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Coal looked about a hill. Birds were flying. Elk were grazing. He even saw a crafty little fox trick a crow out of holding a nut. Coal was then joined by Keisha. "What are you doing up here by yourself?" she asked. "Just thinking," said Coal. "About?" asked Keisha. Coal looked at her. "Someone I really care about," he said. "Coal, I'm flattered, but as you can see I'm with pups," said Keisha. "Not you. You're my cousin-in-law. I'm talking about another she-wolf," said Coal. "Who is she?" asked Keisha. "Alpha of the Catori Pack," said Coal. Keisha gasped. "Tala? Oh you two would make a wonderful pair," said Keisha. Coal smiled. "Both of you have alpha rights," said Keisha. Coal looked at her. "I have alpha rights?" asked Coal. "Yes. If you were grown when your father died, you would've became alpha male of the Racers pack," said Keisha. Coal shrugged. "I'm too abbrassive to be an alpha," said Coal. "I'm sure Tala thinks otherwise," said Keisha. "Tala probaly thinks I'm my uncle's shadow," said Coal.

Riley blood raced through his veins, carrying adrenaline to his muscles. He loved the hunt, the chase. Killing was the last step, no... He loved the rush as you chased the prey. The fright in their eyes as the stared at death. He loved the demented torture in his prey's eyes.

He plunged into the trees, feeling the need to bark and yip. But control reeled him back, he stayed silent. Death was silent, and nothing frightened more than death... Except for love.

But the was a contemplation for later. The real thing the separated Riley from Volkov. Regardless, Riley finally reached a clearing where a lion stood in a defensive stance. Riley locked his paws, skidding to a halt as dust flew up behind him. Jo-jo and Haunt came to a halt next to him, their eyes bright with the joy the were experiencing.

Amateurs. This isn't fun... yet. This is mildly amusing. Riley smiled, but it wasn't a friendly one. It was one of mischief and mayhem. "Well, your no fun are you? Most of them run. But I guess we'll just have to be more creative." Riley laughed. Jo-jo and Haunt growled and began circling both Riley and the lion. Orth... whatever him name was. They knew better than to attack without Riley's orders. They knew better than to face those consequences.

Orpheus stood his ground, watching with great focus as the meddling trio of dogs raced towards him, and came to a skidding halt. The one at the front of the pack was no doubt the leader, and he was wearing a smug look on his face. Orpheus didn't like the look of him, and his cockyness deeply agitated him. "Who does this misguided pup think he is?" he thought to himself with contempt. "Surely they've got something coming if they think they are gonna pick a fight with me." The wolf came closer, and the others began to circle around the two of them, boxing them in. Orpheus peeked at them from the corner of his eyes, growing tense.

The two drooling animals were no doubt demented, watching him as if he were some toy that was being waved over their heads. They focused on him, their tongues hanging out of their mouths, not daring to touch him but apparently struggling to hold themselves back from giving into the temptation that stood before them. Orpheus realeased a gutteral and angry groan. He realized they wouldn't make a move unless their master gave the word first.

Fixing his eyes on the leader, Orpheus scoffed and narrowed his eyes "And who are you," he started, sneaking another glance at the other wolves who were inching closer and closer "Some sorta self-proclaimed leader of a ragtag team of mutts?" His tail flicked behind him, snapping one of the wolves in the nose with a crack. Orpheus fought himself for restraint. He was young, but at his size he was more than capable of defending himself against a small trio of wolves.

The temptation to let loose and attack was there, and it was strong. Oh, how he wanted to, but he had to remember what was at stake. He hadn't put up with months of aggrivation, pent up rage, and silent obedience to Volkov's commands just to cave now. They were no more than a bunch of misfits, a gang of troublemakers, hardly worth his time or energy. A fight was just what they wanted, and Orpheus wasn't about to allow them the pleasure.

In times like these, Orpheus learned that it was best to just lay low. He stood up tall, and looked down at the wolf before him, his eyes showing little sign of emotion, his face like stone. "Listen, I have more important things to do than entertain a bunch of wet-nosed tail chasers." He scoffed, becoming annoyed. Looking the leader straight in the eyes, he moved towards him slowly, carefully, applying every ounce of self-discipline just to keep himself from locking his jaws on him. "Step aside." he hissed, his voice dripping in contempt as his patience was wearing thin.

Squeeky sat down, listening to the birds songs. She heard Zelos say that he was going back to the hill, and that he could be back, or not. Squeeky didn't know if she would stay near the trees, or follow him. Squeeky ran to the trees, and climbed up as high as she could. Then she realized, that Moon Moon and Sparky was gone. "Wait, where is the wolf? And Sparky?" she thought. Squeeky looked around, but she couldn't see them. "Oh, I hope they are okay" she told herself.

Squeeky jumped from tree to tree, checking if she was alone there. She hoped she was alone, but still she wanted some company. That wouldn't eat her, of course. 
"I'm sure Tala thinks better of you," said Keisha. "The whole forest is still talking about the ones who escaped Volkov's grasp," she said. "Your name is still going around as 'The Wolf Who Refused Volkov'," said Keisha. Coal looked back at the herd of elk. "Tala was also a wolf who turned down Volkov," said Coal. "She betrayed him, which was the smart thing to do," said Keisha. "If she was still with Volkov, would you still be in love with her?" asked Keisha. Coal looked back at Keisha. "Yes," he said. "Then there you go," said Keisha. "You are truly in love," she said. Coal smiled. "Ooh," said Keisha. "What?" asked Coal. "The pups moved," she said. She turned to go. Suddenly, Keisha crouched in pain. "Coal, my water broke," she cried. Coal was shocked. "Clarence!" he howled.. Coal was at Keisha's side. He helped her back to her feet as Clarence came running with four other wolves. They all helped Keisha to the den. Clarence turned to Coal. "I'm going to be a father," he said. "In this time of war," he said.
After a time, Kojo`s eyes opened, he had a detached look about him, having forced his reservations back to the depths of his awareness once more for the time being, he didn`t feel angry, miserable or confused any longer—he felt nothing. It was mentally draining to persist in grappling with his emotions all the time, something had to give, and soon. 
He stared back in the direction of camp, figuring it was time to return, he`d been away long enough. An idea had struck him while he was busy faultily soul searching. He was tired of clawing his way up the ranks, working tooth and nail day in and day out for little reward. He wanted more; because he knew his parents had been significantly more ambitious than he. They had desired not to follow, but to lead. They had failed to reach that lofty goal; he decided that he wouldn`t. His parents had always told him that those of the Amur classification where born exceptional, more noble then others, better than others, stronger and that it was the destiny of the proud lineage of Amur to prove their superiority by rising up to lead all the others, to stand above them, greater—better. Yet he was following orders day in and day out, rarely being permitted to make his own decisions. He conjectured that the only way to free himself of the unbearable grips of his past would be to finish what his parents started, to make good on his promise, and then he could finally be free of the endlessly disparaging presence of his parents. However, he knew he couldn`t oust Volkov by himself, those he kept around him were strong and fiercely fanatical of his dominion. He shuddered as he thought about what might happen to him if he were to utter a single word to anyone in the ranks regarding such a treasonous proposal. He’d have to consider an alternate strategy; there was no trusting anyone at camp just as simple as that. It was well known that the whole lot of them was backstabbers and would sell anyone down the river without a moment’s hesitation if they could benefit from doing so in some way; which they most assuredly could as turning over a traitor merited an immediate promotion.
It was obvious that there would be no recruiting anyone to stage a coup. The lack of options available to him was frustrating to say the least for the moment he`d remain committed to Volkov, but not for too much longer, but before he could ponder that notion any deeper, a commotion drew him out of his contemplations, there were voices so near the borders of Volkov`s territory, he felt obligated to look into it, thinking some of Tala`s ilk may have been foolish enough wander in.
Once closer he observed a group of wolves harassing a lion, he kept out of sight, taking the time to get a good look at them all; trying to determine if they were among Volkov`s ranks or not. The wolves he recognized almost immediately it was Riley and his gang. Riley`s reputation preceded him, he was known for causing trouble, and was amid the highest ranking individuals in Volkov`s militia--amongst the elite, and known for being absolutely ruthless, not one to be taken lightly for sure. He didn`t recognize the lion, it could be that he was a lower ranking individual from a different camp, or maybe it was that he was being confronted because he wasn`t one of them at all. Though the mud on his paws and the stench of swamp emanating from him spoke otherwise; it was obvious that he had been inside the boundaries of the territory; nowhere else could one become so steeped in that squalid odor. If the lion was one of them then it begged the question as to why Riley was harassing him, Volkov did not tolerate unruly fighting amongst his ranks, he demanded a higher level of order than that. He felt like he should step in and enforce Volkov`s law, it was his job to do so after all.
Kojo was too mentality exhausted to spend any more time thinking it over, he simply acted instead; jumping out of the underbrush into plain view forebodingly “what is going on here!?” he demanded insubordinately considering that Riley outranked him, and he knew it, he also knew he could be stepping out of line to question the motives of one who outranked him, but he didn`t care; he was too irritated to be concerned, it wasn`t like Riley had the authority to take his life or anything.  He glanced from the lion to Riley and back again, “cares to explain the situation to me?” he queried Riley composedly, “what is your quarrel with this lion?” he asked boldly “is he not one of us?” he paused “are you acting within regulations I wonder?” he thought aloud obstinately, though he could tell be their body language and that of the lion that they were not. He would not tolerate needless violence among the ranks; they were supposed to be allies after all. It was best to save hostilities for the other side by his logic “this is unacceptable” he growled, staring them all down critically “stand down”. 

Riley's head whipped around to face the new-comer, his fur bristling slightly in defense. Ager seared through him, who dare interrupt him? But he couldn't take on two cats, one was hard enough if you weren't careful. Riley sat down, watching with burning eyes. He recognized this cat, Kojo, for it was one of the one Riley had selected for his... project. He had been keeping an eye on the cat to see how much potential he had.

Riley flashed a smile, one that wasn't friendly, at Kojo. "Why, we're just having some good natured fun. We we're just... kidding around, you know? We wanted to make sure..." Riley strained to remember his name. "Orpheus here was alert and ready, naturally."

Riley's eyes narrowed here. He wasn't one to be trifled with, and he knew enough about Kojo to get under his skin. "Besides, Kojo, who are you to question me? In case you haven’t forgotten, I outrank you, giving you know right to question my priorities." He laughed. "But that’s always how it has been hasn't it? Failing to do the most simple task, even your father knew you lacked the raw skill and talent of your brothers, and smarts apparently. Anyways, last I heard, you were out to bring in Tala's pelt as a offering to Volkov, but you couldn't even take a few wolves, so I don't think you have a right to challenge me cat." Riley let out a growl, watching Kojo for any sign of weakness. Joj-jo and Haunt watched with steady gazes, keeping Orpheus boxed in incase a fight did break out.

Kojo was unmoved by Riley`s passive aggressive smile, given his present mental exhaustion Riley`s answer would have satisfied him, and he was ready to leave at that. He didn`t believe Riley of course; it was obvious that he wasn`t just kidding around, but at the same time he was too distracted by his own contemplations to waste his time arguing. “Well I think it`s probably best for you to return to your own camp now don`t you think?” he said simply, his tone rebellious and carrying an air of rigidity.  He was in no state of mind for games, and struggled to keep his conflicting emotions suppressed.  He started to turn and leave having spoken his peace, but then Riley had to take it too far.

Rileys words struck him like a ton of bricks, catching him wholly off guard, his pupils shank and his muscles tensed, as he stared right into Riley`s eyes looking shocked. His composure collapsed all at once “that’s—that`s” he stuttered seemingly at a loss for words, offering a glimpse of the vulnerability he incessantly suffered. He winced as if in pain, seeing his father and brothers derisive faces all around him, mocking him. Reaiizing that he had allowed his compuser to slip, he shook his head vehemently, forcing those feelings of inadequacy to the back of his mind once more; “that`s in the past”, he insisted suddenly, forcing those words out, as his expression turned bitter. It took every ounce of restraint he could muster to keep from lashing out just then. The anger was back with a vengeance, but he didn`t desire lashing out at Riley, who outranked him. There was just too much at risk, his very station in Volkov`s militia could be at stake. He was sharp enough to realize that Riley was trying to provoke him into hostility, and he refused to take the bait steadfastly.

He changed the subject promptly “Tala has a pack” he countered brusquely “on the other hand you look much more like just a few wolfs to me” he stated astutely “maybe it`s you who have no right to challenge me” he growled insubordinately, never unlocking eyes with Riley.  Suffering a defeat at the paws of the Catori clan had been a sizeable enough blow to his pride, he wasn`t about to stand around and suffer a blow to his worth as well. “Leave, before I decide to sharpen my claws on you” he demanded, narrowing his eyes as his claws cut into the earth beneath him. Despite his better judgment telling him to just let it go and walk away. Riley had no idea of the kind of impulses he had caused to stir within Kojo, who had already resolved to prove himself at any cost. He believed that Riley wouldn`t be foolish enough to challenge him and would depart without inciting any further grief, but he couldn`t help but feel that somehow Riley wasn`t the type to simply walk away. The guy seemed to live for discord. Kojo didn`t desire to fight, but he was ready to defend himself if necessary.

Lacewing, as usual, was wandering. She knew that Volkolv's creatures were very near, but she was confident that they wouldn't be able to detect her. Although the white snow in which her fur blended in with so beautifully had long since melted, Lacewing herself was not without change. She had grown taller and stronger during the harsh winter, no longer the lonely, vulnerable she-wolf she was before. Her fur was a slippery, subtle sort of gray, making her seem ethereal. Her only solid feature were her eyes, but they too, had turned. Instead of the former flaming amber, her eyes were a rich shade of green. She was a creature of the land. She was the land.

Her ears perked. She had heard voices not far off, and soon came across the recent trail of three wolves. The scent was rancid and sour, causing her to blow out forcefully. Deciding to follow the trail, she wasn't at all surprised when she saw three wolves facing off with two big cats. She recognized one of the wolves as Riley, a notorious wolf known for his utter loyalty to Volkov. Sneering distgustedly at the presence of such a wolf, she settled down behind the screen of bushes and waited, her eyes eager.

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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