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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

“You will come with me!†he repeated more vehemently to Tala who seemed unwilling to comply “What do I do now?†he thought unsettlingly as his eyes shot around wildly taking in the sheer number of wolves standing around him; he felt as though he should have expected this. He glared rebelliously into Sola`s eyes as she spoke, daring her to try anything. Then she revealed her criminal revelation to himâ€â€her words cutting right through him like a blade. He pupils shrank just then, and for a moment a combination of horror and abhorrence stole their way into his expression. Forcing him to recall watching his mother die, it had broken his heart. His expression grew vacant as he retreated into the depths of his consciousness…
‘promise me Kojoâ€â€you must promise me that you will never stop fighting until there is no one left with the spirit to challenge you, that you will never dare to show any signs of weakness to another creature, that you will only follow power, so that one day you will take your rightful place, standing above all others like we were always destined too, you must do this for your father and I, prove that you are worthy of our bloodâ€â€promise me…’ she had looked upon him even in death with criticizing eyes, never once having said **I’m proud of you, or I love you son**â€â€she had only condemned him. He would have given anything to just once attain their approval; he was haplessly convinced that he still could.
His expression became dangerous, devoid of any further signs of reason. ‘I promise’ he heard echo through his mind. Sola had managed to strike a chordâ€â€all reservations melted away, replaced with hatred. “You`re pathetic!†he roared “how dare you call yourself a tiger!†he spat promptly crumbling into blind fury “banshee!†he hissed contemptuously; the wolf had been forgotten, he released it at once carelessly as he charged at Sola, unable to comprehend how anyone could sink so low as to murder their own flesh and bloodâ€â€nothing was more important than loyalty, he`d known only devotion to his linage, his family. This tigress had abandoned her pride as a tiger, she had no honorâ€â€she must pay for her inexcusable transgression. He struck out at her violently with a mighty swipe of his paw, overcome with sensation. He had seemed to have forgotten everything in that momentâ€â€there was a sense of vulnerability in his movements, he seemed almost like a kicked puppy, looking shocked and confused. Why was he so angry? Even he didn`t know. He had no idea of the gravity of the error he had just made--allowing himself to resign to his stress so recklessly.
Sola met the tiger's charge, a roar making its way through her throat. His paw struck her shoulder, digging into her flesh. She retaliated, lunging forward and sinking her teeth into his shoulder. The wrestled, clawing and biting. The black tiger had size to his advantage, but Sola had speed. Inside, her heart was ripping itself to shreds. You don't understand! I... I... Sola felt the tears in her eyes. With one massive shove, Sola pushed both of them apart, fur both orange and black sending dirt into the air. Sola stood, blood stained her coat. She didn't know what was hers and what wasn't. Tears made their way down her cheeks as she let out a hiss. Her breath was heavy. On a good day, she could hold her own. But the heartbreaking truth weakened her. "I am a tiger just as the sun will rise and set. I had no choice. Volkov ripped my family apart and turned us against each other." it was a pathetic excuse, and the tears now flowed freely. "Call be what you will. You can't hurt me any more than I've hurt myself."

Poe had been frantically kicking and tossing in her sleep. Her nightmares had died down over the past couple of weeks or so, but were now back and worse than ever.

She dreamed of her parents, and she remembered the stinging words they said. But what hurt the most was the words they didn't say to her at all..

"Father, it's so cold. I don't want to go hunting!" Poe insisted. Her father growled, but instead of disciplining his daughter, he turned to his mate. "Lien! How could this insolent thing belong to us?" he roared. "Look what dishonor you have brought upon our family!" Poe's mother didn't speak up to defend her cub, but to apologize. She gazed upon Poe skeptically, any sign of motherly tenderness was seemingly non-existent in her empty gaze. Poe looked at her mother, her own eyes swelling with tears, waiting for her to come to her rescue. "I'm sorry, dear." She finally said, but not to her mate. All she ever cared about was pleasing him, and Poe was her greatest hinderance from doing so. Poe felt her tiny heart shatter as her mother actually apologized for her existence. She felt her tears run down her small face. "Mother...!" She whimpered in disbelief, but her mother just lowered her gaze. Her father stormed out into the snow, and his figure faded.

Poe's eyes shot open, her pupils dilated but then growing thin. She jumped to her feet involuntarily, and looked around frantically. She remembered where she was suddenly, and calmed herself. "Just a dream.." She said to herself. But it was wishful thinking. She often tried to tell herself those nightmares were just figments of her own imagination, stirred up every once and a while by the trauma she still suffered from after the War. But she knew it wasn't she wished it was.

Poe felt her heart beating at a fast pace, and her leg, she noticed, was throbbing with pain from her kicking in her sleep. She decided to walk it out a bit, and find some water, as she suddenly felt dehydrated. She walked under the canopy of the tall pine trees that hid her den, the shadows playing upon her fur. Coming up to a small spring, she bent her head and began to lap up the water. When she was done, she picked up her head and looked around. Everything was silent, and Poe drank it in. She decided to take a walk through the area, maybe train a while to get her minds off of her dream. But just like that, the silence was shattered.�

A loud, powerful roar shot up from the distance. It carried far and wide, and Poe turned her head quickly towards the direction in which it came. She had realized it came from the wolf territory she had passed through earlier that day. Poe was struck by curiosity. "What kind of trouble could they be getting into this late at night?" She muttered aloud. She remembered the tigress that accosted her, claiming that the territory belonged to her. Poe scoffed as she thought of it, but suddenly an amusing thought came to mind. "Maybe the wolves have had enough of her arrogance.." Poe thought with a smirk "They're probably throwing her out." She played with the idea a little, and suddenly felt compelled to head that way and get a front row seat.

Poe wasn't normally one to hold a grudge, but the arrogance that cat conveyed had left a bad taste in her mouth. It wouldn't hurt to see her get a dosage of humility dished her way. Poe thought about it. As long as she was going for a walk, she might as well walk that way and check it out. She checked her hind leg. As long as I take it easy, it should be fine. She decided. So, stretching her leg out first, she kicked off the ground and started for Catori Territory.
Coal could hear the commotion outside the cave. He stood up. "Coal," warned Clarence. "Shut it," said Coal. "I must see what's going on," he said. Clarence sighed. The two wolves exited the den and saw a large, black tiger. "Who is that?" asked the pup behind them. Coal didn't like this one bit. He looked over at Tala and then at Sola who had appeared out of nowhere. "Coal, we have to leave," said Clarence. "No," said Coal. "That tiger is working for Volkov," he said. "So what?" asked Clarence. "He's after me," said Coal. He turned to the cat, Tala, and Sola. "Enough!" yelled Coal with a snarl. The wolves turned to Coal. "You're not after Tala," said Coal. He stepped forward. Clarence followed. Coal walked up slowly to the black tiger. "You're after me," said Coal. " Coal the Fighter wolf, son of Blaze and Fire, nephew of Volkov," he said. The tiger's minions growled at Coal. Coal and Clarence returned the growling with their own growls and snarls. Coal looked at the tiger. "Leave them be," he said.
Kojo had dipped forward into the ground when he was pushed away, nearly losing his balance. He was more incensed than ever at that point; she had managed to injure him, open wounds in his shoulder and side stung. He was no longer making conscious attempts to suppress his fatigue, he was panting heavily. He had been unwise, but he didn`t care. He wasted no time charging for her again, but as he raised his paw something kept him from following through with the swing. Tears--this tigress was crying--it had caught him by surprise, a blaze of innocent creatures begging for their lives flooded his mind as he gazed into her miserable eyes. His eyes widened a bit and he backed away indecisively. He had never cried, not a single tear, not even after watching his family die. He would have never revealed such weakness to themâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Ëœweakness’. He clamped his teeth together in frustration ‘weakness’ he thought again, confused about what he should do, this behavior was not to be toleratedâ€â€where was this tigress`s pride?  He knew what his parents would have done; they would have killed her on the spot without pause, but her expressionâ€â€was that regret? 
He listened to her words, growling the entire time, he was conflicted. She had killed her own parents, it was obvious that she had turned rouge and deserved to die, and yetâ€â€her tears were stirring up shame within him. He shook his head as though he could drive his doubts free from his mind. “I don`t care!†he suddenly yelled, exposing his teeth “you let them down!†he roared “you should have stood by them, but you`re weak†he chided her “Volkov is wise, Volkov commands power, Volkov will construct a glorious future where only the strong exist and there is no room for the weakâ€â€Volkov is wonderful, and all who stand against him shall perish†he declared as though he were quoting rather than speaking from his heart. His words came out flat, mechanically even.  â€œThey walked the path of the proud, but you`ve gone astray†he growled preparing to attack her, only to again be caught unawares by her next words. He slashed at the ground in vexation, struggling to figure out why he was hesitating, she had committed a vile act against his code of honor, and yetâ€â€seeing her tears and hearing her guilt seemed to be attempting to snap him back into his senses.  â€˜What am I doing?’ that pervasive thought dogged him again, but before he could grapple with that, he was snapped out of his inner deliberations, by another wolf, this one black like Volkov.
He looked the wolf over scornfully “don`t flatter yourself†he said simply “I`m not after youâ€â€Volkov has no interest in the likes of you†he growled in an annoyed fashion “You`re so insignificant, he couldn`t even be bothered to kill you†he affirmed judiciously. “I am here only for the one they call Tala†he rumbled, suddenly snapping back into focus. He was here for Tala, only Tala; he`d allowed himself to become sidetracked.  He shot Sola a assaulting glare before turning his attention back to Tala, unflinchingly turning his back to Coal. He could see that the wolf was injured, he could smell blood on himâ€â€the wolf couldn’t possibly be foolhardy enough to attack him in that condition, so he couldn`t be bothered to waste his time on that one.
“You have the power to end this†he beckoned to Tala, perhaps sounding desperate by that point. He was his father’s son it seemed, and perhaps he was going to die like his father did as well; facing impossible odds out of a burning desire not to fail. Reason was no longer part of the equation, their memories haunted him, pushed him on, but inwardly he wished so much that he wasn`t so faithful to his code of honorâ€â€he could have broken his promise to them a long time ago if not for that, ‘what am I doing?...mercy is for the weak…why am I here?...Kill them all!...I’m sorryâ€â€I-I can`t… you`re pathetic...’
Coal felt surprised. Volkov wasn't after him? "But.....for years my uncle has chased me," said Coal. "Why would he all of a sudden stop?" asked Coal. "He's saving up for you," said Clarence. Coal was angered. He felt his wounds' pain siding as he thought about the assination of his pack. He looked at the tiger. He remembered this large black cat. "Kojo," growled Coal. The cat wanted Tala, and Coal wasn't about to let that happen. Coal walked past Kojo, pushing him aside and stood in front of Tala. He then faced Kojo. "If you want her, you'll have to go through me," said Coal. Clarence smiled and joined Coal. "And me. I am Clarence, alpha male of the fourth generation of Pack Plains in the North," said Clarence. A few other wolves joined them, protecting their leader. "Us too," they said. Coal looked at Sola. "Stand with us and we can defeat him together," said Coal. Coal turned back to the pup. "Go back inside," he said. The pup obeyed. Coal looked back at Tala. "You are too valuable to me to be hurt by him."

Sola's eyes flashed. The tiger had turned back to Tala, but Sola was not through. Anger, regret, and sadness all coursed through her. "You think me weak. Here I stand, a supposed queen of the jungle, and cry. I broke killed my parents and I don't follow any set code." Her voice grew stronger as she spoke.

"I don't think emotion is weak. By your own standards, you are weak for allowing me to stand here. But to me, that makes you stronger. Weakness is not being able to think for yourself. You follow a code someone else told you. You try to capture Tala for Volkov to impress him. How many of these decisions are your own?"

"I killed my parents. Blood is supposed the be the strongest thing out there. If that is so, why could Volkov rip them away from me? I killed many for my beliefs, so did Volkov, what makes him right and me wrong? Your the weak one because you don't think. You only listen to what others tell you." Sola growled. "I will not let you take Tala until I am dead. I failed with my parents once, I will not fail again." She stood by the wolves gathered by Tala. "I will stand for what I believe, as should you. But are they your beliefs? Or Volkov's fantasy?"

Tala stood there facing the big cat. He shouted and he roared his determination to bring Tala along with him, but she was not shaken. The creature looked somewhat sad, despite his menacing physique and hardened countenance, as he stood there and stared down the countless number of wolves surrounding him. He put on a good show, and it would have been believable, if it were not for his eyes. They seemed to hold so many clashing emotions, yet he continued to go along with this role of his.

Tala's eyes darted back and forth from Sola to the Brute. It had appeared that Sola's latest revelation had struck a chord, causing the black cat to snap. His countenance shifted, and he suddenly became consumed with a sort of blind rage. The two collided, slashing at each other and managing to inflict several gashing wounds upon each other. Tala felt helpless, standing there and just watching the two battle. She was about to call upon her wolves and come to Sola's aid, but something made her hesitate. Sola began to cry, and her tears seemed to cause the male tiger to stop and take a few steps back. Tala waited and watched.

He seemed to be fighting something inside of him, but soon his expression was flooded by anger once again. Tala listened as he chastised Sola, and she was growing tense. However, it would be his next words which would truly strike her. “Volkov is wise, Volkov commands power, Volkov will construct a glorious future where only the strong exist and there is no room for the weakâ€â€Volkov is wonderful, and all who stand against him shall perish†The male recited without emotion, but the words alone sent Tala's mind spiriling back to a place she had been trying not to revisit.

The snow covered the earth like a white plague, covering every living thing, but also managing to cover up the crimes of Volkov's army. Tala watched through tear filled eyes as Volkov saluted his men, gathered before him, standing in formation. Tala could scarce turn her head, lest she lay her eyes upon the fallen around her. But she forced many familiar faces. Tala fought back the tears, and Volkov pulled her closer. Looking at her, with those eyes she had come to hate, he called out to his army. "Men! These fools dared to face us, and they have suffered the consequences. But I think there is one among us, who still does not understand. Let us remind her. Remind her of the great leader she shall serve, and of the fate that is promised to all who oppose our noble cause!" And in one, thundering voice, the army replied: “We pledge to serve Volkov. Volkov is wise, Volkov commands power, Volkov will construct a glorious future where only the strong exist and there is no room for the weakâ€â€Volkov is wonderful, and all who stand against him shall perish!â€Â

Tala struggled to regain focus. She fought to push away these memories from the foreground of her mind. She felt her legs tremble beneath her, and hear eyes started to form tears. But a voice, sounding off from behind her, seemed to capture her attention. It was Coal. Tala looked back at him, her heart becoming light for a split second. She never thought she'd be so happy to see him. He was wounded badly, but he was standing strong on all fours, and he was insisting that the black cat was actually there for him..

Tala knew how Coal must have felt. He must have expected his Uncle to want to exact a certain revenge on him, to have him brought back at once. But the truth was, Volkov would not rest until he's found Tala. Everyone knew it, but the Black Tiger seemed to be the only one rubbing it in his face. The Cat turned to face Tala once more, beckoning for her to just comply already. Tala knew he was tired, but so was she. She wasn't sure..for the first time she wasn't sure what she was going to do. However, she was strengthened to know that she had the loyalties of her pack, of Coal and Clarence, and of her friend Sola.

The cat was on his own. He had an entire pack ready to take him on, but there was more than that. His own mind seemed to be warring against him, and it was evident in his shifting expressions from rage to confusion. He was breathing heavy, and his eyes looked tired. Tala took in a deep breath, and looked side to side, and seeing everyone standing beside her, she drew from their presence a certain strength.

Tala took a step forward, advancing toward the black beast. "There is power in numbers. We stand united, and united we are strong. Volkov stands for nothing but to see the land divided. Anyone who can't see that has already fallen prey to his deceit." Tala paused, and then took a few more steps forward. "Volkov is a coward. You tell him if he wants me, he should come and face me. But I promise he'll be sorry he ever met me. As for you, trust me, I know you don't want to do this. I will give you one last chance to stand down."

Tala had come to pity this creature somehow, and she really hoped he would rethink his motives. However, she would not allow her compassion to be mistaken for weakness. She would not hesitate to fight, if that was what he wanted.

Coals voice ground within his mind like nails upon a chalk board, by that point he was reaching mental and physical exhaustion. “You`re time will come†he growled “you and all the other pathetic cravens that would oppose his might†he starred daggers into Coal, completely undaunted by the injured creatures resolve. It was only when they stood before Tala that he finally regarded all the snarling faces around him, realizing he was surrounded.

 As Sola spoke his ears drooped momentarily, something inside him was stirred by her words, but notion that she could be rightâ€â€he couldn`t entertain that notionâ€â€he wouldn`t hear it, because if he did…if he did, that he would be admitting that his entire life was a sham. Wastedâ€â€that everything that he had ever been taught, come to believe was a lieâ€â€that his parents had been monstersâ€â€and that he had allowed himself to become one, endeavoring to live up to their expectations. He couldn`t do thatâ€â€he wouldn`t… what would it all have been for? How could he ever live with the shame that would bring to his heart? He’d rather die.

His eyes were securely closed as he listened to her words, feeling arrested; a shiver ran down his spine, when his eyes again opened they were nearly vacant, “Shut up!†he snapped, tone heavily laced with hatred “I walk the path of the proud, the nobleâ€â€my line is destined to rise up and stand above all othersâ€â€there is no room in the new world our glorious leader has planned for the weak†he declared, mostly sounding like he was trying to convince himself, but he had no case to make for Volkov  at all, he was grasping at straws. Everything he was, everything his parents wereâ€â€it couldn`t have been wrong. What would he have if not for that? Who would he be if not for that?  He shook his head slowly, taking steps away from Tala as she came toward him. He wasn`t intimidated by her, but the stressâ€â€so much mental turmoil. ‘Why is this happening?’ he thought, rapidly feeling alarmed, ‘how are they doing this to me?’ his ears drooped expressing a hint of the vulnerability he was experiencing.

‘Fight to the last’ something compelled him to reclaim those step he taken backwards. He had only been listening to Talas words halfheartedly until the word ‘coward’ crossed his ears. “Volkov is no coward!†he snapped “these kind of tasks are beneath him†he growled “he must not be disturbed until his plans are complete†he glanced around as he spoke, taking in the sheer number of those that stood ready to oppose him.

“Or what?†he challenged as she told him he`d have one last chance to back down “will you kill me?†he asked almost too casually “I am not afraid to die†he lied, inwardly he was remembering watching his entire family perish, remembering the anguish he`d feltâ€â€he had been walking their path for a long time. ‘If I die hereâ€â€will they despise meâ€â€or is this what they want?’ he thought petrified. After a moment his expression changed to that of dread only for a moment ‘I`m sorry mother’ he thought miserably as he turned and started to run. ‘Worthlessâ€â€run away you wretched coward, run away’ he could almost hear their ridicule--feel their unforgiving eyes upon himâ€â€their condemnation.

He wheeled around at once charging back toward Tala; stopping short of reaching her. Would he ever be free from their memories? Would it take his death to free him from this unbearable torment? It was insufferable to live that way, being judged so intensely, being criticized at every turn. ‘I will not be weak!†he roared furiously, “You`ll just have to kill me then, because I`m not leaving here without you!†his desperation was palpable at that point as he stared her down defiantly; he couldn`t allow himself to fail, he was bound to prove himself to them.


‘Why am I doing this?’ he inquired exhaustedly, but even as he doubted himself he took a defensive stance low to the ground and prepared to fight who ever would come at him. He felt like he was at the end of his rope…how could he show his face around Volkov again; around any of the others, if he were to fail there. “I could die’ he grimaced, coming to that grave realization ‘is this what it will take to please you mother?!’ he inquired pointedly ‘if I throw my life away like you did?’ he winced considering that ‘why are you doing this to me? Set me freeâ€â€can`t you see what you`ve done to me?’ he pleaded with himself as if that would accomplish anything. “Never show weakness’ he reminisced those words yet again, and sighed. 'I`m not weak...’ he thought overcome, but outwardly his expression turned hostile. He would go down with the pride and fortitude his linage seemed to demand... if he were to fall here, he`d dedicate this standoff to the memory of his parents. He resigned himself to fate at that point, thinking maybe he`d finally find peace in death if he couldn`t have it in life. ‘It can’t end like this…I-I don`t want to die...’


Sola could see the confliction him, just as she could in herself. In that moment, she realized how big all of this was. How all of it was wrong. Neither side was right. "Stop." She said the word not to the black tiger, but to Tala, Coal, and all the others. She put her paw between the two parties, not forcefully, but gently. She turned to the black tiger before her. Her eyes grew soft, compassionate, understanding. "There is a better way to handle this." Her voice was soft, like a mother comforting a child with nightmares. "I understand."

She met the other cat in the eyes. "I understand. I honestly do, more than you realize. At one point in time, every belief I had ever known was thrown back at me, challenged me and what I stood for. I became insignificant, useless. I didn't know what I could believe anymore." She took a hesitant step towards the other tiger, her movement slow and slightly shaky. "I was changed then. I realized that I was only one piece of the puzzle, my shape was different from the rest. I accepted that."

She took a breath an continued. "Perhaps you already know this. If you do, then I don't understand. If you don't, then listen. Think of Volkov as a rock. Hard, nearly untreatable. Think of Tala as water, always moving, slowly wearing down that rock. Think of my as a fish, caught between the two forces. Now, think of yourself as the frog. You sit on the rock, despising the water and fish below you. You want to be a rock, immovable, non-stopable. But you arn't the rock, your the frog. Accept that you are not the same, and you can be different." With that, she put he nose to the tiger's chin.


Suddenly, Sola's eyes dialated and then narrowed rapidly, hey eyelids slamming shut. She backed up, her ears going flat as she let out a tremendous roar and she reared onto her hind legs. She lunged, slamming into the black cat and knocking them both to the ground. Sola didn't stay on top like she was attacking though, she rolled. kicking and struggling in the dirt roaring and snarling.

 Pain. exploding pain in the back of her head. That is what she felt what she knew. A bright flash, like lightning split through her mind, sending  an old memory with it. Her mother and father were at the mouth of the den, watching her as she came back from hunting. "Mom, dad, is something wrong?"

Her father glanced at her mother before turning to Sola. "Your mother, she is pregnant. This means it is time for you to leave, to go out on your own."

"What? No! Mom, dad I love you! Don't make me..."

Lightning flashed again, this time a new memory took it place. Sola was older, and she proudly walked towards a familiar den. "Mom? Dad?" She called. She saw her mom come from within the den, a smile on her face.

"Sola! Its so good to see you. Come meet your baby brother, Simon."

Sola came to the mouth den where a one-year-old white tiger huddled. "Are you Sola?"

At this point, their father came storming back from an unsuccessful hunt. "What is she doing here? Its bad enough I have a worthless son. Do I need reminded that my daughter is the only strong one in this family?


In the real world, outside of her flash-backs, Sola was telling over and over. "No No No!" She seemed to be having a seizure, or a fit of some kind. Suddenly, she sprang to her feet, slamming into a wolf and pinning him to her ground. He yelped, biting into her leg with fear. She roared and reared back, shaking her head violently. Sola fell back, landing on her back and head...s


White hot fire slashed again, slicing the memory in two and replacing it with another. This time, a storm raged on a rocky cliff. Lightning flashed as two cats faced off. One orange, one white. Sola roared at her brother, confusion in her voice. "Why are you doing this? I'm your sister, we don't have to fight!"

Simon growled. "You were always the favorite. I'm here to prove that they were wrong! I'm the better one!"

With that, Simon attacked Sola, and the two bit and slashed as the storm raged. The two broke apart, blood covering both of their fur. Simon reared, and Sola rose to match him. Suddenly, Simon dropped to all fours and rammed into Sola's exposed stomach. She stumbled backwards from the forced of the blow. Caught off balance, Simon shoved Sola off the cliff.

She feel for what seemed like forever. Her head struck the rock with a sickening thud. As her limp body tumbled down the mountain-side, her brother gave a triumphant roar.

It began to rain.


Suddenly, Sola's body stopped jerking, and she rolled to her stomach. Her head pounded. She had no recollection of how she ended up on the ground. The last thing she recalled was trying to convince the black tiger to basically switch sides. It happened again, one of my fits. Oh god, I hope I didn't hurt anyone... 

Lacewing had heard the commotion from a mile away. She had seen the two tigers fighting, had seen the stand-off, had seen everything from her vantage point in the bushes. Lacewing shuddered, reliving that one moment when the tigress had come rolling by, when their eyes had met. She recongnized the pain and sorrow in her eyes, for it was in her, too. She was suprised that the tigress did not sink down, that she did not give up living.

Volkov. The Destroyer. The one who had torn apart her family, the one who had try to force alien beliefs upon her. But she had escaped, and for that she was grateful. But the memory of those three days and nights that Volkov kept her after slaughtering her pack, memories she would never be able to escape from. Lacewing narrowed her eyes, glaring at the black tiger, Volkov's tiger. Her lips curled in contempt at the slave the tiger had once fully been until now. No true wild creature would ever let any other creature enslave them. Sighing, Lacewing comtemplated whether she should show her presence to these gathered wolves.

Coal could sense Kojo's anger. He thought he even saw the large cat take a step back. "Stop," said Sola. Coal looked at Sola. Clarence looked at her too. The tigress then out of the blue attacked a wolf. This caused a surprised snarl to leap from Clarence. The wolf Sola had attacked bit into her leg. The other wolves pryed Sola off of the wolf. Coal looked at Kojo. "Listen, I may be injured, but I will fight to the death for Tala's life," said Coal. "Besides, I am almost your size," he said. Clarence smiled. He then turned to Coal. "I have back up in the trees that are ready to pounce. Just say the word and I'll have them here," he said. "Thanks, but I know what I must do," said Coal. He stepped up to the cat with a growl. "Leave before you are welcomed with a painful experience you will NEVER forget," growled Coal. Clarence joined him in growling. "I won't have one of my uncle's henchmen prowling around THIS territory," said Coal. "Make your decision and make it fast," he said. "Or you won't be able to."

Poe ran through the plains, favoring her back leg slightly, but not enough to slow her down. The moon overhead was full and bright, and seemed to light her way as the grass reflected it. There was a growing commotion up ahead. Poe's eyes fixed onto the place from which the sound of voices was rising; Catori grounds. Poe suddenly felt her chest swelling with stress as she remembered the events from earlier in the day.

Poe steadied herself, and her feet fell silently on the earth before coming to a sudden stop. She was unable to see anything because of all the foliage before her. But she could hear the voices better now. She focused on them, hearing Tala, Sola, and even the black wolf Coal. Something about the next voice was familiar to her. It was deep and angry, but holding a note of confusion within it. The smell of blood in the air and the sound of the voice being absorbed by Poe's senses all at once finally began to paint a picture, and an unpleasant one at that. Poe almost couldn't believe her perceptions. She would have bet her life on it, but still, she had to see with her own eyes.

Poe hesitated for a moment, then chastised herself. "What are you afraid of? Move, you coward!" she thought to herself. She advanced towards the bush up ahead. Poe slowly crouched down and peered through the gaps in the bush. She saw Tala, her stance threatening and at the same time, cautious. Next she saw Coal, standing beside her, bleeding. Poe had to move to the next bush to get a better look at the rest of the scene. Next, she saw wolves, barking, and a stripped tail and leg flailing back and forth and rolling away. She moved over a bit, and could see it was the tigress who attacked her before. Poe's ears went flat. Any derogatory feelings she felt towards this tigress just turned into shock and pity. The tigress appeared to be having some sort of seizure.

Poe felt compelled to do something, however, what happened next caused her to pause. The tigress, in between her fits, began blindly attacking those around her. She saw the tigress attack a wolf, who proceeded to bite back out of fear. The tigress reared and roared and flung herself all about. Poe pulled her head back in shock, she had never seen anyone act this way, but it was pathetic. Suddenly the tigress came to, and her fits ceased. Poe watched her with interest, to see what she'd do next, but she appeared to look concerned as she began to come back to full consciousness.

Poe's eyes darted back from the tigress to the wolves, who appeared to be focused on something or someone. Poe raised a brow. "What are they staring at? What's going on?" Then, finally, she saw him. Poe's pupils shrunk, and unable to move suddenly, she stood there and allowed her mind to be overtaken by a rush of raging emotions and images.

Poe stood there and stared at him for a moment. A flash appeared before her mind's eye.

I remember..

The snow..

The crimson colors..

That large shadowy figure..his eyes were full of conflicting emotions, but his teeth were beared, and I stood there, weakened, as he charged at me. I remembered my father's words, how he despised my weakness. I remembered my promise to myself to always act with caution, but also without fear or hesitation. I would not allow myself to be overpowered, even thought the brute was clearly larger than I, and I was oh so tired..

I remember..I remember how we clashed, and then the pain..

I was soon on the ground, and as I hesitated to look at him, unable to move my legs, I stared at that black figure, as he looked down on me. I saw in his eyes every failure of mine, all the rejection and disappointment of my father. I saw the cold, careless gaze of my mother. I saw my future..empty. As I stared into those eyes, I felt my world slip out from underneath me. My world had faded to nothing. I blacked out.

Poe shook these memories. She looked back at him, but this time, he was the one who looked weak, defeated. Poe took pleasure, initially, in seeing him in such a state. But there was something about his expression that caught her attention. A tortured expression in his eyes, his face tired, but carrying both rage and confusion.

Perhaps the other's couldn't see it, but his rage was not directed at them. Rather, it was a rage that stemmed from a sense of failure, or contempt of self. Poe could look at him, and for a moment she almost felt like she was looking at herself. She had to turn away. She closed her eyes, and tried to forget, but all her shame seemed to be thrown right back in her face after looking at him.

Kojo watched Sola place her paw between him and the others wonderingly, her words only managed to render him more upset as he struggled to reject them. He closed his eyes refusing to listen “No you`reâ€â€you`re wrong†he protested “I am the same†he growled locking his teeth together securely, ‘I`m strong, I`m proud, I`m fearless, I`m Amur’ he reassured himself against her words, but was suddenly forced out of his inner deliberations cogently by a touch to his chin. He had been caught off guard, by this friendliness, but before he could react; she had knocked him to the ground. More angered then ever by her abrupt turnabout, he prepared to retaliate reflexively, but stopped and stared at her incredulously instead as she writhed about all over the ground as if in some kind of agony.  â€˜What`s going on?’ he thought in mild alarm ‘is this some kind of joke?’ he growled, watching her attack a wolf. The whole situation had grown jarring. It was too much for an already overstressed mind to absorb. He backed away, shaking his head apprehensively; there were masses of thoughts pressing their way through his mind simultaneously. Watching her like that, he felt reminded of many unpleasant thingsâ€â€things he longed to forget, unspeakably terrible thingsâ€â€he caught flashes of the war, so much needless carnage it heralded his own internal struggles in some way, only in physical form; it was difficult to watch.  His blood pressure was rising to unsafe levels; he could feel the anxiety boiling up in his blood, he could sense something within him compelling him to fight, and another side demanding him to get out of there before he made a mistake that could not be undone.

His eyes had shot to and fro irresolutely until Coals voice obliged his attention back into focus. He listened to Coals words vexatiously , all the while raking at the earth beneath his paws crossly. He found himself wanting to tear the wolf apart, he was certainly incensed enough, but something forced him to balk; something about this wolf disturbed him to the core; perhaps it was his striking resemblance to Volkov. He looked the wolf over questioningly when he had declared to be nearly the same size, at that remark he merely scoffed, no doubt the wolf was deluding itself; perhaps out of painâ€â€he was clearly injured. Coal`s next words provoked him into action, up until then he`d been teetering on the brink of indecision, but no longer. He closed in on Coal, and roared in the wolfs face as thunderously as he could “You know nothing of pain!†he reprimanded the pathetic creature standing before him “there are fates in this world worse than death†he spat knowingly “have you ever known an undying nightmare?†he snarled “you have nothing to teach me of painâ€â€I feel nothing!†he was tempted to sink his teeth into the maddening wolves face, but thought better of it. He was tired, he knew he couldn`t win against such odds, there was no point in fighting; what could he possibly prove by throwing his life away? He wanted to live he had a lot he felt he needed to prove, and knew if he put his mind to it logically he would in good time accomplish that which his parents never could--ultimate power. Though it aggrieved him to admit defeatâ€â€he was tired, so very tired of it all.

A combination of fatigue, stress, dehydration and blood loss had taken a toll on him. He felt dizzy, and his legs seemed much heavier all of the sudden. His heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest. For days he had been patrolling so single-mindedly that he had neglected to rest, eat or drink, all with the intention of getting noticed over everyone else by Volkov. He had been working hard, and pushing himself beyond his breaking point for the chance to at commendation. A pain shot through his head, not unlike a headache and his vision began to go hazy, his legs buckled a bit beneath him, but he caught himself.

“Iâ€â€I will return to Volkov†he finally said after a bit, sounding utterly defeated, even though he had tried to conceal that from conveying in his tone. He turned and began to amble away with an unsteady gait. He felt lightheaded, he squeezed his eyes shut and reopened them attempting in vain to correct his vision. “But firstâ€â€I need to restâ€â€just a little rest†he stated exhaustedly, and as if on cue he unexpectedly collapsed into a heap on the ground with a heavy thud.  His vision faded began to fade out ‘I`m sorry mother, I have failed you…you`re pathetic’ was the last thought that crossed his mind before everything went black. The exertion had become too much for him, and he lost consciousness; a consequence of pushing himself too hard.

Sola had come to just in time to hear Coal and the black tiger's exchange, but she could do nothing about it. She watched the poor cat walk away in defeat, tail and head low, his paws heavy and his expression dull. Pain teared through Sola's heart. I have let my feelings get the best of me with that cat. I... don't think I can fight this... dark attraction. Why could she care for this tiger, when none could touch her heart.

Sola pushed herself to her feet, her legs wobbling, making her stance wide and weak. Her breath was heavy with effort as her mind and heart betrayed one another. He had killed ruthlessly, yet so had she. He had pushed himself beyond his breaking point, as she had before. He worked for Volkov, for what he believed. Sola may not have thought the same way but... Mom, dad, I'm sorry. Maybe I have dissapointed you. But please, let me make things right.

Sola could sense the black tiger's collapse of exhaustion just beyond the clearing. She was weak, but she made her voice as strong as possible. "If anyone harms him, I will not rest until the crows pick at you." She looked pointedly at Coal. "Especially you."

She walked, slowly and shakily, towards where the midnight beast lay. When she finally got to where he had passed out, she lowered her head and put her nose to his warm cheek. "You probably cannot hear me, but I want to make things right. Please listen, not all of the world strives for power and domination. Some just want... peace."

Sola lay down next to the cat's sleeping body as she waited for her own to recover from her episode. These fits had begun when Simon had thrown her from the cliff. She remember very little, except from what was in the vision, and knew that the fall had done something to her. These fits ranged from harmless to deadly.

Oddly enough, Sola understood why she cared for this black tiger, though their differences. He reminded her of Simon, before he had tried to kill her. She could see the same iron will, and the same determination to please someone. In Simon's case, it was their parents. In this tiger's case, she didn't know.

Sola pondered these things as strength slowly ebbed back into her. She dozed in and out of a light sleep. As far as she knew, the black tiger never woke, as her never moved. Perhaps I'll go hunting before he wakes, and show him the kindness in the world... And Sola fell asleep.

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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