zelos rolled his eyes cynically; he knew there wasn`t a point in pretending not to notice the wolf anymore as it had just become glaring obvious that they were all well aware of its presence.  He had mixed emotions about seeing the others there, on the one hand he was almost glad that they had, on the otherâ€â€well he was beginning to wonder why he had invited them to follow… they were actually pretty annoying and they didn`t seem very smart. “Why don`t you guys just ask it to come over here and eat usâ€â€geeze†he huffed sarcastically, though his tone carried no anger. The squirrel let go of his leg “don`t ever do that again†he stated plainly, “…but I guess I`ll let it go this time†he added drolly; keeping his eyes glued to where the wolf was waiting to see what it would do uneasily.

Suddenly the wolf came closer, unveiling itself. Zelos took a few cautious steps backward and narrowed his eyes on the canine obstinately. Then the wolf did something he hadn`t anticipatedâ€â€it spoke. He had no idea how to react to that; the predator had managed to catch him unaware. His mother had told him it was a waste of time to speak to carnivores’, as one would only be purging themselves of their own dignity if they were to beg for their lives, but that was advice meant for what to do when being hunted…nothing about said carnivore candidly introducing themselves. He raised a brow disbelievingly, and looked confusedâ€â€it was just too weird what was happening, it didn`t quite sit well with him, but he went along with it anyway.

“Don`t get any closer†he warned, he watched the wolf carefully; he seemed benevolent enough, but Zelos wouldn`t let him get too close. Understandably after witnessing a wolf tear another apart earlier he wasn`t ready to trust one. By his logic if he let the fiend get too close, he could attack him before he had a chance to react, and he wasn`t willing to chance giving a predator such an opening. “What do you want?†he demanded, backing up a few more steps as he spoke, getting himself away from the tree line just in case the need arose to run.  He had heard the wolf say something about running, he wasn`t sure what, but that struck a nerve ‘don`t go thinking you can outrun me dog’ he thought confidently, “of course you will understand if I don`t believe you†he declared sardonically with a sneer in response to the wolves last line about not hurting them; watching the wolf like a hawk, prepared to react on a dime if necessary.

Zelos looked at Squeeky with an annoyed look, and said "Dont ever do that again!". Squeeky took a step back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..". Squeeky saw that the silver wolf stood there, looking at them, and talking.

Squeeky stopped talking, and stared at the wolf. "Hi! Im Moon Moon! I like running. I wont hunt you" the wolf said, wagging its tail. "Eh...Hi...Moon Moon, my name is Squeeky, and this is Sparky, the otter, and Ze....I think he can introduce himself" Squeeky said. She watched the wolf carefully, he didn't seem to be lying. Squeeky felt that she could trust the wolf.
Moon Moon looked up at Zelos, tilting his head to the right. He blinked a few times with his tongue retracted into his mouth. "You're big!" He remarked. "Are you a deer? Why don't you have antlers? You're a funny thing. You smell funny too!" He crouched playfully, his tongue flopping out of his mouth. "You have weird looking feet! They don't look like deer feet!" He looked at Squeeky and Sparkly. "I know what you two are, you're both cute!" He seemed nothing other than childish, and excited that he found a new creature. His voice was pitched with his happiness; he was completely unaware of Zelos's distrust. 

Zelos stared at Squeeky in disbeliefâ€â€the squirrel just up and introduced herself to the wolf, how could a squirrel be more gutsy then him? He recognized that look in her eye, it was the look of trust; she actually trusted that wolf? Well he wasn`t about to be more wary then a squirrel, his pride wouldn`t allow him. Besides this wolf seemed too ridiculous to be fretful of; he seemed nothing more than a pup, even though he was actually quite large for a wolf. Zelos relaxed his tensed muscles and nodded at Squeeky “I am Zelos, and I`m the fastest thing on four legs†he boasted pompously in regards to introducing himself, raising his head up as high as possible to make himself look bigger. He couldn`t believe it he was talking to a wolfâ€â€if only his family could have seen him just then, they would have been so impressed… well actuallyâ€â€they would have probably thought he was crazy.

He felt insulted when the wolf asked him if he was a deer as deer were considered to be dim animals by his kind, and he equated that to this wolf calling him stupid… what cheek this carnivore hadâ€â€he resented that. “Are you blind?†he snapped exasperatedly “of course I`m not a deer…I`m a horse you whelp†he affirmed curtly, though an air of lightheartedness was evident in his tone as he spoke suggesting that he wasn`t being as serious as he sounded. “Though I wouldn`t mind having antlers†he added in jest, imagining that with amusement as he spoke. “You are the strangest wolf I`ve ever seen†he thought aloud, looking Moon Moon over “why are you speaking to us anyway?†he inquired curiously, “do you normally talk to animals you plan to eat?†he asked in a manner that made it hard to tell rather he was joking or not. “Are you trying to develop our trust so you bite us in the back later? He demanded bluntly, staring the wolf down accusingly. 

Sparky looked at the wolf, a slight glint of fear in his eyes. "'Ello there, wolf...y'know, there's more of your kind over here." He pointed behind him. "A bunch of brother killers, ye are. You sicken me." He turned around, his tail slapping the ground with anger. "We live in a world coated in the evil of Volkov and his kind. Not all wolves, no, but you can prove to me you've never killed your friend, your family, your own brother. I witnessed Volkov today in his nephew, and I don't want to see any more." He looked up at Zelos, then at Squeeky, then he laid down.
Moon Moon whimpered upon the mention of other wolves. He flattened his face to the ground. "The other wolves are mean to me! They say I can't get the thing!" He raised his head to look at the herbivores. "What's a horse? Is a horse a thing? I like things. I like talking to things too!" He sat down and tilted his head as he studied Zelos. He certainly was amazed by this discovery of a new creature. "Do horses eat wolves? Do horses fly? I like flying things. Flying things are super fun to chase. I won't eat you, I'm not hungry!" He looked at Sparky. "Is evil bad? Is Volkov bad? He sounds funny. He sounds like he would smell like turtles." 
Squeeky tried to answer at all of Moon Moons questions. I dont think horses eat wolves, I dont think they can fly either. Squeeky couldn't resist but to giggle when Moon Moon said that Volkov would smell like turtles. Moon Moon, what an insult to turtles! Volkov is a horrible wolf. I shudder just saying his name.

Squeeky wanted to trust Moon Moon, but she didn't really know. Can she really trust a wolf that she just met? She was thinking for awhile, until she felt that she could trust him. She walked up to Moon Moon, looked back at Sparky and Zelos, and gave Moon Moon a white flower to show him that she trusted him. "Moon Moon, you seem so lonely, would you like..." She looked at Zelos, and then back at Moon Moon.

 Would you like to come with us? She didn't know why she said that, Zelos probably wouldn't like it.

Zelos rolled his eyes ‘is this guy for real?’ he thought with hilarity and smirked “Hey guys...good news†he said to Squeeky and Sparky “I think this guy might be even more annoying then you†he winked, then stifled a laugh as he listened to the wolf rant ‘he`s ridiculous’ he thought mirthfully ‘what a riot’ he grinned. It seemed to be a waste of time to talk to this wolf, nothing seemed to sink in, but he listened to Squeeky attempt to answer his questions,  â€œNow, now Squeeky…don`t be so hasty†he started in on the squirrel when she said horses don`t eat wolves “Actually it`s true†he started wryly “horses do eat wolves†he nodded “you look tasty actuallyâ€â€I bet you`re delicious†he said impishly to Moon Moon “lucky for you though, I happen to be on a diet… but don`t provoke me or I might just decide to put wolf back on the menu†he avowed drolly, smacking his teeth together for effect. He winked at the other two, grinning widely.

He couldn`t believe that he had ever been worried about this wolf in any shape or form; Moon Moon was about as intimidating as a rabbit and seemed to be no smarter at that. If anything he pitied this wolf for being so pathetic, but at the same thing he seemed like he`d make a fun toy to play with. As he was contemplating that mischievously he heard Squeeky invite Moon Moon to join them “wait a second†he interjected disbelievingly “where are you getting this us stuff?†he asked sarcastically “we are not a group†he protested “I have a reputation to maintain you know†he declared matter-of-factly, closing his eyes and nodding his head shrewdly, smirking widely; it was obvious he was being facetious. 

Volkov sighed heavily and looked glared at his nephew. "Foolish pup," he growled. "You think that whoever goes against you and your reasoning is a traitor and a coward. I am simply one who is searching for the truth. Your kind seek to conquer everything and force everyone to follow yours ways and as soon as a wolf decides that that isn't right, you call him a traitor and decide to kill him."

Volkov shook his head at his nephew. "I'm not going to fight you, foolish boy." He simply walked away from his nephew.

Volkov made his way to a huge crack in the ground. It was steaming and you could still feel rumbles coming from within the bowels of the earth. Volkov grinned.

Presumably, Volkov would soon loose his grin, as one of his favorite wolves was approaching; Shuddering and limping, Timov lurched quite a bit closer to Volkov, and whilst the thin layer of bile coating his side glimmered in the scattered sunlight, he gurgled


"Do you have food for me Volkov"



"Volkov do you have food for me"

and so on.  This went on for a while, whilst Timov pawed at the ground in front of his leader, until the extertion made him throw-up.  He retched into a ditch, and as a small amount of the technicolored soup splashed on his fine leader, he stumbled, fell into the ditch, and frantically began the arduous task of lapping it all back up. He gagged, and vomited again, meanwhile whining


Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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