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Whitefire roared in anger. She spun quickly and then turned to the other side. she felt the female's sharp claws hang into her back. She slammed backwards, pinning the female against the wall, leaveing her soft underside exposed to lighning.
And that was a bid mistake.
Lighting saw the weakness. he launched himself at her and sank his claws into her chest, slamming her into the ground. He pinned her there with the help of Malvada. Whitefire writhered and snaked, trying to throw them off. She roared angerly and tryed to shovethem off, When the egg lightning stole cracked, reveiling a baby dragon.
Celestia looked at her daughter for a moment before putting the chick under her wing as the chick's siblings began hatching. "Welcome to the world little ones..." She kept them shielded from everyone else. Untill the fighting was done she'd keep them there safe and sound. Two females and a male, Celestia named them Midnight, Skye, and Oak... She was in pain but she had her chicks with her and that was all that she felt she needed. She wasn't going to abandon them, She'd keep them fed when she was able and teach them how to fly, run, and hunt herself. The male could show them everything else...
Lightning Glared triumphantly. "I wonder what coal will think when he learns you arn't carring his chicks."
Whitefire glared, her eyes full of pure hatred. "That will never happen, because I carry his chicks now." she said, venom in her voice.
Lightning recoiled, his eyes lit up in hatered. "That may be but i will kill those chicks and replace them with my own. You are the reason i fight, the reason i live. I love you and coal prevents you from growing attached to me." he said. The air hung thick with his words.
Whitefire's voice was like a knife. "I will never like you"
A large mountainous range with scattered lakes, and underground tunnel system, dense forests, and barren mountain tops.
You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.
You are a western dragon in a time of war. The life dragons and shadow dragons fight for the earth. The shadow dragons wish to rule the earth by power and fear, while the Life dragons wish to live in harmony with earth's creatures.
Whitefire and Coal lead the Life dragons. Lightning leads the Shadow dragons. Coal and Lightning are archenemys.
Now, a new hope has sprung up. Chaos is now the problem, and has been turning everyone against each other. Three were born, the embodyments of yin, yang, and karam are now the only thing that stand between chaos. but chaos has begun to hunt them down, to keep things under his controll
You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.