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Sparky looked away. "No creature, even one o' Volkov's, deserves to die at the teeth of his brother like that, no. Poor, poor thing." His eyes brimmed with tears. "Just a pup yet. I beleive I should..." he cut his sentence short. " a respect or two. They wouldn't eat a bony little thing like meself." Sparky got down on all fours, slinking around a tree and towards the dead wolf. He snuck down and got up on his back legs next to Spark. "Oh, poor boy." He patted the wolf's paw. "You could have been so much more." Sparky looked at Tala, then realized he had most likely gotten a bit close. "Eh..." He began to back up, letting go of Spark's paw.

Tala was setting out towards home. She was getting used to being leader of her pack, but this was the first time she led them in an actual battle. She strong, and unfortunately well accustomed to war. Even so, she was a bit overwhelmed by the turn things have taken over the last half hour or so. Her head was swimming, and she walked silently ahead of the pack. Just then, she noticed a small otter, solemnly paying his respects. Tala watched it, and was touched by it's sincerety. It made her think back to the days when the animals genuinely cared for each other. Tala passed by, and the otter looked up, noticing her, and seemed to tense up and become nervous.

Tala looked down at the otter, a frown on her face. "I'm sorry, that this happened.." She said, her voice low and sad. She gave him a nod, and continued on towards her camp. She was in low spirits.

Sparky looked at Tala. He heard the sad tone to her voice. The dead wolf next to him must have caused it. He turned back to Spark, walking forward a bit. It was obvious the she-wolf was in no mood to eat an otter. Sparky looked back at Zelos and Squeeky, then back down to the dead wolf. He closed Spark's eyelids, then laid down next to him. "Y'know, little pup, this is sick. Back in my childhood the animals wouldn't kill their brothers. Then Volkov came about and ruined it all for us. My nest mates were almost all killed. The only reason I lived is because I hid in a hole all winter. A miserable existence, yep. I am so sorry your life has been ruined." He stood up and walked away, casting a last glance at Spark.



"Well, Zelos and Squeeky, all is lost." He looked at the two, then sat down.

Squeeky noticed that Sparky was gone. "Sparky? Where did he go?" she said to herself. Squeeky looked at the dead wolf, and saw Sparky next to the dead wolf, patting its paw. Squeeky saw a female wolf getting close, but Squeeky was calm. Squeeky looked at the female wolf, and then at Sparky. After a little while, Sparky came back. "All is lost" he said.

Squeeky noticed the sadness in Sparky, she saw it in his eyes. Squeeky sat down next to him, and let out a sigh. "Volkov...just look what he have done. A wolf killing his own brother" Squeeky said with a sigh. 
Coal followed the rogue wolf for three miles non stop. That's when the rogue came to a mountain. A cave was right at the bottom leading up the gigantic rock. The rogue wolf looked around to make sure he wasn't being followed. Coal ducked behind some dark bushes. The rogue saw nothing. He then ran into the cave. Coal came up from hiding and headed for the cave. Before he could make it in, he was tackled by a brown blur. Coal got up with a growl and saw a cougar. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Coal the Fighter," said the cougar. Coal growled. He forgot to watch his back. Coal cursed. "Listen, I'm not here to fight you," said Coal. The cougar laughed and leapt at Coal. "Enough!" yelled Coal. He leapt as well. Coal grabbed the cougar by the throat and tightened his grip. The cougar began to choke. Coal shook the cat, killing it. Coal then ran into the cave with a growl. He ran up the mountain, following the rogue's scent. As he began to make it to the top, he smelled something really familiar. Coal knew the scent
Coal made it to the top. He looked around. The rogue wolf was walking into the light. Coal slyly followed. He stopped behind the wall and then peeked around. The rogue wolf had stopped in the center of the moutain top. "Sir, we have a problem," said the rogue. Coal looked at the rogue. The rogue was talking to what appeared to be a bush and a boulder. "What?" asked Coal. The rogue turned around. Coal quickly hid himself. The rogue saw nothing and then turned back to the bush and boulder. "Antonio's dead. He was injured badly by Coal and then eaten by a grizzly on the journey back," said the rogue. Coal almost growled. "And....Spark is dead, killed by Coal, your nephew," said the rogue. Coal whined softly. "Just what you ordered," said the rogue. Coal's eyes widened. "Excellent," said an evil voice. Coal's heart raced. He bristled and his ears went back as he recognized his uncle's voice. He could see the silhouette of Volkov. "Die!" yelled Coal. He ran from his hiding spot and knocked over the rogue wolf.

Volkov stood up and glared at his nephew, his steely gaze piercing right through the young wolf like a freshly sharpened sword. "Coal, my nephew! I haven't seen you in ages!" He walked a slow circle around his nephew, eyeing him very carefully.

"What brings you here? Did the rumors of my return intrigue you? Did you come to join the holy revolution to bring justice and glory to this sickening land?" He sneered. The large wolf walked directly up to his nephew, staring into his eyes. "Or are you with the unworthy and unholy ones like the rest of your family?!"

Coal glared back at his uncle. Coal, compared to Volkov, was larger. Most Fighter wolves were. Coal had power and skill. He even had speed. But did he have the cajones too? As Volkov spoke to Coal, he had a flashback of when he and his uncle met when Coal was just two years of age. Volkov wanted Coal to join him. Coal had declined. "Unworthy?" asked Coal. "You destroyed my life!" yelled Coal, watching his uncle circle him. He was sizing Coal up. Coal was ready. "You killed my father. You killed my mother. You killed my brothers and siblings. You even made me kill my brother, Spark. But the one thing you did was put my heart's jewel in jeopardy...............For Tala!" yelled Coal. He leapt at Volkov, knocking the wolf on his back. The rogue leapt at Coal. Coal dodged the blow and sent the rogue flying over the edge of the mountain. The wolf went howling down. Coal then went for Volkov. He picked up his uncle, who in return clawed his chest. Coal growled as he staggered back. Coal rushed at Volkov, biting him.
Key swiftly ran in the forest feeling the grass touch his paws he smiled spring was here! He went down a slope and came to a stop panting but happy he walked to a tree and layed down panting toung out he felt a small breeze through his fur it felt very nice he could smell the sweet air of spring he wagged his tail happily and stopped panting then a pretty butterfly flew by gracefully he got up and followed it for some...strange...reson?...anyway the butterfly soon flew into the sky he stopped at a grassy field "good luck out there buddy!" He called out to the butterfly the spring made him graceful and happy and a strange thought came to mind 'should I find a mate? It is spring' his ears perked at the thought he was alone allmost his whole life pushing the thought away he walked along the field the thought came to him again 'Mabey I could find one as I go?' Annoyed at himself he kept walking

Poe silently made her way away from Catori territory, and towards the horizon. She quickly shook off the events that took place only moments ago, wiping them from her thought. She let out a deep sigh of relief. Poe had seen many terrible things growing up. She has known dissapointment all her life, but she vowed never to let it get to her. Intstead, she would use it to motivate her. However, she was happy to be out of range, off the wolves land, detecting only faint howling from where she stood. She turned for a moment to look over her shoulder, then continued on.

She knew it would be a waste of her time and energy to chases after the colt. His track had gone cold, and he was no doubt long gone. It was a loss, but she would make up for it. Poe had been limping slightly more than usual. She looked at her back leg, observing it and checking the damage. Only a bruise and a couple scratches. Poe sat down carefully, favoring it. Coal had apparently been capable of more than she gave him credit for. She let a growl rise from deep within her chest. "Darn it, Coal.." She muttered. Another howl could be heard from somewhere far off. Poe looked out towards the setting sun, the light softly resting on her face, making her eyes look like they were glowing.

"If I ever see another wolf again.." she started, thinking out loud, when suddenly, something caught her attention. A smallish buck was out, grazing in the meadow. Poe's keen eyes focused on it with a sharp gaze. Finally She thought to herself. She looked from left to right, then left one more time, checking to see if any more crazy territorial tigers were following her. She couldn't afford to be caught up in another battle. No one else was around. Poe rose slowly to her feet. She pressed her right hind paw to the ground, and a jolt of pain shot through her leg. She winced slightly, it was worse than she thought. She realized she would have to take it easy on this hunt.

Poe crouched, and slowly approached the buck, who was now moving cautiously, watching it's surroundings. Poe had the high ground and the brush at her advantage. All she had to do was wait for the right time. Her instincts soon sent her in a full sprint, coming towards the buck at lightning speed, her right foot hitting the ground softer than the others each time. Lucky for her, the buck proved to be nowhere near as fast as the colt. Poe brought it down without hesitation.

After eating, Poe felt energized. She decided to head for home. She wanted to continue training, as the battle left her feeling somewhat defeated, even if it was cut off by Tala. Poe let out a scoff. "I could have ended him." She thought out loud. Unfortunately, her injury played out to her disadvantage, and made her an easier target. Poe decided she would spend more time tending to her injury, and finding a way to strengthen it. Next time some big battle broke out, she would be ready.

After awhile Zelos stood back up feeling wholly refreshed as though he had washed the discomfort of thatâ€â€well he had no words to express how that fight had made him feel, he was just relieved to be away from there. His composure restored, he decided to continue on his way as the entire area seemed to be crawling with predators…no place for him to be moseying around by his logic. His eyes wandered back in the direction he had originally come from. He was considering heading back that way, but there was only forest in that direction. Traveling through forest made him feel uneasy as there was little space to maneuver, and the speeds he could reach were hindered by the likelihood of collision with abundant obstacles.  He shuddered at the thought of having to pick his way though underbrush again. He shook his head, realizing there would be no going back, he had already come this far, the only option seemed to be to keep going; wolf territory or not. With that he trotted intrepidly back to the top of the hill noticing that the fight was over and the danger seemed to have passed; the wolves had returned to their camp, or so it appeared.

He glanced over at the otter and squirrel as he passed them by; they both seemed to be distraught, and consoling each other over something. He merely rolled his eyes and snorted at them disdainfully as he walked by ‘it was just a wolf’ he thought impersonally ‘it`s not like it was anyone they knew’ he shook his head, attempting to comprehend their honest compassion for a perfect stranger and carnivore at that 'don`t they realize that, that wolf would have killed them just as readily, and without feeling the slightest bit of remorse afterward'. He had personally been more unsettled by the viciousness of the wolves’ death more than anything else, being unaccustomed to such violence. He said nothing to them however deeming that after everything that had transpired, he was in no mood to chat. His eyes were forward, surveying the valley below as he searched for the best route to take through the wolves territory. Soon he began to make his way down the hill, but turned his head one more time towards the otter and squirrel; his vague manner of inviting them to follow.  Though he would never ask them as he had too much pride, he really wasn`t opposed to having company. It could even be a pleasant change from the pervasive feeling of loneliness he had endured every since he was separated from his band. As a horse, being alone all the time was vexing, though he hadn`t ever let it get him down it did affect him.

He made his way steadily down the hill and into the verdant, pristine valley below. He made his way a bit more hastily past the wolves’ camp, and stopped near the edge of the forest; Standing out of sight in the shade, where he could rest for awhile, hoping he had avoided detection. The air smelled of wolves and death which proved to be disturbing, but the grass was incredibly inviting. Unable to resist sampling it, he glanced around to make sure neither of the tigers were nearby, or the wolves; satisfied that he was alone he dropped his head to ground level and after a few bites, began to gorge himself enthusiastically. He hadn`t realized how hungry he was, but thenâ€â€he hadn`t spent much time grazing that day, certainly not enough to satisfy his requirement.  His feast was soon interrupted however as he abruptly heard something nearby that made his ears twitch, and made him recognize that he had allowed his awareness to slip… a dark colored wolf stepped out of the forest nearby, it appeared to be alone, but Zelos listened for others just to be sure. Hearing nothing menacing he relaxed a bit, but stayed perfectly still, attempting to go unnoticed. A single wolf posed almost no threat to him in his mind, but considering all that had happened that dayâ€â€he had no desire to attract attention as he had experienced more than his share of action for one day; which was an unusual situation for him, ‘curse those wolves’ he thought dispiritedly, realizing that they had actually managed to shake his confidence. To make matters worse, somewhere in the distance he heard separate footsteps, bigger ones suggesting something else was moving about in the vicinity.

(( Hey guys. It's been a while, remember to check the OOC Chat :-) ))
The silver male bounded through the forest. He was ecstatic about everything: the trees, the birdsong, the weather... life in general! He was enjoying his run. He loved running. Feeling the wind rush through his fur and cool his skin... it was more than brilliant, he was sure. If he had the word to even begin to describe how wonderful it was, he would use that word until it lost its meaning. He slowed his pace to rest a bit. His tongue lolled out of the corner of his mouth, as it usually did. Slobber dripped down his chin, and he shook his head to be free of it. He caught the scent of something... a piece of prey. He wasn't hungry at the moment, for earlier he ate scraps of a hare he found. He wanted to see this thing- it had a different smell. He followed his nose. He saw the creature and was intrigued. He never saw something like that. It looked like a deer, but it was bigger! He tilted his head and stared at it for a long while. 

Zelos continued to watch the dark colored wolves from the shadows cautiously; it didn`t seem like it had noticed him, and continued to move away from him into the valley. “Good riddance†he thought adding a snarky snort, and relaxing his tensed muscles at once, eager to return to his feast.  Though for some reason he couldn`t shake the filling that he was being watched, his instincts were acting up rather vehemently, but he simply wrote it off as anxiety ‘stop being so paranoid’ he reprimanded himself, his edginess had reached the point of annoyanceâ€â€it was so much better to simply not care. He glanced around just to be sure there was nothing about however, figuring it was probably better to be safe than sorry. Seeing nothing and only hearing sounds that were typical of a forest, he decided that the other footsteps he had heard must have been a deer or something, and felt ridiculous that he`d let himself get worked up over something so trivial. Despite himself, he lowered his head back to the ground and resumed his grazing session.  

It was only upon the act of lowering his head that he spotted something that seemed out of placeâ€â€silver colored paws discernible through breaks in the leaves of the underbrush. It seemed that the dark colored wolf hadn`t been alone after all, and despite his efforts to elude notice, he had been spotted. He didn`t feel too worried though, he was convinced that a lone wolf posed almost no treat to him; he had a clear weight and strength advantage. He felt as though it would be worse to retreat back into the open as he could draw the attention of the entire pack. With the forest to one side of him and the pack to the other, he felt trapped and was uncertain about what he should do. He finally grasped the gravity of his precarious situation as he gazed out to the horizon and noticed the sun sinking lower towards the hills; it would be getting dark in a bit. His vision would be compromised and then the wolves would have a distinctive advantage over him, so it just seemed wiser to stay put and take his chances with the lone wolf, so he didn`t budge an inch. Instead he pretended not to notice the wolf that was spying on him and continued to graze, but kept an eye on the part of the predator he could seeâ€â€it`s feet; ready to fight or flee if it became necessary to do so.

Squeeky watched as Zelos passed her. He walked down the hill. Squeeky got a feeling that Zelos was all alone, with no friends or family to keep him company. "Aww, poor horse!" Squeeky said to herself. She ran down the hill and followed Zelos. She walked next to him. Zelos didn't seem to bother her. After they had been walking awhile, Zelos stopped near the edge of a forest, and started to graze. Squeeky was also hungry. "Um, I will be right back!" she said to Zelos. Squeeky thought that there maybe was some goodies in any of the trees?

Squeeky climbed up a tree. She looked around. Then she saw something. An acorn! She hurried to climb down the tree she sat in and climbed up the other tree, that had the acorn. Before she took the acorn, she looked around to be sure there wasn't another squirrel around. She was alone. She took the acorn and began to eat it.

When Squeeky was done with the acorn, she walked back to Zelos. He was looking at something. "Hmm? What are you looking at?" she asked and looked in the same direction as Zelos. A dark wolf. It hadn't seen them yet though. The wolf seemed to be alone. Then Squeeky saw some silver coloured paws. Wolf paws. They was being watched. Squeeky felt surrounded, and since she didn't know if the wolves was friendly or not, she couldn't help it, she had to hug something. But the only thing she could lay her paws around, was Zelos legs. Squeeky took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and hugged one of Zelos front legs. "Please don't kill me for this" Squeeky thought.

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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