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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Alex was a little annoyed that the guard hadn't even bothered to say anything. But he didn't let it bother him, instead he looked to Kadvar. He was soaked and apeared a little more upset than normal

"What happened?" Alex asked. "Are you okay?" He added when he noticed the bandage. He could guess the reason Kadvar was wet was because they needed to put out fire that he had started. Or maybe it was to prevent him from making flames in the first place. That seemed like a pretty aweful way to control him. But it was better than being knocked out every time to be transported.

It took Kadvar a moment or two to process his question past all his excessive anxiety. "I'm fine, it's just a scratch." Besides exhaustion from setting or trying to set fires, being soaked in water, and a scratch he was fine. That wasn't anything food and some time wouldn't fix.

His mental health was a whole different story. He'd have nightmares for weeks, and would be fearful of the scientist for a long time after that. From just one test Lucius had only strengthened his fear of firearms. He would have rather been knocked out so maybe he could have slept off this panic.

Did he really want to share what had happened? That was suppose to make people feel better, unless it only made him think of the test more. There was a moment's hesitation before he spoke, "He had gun toting machines enter the room and start shooting at me." He tapped the area just beside his cut that had come from a bullet.

Really though where was most of the lab's budget going if they had things like gun toting robots?  That was the kind of thing he'd imagine seeing in a cheap horror movie. The labs budget probably went into developing laser shooting spiders or creating large lizard monsters.

Alex raised one eyebrow in confusion.

"Then why do you need a bandage for it?" He asked. Usually you did not get bandaged up unless it was something pretty bad. He guessed that they felt they just did not have the time or something. You would have to make a big scene about it.

The test was suprising to him since it didn't seem to have any reasoning behind it. There wasn't any test that was done that didn't have some point, some thing that needed to be learned. It was possable that Kadvar was upset and did not tell him everything, but it was also possable that Lucius was just being a jerk.

Kadvar just shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't going to tell him how he convinced Lance to give him a bandage. That would be too embarrassing, to say he whined and complained until the guard gave in.

He couldn't remember all the details of the test. After the bullets had started flying everything was a panicked haze. The gifted could hardly even remember what it was Lucius had asked him to do. He was too preoccupied cowering in a corner of the room, another detail he wouldn't be willing to share. Really it was embarrassing to think of now, but if put in the same situation he would have done the same thing.

There was no way he was going to go willingly with the scientist next time. His chair had been removed and the worst weapon he had were some cards, but he'd think of something.

Alex leaned backwards so that his back was on the side of his bed. Looking around his cell, he found nothing to do. He had nothing, no desk, no chair, nothing. It was his own fault though and he doubed he would ever get them to think he could have any of it back.

Kadvar on the other hand, did. He didn't cause trouble so he could actually keep himself entertained. That is, until now. Studdenly he had decided to try to stop them from taking him away.

"Why did you try to fend them off?" Alex asked. "That's my job." He added, jokingly.

Kadvar still felt worn from the temperature test, or it could've just been he was still injured from a guard dropping him. He had been in the labs a while and had never almost fainted before that test. With his current and last test having been so dangerous he felt more fearful and resentful of the scientist. If he didn't escape it would only be a matter of time before he was seriously injured. "I didn't want to be the next one wheeled back in a gurney."

All of this talking managed to help ease some of his panic. Now that he wasn't so afraid he began to realize just how tired he really was. Setting fires required him to use his own energy, and if there was no fuel for said fires he would be the battery that fed it. The only way to regain lost energy was from food, which really he felt they didn't give him enough of.

"Well I guess it worked since you didn't." Alex said. It seemed that Lucius had been looking to drugs to transport them more often than what was normal. It was going to bite him in the butt at some point though since they will just start to get a resistance to it.

Alex glanced over at the camra perched up in the corner of his cell. It was protected by some clear box. It wasn't just kept save because of Alex's history of breaking their things. It was like that in all the cells he had seen.

He still wasn't sure if only what they did was recorded, but not what they said. It seemed like that would have invested some of their money for that. However they had spoken about excaping before, yet no one had come to stop them, at the very least seborate him and Kadvar. Or maybe it was because they were interested in what they would try.

"We need to get out of here before one of these tests kills us." He said.

"Very few gifteds die here," he imitated Lucius' pattern of speech mockingly. Really was that suppose to make them feel better? Were they suppose to believe that? "They probably make sure we go insane first." Living in a cell tended to have a negative effect on one's sanity. Lack of exercise, sunlight, and living in a small area really took a toll on a person. So did the fact the only reason physical contact was made by another person was to be cuffed or restrained.

He noticed the way Alex looked back at the camera, and he was suspicious himself. Surely Lucius would have tried getting them to confess their escape plan by now. Unless of course, he was messing with them.

Alex laughed. "I don't trust a single think that comes out of his mouth." He said. Alex didn't trust anyone here. They had a tendancy to be sly and malulative. If something seemed safe it was most likely because they wanted you think it was safe.

Nori apeared to be a good person, but even she was a trick. At least in Alex's opinion she was. They had studdenly put two and two together about him and Duncan right when he had told Nori about his brother.

There was even a small chance he couldn't even trust Kadvar. However he had decided quite a while ago it was worth the risk. He couldn't excape on his own, he wasn't even sure if they could excape working together.

"He's probably already killed a few gifteds himself, with all the drugs he likes to use." It was difficult to trust anyone these days. What was the scientist's penalty for killing a gifted? "All he'd have to do if he killed one of us is pay a fine." He had been around long enough to know they paid a fine, didn't know the exact amount they paid. But what did it matter? You can't just erase the fact you killed a living human being by handing out some money. At least he still considered gifteds humans, they came from humans, mostly, so therefore they were human. Right?

Kadvar trusted Alex, but he didn't know about those in the cells around them. They seemed to not mention their escape plan at all which made him suspicious. There were some gifteds who would tattle for the promise of privileges. What if they had already told?

The fact that the only punishment for killing a gifted here was to pay a fine annoyed Alex greatly. When a person killed a human they went to jail, sometimes even killed themselves. But killing a gifted should be so easily shrugged off.

Alex did not want to end up dead, or insane. But the task of excaping was very difficult. He remembered being on that ship for quite a long time, who knew how far out the sea they were? Or maybe they weren't at all and the long trip was just to make them think that. Hopfully, because Alex wasn't sure how they were going to be able to get off the island.

"I don't really trust Nori very much anymore." Alex said.

Without being able to trust Nori, who would they steal keys from? He wasn't strong enough to take Lance's keys and there was no way Lucius would go into his cell alone. It felt like everything was becoming more and more impossible. It felt his originally well thought out plan was becoming a tangled mess. "Hopefully we can get ahold of someone else's keys then," the chances of the janitor entering their cells alone or handing over her keys felt even slimmer.

Despite the slim chances of their plan working, it was worth a try. He didn't want to die here. Of course there was the chance they ended up dying as a result of an escape attempt anyway.

"We will never get out of here if you want to wait around for someone we can trust." Alex said. "We can still try to get them from her. She does get very close to the bars of our cells sometimes."

The reason Nori had done that could have been to actually encourage him to nick the keys from her. He couldn't shake the aweful feeling that they were just acting like they didn't know of their plans. They could just want to see what they do.

Maybe they allowed gifteds to try to excape a lot. Maybe they did it to see what they need to do to make it so the gifteds that follow them cannot repeat what they did.

Nori payed awefully close attention to her job. "If we take them while she's cleaning, it would take awhile to notice her keys are gone." Hopefully that wasn't just an act Nori put on, her close attentiveness to cleaning.

Kadvar took a glance at the other gifteds in the room, then looked away. Hopefully none of these gifteds would rat them out for privileges. It was somewhat easy to tell which ones were a risk, it'd be the more compliant gifteds with more items in their cells. Or not, he just described himself and one other gifted in the room.

Sitting in one place didn't help him warm up or dry off any faster. He rather not get his blanket damp though. Really could they have made his room warmer? Room temperature for him felt colder than it would to a normal person.

Alex noticed Kadvar look at the others in the room. They all heard about them planning an excape but yet none of them asked to join in. Alex didn't think they would tell and remove the chance of a break out. He predicted that they would start to beg to have their cells unlocked once they had gotten out.

They just didn't want to be part of the planing, they didn't want to do any of the work. Whatever, some people just are not cut out for this kind of stuff. When the time came though, Alex wouldn't have the heart to leave them behind.

"If you can get that close to her. I don't know if she would move if someone came up to her and got close enough for that." Alex said.

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Ink (#35575)

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