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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Tala was exhausted. The events of the long day were taking their toll on her, as the fight continued to play in her mind over and over. Her body was worn and she really just wanted to get some sleep and forget about it, though, she knew she couldn't simply forget. It was her job as future leader to make sure she remembered each battle that took place, and take away something from it so as to be better prepared for the next battle, whenever it happened. She knew that this battle was not the last, altough it was unexpected, and frankly, unnecessary.

She passed each den, and peaking in she realized many of the wolves were also turning in for the night. Tala stopped when she came to the pup's den. She peeked in at Firefly and was happy to see she was alright. Tala let out a sigh of relief, and continued on towards her own den. She stopped when she heard foot steps behind her. One of the lead hunters in the pack was approaching, a look of concern on his face. "Are you alright Tala?" He asked sincerely. Tala smiled and nodded. "I'm fine. I just need to gt some rest." She said.

Then, smiling a wry sort of smile, and raising a brow "But don't worry. It's gonna take more than a couple of tigers or a pack of rogues to bring us down." She laughed, a sort of half tired laugh, yet a genuine one. The male laughed as well. "Alright, well goodnight then Tala." He said, turning and heading towards his den. Tala watched after him a while, her mind wandering, then turned to enter her den. Her father had been waiting up for her. Neither of them said a word, but both acjnowledged one another with a saint smile. Tala then plopped down next to her father, letting out a deep sigh. Her father layed his head down and both were soon asleep.

Just then, a fearful sound shot off from the distance. A cougar's roar had pierced the quiet that had only just settled over the Catori Clan. Heavy paws could be heard rushing for the camp, and one of the nightwatch wolves saw it. He let out an alarming howl.

Back in the den, Tala's eyes shot open. She jumped to her feet. Running out of the den, she was expecting to ask what it was. No need. The cougar was in plain sight, and was rushing right for Tala. Her eyes grew wide, but she regained herself and stood her ground. Just seconds before the cougar was to strike, a black flash rushed right past Tala and crashed into the large cat. The two rolled around and rumbled with each other. The black wolf was hard to see in the dark night, but Tala soon realized it was Coal.

The wolf and the cat fought, and Tala looked on. Coal was able to get the cat off of him, and as he had apparently injured it, the cat was limping slightly and both were breathing heavily. "Leave now!"Coal commanded with an unmistakably authoritative tone. The cougar snarled and hissed, but obeyed.

Tala watched as the cat ran off in a full sprint. She turned to look at Coal, but couldn't find the words to say. She felt so confused, looking at him. She didn't know what to think of him in fact.

Tala didn't have to think too long about it. Soon, in the distance came galloping another wolf. He appeared to be somewhat crazed, and apparently ill. Tala watched in horror as the wolf dashed for the pups den. She dug her claws into the ground and pushed off, running as fast as she could after the intruder. She came to a skidding halt outside the den. This wolf was now standing over the sleeping pups, sniffing at them frantically.

Tala's body tensed up. Her faced became twisted in a sort of rage, and she felt her heart skip a beat as the strange wolf drew nearer to Firefly. She began barking viciously, alerting the other wolves in the camp who were by her side before too long. Tala didn't sit around and give orders that night, instead her instincts kicked in and she rushed the wolf herself. She grabbed him by the scruff and attempted to knock him over. Meanwhile, the other wolves of the Catori clan evacuated the pups from the den one by one.

Coal was saw the sickly wolf again. "That foul demon," he growled. He dashed forward, but stopped when Tala attacked the wolf. Coal joined her side. "Please accept my apology," he said to Tala, kicking the sickly wolf in the side. Coal then realized the cougar hadn't left the area. The cat was back, growling for vengance. "I told you to leave," growled Coal. Suddenly the cougar leapt at Coal. This cat was a different one. "I was sent here by Volkov," said the cat. Coal shied to the left, dodging the cat. "How?" asked Coal. "Don't you worry about it," said the cat. He leapt at Coal. Coal kicked the cat over the den. "Help Tala!" yelled Coal. He leaped after the cougar, who was now fleeing. "What the?" he asked. Another cougar attacked, the injured one. Coal was caught behind the head and fell to the ground. The other one u-turned and flew at Coal, biting down on his shoulder. The two cats mauled Coal. Coal fought back, but was weakening. "I.....will not....die!" he said weakly. The cats then knocked Coal out.

"Eeeeeeeee heee hee hee heee hee he"

Was Timov's response to Tala's attempt to grasp the skin dangling from his bony neck, her grip ultimately failing, slipping, on the faint purple film of vomit on his tangled coat.  Shaking, he turned, slowly, as if drowning in mollases, and then suddenly shot forward.  He noticed they were taking them, the small ones, the small wolves, the food, and he shot around again.  He became trapped in a loop, a circle, running madly, until Tala knocked him onto the ground, showing some level of initiative despite her shuddering at the acrid smell.  A snap was heard, and Timov yowled stutteringly, whilst calmly looking at Tala with empty eyes.

"Eeeeeeeh heee hee he hee"

On the ground now, he shuddred,  went stiff, and then retched dry.  Once twice, and third time, and suddenly it came streaming out.  The slick, running substance spread downhill, and tala was dancing to avoid, all the while coming closer, coming back, to attack once more.  Timov inhaled deeply.  He smelt...  He smelt...  Blood.  yes, there it was.  Quite clear to anyone who was already use to the horrid acid smell of his vomit; The Coal wolf had lost his catfight.  Timov lurched, and in one bound had reached the leaking, breathing body.  The cats, who up until now had considered this there prize, were out of there faster than they had entered, gagging, gasping, retching, almost producing vomit of there own.  Timov reached his head in deep, and with one RIIIIIP tore out a peice.  It was at that moment that Timov remembered (due to the very excellent reminder that the peice of wolf meat in his mouth was) that wolf meat, wolf blood, was absolutely disgusting.  Immediately, his stomach lurched.  He was clawing at the ground, howling like termites, and retching, vomiting vomituously, one might say.  He fell, rolled over, his feet were up and kicking, his bile was everywhere, and he was back on his feet, running in circles once more.  "Foooooooooooooood"

He croaked,

"Waaaaater water water food water water food waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaateeeeeeeeeeeeer"

And the horrible liquid still streaming out of his mouth, albeit somewhat less vomituously, he left the breathing leaking body with deep scarlet bile-stained wounds, swimming like oil and water and swimming with the plethora of tiny beasties taht swam in Timov's stomach only moments ago.  He thrased away, thrased as fast as he could whether they were pursuing him or not, traversing forest like a madman,to fufill the burning desire for drink.

It was night, Squeeky had just finished her dinner, and was about to go to sleep. She looked around. "Hmm...what tree should I sleep in?" She asked herself, and then she decided what tree to sleep in. The tree had plenty of leaves, so Squeeky would be hidden from predators. She told the others that she would sleep in a tree, just so they know. Squeeky climbed up in the tree, and found a comfy branch. She would prefer to sleep in a hole, but since she couldn't see any, she just decided to sleep on a branch. "Goodnight guys!" Squeeky had to say before she went to sleep.

Squeeky couldn't sleep very well. She was worried about that Volkov had returned. Suddenly, she heard a noise. It was far away, but it didn't sound good. Squeeky was very tired, and couldn't really hear what the noise really was. But it sounded like wolves. "Sigh, can't those wolves fight or whatever they do, at daytime? Im trying to sleep!" she said quietly.

Coal could feel a piece of his own flesh tear away from his body. Coal wanted to yell out and attack, but his body and mind were temporary separated. Coal heard noise, sounds of paws running away. A bright light appeared just several paces away from Coal. He looked at the light. "It's so beautiful," he said. He then saw his mother, Fire. "Coal, why have you given up?" she asked. "Mother, I am done for," said Coal. "that is not the way we raised you," said Fire. "You are a Racer pack member," she said. "I need to be healed," said Coal. "You need to settle down and take responsibility," said Blaze. He appeared out of nowhere. "Father," said Coal. "Help the one you love. Stay away from the light," said Blaze. "Father, mother, please," said Coal. The two wolves left. Coal leaked a tear for his dead parents. He then felt someone on his body. It was a wolf by the size of the paws. Coal could feel his body and mind starting to join, slowly. He was being dragged away by the unknown wolf. Coal felt his lips move.

Hushed plodding footfalls against the forest floor echoed, softly cutting through the calm of night, announcing that some animal was on the move. Kojo blended into the darkness significantly, like a ghost in the night, only his eyes could easily be preserved against the obscurity; eyes that seemed nearly listless, bearing the impression of a far-off gaze.

He was on solo patrol; lately it seemed like all he was doing was attempting to keep other animals away from Volkov, but he couldn`t help but feel like Volkov was unworthy of being protected. He banished that notion with an immersed sigh. He sat down and looked up at the stars, imagining that his parents were watching over him, expecting great things from him—always expecting. He turned his ears down, digging his claws into the earth tensely. So much pressure—too much, he distressed over the idea of letting them down. 'What can I do?’ he though uncertainly, fixing his gaze on the ground instead, as though he`d been staring right into the eyes of someone that wasn`t there. He began to feel angry, hearing their words play through his mind; they called him weak—pathetic. ‘I have to try harder’ he thought exasperatedly, exposing his razor sharp canines and unsheathing his claws. He burst forward sprinting as fast as he was able; he was shadowing a repulsive wolf named Timov who had decided to run off. He wanted to know what he was up to, especially after all the commotion earlier in the day. A wolf had attacked Volkov, and he felt as though he`d allowed himself to become sloppy, berating himself for failing to defend his leader, but it couldn`t be helped--he had been on patrol.

 He ran until he had tired himself out; he ran as though it were possible to escape his troubles by doing so. He sat down again, his expression contorting into one of deep sorrow. ‘What is it all for?’ he thought dejectedly with frustration, it was a thought that troubled him often, and it seemed that no matter how many times he`d sought to stifle such thinking, it persisted in dogging him relentlessly. He closed his eyes, flattening his ears as a phantasmagoria of all the things he`d done during the war that he regretted forced themselves through his mind. He felt defeated, stressed and angry. He was thinking about his mother, and cursing her for being so cruel as to make him promise to live as she had. He wasn`t so sure that`s the way he wanted to live. ‘I`m sorry—so very sorry’ he thought repentantly, hiding his face behind a paw in disgrace for a moment, before standing back up a continuing on his way. He couldn`t help but want to live up to his mothers expectations; something he had never managed to do when she was alive as her standards had been impossibly high. He lived in denial of many things—always in denial. Shaking away his doubts for the time being he focused his mind, and continued after Timov. It was time that someone steered the crazy fool back to where he belonged.

After some time, Kojo reached the edge of the forest; Timov`s trail led out toward an open valley, but he hesitated for a moment. Other scents converged with the sickly wolf’s—other wolves. He had stumbled across wolf territory, a thought crossed his mind ‘I wonder if…’ he cut himself off, staring ahead more intently, if this was the pack he thought it was, then Volkov would be very pleased with him indeed—If he brought ‘her’ back to him. ‘My luck could finally be turning around’ he thought contemplatively.

It seemed unwise to confront an entire pack of wolves though, especially since he was tired. Arrogantly he shrugged off such concerns, deeming that wolves were no threat to him. He continued forward a bit more ambitiously, but hesitated again as he drew nearer to their camp “what am I doing?’ he doubted himself again ‘I have no quarrel with these wolves—they`ve done nothing to me’  he shook his head and growled as he considered that ‘got to stay focused’ he rebuked ‘it`s what mother would have wanted’ he was trying hard to convince himself to take another step, because at that moment he wanted to turn back more. ‘I am a warrior, I am proud’ he thought reassuringly, but just then he heard his mother`s words ‘you must never show weakness’ he growled ‘I`m strong' he thought, 'I`m proud, I`m fearless, I`m Amur’ he considered invigoratingly adding an riled roar as he rushed onward into the heart of the wolves camp and lowered himself to the ground aggressively, showing his teeth in a threatening manner “take me to your leader!” he demanded authoritatively, but held his position and made no advancements on any of the wolves ‘none of you better even think about trying to be a hero either” he warned, glaring around sharply “you`ll all live longer that way”.

Sola had long since slipped away from the group, disappearing for the longest of time. She was now in the forest, grooming her fur on a tree log, her tail flicking rhythmicaly. Interest in the wolves had died when one attacked her. Did I honestly think I belonged there? I'm a tiger, to many will think I'm a threat. Any new wolves... She was unsure what to do. She knew not what was happening, or what had happened, and Sola didn't want to go barging in without knowing. She looked to the sky, a sigh emptying her lungs. "What do I do?" She spoke to the heavens.

Coal was out. cold. Tala had little time to do anything about it though, and now that the pups were safely evacuated, Tala had to focus on the situation at hand. Tala grabbed the wolf by the scruff, she had him, but for only an instant. The rank smelling  wolf had slipped from her grasp with little effort, but it was no wonder; there was barely any meat on him, and it was hard to hold onto him. Tala whipped her head around, and was horrified at what she saw. What is this wolf's problem? She thought, her eyes wide as she watched the renching wolf, and witnessed him become sick all around her. Tala jumped and tried to avoid contact with him. She pulled back quickly, lifting her front paws up and falling on her haunches. He was obviously ill.

However, just when Tala thought she had seen more than her fair share of sickening episodes, the sickly wolf bent over Coal unconcious body. Tala watched him, not knowing what his intentions were exactly, but was horrified to find that this wolf had intended to actually have Coal as a meal! Mixed emotions raged in Tala's head.

Fear. It was an emotion she rarely encountered, but there was something eerie about this repulsive creature that left her cold. Confusion. She couldn't tell if Coal was on Volkov's side or not, but that mattered very little now. Tala hadn't even known if Coal was still alive. All she knew was that she was paralysed. Everything inside her told her to move and defend Coal, to fight off this sick dog. Her muscles tensed, but she couldn't move or even speak. The ill wolf soon was repulsed, and seemed to regret his action. It was soon running off, shouting frantically and running drunkedly towards to the woods.

Tala did all she could to regain mobility. The thought of chasing after the wolf didn't even cross her mind. Instead, she found herself moving towards Coal and examining him. His wounds proved nearly fatal. "Coal!" Tala shouted, her voice still shaky. "Coal, wake up!" she shouted louder, feeling her eyes fill with tears. What am I doing!? she thought, as the mixed emotions continued to swirl He can't hear me, he's unconcious! And why am I crying? Tala felt a single tear trickle down her face and fall to the ground. She felt her heart beating faster, and for whatever reason, she couldn't bring herself to leave Coal's side. She sat next to him, watching him closely to see if she could detect any movement. She found herself praying he would wake up. She looked at him. He was still, and neither stirred nor made a sound. "Wake up, Coal.." she pleaded silently.

Just then, a loud and fearful sound filled the air. First, a roar. It was followed by a clamorous barking. Tala lifted her head slowly to gaze out the cave mouth and towards the skirmish. The wolves had been many, and were huddled so tightly you couldn't see between them. But there was no hiding the massive beast they were trying to keep out. Tala looked, and she felt her heart skip a beat. The voice that sounded from the large mass of an animal was low and full of aggression.

“take me to your leader!” Tala heard the voice say. ‘none of you better even think about trying to be a hero either” he warned, glaring around sharply “you`ll all live longer that way”. Tala let out a snarl, and felt as though she was starting to come back to her senses. She lifted herself to her feet and, leaving Coal as he was, she started towards the monstrous brute. The wolves watched her as she approached. Her face was worn and she almost looked ill. However, she carried herself in a that dismissed any notion of weakness on her part. The wolves parted so that she was now looking directly at the one who had summoned her. Tala fixed her eyes on him. He was no doubt the largest cat she had ever seen, and his yellow eyes were like daggers, his fangs glinting in the moonlight while his dark coat seemed to be partially hidden by the dark. Tala's gaze, however, was no less manacing. She stabbed at him with her eyes, and dug her claws into the soft earth below her paws. "I am Tala, the leader of the Catori Clan." She confirmed, her voice dripping in contempt, as she was thoroughly shaken to her core after witnessing all that took place that day.

Sola heard a roar, one that echoed through the trees. TALA! The wolf’s name shot through her mind and in an instant Sola was racing through the woods. She paused as she came to where commotion was, her heart pounding in her ears. Suddenly, that beating stopped. A large black male tiger was threatening the pack.

Anger coursed through her. Sola didn't know why she was so defensive of this bunch of wolves, but none-the-less, she was. Sola raced the short distance and jumped, her wounds stinging as she did so.

She landed next to Tala, exicuting a perfect landing. As she landed, the extra energy from the impact coiled in her mucels, and she stayed low, a hiss coming from between her teeth.

The male was bigger then herself, as males were. Still, she was no light weight cat. She glanced at Tala, lowering her voice. "Guess I missed out on some stuff, I had some thinking to do. But know, whatever happens, I'm here."

Moon Moon nodded quickly in response to Zelos. He laid his head down and yawned, soon falling asleep.

Hours later, he found himself waking up to the sound of screeching. He raised his head and pricked his ears. He saw a pale, sickly thing, screaming for water. He tilted his head and watched as the thin wolf stopped to vomit a multicolor stream. The wolf didn't even stop to acknowledge the "pack" lying there as he pranced and frolicked the forest, still screaming about water and food. Moon Moon was curious about this thing, and why it was so bent on finding a drink. He stood and started after the very unwolf-like creature. 

Coal felt the dragging stop. His eyes suddenly opened slowly. He was now in a dark closed in area. "A den," he thought. He remembered being in his den with his mother and siblings. Coal looked around. He was still in Catori territory. Over in a corner seemed to be a frightened pup. "Hi little one," said Coal. The pup was too scared to move. "Was it you that saved me?" he asked. The pup shook her head. "Then who did?" asked Coal. "I did, cousin," said a voice. Coal looked behind him and saw a large, gray male wolf. "It's good to see you again, Coal," said the wolf. "Clarence, is that you?" asked Coal. "In the flesh," said Clarence. Coal tried to stand, but Clarence stopped him. "You need to rest," he said. "I've healed your wounds, but you will need time to heal," said Clarence. Just then, a mighty roar shook the forest. Coal recognized it as a tiger's roar. "Who was that?" asked the pup. "Trouble," said Coal and Clarence. "How did the wolves let you by?" asked Coal. "I snuck in during the fray" said Clarence.

It was her--he was standing before the she wolf that had been one of the causes of the Great War; the traitor to Volkov. Small, delicate looking, the she wolf standing before him hardly seemed like leader material to him. He had been conditioned to believe that only power was worthy of leadership, and yet she appeared to command the loyalty of many followers—why was that? It seemed like she would have been easily overthrown; was no one here ambitious? He then realized that he`d allowed such contemplations to break his focus. Keeping his expression intense, her attempts at appearing menacing were lost on him. “You will be coming with me” he demanded unswervingly “that`s not a request” he added compellingly “and if you resist—well I think you know what will happen...” he declared warningly; with that, he straightened up and took a few steps toward her, but just then another tiger threw itself into the fray ‘so a tigress has allied herself with these wolves’ he thought disparagingly ‘great’ he was now disturbed as he had hoped to avoid any fighting, and this tigress looked nothing if not ready to throw down.

It had seemed too undemanding up to that point, he realized that he should have known better then that; like he could just walk into the infamous Catori pack and stroll out with their leader. What was he thinking? He had allowed the idea of gaining accolades from Volkov to cloud his judgment. ‘Mercy is for the weak’ those words tore through his mind, “what am I doing here?” the doubt forced itself back into his conscious, but this time it only managed to make him angrier ‘I will not be weak!’ he barred his teeth, before leaping sideways without warning and grabbing one of the wolves that was standing around, trapping it beneath his paws, he placed his mouth close to the wolves throat, as he stared defiantly into the tigress`s eyes “try anything, and this one dies!” he growled as the frightened, pinned down wolf lashed about frantically trying to free itself. He had no intention of killing the wolf however, as he had grown tired of killing--so very tired.

He hoped that the tigress wouldn’t call his bluff as he was exhausted and sooner ready to lie down and rest then fight. Though he attempted to suppress his fatigue, his sides caving with every breath betrayed his condition. For some reason, even though it was foolhardy, he felt compelled to retrieve Tala, and he didn`t want to leave without her ‘Not again—I won`t fail again’ he thought distraughtly, envisioning his parents whose memories mocked him without end ‘not again’. 

Sola growled, thought racing through her mind. Many of them extremely unwanted. Kill him! Screamed her forefront reasoning. He is with Volkov! Kill him! Kill him!

But as with everyone, there were to sides to her mind. The other one spoke softer, using reason against the other. Sola, don't be a fool. You have seen what Volkov has done, do you really think you and a pack of wolves could fight him? He stole your parents from you, they betrayed their own child to follow him. It is spring time, and you are past the age of a mate. Join Volkov's side and survive this ever-changing world. This male is black, rarest of all. He is well built, muscular, in his prime...

NO! Sola fought back the repulsive thought internally. Her eyes narrowed at the male. "Go ahead. Harm that wolf, I just dare you to. Give me reason to rip out your throat and shred your skin. I don't think your a fool..." She hissed, "or maybe you are. A fight with me is not what you want. If I were you, I wouldn't exactly provoke a tiger who..." she gulped back a sob, choking as memories rushed to the forefront of her mind.

Sola stood in the midst of snow as more cam tumbling down like ashes onto the ground and become clung in her fur. Sola felt the grief tearing her apart and she looked at the bloodstained snow. No no no no... I didn't her thoughts tried every reason not to believe it, but she knew better. The blood staining her paws burned. It was freash, she traced the red to the mounds of orange fur in the the snow, already half buried by the oncoming snow...

"Who killed her own parents."

Tala watched the massive brute of a tiger closely, a fire burning within her chest. Her mind was worn out completely, and was fogged by images she wished she could forget, but which she knew would never go away. If only she'd have known the morning before that the day ahead would bring chaos into her lands, into her home, and upon her family. The day had proven to do more than that though. It brought a change in her. The young she-wolf, who was always prone to side with reason, was starting to put reasoning aside, and allow instinct to take over.

Tala felt her muscles tense, and her lips parted as a growl rose from somewhere deep within her. She was in no condition to fight, yet the adrenaline coursing through her veins sent a charge of energy throughout her being, allowing her to believe she could take this creature on.Her eyes locked on target, and suddenly countless possibilities flashed before her mind's eyes. Angles at which she could attack, counter attacks she could use to retaliate against any sudden strikes.

Tala felt Sola appear by her side, and heard her words. However, Tala just watched the large black cat, as he seemed to order her compliance. However, she knew that giving in was not possible, and she would go down fighting if she needed to. She chuckled, a smirk on her face. The Tiger appeared conflicted, and tired as well, and Tala could see right through him. In his eyes, a look of desperation; but desperation for what? Did he really want her so badly? Did he really want to please Volkov by taking her, or was he striving for some higher goal.

As thoughts clouded her mind, and the tension in the air grew thicker, Tala saw the tiger's eyes shift from her to a wolf standing nearby. Her heart skipped a beat, and she let out a bark in distress as she watched the tiger leap without warning, and come falling on top of the other wolf. “try anything, and this one dies!” He said, watching Sola, as he apparently found her presence threatening. It was a desperate move, but Tala was no less alarmed by it. Sola threatened the big cat, and Tala kept her eyes in the wolf who was wrestling to break free.


"..I wouldn't exactly provoke a tiger who..." Sola continued, "Who killed her own parents."

A silence overcame the others, as Sola threatened the large tiger. Tala looked momentarily back at Sola, a look of shock in her eyes. She turned back to watch the Black Cat. His sides moved heavily, and Tala noted this. She looked back at the other wolves, then Sola, then the wolf who had been pinned. She stepped in front of Sola, and locked eyes with the brute. "I won't be going anywhere with you. But you better let him go, or you will be sorry." She barked, her tone leaving no room for doubt of her words. She knew that the odds were against him, and though he were big, he looked tired. Tala knew she had the high ground here, and watched the cat's eyes as they seemed to be full of confusion and compressed rage.

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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