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Poe watched from behind the curtains as the strange scene played before her. The tension was at it's peak, the fight had reached it's climax, and now that all the players were emotionally and physically exhausted, there seemed to be nowhere to go but down. The male wobbled, fighting with his remaining strength to conceal what was unfortunately obvious, and that was that he had lost this battle. All in vain. His legs buckled and his expression began to fade to one of utter exhaustion and defeat, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head before he came crashing down like a crumbling, stone wall, the collapse of which left the others free to roam.

His unconscious body lay heaped upon the earth; he was a mountain of a creature. The other's just stared in confusion, including Poe, from where she stood. She was experiencing growing confliction, a tidal waves of emotions which were washing over her, and raking her in with the undertow. Poe couldn't pry her attention away from the sleeping beast, and she was seriously conflicted, unable to decode these feelings that the sight of him awakened in her. It was half pity and empathy, and half mind numbing fear. She wanted to turn and run, as if by doing so, she would be running from her past, from the pain and shame and disappointment. She wanted to run for safety.

But, how could she? She was strangely drawn to this cat, as if he were a living mirror and she was staring straight into her own reflection. Poe saw in him all of her, and she was intrigued by this. 'What if..' she thought to herself. What if. It was a haunting question. What if she were to help him, what if she could save him and somehow set him free. Could she, by doing so, free herself as well? He was the only remaining link to her past, and maybe she could somehow finally move on..and stop living in the past, if she could show him how to move along.

It was a crazy thought, in fact, it made no sense, but to Poe, it was as if he were the wounded part of her, the part of her that everyone had always rejected and the part she too had grown to hate. Poe's mind suddenly felt like it was about to explode. She didn't want to think anymore. Thinking was too much of an effort for her, and exhausted her. She needed to act, on something, anything..

Poe kept her eyes on him, feeling her paws slowly begin to lift off the ground and carry her forward. She felt her heart rate rapidly increase, adrenaline rushing. She was captivated by what she thought could be a means to her cure. But..

'Wait, stop..'

Poe froze up all at once. Her limbs locked and prevented her from moving any further. Her eyes dilated, as now the tigress somehow managed to capture her attention, breaking her concentration. The wounded cat rushed to the black male with purpose and drive, and ferocity. She had turned on the others, and was standing over the black tiger. She stared down the others, threatening them, should they make a move towards the fallen foe.

Now, the next feeling Poe would experience would prove almost unbearable. Her amber eyes followed the tigress, who layed down close to the seemingly lifeless beast. It affectionatley drew closer until she could whisper in his ear. Even though the other cat was clearly out cold, it didn't stop the love lorn tigress from showering him with tenderness.

Poe felt her heart crack, and shatter. She took a step back, her ears flattening against her skull and her tail hanging somberly between her legs. 'I-I don't understand..' she thought, as her heart began to sink into despair. 'How could a creature who has wounded her so, who has taken so many lives, merit such affection and acceptance?" The last word echoed in her mind. Love. Why was it that something that seemed to be a birth right was denied to her alone? No one, not even her own parents had ever shown her even the faintest sign of it, even in her short lived accomplishments. No creature had ever cared to get to know her enough to even give themselves the chance to feel any similar form of what this tigress obviously felt towards the black cat.

Poe felt her eyes well up with tears. They fell freely from her eyes, and seemed to be scratching against her fur like knives. The pain was all too real, and she was overcome with a feeling of unbearable lonliness, similar to that which she felt around her parents. Meantime, the tigress and the black cat laid huddled together. He had someone there for him, no matter what he did from that moment on, he would have someone there for him who would support him and fight for him. Love him.

Poe watched from behind the scenes, feeling the fool for even thinking she could become a part of the play that she had been watching, or take advantage of what lessons it had to offer. The players lived in there own world, and she was a mere spectator, looking in on them from the outside; always the outside. Things like love and frienship and family--these belonged to their world, not hers, and though she would forever search for the answer as to what it was she did wrong to deserve such a fate, she had to accept it. 'What is wrong with me? Why don't I seem to belong? Can no one see the good in me, or how hard I try? Why do I even try. It isn't impressing anyone. Is there nothing about me that's worth saving? Worth..loving?' The questions grew louder and louder, but were only drowned out by the voices of condemnation she had fought for so long to drive out. But they were back again, and worse than ever before. 'Just give up Poe. You don't even know how to love. You just push everyone out. Every time. You don't really care about anyone, you just want to satisy your own longing for acceptance. Selfish, Insolent thing! Get over yourself.' The thoughts fought for control over her, and Poe, for the first time, gave into their torment without a fight.
Coal watched as the tiger fell to the ground. Sola was at his side in an instant. Coal sneezed and then walked off. Clarence followed. "And where do you think you're going?" he asked. "Away from this territory," said Coal. "Why?" asked Clarence. "You're the one that said we had to leave," said Coal. "Ooh, right," said Clarence. "Wait, why do we have to go?" asked Coal. "Because, you need to eat, drink, rest, and protection of a pack," said Clarence. "I can handle myself," said Coal. "Have you eaten?" asked Clarence. "I killed a deer yesterday," said Coal. "Still, you need a pack," said Clarence. "And a mate," said Coal. "I have some potential females in my pack," said Clarence. "I don't want them," said Coal. "Who then?" asked Clarence. Coal shook his head and then looked at Tala. Clarence followed his gaze. "Oh I see. You want HER," he said. Coal growled and flicked his tail. "Well then ask if you can stay here when we get back," said Clarence. "Where are we going?" asked Coal. "To plan a seige on Volkov."

Kojo was entirely unaware of his surroundings. His exhausted mind sent him spiraling down into the depths of his worse nightmares, dragging him back to a time at the beginning of the war. A time when innocence still existed in his heart, before he had surrendered his will to his parent’s desires, a time when he was still able to question his post in life, because he hadn`t cast himself aside… a time he longed to forget so his torment would cease…he longed categorically to live up to his parents expectations and his brothers repute.

The earth was stained crimson with the blood of countless tigers, a fatal confrontation had taken place thereA tiger cub lay sprawled out on the ground grimly injured surrounded by the carcasses of her own family, looking up into the pitiless eyes of a massive Amur tiger as if staring right through him into the depths of his cold heart. The tiger`s name was dreaded throughout the land; his name was Radiance. His fur was the brightest of white, adorned liberally with stark black stripes, and stained indiscriminately crimson. The cub was of the Bengal kind, and had received her grave injury from the merciless creature standing before her--she had watched her entire family die by his claws. She was quite young, no more than a couple of seasons living in the world. Radiance stepped aside, as though he would grant the innocent youngster mercy…not so.

“Kojo” he demanded Kojo`s attention “Kill this” he indicated the horror-stricken cub laying in the grass, too hurt and scared to move. Kojo attempting to suppress his own horror regarding such a order, proceeded to the cubs location obediently, but upon looking into the eyes of the cub and seeing the guiltless fright there in; he locked up on the spot. The look of sheer dread plastered on the cub’s countenance was only matched by the horror etched into his own expression. “I—I can`t” he whispered after a moment appalled, stuttering through distress; arrested by the magnitude of his father’s cruel decree. He hid his face, so his father wouldn`t see the emotion. His father’s self satisfied grin promptly morphed into hellish scowl “Excuse me? I don`t think I heard that correctly” he growled scathingly, “are you refusing me?” he accused scornfully, surely his sons knew better than to undermine his authority. “I`m sorry…” Kojo sighed, lowering his head in apparent indignity.

Suddenly another voice was heard “I will do it father” a proud looking white tiger declared as he walked boldly up to the cub with no signs of reprehension or hesitation. Radiance dived determinatively between the cub and the white tiger advancing on its position without delay “No!” he bellowed “I want Kojo to eliminate it!” he roared “stand down White” he commanded his largest son. “Yes father” White lowered his head submissively denoting his obedience and backed away, grinning smugly at Kojo all the while. “This should be good” he whispered to the other two adolescent tigers sitting behind Kojo. Kojo had been exhibiting signs of remorse lately, and that simply would not be tolerated. “Kill it!” Radiance ordered vehemently “I will not tell you again” he growled, a low threatening growl from deep within his throat. He watched Kojo reproachfully, seeing only insubordination and weakness in him; no son of his would be so pathetic, he would see to that. He had no doubt that he could break Kojo of any sentiments he had dared to espouse.

Kojo`s eyes settled beseechingly on his mother, a black tiger like him, but he only received a admonitory glance from her in return; she did nothing, she was noticeably disappointed in him. He allowed his gaze to fall upon the cub, who`s eyes were pleading pitifully with him, “I`m sorry” he swallowed hard trying distraughtly to bury the emotions seeing such an innocent cubs anguish had stirred with in him—how could they expect him to murder a tiger--a cub no less? He closed his eyes and raised his paw, but stopped himself before delivering the blow. He turned to his father, fighting back the tears that he would not allow him to behold“I won`t do this!” he nearly choked on his words “this is wrong father!” he pleaded “she is just a baby, please spare her life—she`s done nothing wrong—I beg of you!” he was almost shaking thinking about what his father would do to him after such an outburst; he regretted his words the moment the left his tongue. He`d never meant to say those things out loud; his emotions had got the best of him. Witnessing his outburst, Radiance was utterly disgusted by his son. “You pathetic little wretch!” he roared “how dare you call yourself a tiger! Your loyalties are with us, and Volkov only—do you understand me you imprudent whelp!?”  he rumbled irately, then turned his attention to his other sons who seemed amused at their brothers refusal, the white one in particular “come to me my sons” he commanded “teach Kojo what happens to dissenters in this family—teach him the meaning of what it is to comand power” he grinned smugly at Kojo and then walked away to join his mate, who appeared exceedingly vexed at her sons antics.

By walking away, he had given his sons permission to assail Kojo, and they did. The three of them jumped him all at once and swiftly overwhelmed him; they beat him ruthlessly before the approving eyes of their parents, and seemed to be enjoying themselves in the process, much to their parents endorsement. Kojo did not beg them stop knowing it would only make things worse for him, and after a few short moments he had stopped trying to fight back, he wouldn`t present them the pleasure of a struggle; he simply resigned himself to being beaten.

After a while, Radiance stopped them “that`s enough!” he demanded stepping forward “wouldn`t want to kill him, now would we?” he affirmed smugly “he still has much to learn”. Kojo was slashed and bruised all over; he was bleeding and in a lot of pain--stifling whimpers, so as not to dissatisfy his parents any further. Radiance forced him to his feet with a brutish shove, he winced from the sting that shot through his body, he was so hurt he could barely stand, but refused to lose his footing.

“Do it” Radiance whispered menacingly into his ear “or would you rather that I teach you a lesson personally? He threatened, Kojo shuddered knowing very well what that meant for him “no…” he sputtered, feeling wholly downcast but powerless, he ambled back over to the cub, but vacillated again, noticing that the cub had stood up and was trying in vain to escape as she could hardly walk “mercy is for the weak” Radiance growled “are you weak?” he stared daggers into his son, daring him to be defiant again “why can`t you be more like you brothers—they are as pillars, never caving to these…these childish sentiments like you do”; his brothers whispered to each other and laughed as they watched the exchange. “they are strong, they are proud, they are fearless, they are Amur” he recited assuredly “you`re worthless, you`re weak, you`re pathetic, but you can redeem yourself, all you have to do is abandon these simpleminded expressions of limitation. Prove your merit to me” he insisted fiercely. Kojo heard the words weak and pathetic being uttered over and over “I am not weak!” he snapped, suddenly being overcome by rage, he stole the cub’s life just then in a sightless fury, in that moment of wrath. Once he realized what he had done, he was silently horror-stricken. ‘Who am I?’ …it was the first time that question had ever run through his mind.

His father nodded at him with approval “that`s better” he stated in an ‘I own you’ kind of manner. That was the closest Kojo had ever heard his father come to praise, it encouraged something latent inside of him. He would never come to grasp just how much he sought their appreciation; he would seek it like a kicked puppy from that moment on.  

His brothers rejoined him this time amibly “good job bro” he heard one of them say “welcome to the club” another declared “now maybe you will put those futile, wretched sentiments of compassion behind you” his mother added expectantly “Yes mother” he said almost mechanically, as he followed his family away from his own innocence which had utterly been crushed that day. He felt repentant as he walked away, refusing to look back; he closed his eyes tightly “I am sorry—so sorry” a tear managed to escape his eye “I am sorry I was born Amur’ he thought self loathingly, trapped amid the feeling of shame and the allure of the acceptance of his family.


He saw the face of that cub, he remembered so vividly her eyes, she begged him to spare her life—he remembered the taste of her blood, the impression that she had left undyingly etched upon his heart. That had been the beginning of his torment. So many lives he`d stolen, he could never give them back—he saw the faces of everyone he had killed during the war revolving around him. “No! Stop! Get out of my head! Leave me alone!” he took off sprinting and the memories of the vanquished like an army of ghosts chased him, closing in on him as though they would swallow his existence. Suddenly he was standing on the edge a cliff “leave me alone! If I could, I would—I would” he shivered, shaking his head sorrowfully “I would give anything if I could…” he felt like he could sob, and without another thought he flung himself over the cliff into the dark abyss, which morphed into Volkov’s face. “if I could undo what I have done…” he lamented as Violkov laughed and swallowed him, leaving him standing in darkness staring at his parents and brothers face to face “you belong with us Kojo” the all said at once, beckoning to him with an eerie resonance “have pride and you will go straight to the top” they reminded him “mercy is for the weak—are you weak?” they faded out of his sight “why are you doing this to me!” he yelled into the nothingness around him “who am I? Why am I here!?” he cried out desperately “you are Amur” he heard echo back “you are strong, you are proud, you are fearless” echoed though his mind, he shrunk away from those haunting words only to hear  â€œyou are a murder” as he looked upon the faces of all his regrets again “You’re pathetic”…

He stirred agitatedly, kicking his legs about as if he was running and audibly repeating “leave me alone” at nearly a whisper one time after another, but he did not wake. He was out cold.

Sola dreamed, her mind taking flight from the confines of reality.

It was spring, winter had just fled and warmth fought the cold away. Sola warmed herself in the sun, but not happily. She was alone, nothing was around her, not even birds sang within hearing range. She looked around, her eyes seeking for someone, anyone, but she knew in her heart, she would find no one. Sola looked down and fought the tears back from her eyes.She remembered nothing from that night. The only thing she knew was the blood and her parents laying dead in the snow. Irony bit into her as she remembered a conversation from when she was young.

"Cushan, we need to talk." Her mothers voice came from within the den. Her tone was urgent. quite. She didn't want Sola to hear, but the young cub was curious and eavesdropped on her parents.

Cushan's head was cocked, a worried expression in his eyes. "What is it Dew? Whats the matter?"

Dew glanced around, scanning for a ball of orange fur. However, Sola was well hidden, and her mother's gaze passed over the young cat's hiding spot. "Its coming. The rumors are true. I found a dead raven this morning, an omen. It had for wing feathers on each wing. Eight seasons, two years.Something big is about to happen, and there will be a lot of death."

Cushan rolled his eyes. "You and your superstitions. Relax, there is nothing to worry about."

The dream transformed to a wintry scene. Sola walked through the snow. Tears hung in her eyes, and pain ripped through her. Her parents were dead in the snow, and it was her fault. Sola remembered nothing, she'd had another episode. Ever since Simon had pushed her from the cliff, these episodes had made themselves present. She never knew what happened during one until afterwards. This time, she had killed her parents...

Something collided with her rib-cage, waking Sola before the dream morphed into the usual nightmare. She looked around to see the black tiger thrashing in his sleep, muttering something like leave me alone. I guess I'm not the only one with nightmares. At least mine wasn't bad yet.

Sola yawned, and then scooted closer to the tiger. She put her paw and arm over his shoulders, holding him down slightly and limiting his movements. She lowered her mouth to his ear. She hoped that in whatever dream he was having, he would here her words and calm. Maybe even change this nightmare into a pleasant dream. "Shh, its okay. No matter what, others cannot hurt you. I won't let them harm you. You are perfect the way you are, let no one tell you otherwise. You arn't weak, your strong, and not even the most horrible creatures can hurt someone if they have love."

She moved her paw off him and lay her head down. She kept their fur touching, even though he kicked her every so often. The blows wern't hard enough to  do damage, though it would hurt in the morning. "I don't know how, or why, but you have my love. Even if you don't want it." I am a fool. Falling for him. But my mom told me to never fight my heart, and I'm not about to start fighting it now.

Poe ran. Her eyes were in a straight stare, full of shock, as she ran from her past. Her strength was waning too soon, her wounded leg giving out and causing her to trip over herself and come crashing to the earth. She tumbled for a short distance until coming to a full stop which left her on her side, her front legs tucked under her body and her wounded leg sticking out behind her. She allowed herself to lay there like that for a moment. Her breathing was labored, her sides moved in and out, exposing her ribs each time she inhaled, and she let out a deep moan to release the pent up frustration which was growing within her. In a last, stubborn attempt at self-discipline, Poe forced her eyes shut tight, but found that she could not stop the tears from breaking through. Helpless to do anything to stop them, she did something that she hadn't allowed herself to do for so long; she allowed herself to cry, to moarn her pitiful past.

The moon overhead watched over her, enveloping her in it's soft glow as if it were trying to embrace her in all her despair. She laid there for a few moments, but they lingered, feeling more like years as her mind scanned the past.

Once the tears had finally stopped, her sparkling, amber eyes remained in a straight stare, focused on a small beetle which lay still on a blade of grass just inches away from her nose. The beetle remained still, not moving, as if by doing so it would somehow evade detection. Poe stared at it, the iridescent blue of the small insect glinting in the moonlight, sending her spiraling into a trance.




You always used to tell me, 'You must be strong. You must be strong!' You said it was the only way one would survive in this world. You warned me that the world was full of hearltess creatures, who showed no mercy to the weak. Father, I remember, you tried to get through to me..could it be you really cared for my well being? Maybe if I would have just tried..a little harder, maybe if I would have listened things would be different. Maybe, you could have learned to love me too. But if you could see me now, like this, what would you say? Would you even feel a thing?

Poe closed her eyes.

I have trained so hard, I have fought all alone all my life with no one and nothing to guide me but my own sense of survival and perserverance. I dare say it, Father, but I think there is more of you in me than you think, but you just never saw it.

You were right about one thing though. There are those who refuse to show signs of mercy, those who would steal an innocent life without remorse. But, not everyone is like that..there is love. There are those who can even love the wicked -- those who have done evil things and I have seen it; yet, you still couldn't love me.�

Father, you brought me up to know no fear, to trust no one, and to rely on strength and honor alone. But what does it mean to be strong? What does it mean to live an honorable life? I believe I am strong. Yes, I have many fears; these fears stem from my own self-loathing, something that you instilled in me. But I am putting it all behind me now. I will be strong, even though I am afraid. I will live with honor, but more importantly, I won't be afraid to die with honor. I just wish you could have believed in me, just a little more, Father.

You wanted a child who was strong, someone who you could bring up to be just like you. You wanted a son, proud and strong and fearless. But, you got me. I was weak, yes, I was afraid. I just wanted you to love me. Love is what brings out the best in us. Imagine what I could have been, if you could have suffered yourself to show me even the smallest gesture of affection. Just a smile, a word of encouragement, but you wouldn't even acknowledge that I was your own..

I will prove to you father, that I can be all you wanted to make me. I will show you how much I really am like you. But I will also show you where you were wrong. I will show you a whole side of me that you were always afraid of embracing in yourself. I will no longer be afraid to let people in. I will no longer look back in shame. I will show you that in honor, and in strength, there is love, and that without love, these things would never matter at all.

Poe opened her eyes, and the beetle opened its wings and flew away with a buzz. She watched as it faded into the black of the night.

Poe rose to her feet, and faced the direction from which she had ran. A new strength was awakening in her, and the heavy load she had been carrying for so long seemed to have finally been lifted for good. Poe made a promise to herself that night, that she would no longer pity herself, or weep over her past. Instead, she vowed to learn from it. The state of the community was rotten to the core. She decided that if she could lend herself to a greater cause, devoting herself to a life of honor, she could somehow stop the past from chasing her. She could prove to herself, and her father, that she is not a failure, and that her life is worth something after all.

Poe found herself, all at once, longing for the day she would face him again.

Kojo`s eyes shot open after a while, his breathing was elevated, whatever he had glimpsed in the last part of the nightmare had been unspeakable enough to jostle him back into consciousness, but he was far from rested; still so worn out. He was neither angry nor tense any longer, just dismal and uncertain. Something had managed to subside his raging torrent of emotional turmoil within him, it had been soothing like a bell—the voice of reason. Reason however, was lost on him, there was only uncertianty.

At first, He hadn`t remembered blacking out, the dots were slow too connect; the last thing he recalled was giving up, resolving to return to Volkov. There was something else; he had felt primed to rip apart a black wolf bearing striking resemblance to his own venerated leader.  Even still he couldn`t understand why he had failed to act on such impulses, he felt as though he was losing his edge, or maybe there was something more... Had they killed him when he turned his back on them? ‘that`s right…I collapsed’ he managed to remember as he pieced the events of the night back together. He couldn`t focus on anything, his mind was refusing to accept the fact that he was still alive, it was difficult for him to believe that the enemy wouldn`t have take advantage of such a glaring vulnerability. It went against everything he`d ever come to believe about warfare, no one he knew would have done the same—he probably wouldn`t have done the same if he had been in his usual state of mind. ‘Why did they spare me?’ it just wasn`t sinking in at all, he had after all attempted to capture their leader.  They had shown him mercy, that concept was alien to him; it only made them seem weak in his eyes. Were they foolish enough to think that if they let him go he wouldn`t return--that he would`ve done the same?

Suddenly, becoming more aware of his surroundings once he came to terms with the verity that he was in fact alive, he realized that he wasn`t alone. That unstable tiger that had attacked him, was stretched out next to him trustingly as though they were comrades ‘what is she doing here?’ he thought incredulously ‘just who`s side is this tigress on?’ he contemplated in bewilderment, was it possible that… he perished the though immediately; unwilling to accept the notion that an enemy and a female no less of the lesser classification of tigers had somehow been responsible for defending his life.  He flattened his ears, and glanced around guardedly, realizing what his situation must look like to others-- if any of his allies were to see him like this—his reputation would be damaged beyond repair, he would be accused of being a traitor, charged with collaborating with the opposition, and then everything he had worked so hard to achieve within the ranks of Volkov’s forces would be lost. Alarmed at that prospect, he shuffled away, intending to try to get away without waking her, he didn`t want to confront her, and it was obvious neither of them were in any condition to fight. He noticed that in her naively misplaced trust in him, she had made herself completely vulnerable to attack, but he didn`t strike. She had spared his life; he would honorably do the same for her, and consider any debts paid in doing so. ‘I should get back’ he thought restlessly, but not without reluctance, looking into the face of the sleeping tigress instigated a pang of regret to shoot through him, harkening his nightmare back into the forefront of his mind for a moment. Why must a Bengal of all things torture him with gestures of kindness? She was to him as a specter, a torturous reminder of things better forgotten. He shook his head, eyes widening slightly, not with fear, but shame.

He didn`t want of deserve her pity, and he knew it. The resentment began to resurface along with the conflict; kindness was one of the signs of weakness ‘I am not weak!’ he thought determinately, locking his teeth together in frustration as he stood up and turned away ‘leave me alone’ he thought despairingly ‘what do you want form me?’ he sighed despondently. Deciding it was better to try to get away without waking her, or evoking any further attention at all. He would not allow anyone to cause him to question where his loyalties lied, believing even more than ever that the only way to free himself from the memories of his parents would be to keep the promise he`d made. Why then did he feel so discontented… coming there was a mistake he decided, all it had done was stir up all of his doubts louder then ever.  As much as he tried to force them back into the depths of his mind, they remained on the surface; determined to torment him with things that could not be—they would not silence. He had chosen his fate. As far as he was concerned, as harsh as it was-- it wasn`t nearly punishment enough for all of his terrible transgressions against the community he had forsaken. There simply wasn`t any pretending he`d never done those things, they were there ceaselessly, explicitly to remind him.

With his head heal low in defeat and tired eyes he began to slowly walk away mechanically “Volkov needs me’ he conceded to himself, feeling heavyhearted as if mourning something imperceptible, yet very real-- ‘I will make you proud...’

A cold chill washed over Sola, disturbing her from her dreamless slumber. She opened her eyes to see the light of dawn twinkling around in the underbrush. It was all quite, still the early reaches of dawn, but why did Sola feel so unsettled? Blinking a few times, her memory slowly returned, and she recalled last nights events and the black tiger's nightmare ridden movements...

The black tiger! Sola sprang to her feet, but immediately gave a gasp of pain. Her muscles and joints were sore from fighting and from being kicked all night, but this did not dampen her spirit. Sola looked around, spinning in a circle to try and find the male, but to no avail. When did he slip away? She thought to herself. Sola had hoped he would sleep longer, so she would be awake before he was and would be able to show him what kindness was.

Sola felt she was missing some part of the puzzle, some part that was over looked. She didn't understand why he just slipped away. If she had woken up after last night's events in his position, well, she wouldn't exactly have been quite about it. But why did he go so silently?

Sola blinked, looking at the ground in confusion. There was still and impression in the grass where he had lain, but the ground had cooled. He hadn't left long ago, maybe thirty or forty-five minutes ago. Sola stood with indecision, should she try to find him? Or, let him be?

Sola had sensed the goodness in him, however small it had been. He was just as tortured by his past as she was. His attitude reminded her so much of Simon, it scared her a little bit. But he had shown something Simon never had, restraint. Simon would have killed anybody if he woke with them cuddled next to him unless had lain with them himself. But this black tiger... hadn't.

Sola looked towards where the scuffles in the dirt were headed. She didn't know what to do. Don't go back... you deserve more than what they will give you...

Coal looked back at Clarence. "What do you mean 'to plan a seige on Volkov'?" asked Coal. "We're going to attack our uncle," said Clarence. "When?" asked Coal. "In a week," said Clarence. Coal smiled and then looked at Tala. "What about the Catori pack?" he asked. "They can join if they want," said Clarence. "Right now we have to get back to Pack Plains territory," he said. Clarence walked off. Coal looked at Tala again. "Tala, I must leave you yet again," he said to the female wolf. "But we will meet again," said Coal. He walked up to Tala and embraced her. He then turned tail and followed his cousin. The two large wolves trotted through the forest, side by side. Coal was astounded that his cousin was an alpha, yet he was a fighter. The two were the same size to be in different ranks. Coal didn't mind though. He thought he was too aggressive to be an alpha. Coal brushed off the thought. He and Clarence walked fifty yards ahead until a howl sounded in the air. Clarence howled back and out came a light brownish-orange and white female wolf. Coal stopped as he saw how beautiful she was. "Who is that?" asked Coal. Clarence smiled and looked at the female. "Keisha," he said. "And she is?" asked Coal. "Alpha female of the Howlers pack," said Clarence. "Wait, you're alpha male of the Howlers pack," said Coal. "I know," said Clarence. He walked over to the female, leaving Coal surprised. "She's your mate," said Coal. "Exactly," said Clarence. Clarence and Keisha nuzzled. Keisha then licked Clarence on the cheek. Coal walked over to them. "Keisha, this is Coal, my cousin from the Racers pack," said Clarence. "Oh. He's an alpha too?" asked Keisha. Coal cleared his throat. "No, I am a Fighter wolf," said Coal. "Ah, well it is nice to finally meet you," said Keisha. "You as well," said Coal. "Now that we are all aquainted, let's get home," said Clarence. The three wolves walked off.

After the big cat's collapse, time seemed to fly by at an overwhelming rate. Tala needed time to think, but more importantly to rest and recuperate; she would never be of any use if she was emotionally and physically spent. Coal and Clarence left for a mission of their own, and Tala had little energy left to persuade them otherwise.

Most of the wolves retired for the night, save those few which Tala ordered to stay out on watch over the cats.

Tala's tired legs quaked beneath her, her eyelids were heavy and her breathing was shallow due to utter and complete exhaustion. A couple wolves escorted her to her den, seeing as she was weak and nearly about to fall over. Tala entered her den, and the others retreated. She crawled back to the furthest, darket part of that den. She allowed her legs to collapse underneath her, as she fell on top of them, a little harder than she expected to. She moaned as she shifted and made herself comfortable. Her mind was full and overflowing with thoughts she just didn't have the strength to pay any attention too, and before long, she had managed to drift off into a deep sleep.

The thWoughts that had crowded her restless mind refused to be ignored, and so they forced their way into her dreams.


First, she dreamed about Sola. Images appeared and disapeared too quickly for her to pay attention sufficiantly to each one, and as they flashed, she heard Sola's threatening words echoeing throughout the confines of her mind

"If anyone harms him, I will not rest until the crows pick at you."

She saw Sola's face then, so serene and full of affection, as she gazed upon the Black Cat's worn face. That image was the only one that seemed to stay.

Next, Tala dreamed of Coal. She recalled in her dreaming the last encounter they had, and how he embraced her. She saw his face, his bright amber eyes that seemed to bear right through to her soul. She saw him smiling at her, and then she saw him laying lifeless on the ground, fatally wounded. A pain like a knife pierced her heart, and she could taste the tears even as she lay sleeping.

The next image she saw was peculiar, and appeared to be a scene from an event which hadn't yet taken place. She saw herself atop a hill, sitting with her side buried in Coal's. His long, black fur overlapped hers, and her head was nestled tightly under his chin. He opened his mouth to say something..but it was faint. She strained to listen for the words, and they all at once hit her like lightning, causing her heart to jump.

"I love you, Tala."

Tala let her dreams run wild, as they seemed to take on a mind of their own, manipulating events and predicting things which hadn't even occured yet. Her mind seemed to so confidently illustrate the future, and Tala believed what she was seeing.

"Sola!" Tala called with a shout, her tone affected by a fire of confusion and fear growing within her. "You have to trust me on this! I know it's hard to tell which way to go when your heart is saying left, and your head is saying right. But regardless of what you feel, you can't join Volkov! Look inside yourself, Sola. You have to know it's not right!"

Tala glared at Kojo, hating him for what he was doing.

�Sola looked on her with an incensed expression.

those words, echoed again..

"If anyone harms him, I will not rest until the crows pick at you."

The next thing Tala saw was Sola and Kojo, backs turned to her and tails intertwined as they strolled on, leaving her and the others behind as they approached Volkov's army, which was assembled on the horizon.

Tala tossed and turned in her sleep, her lips quivering as she let out small growls and yips. And still her dreams continued.

She saw her pack. She saw them looking on her with trust and expectation. She saw her father's affectionate gaze, his strong countenance and his chest swelling with pride at his daughter's accomplishment.

"This is what I was trained for as a pup. It is my mission to lead you all. I promise, I will not let you down. I will lead us into battle. We are strong, and together, we will prevail!"

Turning her head, she turned her gaze to Coal. His eyes were full of warmth and pride.

The Catori proceeded to cheer and sound off� "Long live our Alphas, Tala and Coal! Long live Catori Clan!"

Tala's mind returned to that scene of her and Coal, sitting on that hill. She saw herself there, her head nestled under his chin. She watched as she picked up her head to look into Coal's eyes again. But this time, instead of getting that same warm feeling, she saw something frightening in them. She suddenly saw herself as a young pup, scared and shivering. She remained like that, and looked up at Coal, who was towering over her now, his expression shifting from one of love to one of pure evil intent. She watched in horror as his face morphed into Volkov's face. His lips curled into a nefarious grin, exposing his fangs.

Tala saw herself shivering, and heard the words echoe in her heart again..

"..It is my mission to lead you all. I promise, I will not let you down. I will lead us into battle. We are strong, and together, we will prevail!"�

Volkov, as if reading her heart, began to cackle. He fell into a fit of maniacal laughter, as he grew taller and taller. The ground cracked all around her, and she watched helplessly as her family fell through the earth. She looked back at Volkov, and held her breath. Without uttering a word, but laughing even harder, he lifted his paw, and let it fall on her.


Tala woke in a panic, with a gasp for air. She shot up from where she was laying, looking around her in a frenzy. The sunlight which had been pouring through the mouth of the den nearly blinded her. She turned her head quickly to avoid it. Her heart was in her throat. It took a few seconds for her to realize she was awake. She took time to catch her breath again. Sitting down finally, she found it hard to comfort herself. Everything about that dream seemed so real, and she suddenly felt the full weight of being an Alpha on her shoulders and it was more frightening than she ever could have anticipated..

Zere fluttered through the air, joy of the morning causing him to sing. "Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it in dew, cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two. The candy man can, oh the cand.."

Zere had closed his eyes as he sung, happiness bubbling over. However, do to his eyes being closed, a branch twaped him on the head and sent him to the ground. "Ow..." He rubbed his head with his wing. So much pain...

There! Inspiration struck again and Zere fluttered up to a branch to begin singing again. "Pain! Without love. Pain! can't get enough. Pain! I like it rough, 'cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all~" and with that he whistled the notes. As he did, he saw a black tiger slowly dragging itself forward.

Zere smiled, swooping down to grab the tiger's ear in a peck before quickly fluttering up to a branch, where he promptly began singing. Angain. "Its the, eye of the tiger, its the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rivals! As the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger..."

The soft, morning sun rose ever so slowly, hesitating to lend it's light to Volkov's camp, who's inhabitants were bustling about and making preperations in the shadows. There was a terrible smell lingering in the air, the stench coming from the rotting, stinking swamp in which they lived. None of the animals seemed to mind it or even notice, as they were accustomed to it; most of them stunk naturally anyway. Every last one of them were repulsive in their own way.

Volkov still hadn't returned after having left the day before, and his men were growing anxious; not for fear of their leader's well being, no, they were growing restless for lack of activity. They hadn't been given any new orders in a couple days, and it was starting to irritate them so they decided to take matters into their own hands.

One of the wolves, a mangy, flea ridden dog with one blind eye and matted fur, took his place atop a large boulder at the center of the camp. He let out a howl to get everyone's attention. Proceeding to call out to them, with a drunken sort of voice, he cackled and began to speak "Listen here, you ugly mugs! Seeing as the master has not yet returned, most likely as a result of being eaten alive," He stoped and cackled at the thought "I officially declare myself the new leader!" Many of the animals scoffed and laughed at him, telling him to come down off the rock. "My first order," he continued "is for someone to go looking for food! Do I have any volunteers?" He asked, his face becoming serious, his crazed stare scanning the crowd, who glared back at him.

The crowd growled and protested "Who would ever follow orders from filth like you?" roared a large panther with a missing tail. The wolf puffed out his chest in pride "Anyone with half a brain, but that must be why you seem to be having trouble understanding." He mocked, seemingly stoking the flames as the panther grew even more infuriated. Still, he closed his eyes and shrugged as he continued. "But I forgive you, kitty cat, now why don't you go drink your milk?" He ordered with a laugh. The panther roared and leapt at the wolf, landing on him as he yelped. The rest of the crowd followed, and the fur began to fly.

Somewhere off in the distance laid a large lion, muscular in build and seemingly lacking in any disformities or the physical repulsivenes that plagued the rest of the animals he resided with, making him look very oddly placed among this pack of rats.

He busied himself with grooming, licking some new wounds; just about anything that would provide a distraction from the sheer stupidity of the others. He despised them, everything about them made his skin crawl, the bunch of pigs. He did what he could to avoid contact with them, but it was not so easy. He had to do so in moderation. If he kept secluded for too long, or showed any signs of just how much he loathed them, they would grow suspicious. Not that any of them would ever try anything, as Orpheus was one of the healthiest and strongest of the bunch. He just had to make sure he put on a good show whenever Volkov was around, or when in the presence of the select few who liked to stir up trouble whenever the opportunity arose.�

Orpheus's ears swiveled and twitched at the sound of approaching footsteps."Hey, pretty boy!" A gruff voice called out. Orpheus's tail flicked in annoyance, and he threw his head back as he rolled his eyes. He got up off the ground, the muscles in his strong and powerful legs rippling as he pulled himself up. He shook his fur to rid himself of the dirt which clung to it. Standing at attention before the ranking officer, he seemed to tower above him, but stared at him with blue eyes that could pierce right through to the soul. "Sir." He uttered with a mechanical tone, that almost carried a note of abhorrence. The smallish lizard-like creature smirked at him. Ever since Orpheus was recruited, the others seemed to take much pleasure in ordering him around. "Your up for patrol." He said with a smug look on his face, his voice dripping in arrogance. Orpheus nodded without saying a word, as he could hardly stomach acknowledging them any more than necesarry.�

Orpheus advanced towards the woods, his large paws sinking into the mud with each step. His body was stiff and carried obvious signs of stress, and he walked until he could no longer hear the shrill voices or commotion that surrounded his camp. His head was ringing, but the silence that ensued was as refreshing to his noise weary ears as anything he could have imagined. He drew in a deep breath, his lungs filling with the fresh air of Spring, his eyes closing as he savored the taste of it. Exhaling, he opened his eyes and scanned the area. The smell of wild flowers filled his senses, and sent fond memories flooding into his mind.�

Orpheus almost enjoyed being sent out on patrol more than any other task. It was his chance to get away, to be alone with his thoughts. However, he knew full well that he was never truly alone. There were spies that lurked in the shadows, watching him at all times. He was never safe, and he had to make sure to keep up his act. He wouldn't give the others the satisfaction of catching him slipping up.

Fortunately, he had a great intuition, having learned much over time of his pack mates. He knew well how to cover his tracks, and how to throw them off his trail. He made it his priority to remain unpredictable, because if his actions or wanderings ever became routine, it would be that much harder to escape suspicion. Lucky for him, they weren't all too bright. All they wanted was to catch him messing up. They were all rats, loyal to no one; not the ones they claimed to call friends, not even to Volkov. They only cared for themselves, and to satiate their ever intensifying hunger for mayhem and discord. As a result, they themselves were very predictable.

Orpheus continued on his way, scanning the area for nothing in particular, but he made sure to appear he was taking his job seriously. Every time he found himself secretly hoping he wouldn't find anything. He can only remember a time or two when he actually did come across a wandering member from the other side, but he didn't like to think about such occassions.

Time seemed to pass so slowly. Orpheus was growing impatient. He had to supress any desires to cut loose and run, which were feelings he was afflicted with every time he was given some slack in his leash. He had to remain disciplined, always careful. There was a lot at stake, and he didn't need reminding. He silently prayed, constantly, that something would happen that would allow him to escape this wretched life of his. Until those prayers were answered, he would just have to soldier on.

The extent of Kojo`s weariness had finally set in, and as much as he sought to return to Volkov`s camp and check in, he`d be ruined if were to show up looking so rundown. He would do nothing more than broadcast quite unmistakably that he had been defeated; it would be as if he were running back to them, seeking protection—like a coward. He tensed up as he envisioned the derision he`d return too. He commanded a high rank among Volkov`s forces, it had been the result of a lot of hard work and dedication; he wouldn`t risk that, he couldn`t--power was all he had left to hold on to. If they detected weakness in him, he`s surely be challenged to combat for his rank, and he knew that in his state he just might lose. Then he`d have to face the humiliation of falling in rank. He decided that he couldn`t confront them like that, any of them, but Volkov least of all.  He needed to get his strength back, it was the only option.

After awhile he came upon a slender, but pristine forest stream. He quenched his thirst avidly, then proceeded to wade into the stream; allowing the swift flowing current to wash away the blood and dirt from his coat. The cool, crisp water caused his shoulder wounds to sting tenderly, he growled; angry at himself for being reckless enough to try to take on an entire pack by himself. He thought about the tigress that had inflicted those wounds, but it wasn`t rage he felt towards her, it was agitation. He forced her out of his mind at once—why did she make him feel such shame? The conflict stirred within him again as he considered that, ‘who am I?’ that ever lingering question disturbed him ‘I am strong, I am proud, I am fearless’ he countered reassuringly ‘I will stand above all others—I will have power beyond all other living things’ he found it obligatory to persuade himself of that, but no matter how many times he recited those words he wasn`t entirely convinced. He shook off his qualms for the time being as he crept tiredly away from the stream, searching for a suitable place to take a nap and rejuvenate to abolish the remainder of his fatigue.

Suddenly a bird pecked at his ear, catching him completely off guard, he roared furiously, striking at the air with his paw in response. The bird had already got away, and came to rest on a branch well out of his reach as his reflexes had been very sluggish. He growled aggravated, that had been a brash act on the bird’s part ‘how irritating’ he thought vexingly. The bird was lucky he could fly as Kojo was under loads of stress and therefore it was unwise to provoke him; his fuse had grown rather short, especially since he was still dealing with the reality that he had been overcome, which had been a appreciably hefty blow to his pride. Then it seemed just to further grate at his nerves as the blessed thing began to sing. He ripped at the earth beneath his claws crossly “You`d be wise to consider the words of your song bird” he rumbled “try that again, and you may well end up being my prey” he declared huffily, displaying his fangs antagonistically.  However, he couldn`t be bothered to waste his time on something as insignificant as a bothersome little bird, so they were merely empty gestures. He was just blowing off some steam. Turing his back to the bird, he glanced around surmising the land, and after a moment, his eyes settled on a shaded area in the underbrush that looked like the ideal spot for a nap. Yawning exhaustedly, he stretched out and quickly fell asleep, despite everything he was simply too drained to stay awake.

Sola was being torn to shreds. Her heart had a crushing sense of loss and despair, almost as if its beat had been ripped away from it. She longed to race into the woods, to seek out that black tiger, to embrace him and confess how she felt. To walk away from her beliefs and chase him down until he saw his own potential. For a moment, she was willing to drop everything for that black tiger...

Sola hunger her head tears filling her eyes. She didn't even know his name, and here she yearned for his affection. The other half of her was angrily fighting those tears. He was one of Volkov's! He walked the path of death, and even if he escaped his path, it would forever haunt him... them... if she went with him. He could cause nothing but trouble. He had attacked her friends, and violently attacked her...

But where they really her friends? Sola had only known Tala for a day, and hadn't even spent the full day with her. Would it matter to turn away from them now? She was a tiger amongst wolves, litterally a cat in a dog kennel. The differences were there, would she ever be accepted here? She belonged with her own kind!

Sola knew she should stand for what was right. Volkov only wanted destruction, death, and chaos. He wanted himself at the top, to be the ultimate being. She wasn't willing to live that way. To sit in a wolf's shadow and see him as a god. But that black tiger...

Sola growled in frustration, sinking her claws into the dirt and tear fought through her defences. What was wrong with her? Could she really walk away from what she knew? But then again, she had done it once, why not do it again?

Sola faced two roads. Both had thorns and both ripped something away from her. One ripped out her heart, and the other ripped away who she was. The only thing was, Sola could live without being herself, she could change. But could she live without her heart?

Squeeky woke up, noticing that she had been sleeping for a very long time. She yawned, and climbed down to the others. Moon Moon looked tired. "Good morning Moon Moon. How are you? You look like you have been awake all night. Is there something wrong?" Squeeky asked. She felt how her stomach growled. "I better get some breakfast" she said.

There was plenty of acorns around. That was all she could ask for. While Squeeky collected her breakfast, she listened to the singing birds. "Lets see, two, three, four, five, six. Six acorns". The birds was still singing. Squeeky took a deep breath, and walked back to Moon Moon.

Orpheus had felt the heat of the sun intensifying, as he skulked through the brush and foilage, moving out of the shade of the forest canopy. His tail dragged lazily behind him, his body sunken and head bobbing as the force with which his heavy paws hit the ground was sent through his body.

He made to a large clearing, and stopping in his tracks, he looked around. No one was in sight for miles, and all he could hear was the buzzing of cicadas. His eyes narrowed as he scanned far and wide, making sure he didn't miss anything. Nothing. He saw absolutely nothing. He felt somewhat relieved, but had to admit to himself that the lack of action was starting to wear on him. The only job he ever seemed to be given was to patrol the area. Orpheus, of course, thought it was a stupid job. He knew that the other's on Tala's side were far too smart to merely wander into their enemies territory without a proper assembly of warriors. If she were coming, they'd know for sure. So what did that leave for him to patrol for then? What was he looking for? Just any lone, aimless creature that happened to have the misfortune of crossing into their boundaries? What would be the point if that was the case?

Orpheus had to remind himself that the majority of his pack were not very bright, save the elite and highest ranking of the bunch who couldn't afford to act stupidly, as it would be at the cost of their very lives. Looking around, Orpheus noticed nothing out of the ordinary. He let out a gruff sigh, snorting with frustration. Sitting down on his haunches, he let out a yawn. The sun continued to beat down on him, as he lay exposed to it's heat. The squawking of crows was suddenly detectable, coming from somewhere in the distance over near his pack's turf. The cursed black creatures grew nearer in sight, and Orpheus picked up his big head, tilting it back until his blue eyes were aimed towards the heavens. The giant crows flew over him, looking down on him with disdain as they flew by. Orpheus watched as they departed noisily. All that was left flying above him was a turkey vulture, a great heights above him, circling in a hypnotic sort of fashion. Orpheus watched it with wide eyes.

He suddenly felt inadequate. His tongue came rolling out with his mouth open, and his breathing grew heavy and labored. As he kept his eyes locked on the bird, he felt as if it were gaining a hold over his mind, and the constant circling made his head spin. The combination of the dizzying motion and the heat bearing down on him all at once seemed to cause him to drift into thought, and by allowing his mind to take flight, he found that many unwelcomed memories were creeping their way back towards his cortex, taking him over completely and leaving him feeling quite vulnerable in the process.

Heart racing, he began to fall seige to an onslaught of painful memories.

Orpheus allowed himself to be delivered up to the ghoulish creatures, in the presence of the wolf Volkov himself. He growled as they moved in on them, a million regrets suddenly flooding his mind as he now watched the others send his mate away in a coarse and careless manner. The two locked eyes for the last time, as time itself seemed to stand still. Orpheus's felt a lump in his throat, as tears all at once filled his eyes and distorted his vision.

He could have never described the immense amount of pain the sight afflicted him with, as he watched her being pushed away while the others held him back. The lump in his throat grew harder and harder to swallow. He wanted to scream, but couldn't make a sound. It wasn't until he noticed one of Volkov's wolves advancing on his mate to snap at her that Orpheus was freed from the immobilizing grip of fear, and a terrible rage possessed him. He let out a thunderous roar which rattled the very bones of those around him. Rearing in fury, he threw his weight at them and  pushed them aside, knocking one of them out with one swift swipe of his giant paw. 

Reinforcements moved in on him, pinning him down and dragging him away. Orpheus looked out towards his lover, who's silhoette was fading in the heavy fog. His eyes dialated as he watched his world slip away. His mind went numb, and all he could do was shout her name over and over, his voice hoarse and full of pain. 

The others proceeded to drag him towards their leader as he roared with animosity, his cheeks wet with the warmth of his free flowing tears. Orpheus was flung at the Wolf's feet at last, letting out a loud cry of pain. He lay there, motionless, hearing the sounds of voices but missing the words as his grief stricken mental state had sent him into shock.

Orpheus felt teeth and claws raking across his body in attempts to move him. Defeated, Orpheus rose to his feet slowly, only to be knocked over on his side once again by one of Volkov's servants. He hit the ground with a thud, and the others fell on him, delivering devastating blows. Orpheus tensed up and curled his body into a ball to try and sheild himself, but to no avail. He let go. The hazing seemed to carry on forever, and when they were finally finished with him, Orpheus would be met with a far greater torment.

Looking up into the eyes of the Wolf, Orpheus felt the monster's words fall on his ears like a bomb. His whole being froze up, his eyes wide in a straight stare, as his mind choked on the order he had been given. He had no choice. He agreed to comply with Volkov's order, and was thusly carried away with the crowd, only to black out moments later.

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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