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Coal was surprised at the female's sudden outburst. He wanted to release his anger, to show her who he really was. Coal had the looks and attitude of an alpha male, but never really became an alpha. He had the heart of a Fighter wolf. Coal couldn't lash out though. This was a female. Males aren't supposed to attack females. He watched her leave. He then looked back at her father. "So, you're her father, huh?" asked Coal. The other wolf nodded. "Ah. What's your daughter's name?" asked Coal. "Tala," said the wolf. "She takes after her mother," said the wolf. Coal chuckled. "So you're really the nephew of Volkov?" asked the wolf. "Yes," said Coal. "I've tried many of times to kill myself, but somehow I survived every experience," said Coal. "No son," said the wolf. "You keep on living," he said. "You have to do something about this," said the wolf. "Are you saying I need to try and make people believe that I'm not like Volkov?" asked Coal. The wolf nodded. Coal shook his head. "It's not that easy," he said. "I look just like him for elk sate," said Coal. "I can't just rewrite the past," said Coal. "But you can," said Tala's father. "What is your name?" he asked. "Coal," said Coal. Tala's father froze. "THE Coal?" he asked. "Yes," said Coal. "Son do you realize that you're wanted by a group of tigers that want every single family member of Volkov dead?" asked Tala's father. Coal was taken back. His ears went flat. "Why?" asked Coal. "Because of Volkov!" yelled Tala's father. Coal couldn't believe his ears. His whole family was wanted dead, thanks to Volkov. Coal shook himself. This wasn't good. "Where are the tigers?" asked Coal. "South of here, but they will be here in three days," said Tala's father. Coal growled. "I have to go," said Coal. "No, you stay, eat, and sleep in this territory until it's safe to leave," said Tala's father. Coal nodded. He then looked up at the sky. "Curse you Volkov," he said.

Firefly listened intently at the conversation between Coal and Tala's father. "Kai, he's not Volkov! Maybe he can tell us something. Maybe he has stories like Sola!" Her tail wagged slightly. Kai nodded, and poked his head out of the bush. Firefly did the same, then ran out. "Hi there!" she shouted. Kai facepawed and walked out of the bush. Firefly sniffed Coal. "Whoa, Kai, check it out! He smells weird!" She backed away from Coal, now feeling embarassed. "Sorry...I'm Firefly! And you're Coal! I mean, I don't know who you are..." she grinned, and Kai sighed slightly, keeping away from the black wolf.

Tala ran towards the direction from which the sound came, and it didn't take long for her to find the source. On the top of a hill just up ahead, a colt was watching the scene below. Tala looked over and saw Sola, but was surprised to see yet another tiger facing off with her. Tala stopped. She watched Sola, who was bearing her fangs at the other tiger, who was equally, if not significantly more, agitated. Tala figured it wouldn't be smart just to run head-on into an impending battle between two infuriated tigers. Tala watched, and seeing that Sola was holding her ground, she made a quick decision.

Tala ran back towards the pack. She figured she could rally up a good group of wolves to help aid Sola if a fight were to break out. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that. But Tala nonetheless always aired on the side of caution. It was something she learned to do overtime. Her paws hit the earth softly, yet she moved swiftly towards the camp. Turning the corner around the brush, Tala could see Firefly wagging her tail. She was talking to someone, and had that look of bubbly intrigue about her. Tala felt her heart skip when she noticed she was talking to Coal.


"Firefly!" She shouted, running up to her and getting between her and Coal. She turned her neck and looked back at Firefly, a concerned look on her face. "I thought I told you to stay in the den!" Tala looked at Coal. She searched him, and he appeared to look a little confused by her abrasiveness and alarm. Tala noticed her father was standing nearby, and appeared to have been conversing with Coal. He seemed to trust him, and so did Firefly. Tala let out a sigh. Looking Coal directly in the eyes, and getting right in his face, she seemed to be analysing him. She still didn't trust him, but she decided she would give him a chance. "What do you want? What are you doing here?" She questioned him, her tone a little less harsh, but still authoratative. She circled him. Tala's father caught her attention briefly. "Is Sola alright?" he asked. Tala stopped. "There's another tiger out there, and Sola is trying to fend her off. I came back to rally the wolves." She said, her face serious.

Firefly whipped around, facing Tala. "Oh no! in a fight?" Her ears went back. "We need to help her! What if..." She sighed, dropping off her sentence. "C'mon, Kai." She nudged her friend, but he didn't move. "I'll be there in a minute. Go to bed, Firefly. I shouldn't have dragged you out here for a conflict of mine." Firefly nodded, and ran back to the den. Kai looked at Tala and her father. "Please, can I ask Coal a question? It has to do with my family." His green eyes were filled with tears. "I need to ask him something about Volkov."

Sparky strolled through the woods. He heard growling, and began to walk in the general direction of the noise. He reached the source of the noise and found two large tigers. His tail rose up, then whacked the ground. He tried to think as to what was happening. "Eh, them tigers are having a fight. Dumb creatures." He muttered to himself. Slowly, he walked backwards, trying not to alert the tigers to his whereabouts. After that, he was on his way.


Of course, he had to stumble upon a black wolf that was the spitting image of Volkov. Sparky's eyes widened, his heart skipped a beat. He ran to the creek and began digging a hole, practically shaking with fear. "No, no, not Volkov, not again. Got an army with him this time, of wolves, scent trackers...I'm dead..."

Coal growled as all of them surrounded him. He backed back a bit and then walked forward when he saw Tala enter the scene. "I am here searching for a mate," said Coal. "I have no home," he said. "My parents were killed in battle, my siblings were slain at birth," said Coal. "I was the only one that survived into an adult," said Coal. He then heard the sound of roaring. He feared it was the tiger group searching for him. Coal didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay and be with Tala. Of course he couldn't tell her that just yet. "I don't mean to be a burden but would it be alright for me to sleep here for the night?" he asked. "I really need a place to sleep," said Coal. He looked at the little pup and smiled, remembering when he was a pup. The pup was filled with energy. Coal looked back at Tala. "Well?" he asked.

Tala looked over at Coal, fire in her eyes. She didn't say anything however because she wanted to give him a fair chance to explain himself. He opened his mouth to speak, and the words that came out surprised her. "I am here searching for a mate.." He said. The words rang in Tala's ears and filled her head like a bad song. She remembered the way he looked at her the first time he introduced himself so unceremoniously. She felt her face get hot, and her ears dropped in embarrasment. She realized now what he was all about. However, instead of making a scene, Tala acted as if she never even heard him say it. What she hated to admit was that at first glance, she was almost charmed by him. But how could she be, when he looked so much that monster! She shook her head, and sized him up. Then thinking for a brief moment, she spoke. "You want a place to stay? Then you can work for it by helping us aid our friend." She said with a slight smirk and a twinkle in her eye. "You look sturdy enough. You should be fine." Then with a flick of her tail, she began to circle him again. "You don't mind tigers" she said in a teasing voice "Do ya?" She chuckled under her breath. This might be fun after all she thought to herself.

Coal watched as Tala circled him. He noticed how her face got hot and ears dropped as he mentioned searching for a mate. "Of course I can be of assistance," said Coal. "I am a Fighter wolf after all," he said. Coal flicked his tail and brushed by Tala in a gentle way and then stopped. "I can hear them," said Coal. "Two tigers going head to head," he said. He looked back at Tala. "Watch me work," he said. With a growl, Coal leapt forward and dashed through the trees towards the fighting cats. As he arrived, he saw the brawling felines. "Stop! Enough!" yelled Coal. And with a savage snarl, he leapt forward and tackled one of the tigers. "This is not acceptable," said Coal. He released the tiget and then growled at the other tiger. "Be on your way," growled Coal.
Squeeky had been listening all the time. "Volkov? Oh no...that's not good", she thought. Squeeky watched Coal carefully. Coal suddenly began to run, and Squeeky thought that he was going to attack her, but luckily, he ran past her tree. "That was close...I really need to move" she said to herself.

Squeeky noticed some footprints from an otter, and being a very curious squirrel, she decided to follow. Squeeky came up to a hole, and the footprints ended there. She took a deep breath, and looked down into the hole. Her tail twitched. There was the otter, shaking. "Hey there buddy! Whats the matter? You look like you seen Volkov!" Squeeky slowly crept down the hole, waiting for an answer from the otter.

Sola hissed at this new comer. "And you expect me to back down from some snot-nosed know it all? This is my territory, I deem it so. back down."A flashback passed across Sola.

The once blinding white snow was now a dark maroon, stained by the blood. Wind whipped around Sola, tugging her fur and washing it free of the smell of death. But the breeze could not rid her of the blood staining her paws and soul...

Sola growled, chasing the memory away. She repeated the last line she said, her fangs barred. "This is my territory, so back down or fight." she punctuated each word forcefully. 

Kai sat there, irritated he had been ignored. Slowly, he walked after Firefly. His tail was drooped, his head was hung. If Coal knew anything about Volkov, he wouldn't share it with some shy little pup. ~"This is what you get, little one. Your father wouldn't stand by me, so I'm sure your brothers and sisters wouldn't. But you are different." A young Kai looked at the giant, black wolf, trembling in fear. "You are more pitiful then they were. How you cower in the face of death! Ha!" The giant wolf turned around, laughing his way out of the den.~ Kai walked into the den, ears back.
Poe was not interested in wasting her energy on this by passer. While the cat's arrogance deeply irritated her, she applied her years of training in self discipline, held back her claws and suppressed the roar she so badly wished to release. Her tail flicked, as if trying to swat the rage away. "Listen, I don't care if this is your territory, the wolves' territory, or squirrels territory! For all I care, keep it. I'm not staying, I'm just about to catch myself some lunch and be on my way" she said, attempting to sound calm and cool but it wasn't fooling anyone. She grew tense "So if you could just get out of my way, I'll get back to my hunt now!" She said, when suddenly a black wolf sprung out of nowhere and jumped her. Poe held her ground, her feet planted firmly on the ground. She was much bigger than the wolf. She struggled as he held onto her back, but she soon was able to catch him by the scruff with her teeth and throw him off. She growled in a rage, but when she took another look at him, her eyes grew wide. She remembered the winter war, as the sight of the wolf brought the all too horrific memory back to her mind. Poe let out a deep and angry roar that would be heard for miles. She charged at the wolf and pinned him to the ground, her jaws snapping in his face as she practically spit the words "Murderer!" At him. His face was the face of the enemy.
Coal was surprised when the tiger he jumped on suddenly pinned him down. "Murderer!" the tiger roared. Coal growled. "I am not who you think I am!" yelled Coal. "I am Coal the Fighter wolf and I am here to rid the name of my uncle Volkov!" snarled the big, black wolf. Coal leapt at the tiger's face, tackling him. Coal ripped at the tiger's chest and stomach and then, with surprising strength, threw the tiger towards a tree. "I am stronger than my uncle," said Coal. "Volkov is not a kind fellow," he said. "Let it be heard that from this day on, I am no longer related to Volkov!" yelled Coal. He then turned to the other tiger. "You might want to think twice before attacking me, feline," growled Coal, his tail curved into the air. He was bristling with his ears laid flat against his head. His fangs were showing as a growl emerged. Coal looked like an alpha male.

Zelos had become displeased when a black wolf abruptly arrived on the scene before him, he was sure that the stranger would interrupt the tigers, and there would be no fight after all. He swished his tail edgily ‘it`ll ruin everything’ he thought resentfully, deeming he may have wasted all that time and risked his live for naught. With both wolves and tigers so close by he started feeling uneasy, and his instincts continued to warn him away from there. He resolved to take the wolves unexpected arrival as a sign to make tracks, but just as he was about to turn and leave—a fight broke out below. Not between the tigers as he had anticipated, but between one of the tigers and the black wolf. Once again he found himself mindlessly drawn to it; powerless to look away. 

The otter had regained himself, beginning to walk away. Sparky rolled his eyes as he heard more growling. "Not these tigers again, they need someone intelligent to help them, yep. They won't eat me, no, I'm all bones." He walked back to the general area of the fighting, and saw a black wolf in the mix.



"Volkov." Growled Sparky, rising up on his back legs for a better look. "My my, if it isn't Volkov." He muttered. The hair raised up on his back when a bit of wind blew, bringing his scent down towards the menacing wolf. "Ach, stupid wind, blowing my scent to them tigers and that Volkov." he muttered, laying low.

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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