Lightning heard the roar. A growl deepened in his throat. He reconized the smell of another shadow dragon, female, the same as the one earlyer. "What do you want twerp?" he said hostily. Glareing at the female. She might try to steal the egg for her own or back for the Celestia, or maby she wanted to carry his genes. He relished the thought. "Come in." he said a little more softly. If she DID want to carry his childeren he didn't want to chase her off. After all, why should he miss his chance to build up the shadow army a bit more?
Malvada hesitated a little, the way he changed his tone towards her so quickly seemed a little strange, but none the less she walked in anyways, "I know it's none of my business, but the female warned me her family is going to try to take the egg back, she will do her best to stop them and I am assuming she has being they aren't here yet. That egg needs to live, she wishes it does being it is or was hers..." she paused knowing she might regret what she would say next "She wants me to make sure it does." Malvada had no idea how she was going to do that yet though, she knew how to care for an egg but wasn't about to take it from the male, and when she spoke it was evident in her voice she wasn't going to.
Lightning growled at the female. She had courage saying that, but he had to make she the chick bonded with him. But, maby she could be of use. "Why should I let yo stick around? You are not paricularly strong, I can hunt for myself, and this is my egg." he circled her, studying every detail. He hoped this female would feel uncomfortable and flee. "Of course, the only thing I can see you would e useful for is carrying my young." He stoped and met her in the eye, waiting for a response. More than likely, shed back out if it.
A snarl erupted from Malvada's throat and she lashed her tail back and forth irritably, she could tell he was trying to intimidate her, it wasn't going to work, she looked him in the eyes right back with a glare that seemed as if it was growing more and more wicked by every second that passed by. "I'm stronger than I look and if you want those life dragons to back off, it would probably be in your best interest to keep me around, but you're offering me a clutch, you're not going to get on my good side with insults by calling me weak and nearly usless..." she replied sounding a little harsh, not even flinching.
Celestia staggered away from the run in with deep gashes on her sides and bite marks. She was hurt badly, in no condition to protect her family. She looked to that male's lair. With him they'd have a slim chance... the sound of a breaking egg made her head snap... The rouge had stepped on a ground bird's nest leaving. She dragged herself to her lair and gazed at her eggs. She rested to regain enough energy to move her brood. If she'd had their father around he'd have been killed. She used a deer hide as a bag to carry her two chicks making sure the coast was clear before making the difficult flight to the male's lair. Celestia almost dropped her clutch and she had re openedd some of her wounds. It was a miricle she hadn't been hurt worse. She panted "Rouge... barely made it... not able to take care of them alone please help..." Celestia let out a weak sob still in shock from the assult...
Lightning turned to Celestia. "Why should I halp you? A. Your a life dragon. B. You refused me. C. Your family tried to kill me. and D. I have one of your eggs and I'm not sure you won't take it and run." He said in an unsympitectic tone. The fact that she was at his mercy was wonderful to him. Lightning raised his head higher, makeing him look more powerful. "So why, in the name on yin and yang, should I help you?" he demanded, already knowing te answer, or atleast, takeing a pretty good guess. Because right now, he was the survival of her family.
Whitefire flew high into the air enjoying the breeze. A female life dragon darted near the ground. Instantly she reconized celestia. She swerved and fallowed. She could see she was injured, and fom the smell, had been taken by a rouge. Celestia dissapeared into a cave and whitefire cautiously fallowed. She froze when Lightnings voice drifted to her.
"Why should I halp you? A. Your a life dragon. B. You refused me. C. Your family tried to kill me. and D. I have one of your eggs and I'm not sure you won't take it and run."
How could he be so cold? She obviously needed help AND he had taken one of her eggs!
Malvada looked over towards Celestia, the sound of that one word sent chills down her spine rouge.... they were just about every female with a clutch's nightmare, they were cruel, ruthless, and heartless, some even worse than the shadow dragons were from the life dragons point of view of course. She didn't blame Lightning for not wanting to help her though, his reasons were logical ones, but Malvada could not help but have a very faint sense of pity for her, she was lucky she lived, and if she didn't those eggs would have been destroyed by the rouges or wouldn't have been kept warm enough...   Â
Neck yawned and asked "Really, do you all have to lead such tragic lives? I prefer a comedy now and then. Seriously, can at least one of you crack a joke, maybe? No, never mind. If I crack a joke, all I get is a glare. I'll just sit here, in the water, bored, and watch your boring lives play out, all the while hoping for a break in the boredom. See, this is how to make a joke:" He started hungrily at Celestia's chicks, quite convincingly, and said "Delicous..." and laughed, noticeing the blanck stares coming back at him.Â
Celestia was laying there too weak to do much and sighed "Do I look like I could take that egg? I'm forking over my whole brood here. I don't expect you to help me but my chicks will have a chance with you. You wanted them..." She was at his mercy and he knew it. All Celestia wanted was to leave a legacy behind. "I don't know if I'll survive, if I do my next brood is yours..." Celestia was desperate willing to do anything for her brood to make it. "Love can make you willing to do anything or make someone do anything for you... That is it's power... That's why I'm here at all..." She glanced at the strange reptile for a moment before exsposing her throat in submission too tired to say any more.
Lightning snickered. "I was hopeing you'd say that."
Whitefire steped out of the shadows. "And I will not allow that." she steped infront of celestia, protecting her. "You have no buisness with her."
Lighning smiled. "Just like you to intervene with things that have nothing to do with you." He launched himself at her, his claws digging deep into her fleash. Whitefire rolled, squishing him beneath her and thrashed, aattempting to squish him. Lightning wriggled trying to get free. Whitefire turned and squared off as they circled eachother, dareing the other to attack. The egg had rolledd against the wall and lighting stayed int front of it, watching. Whitefire kept alert at the other shadow dragon, if she attacked, this could be bad.
Neck groaned. "Really, people. I don't want to listen to your sob stories. ould you maybe take this somewhere else? As you can see, I am stuck in this lake." He waited for a minute, watching, and then asked "Could any of you perhaps know what time it is? I really don't know which side to root for at the moment, because I don't know what time it is. Living without sunlight kind of takes your sense of time from you. I bet that if I were able to go outside right now, the time would completely surprise me."Â
Celestia dragged herself and the other two to the egg to prevent them from being trampled, her intent was clear so the male wouldn't go after her for being an egg thief. Celestia being as injured as she was also backed into the cave with an apology to the strange reptile not wanting to be in the open. She watched the fighting helplessly. Her only comfort was the fact she had her whole clutch with her at that moment. Celestia kept her little ones close her getting her own blood on them and cleaning them off when she noticed that she'd bled on them. There were smears of blood leading to her location but she didn't care...
Neck decided he should probably help the wounded female, it was with his morals, whichever side he was on at the moment. He swam over to the shore in front of her. "You want safety foy your hatchlings, eggs, and so on and so forth, correct?" Neck asked. He knew that this was obviously correct, so he continued. "If you want, I could carry the hatchlings, you, and the eggs over to an island in the center of this lake." Neck told her, not to quietly either, because the other dragons were obviously preoccupied with the battling and such. "But really" he asked, "Do you know what time it is?"Â
Celestia didn't trust the strange reptile "It's mid day but I don't think I can trust you." She curled around her young as best she could. She wished that everyone would stop or go away so she could rest with her unborn children just for a little while in peace. Weather that male was around didn't matter she was keeping the eggs warm doing no harm and would bear his chicks when these three were out of infancy. He had no reason to go after her. Celestia's genetics had been proven satisfactory she'd survived a rouge's assault. She was too tired to put up a fight anymore...Â