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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Firefly smiled and leapt up, full of energy from her meal. "Really? I can stay!" Her tail wagged faster than it ever had. "No one's ever asked me to stay before. They all said there wasn't enough food." Her eyes lit up. "But you guys have food! The...Ca...Catori Clan, right?" She chased her tail in a little circle. "I just can't wait!!! Are there other pups like me here?" She sat down and tilted her head a little. "If there were, that would be awesome." Her eyes darted over to a tiger she saw outside of the den. She stood up, slowly, still staring at the tiger. Shaking it off, she looked back at Tala. "So, show me around...I want to see everything!" She yipped.

The small pup was finished eating, and Tala was surprised to see her so full of energy already. She giggled. There was no denying this pup was extremely adorable. "Yes, there are plenty of pups here for you to play with. We are a large clan after all." Tala looked around. "Um, I know, here come follow me." She said cheerfully, prancing ahead a little, but staying close enough so Firefly could catch up. Tala's father saw the odd pair and was curious to know what was going on. "Tala" He called out "Who's your friend?" He asked, smiling down at the pup. Tala smiled while following her father's gaze. "This is Firefly. I found her outside our grounds and brought her here to eat and recouperate." Her father nodded in approval. "Yes, the wolves informed me." He replied, watching as Firefly seemed to be bouncing up and down with excitement. He smiled. "You are free to stay with us as long as you need to." He said to Firefly, his voice kind and reassuring. "Tala, why don't you take her over to the den and introduce her to the pups?" Tala nodded to her father. "I think I'll do just that. Thank you father."  She said, and she raced over to the den, Firefly close behind.


A small group of pups were tumbling over each other and wrestling playfully. When they saw Tala, they perked up and ran to her. "Tala!" They shouted, and took turns trying to catch her tail. Tala giggled. "Hey you guys. This is Firefly. She's going to be staying with us a while." The pups then looked through Tala's legs and saw Firefly standing there behind her. They approached her without reservation and introduced themselves. Tala smiled on as she watched them.

Sola was about to follow the two wolves when a low, angry growl sounded behind her. She spun to see a group of three wolves angrily glaring at her. "Where do you think your going?"

Sola gave a hiss, her fur standing on end. "I don't want trouble. Leave me alone."

The seemingly leader of the small group laughed. "Then you shouldn't have come here."

With that, he launched himself at Sola, slamming into her and sinking his teeth deep into her shoulder. Sola let out a roar and twisted, sinking her claws into the wolf. He let out a yelp and Sola batter him away from her. When he got up, all three wolves circled Sola, and she twisted and hissed, unable to keep all three in sight.

Tala was enjoying watching the wolves play, and every now and then one would trip over her paws. "Oh!" She exclaimed, then laughed at the look on the pups face. "Careful." She said. She was so happy that they had seemed to have found a friend in Firefly. Tala laid down and kept watch over them, taking responsibility for Firefly. But there was something stirring in the air, polluting the happy moment that the small group was enjoying so well. Tala didn't like the scent. Her ears flattened and she closed her eyes, hoping she was wrong. No. "Riley." She muttered to herself. The pups looked over at her in curiosity. Tala called over one of the nearby males to watch the pups.

Her paws hit the floor rythmically as she ran towards the scent. A roaring and hissing, followed by yelps could be heard coming from the general direction in which she was heading. Sure enough, her fears were confirmed. Riley and his crew were back. It was a small group of wolves who broke off from a nearby clan to fight for Volkov in the war. They were trouble, and liked to lurk too close to Catori Clan grounds. Tala stopped short suddenly, when she spotted the tiger who had been following her earlier. It was fending off the wolves on it's own. Tala snarled. "What are you doing here, Riley?" She barked. The leader of the rogue wolves turned momentarily to look at her, a menacing gleam in his eye. Tala matched his gaze, and before long the Catori wolves were on the scene to back her up. "We don't want trouble Riley, get out now, or we will attack." she demanded.

Sola looked from Tala to Riley, realising she was now in the middle of something bigger. She was unsure which direction to aim her growls at, or to aim at both. Hoping Tala was on her side, Sola gave a hiss at Riley, her ears were flattened as far as they could possibly go. She was trapped. On one side, Riley and his gang. On the other, Tala's wolves.

Sola kept low to the ground and settled for growling. She didn't know where this would go, but tension was running extremely high at this moment. Riley gave out a laugh. "Well Tala, long time no see. Your jumping to defend a cat? I was doing you a favor, this vermin would have eaten your pups."

"Liar." Sola gave a low hiss, low enough only Tala would have heard.

Tala narrowed her eyes and took a step closer. "Riley, don't play games with us. We know all about you and your wolves, and that the last thing you would do is help someone." Tala then looked at the tigress. She was holding herself low to the ground, and was growing more and more hostile by the second. She wondered if maybe this cat really did mean to do harm. She looked back over at Riley, who was inching closer and closer to the tigress, taunting her. "Run off, Riley, you're not welcome here." She barked, her tone leaving no room for doubt. She would fight if necesarry.

Riley paused, looking up at the odds against him. He lowered his head toward Sola. She tensed, ever muscle in her body was ready to spring into action against this wolf. "This isn't over." He said just loud enough only she would here.

Turning, he gave a long howl, and sprang forward. Sola didn't relax until he was out of sight, and even then, she stayed low and tense. She looked at Tala, unsure of what the wolf would say or do now that the threat to her territory was gone. Sola stopped growling and did put here ears forward a little, a sign she was not going to attack unless attacked.

Tala watched as Riley ran off with the others, a scowl on her face. Then, turning to the tigress, she noticed it was still slightly tense, but also slightly less hostile. Tala's face became calm, and her body language followed. She watched the tigress with caution, and took a small step forward. The wolves behind her were at the ready, incase the tiger tried to spring at her. "Are you alright?" She asked, noting the scratches on the tiger's body, nothing too major, but they were noticable. It has been a long time since she's seen a tiger, and a first so close to Catori grounds. So naturally, she was curious, but she waited for the tiger to respond. She tried to leave it some room, so it wouldn't feel cornered.
Sola slowly stood up, her eyes darting to the wolves behind Tala. They were tense, obviously unused to outsiders, let alone tigers. She met Tala's deep grey eyes, replying slowly, carefully. "I am fine, my scratches will heal. They are not the first, nor the last, that I have received. Thank you for saving me from the other wolves." Here she paused unsure of what to say or do next. "I never meant you, or you pack, harm. I was honestly curious, as my kind does not help others in times of need. I assume you do not want me here now, so once again, thank you."
Firefly played around with the other pups for awhile, learning names and faces. Soon after she started playing with them, she heard growling and fighting going on. Her curious mind forced her outside. "Just a minute, guys! I heard something." She walked toward the sounds of the voices. Cautiously, she peered around a bush at a few wolves and the tiger from before. She gulped and watched as Tala almost...defended the menacing tiger. There went her curious mind again, causing her to inch around the bush towards the two. 'I could meet a tiger...' She thought to herself. That thought made her walk slowly towards Tala and the tiger. "Hi!" She squeaked, looking at the tiger. "You're really big. And stripey!" She grinned, out of fear. She was unsure how the tiger would react to her. Tala would protect her if the tiger attacked, and it probably wouldn't attack anyway.
Sola looked at the young wolf that came almost tumbling over herself to meet her. She smiled, a light, kind twinkle entered her eyes. She had a soft spot for young ones, they were always so innocent. She lowered herself on to the soft grassso she was more on the pups level and would not intimidate the poor thing. "And you are very small and fluffy little one. You must be very brave to come over here and meet a big bad tiger." Sola's tone was light, playful, and yet tender at the same time. It was best if she showed kindness to the pup.

Firefly's tail waved back and forth with curiosity. "Oh, you didn't seem mean. I wouldn't have come if you had attacked. But you didn't. And Tala wasn't attacking you." She smiled slightly. "I've never seen a tiger before. Then again, there's a lot of things I haven't seen. But now I've seen a tiger! And they are big and orange!" She jumped around happily, then looked at Tala. "Tala, have you ever seen a tiger?" Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "Can we keep her?" She gestured to Sola with her paw. "I would love to have a tiger in the clan! All the other pups would love her!" Her tail wagged a mile a minute.

Tala watched as the tiger moved cautiously, and gave her full attention as she finally spoke. Her voice was respectful, but there was no emotion detectable, as she was purely on the defensive, which is always wise in a foreign territory. Never the less, Tala and her pack meant her no harm, and were actually somewhat happy to find that she was not a threat. "You're welcome, and I--" she grew silent for a moment, caught up in distraction. Firefly snuck up out of nowhere, approaching the tiger. Tala was about to grab her, because she didn't want anything to happen to her. The male who Tala left in charge of Firefly eventually caught up. Tala looked at him "I thought you were watching her!" She nearly barked, but then she felt sorry. Firefly was her responsibility, and she just dropped her responsibility on him. She looked at the tiger now, and Firefly, and saw how the two were getting along so well, both playful in their tones. Tala smiled. In response to Firefly's innocent, if naive, question, Tala laughed. "Firefly, I don't know if that would work. You see.." She started explaining, but looking into Firefly's sparkling eyes, she let out a sigh. She looked at the tiger and thought about something. "Actually, I would like to have you stay a while, so we might talk about a few things concerning the war, and the state of the community. That is, if its alright with the clan.." She said, looking back at them. The wolves seemed to stand behind her on her proposal. "And, of course, if it's alright with you." She added quickly. She examined Sola's scratches. "You could take time to rest up too." She said, her voice respectful, but also hospitipal.

Sola was a little surprised at Tala's request. Wolves and tigers didn't get along, that was a well known fact. The war ripped everyone apart... but maybe made new bonds.

"I would love to stay for a short while. But I will hunt for myself, I do not believe in charity." Sola decided that should be put away first, she would not budge on that. Turning to the young pup, Sola spoke in a laid back, yet playful, manner. "Well, I think your very brave. Now you can introduce me to your friends..." she glanced up at the adult wolves, "provided it is okay with their parents."

Firefly squealed happily. "Oh boy! A tiger in our clan? I can't wait to tell the others!" She leapt up and ran over to Sola, looking over her. "I bet they'll all be scared!" Her golden eyes sparkled with excitement. "This is just so cool! Thank you Tala!" She nuzzled Tala slightly. Slowly, she walked back to Sola and looked her in the eyes. "And don't hate charity. It saved my life not too long ago." With that, Firefly half ran, half stumbled back to the clan. All the other pups excitedly listened to her tell the half-true story of how she saved Tala by befriending the scary tiger Sola. The pups listened, mystified by what Firefly was saying. A shout was heard across the clan. "...and then, I pinned down the mighty Sola!"

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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