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Zelos only half listened to the creature talk; it called itself an otter “never heard of you†he said dismissively, eyes trained intently on the fight as he spoke.  The next line the creature spoke made him laugh “Meek?â€Â  He inquired incredulously “are you kidding me?†he affirmed rhetorically “obviously you haven`t been watchingâ€â€a wolf threw a tiger into a tree earlier… how is that meek?†he acknowledged wryly  â€œI`d hate to see what you consider aggressive if you really believe they are meek†he uttered under his breath. The strange creature called an otter was grating on his nerves with his weird accent, then it said "I'm Sparky, by the way, in case ye cared. Now if ya don't mind, I'm going to watch." He rolled his eyes “actually I don`t†he mumbled under his breath; this creatures attitude bothered him ‘Little rat’ he thought disparagingly ‘How dare he speak to me like thatâ€â€doesn`t he realize I could crush him if I wanted to’ he shook his head, such conceit in that otter`s toneâ€â€he didn`t approve. He didn`t let it ruin his mood however. Soon he was caught up in the fieriness of the fight again, and he reared up enthusiastically and began shadowboxing in response.

Squeeky looked up at the horse, and then at the otter, they both was watching the fight. She wasn't happy to be called "rat-thing", but she ignored that. Squeeky almost forgot that the otter said that his name was Sparky. "My name is Squeeky,  pleasured to meet you Sparky!" The horse didn't really care that much. As Sparky watched the fight, Squeeky sneaked up behind him and looked down at the fight. "Sigh, tigers and wolves, can't believe they always fight like that. They are just hurting themselves" Squeeky said.

"So what are two you up to? I am looking for a new home, since my old tree seem to be in a wolf territory" Squeeky said with a weak voice.  

Zelos couldn`t help but grin when he heard the squirrel introduce herself to the otter “ha…Squeeky†he thought out loud ironically “You`re parents obviously had a sense of humor†he paused “I like thatâ€â€it`s funny†he snickered in an amused manner “it`s funny because you’re a squirrel†he added as if that wasn`t obvious, before continuing to watch the fight. 

Without looking back at the squirrel he said “seriously though… I`d watch my back around that one†he said directly, referring to the otter “he stinks like a carnivoreâ€â€turn you back on him and next thing you know he might be chewing on itâ€Â  he declared teasingly. 

The rising tension was thick in the air. This day was shaping out to be a strange day indeed. First a fight broke out between two tigresses on Catori Clan territory, an event that was most unheard of. Now, with the arrival of this new wolf Coal, trouble seemed to be enveloping Tala's once peaceful home. Tala watched as the Rogue wolves approached. They appeared to have come seemingly out of nowhere. Coal and the others disputed, and before anyone could blink, another fight was breaking out. As Coal, a fighter wolf indeed, attacked these rogues head on, Tala stopped and thought things over.

She looked side to side, frst to her left. Sola and the other Tigress were standing by. The two were no doubt powerful, and the sight of the battle seemed to entice them. No doubt, wolves had taken on a bad name, after what Volkov and his army did to devastate the land and it's inhabitants. Poe, the tigress who had been fighting Sola only moments before, was itching to put a sudden end to these new rogues, and Tala could see the fire in her eyes as she crouched and extended her claws. Tala then looked to her right. Her father stood by her side. He was watching the wolves fight along with Coal, who ferociously attacked the others, who he seemed all too familiar with. Tala watched as everything suddenly began to move in slow motion. Before she knew it, one of the larger males was rushing at her, a derranged and rabid look about him, and any sign of sanity was absent from his burning eyes.

In that moment, Tala could hear nothing but her own heart beat, echoing in her ears, and Coal shouting her name in fear. Tala closed her eyes. Her life flashed before her mind's eye. She remembered her first days, then the years with Volkov, and the monstrous things he did in her sight. She then thought of her pack. It was her responsibility to lead them now. She thought of her father, who had taught her all she knew. She thought of Firefly, and the pups left behind.

Something sparked inside her. As the large rogue inched nearer at break-neck speed, Tala stepped out of the way just as he was about to strike. He went tumbling into a tree. Tala approached him, her face was calm, but her eyes were full of fire. "You missed, big boy." She growled, bearing her fangs. The rogue whipped his head back in fury, wasting no time and making his way back around and towards Tala again. Tala stood her ground. "Come and get it." She said. The rogue rushed her a final time, but this time Tala jumped forward, landing on his back. The rogue snarled and whipped around like a bull. Tala held on, her claws extended as she was determined to keep her hold of him. "Listen up!"she growled "as this may be the last words you here: I demand you return to Volkov, and tell him that if he ever shows his face again, he'll be sorry." She growled. She then lunged forward and chomped down on the rogue's only ear, causing him to let out a yelp. He kicked, and Tala flew off of him, landing on her feet. When she looked back at the rogue, he had been whimpering. He couldn't hear anything, and was looking around, confused. Tala had  done the same damage to his ear that she did to Volkov, but unfortunately for this rogue, the hearing in his only good ear would never be recovered.

(( Meh. Sorry for the lackluster posts guys..and also the long space in between posts. I'm trying to get back into character..))
Coal was surprised to see Tala rip off the other wolf's ear. He was amused at her ferocity. Coal then turned back to Antonio. Antonio growled at Coal. "Last chance. Leave or die," growled Coal. "I prefer!" yelled Antonio. The brown, one eyed wolf sped towards Coal. Coal watched as the earless wolf ran into a tree. The third wolf made its way toward Tala's father. Coal turned backl to Antonio, just in time to dodge a tackle. Antonio slammed into the ground with a growl. Coal whirled on the rogue and ripped at the helpless wolf. Antonio screamed as Coal mauled him. The third wolf stopped and turned around, heading towards Coal and Antonio. "Release him!" yelled the wolf. Coal picked up Antonio's half dead body and threw him at the oncoming wolf. The two wolves tumbled to the ground. Coal then approached them in a menacing manner. "You, leave this territory and never return," said Coal. The third wolf ran off, dragging Antonio with him. Coal then leapt at the earless wolf and slew him. Coal howled.

Poe looked on as the battle grew uglier. She focused on the fight, watching it's players closely. She picked up on the patterns and the diferent fighting styles, which in this case wasn't much, as most of the wolves were just throwing their weight around mindlessly. She felt the adrenaline course through her, and in her mind she carefully reviewed each move she would make before she jumped into the middle of the battle. It took much patience to do so, for she desperately wanted to just let loose on these canines, without showing any mercy. But she had trained herself to be better than that. She had focus, and a great sense of self-discipline. These self-taught traits were all that kept her alive this long.

Poe was ready. She felt her claws dig into the earth. She looked all around her, trying to pick an opponent. Wolves rushed here and there, bashing each other about senselessly. A few of Tala's wolves came too close, Poe stepped back and then, looking ahead of them, locked onto one of the rogues. She loosened up her muscles, allowing for herself to move more fluidly and with more precision, and this would also serve to keep her from more serious damage - should any of these amateurs actually get close enough to lay a paw on her. Just as she was about to leap, Coal rushed in and attacked her target head on, and continued running into the other rogues. Poe let out a snarl, her fur standing on end and her ears flattening. Coal obviously wasn't going to slow down. Poe scoffed as she watched him Fighter wolf, yeah right. she hissed The dog is sloppy. She thought to herself with contempt. She still hated him. She turned away and sat down, watching from a distance. She refused to meddle in the battle. As much as she wanted to tear them apart, this was not her war. This was Tala's territory. And to be honest, she wasn't all too interested in helping out a bunch of wolves anyways. She had no emotional connection to any of these animals, and she even found them to be deeply agrivating. She would much rather be catching up to her lunch, especially while the others seemed to be distracted..

Coal watched as the rogue wolves disappeared into the forest. Coal then realized his mistake. He had fought sloppy. Fighter wolves weren't supposed to allow their opponents to bite, or even lick them. Coal growled at his carelessness. "If it was a rattlesnake, I'd be dead," he said. Coal turned to the tiger, Poe. He could tell that Poe was angry at him for stealing a chance to fight."I do apologize for taking your opponent," said Coal. "I do indeed notice that my work here was very....unprofessional," said Coal. He bowed and then looked over at the wolf he killed. Coal approached the earless and dead wolf. The wolf looked only a year or two old. Coal sighed and sat on his haunches. "This could've been me some years ago," he said. He then stared at the wolf. He looked familiar. Coal's eyes widened as tears began to form. "Spark," he whispered. Coal then began to cry as he recognized his brother. This was one of the pups assumed to be dead in the Racers territory just five years ago. Coal howled with grief.

The battle had taken a brutal turn for the worse, and Zelos was completely disarmed by the carnage he was witnessing; he hadn`t expected that the fight would escalate into a bloodbath. He winced as he witnessed a wolf rip another wolf’s ear off--there was blood, and as the smell of it wafted past him up the hill he felt nauseous, and had to lock his legs in place underneath him to prevent himself from toppling over. There weren`t many things that he was sensitive too, but blood was definitely one of them. He was ready to run away right on the spot, but he couldn`t get his legs to obey; he was frozen in place in shock-- torn between obeying his instincts and an abrupt intense feeling of faintness. He looked on in utter disgust as a wolf slew one of its own and then howled as if proud of itself. At that moment he had a vision of himself being torn apart by wolves in that manner. He shook his head vigorously perishing that exceedingly unpleasant thought on the spot.

He briefly glanced over at the squirrel and the otter standing a short distance away to make sure they weren`t watching him, before deciding to lay down to pull himself back together. He watched the world whirl slowly around him as drew in deep breaths to settle his stomach since as a horse he was incapable of vomiting, so he had no choice but to wait for the sensation of nausea to pass.  He berated himself for sticking around to watch the fight in the first place ‘how did I not see that coming?’ he though incredulously, all he had wanted to do was see a fight, and now that he had seen one he really wished he hadn`t, because getting into that woozy condition was just embarrassing. He kept his ears alert, but his head down, waiting it out.

Poe held her body low to the ground. She was just about to sneak off and head towards the hill where she last saw the colt. But Coal had acknowledged her, giving her away. Poe let out a sigh. She stood up straight again, giving a flick of her tail and looking the wolf in the eyes. She narrowed hers, as if reading him. He seemed sincere, and no doubt his arrogant nature left him kicking himself for acting so rashly in battle. Poe finally let out a "hmph" she knew he wasn't Volkov. She would be respectful enough to answer. "Not like I care." She muttered "Does it really matter who attacked him? As long as he wasn't able to harm anyone." Poe spoke calmly "However, you were reckless, moving without thinking. Doing so is foolish, especially for someone who calls himself a Fighter Wolf." Her voice held no contempt, and though her words were harsh, they were true. She didn't often waste her breath giving other's advice, but this wolf was an exception. He made an embarrassing slip up. "Fighting blindly, you are just as much a threat to the innocent around you as you would be to the enemy." She finished.

Poe brushed off whatever feelings of aggitation he stirred up in her, as she didn't care enough to hold a grudge against him. Giving him that much thought would be a waste of her energy.

Poe watched as Coal walked off, and went over to examine the dead wolf. She realized that something was wrong. She noticed the resemblance between the two wolves, even before Coal attacked him. I wonder if he'll regret it she thought, watching him. She shook her head, and making her way past the other wolves she faced Tala. "You asked me what my business here was." she commented. Despite her feelings about wolves, Poe was not without honor. She wouldn't leave a Commander's question of authority hanging in the air without an answer. Poe looked over Tala's shoulder at the other tigress who had fought with her. She then looked back at Tala. "I was simply moving through, on a hunt. A wild colt, no doubt strange to your territory, was passing through and I was following. I apologize for any trouble I may have caused." She said, her face showing little to no emotion, but her tone was respectful. Giving the other tigress another, somewhat sharp glance, she began to dismiss herself. "I'll be on my way." She announced, backing away and starting for the hill. However, before she could depart, she passed Coal. He was examinging the wolf he attacked, and appeared to be distraught. He let out a sad howl in grieving. Poe looked at him, a spark of sympathy in her eyes, and then continued on her way.
Coal couldn't believe it. He really was Volkov, or a form of the evil wolf. Just like Volkov killing Blaze, Coal's father and brother to Volkov, Coal slew his own brother, Spark. "I am a family killer," cried Coal. "A pack murderer," he said. A tear rolled down his cheek. "A betrayer," he whispered. Coal looked down at his brother one last time. "How did your first ear come off? How did you survive the raid?" asked Coal. He shook his head, remembering when Volkov and two other wolves murdered his brothers and sisters. Coall bolted before they attacked him. "Volkov must've spared his life," said Coal. He growled and stood up. His growled scared one of the other wolves. "Volkov must die," said Coal. "He has turned me into a monster, just like him," he said. "He made me kill my brother, just as he did my father, his brother," said Coal. Coal walked past the wolves and stopped. He looked back at Tala. "I must leave," he said. "I can't let anything evil happen again," said Coal. "Especially to you, Tala," he said.
Squeeky looked down at the fight. A female wolf was fighting a male wolf, and the male wolf had only one ear. Squeeky didn't like to watch, but she just had to, she wanted to see how this would end. Suddenly, the female wolf ripped the other ear off of the male wolf. It was a bloody fight, and Squeeky couldn't watch anymore. She turned her head away, with her eyes closed.

Some moments later she heard a howl, and looked back at the fight. The fight seemed to be over, and a black wolf was standing next to the earless wolf, it was dead. Squeeky closed her eyes again, and turned away.
Another howl sounded off, but this one carried a tender tone to it, it was laced with sorrow. Haunting enough to stir Zelos from his place of resting; he decided to roll around a bit before standing back up, giving himself a soothing dust bath. He avoided looking back down the hill to where the wolves were, it wasn’t so much the smell of blood that bothered him, but the sight of it. It didn`t seem as though the other animals had seen him being awkward ‘that`s a relief’ he thought gratefully, but the feeling of queasiness lingered within him. He dismissed himself from there company wordlessly without even so much as a passing glance, and stumbled over the hill, each step felt more pressing then the previous, but he made his way to the stream that cut its way through the center of the meadow, and drew in long gulps of cool, pristine water. It caressed his throat satisfyingly; soon he had entered the stream and laid down in it, letting the water relax him. The rest of the world fell away, as he listened to the peaceful slosh of running water.

Tala had eveything planned out in her head. The rogues were greatly outnumbered, and had no chance of winning a battle at such odds. The rogue that Tala wounded would have no choice but to retreat with the others, and as they were no doubt the henchmen of Volkov, they would have to return to him in defeat and tell them of what they saw.

Now, Tala has not heard much of Volkov since the great war ended. But now he would know for sure that she was alive and well, even after all the destruction he brought about and after deserting her, leaving her to die. Tala wanted this though. The rip in the rogues ear would be the tell tale sign that Tala was not willing to give in or to fold under pressure. She wouldn't give up, and with the army of wolves she was raising, she would defeat Volkov again, if he were ever to come out of hiding.

The plan was going well. Coal seemed to be taking care of the other rogues. He fought visciously. Tala watched him closely. He even made her a little nervous..

Tala was about to join in and help to put an end to the battle. She ran up to Coal. She was about to tell him to let them retreat, they wouldn't win this battle, and they would be useful to serve as messengers to Volkov of the strength of her pack. However, Tala didn't move quick enough. Before she could approach him, he was on top of the rogue wolf, and when she called out to him, he appeared to be out of it. He couldn't hear her. He made a final move..going too far. Coal had eneded the wolf. For good.

Tala froze. She was afriad to move any closer. She was shocked, as she hadn't planned the battle to end this way. "Coal.." She uttered quietly. She hadn't known him all too long. She was starting to trust him, but after what he just did, Tala was suddenly afraid of him. She listened as Poe chastised him, and then after answering for her intrusion in Catori boundaries, she let her walk away. All the while, Coal was moarning over the mistake he just realized he made.

Tala watched him. She had mixed feelings. His howl was sad, and full of pain. He approached her, and Tala found herself involuntarily taking a step backwards. He set his tear filled amber eyes upon her, his face worn and sad. "I must leave," he said. "I can't let anything evil happen again," said Coal. "Especially to you, Tala," he said.

Tala listened, but was motionless. She was silent for a brief period, but she knew she had to answer. He was so close to her, and for obvious reasons, it made her uncomfortable. "Maybe it's a good idea." She said. She looked into his eyes. They confused her. "I trusted you Coal, for a moment there.." She started hesitantly "But you should've seen yourself. The way you wasn't normal." Her face grew grave. "You looked just like him. You looked like Volkov!" She barked, with her ears flat. She looked over to the dead wolf. It wasn't supposed to end this way..she thought. She then looked back at Coal. "You should go." She finished. And with that, she gave him one last look, and any spark of trust was absent from her gaze, and instead was replaced with caution and warning. She rejoined her pack, taking her place by her father, who was silent, and she prepared to head back to her camp. She suddenly was worried for Firefly, and wanted to return to her at once and see that she was safe. She turned and the other's followed, leaving Coal behind.
Coal watched as the wolves left. Coal didn't want any more harm to come to Tala and her pack. The only way to make sure they stayed safe was to go to Volkov and put an end to him and his traitors. Coal turned tail and raced after Antonio and the other wolf, following their trail. As he ran, he noticed a trail of blood. Coal followed the trail until he came to a grizzly bear. The bear was feasting on Antonio's body. Coal shook his head. He then saw the third wolf slinking away. "Got'cha," said Coal. He followed the wolf in secretcy. The wolf didn't even realize it. Coal was an experienced stalker. He then had a flashback of him killing his own brother. Coal shooked the memory and kept on following the wolf. "He'll lead me to Volkov," said Coal.

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

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