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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Zelos was amused by the tiger sudden charge ‘crazy tiger—I can see you’ he thought mockingly, watching from the high ground. Though he was rather annoyed that he had been spotted as he realized with all the wolves around his situation could have just turned precarious. He wasn`t at all alarmed about a tiger; they were only good for one quick burst of speed—he was confident there wasn`t one alive that could run him down… a pack of wolves on the other hand—they surely had the stamina to make it a test.

Completely unaware that there was a second tiger stalking him he launched himself into a terse gallop coming to a complete stop upon reaching the summit of the hill, where he reared up in a display of bravado, watching to see if the tiger had enough staying power to make it all the way up the hill, since there was quite a bit of distance it need to close to reach him, and the hill was relatively steep. If it looked like the cat was getting to close he was ready to spring into an all out gallop at a moments notice.

As Coal wondered through the forest, a deer zoomed by him. "Finally, lunch!" he yelled. The five year old wolf took off after the deer. The two zoomed by trees and through bushes. "I got you now!" yelled Coal. He growled as he lunged for the deer. He tackled the deer and immediately ended its life. Coal howled his victory howl. He then began to feast. As he ate, a scent came to his nose. It smelled like a wolf was near. "It is a female," he said. It was definitely a female. The last one he saw was a yearling with the I.Q. of an elk dropping. Coal finished his meal and then drunk water from a stream. He walked on until he came to a tree. Coal could smell and hear other animals. He peeked around the tree, his amber eyes glooming. He saw a chocolate brown female wolf, a tiger, and pups. "Oh, good evening," he said. "My name's Coal, and you are?" he asked the brown female wolf. She smelled wonderful.

The Stallion had sensed her from a mile away. Poe let out a snort of disappointment as it sped off like a rocket before she could even get close enough. He was no doubt the fastest thing she had ever seen, but she wasn't about to give up. There was already a great deal of distance between Poe and the stallion before he took off, and now she was about 80 yards away at least. Poe lowered her ears and narrowed her eyes, letting out a gutteral snarl and picking up her speed. She watched as he made it to the top of a nearby hill and looked back to see what she would do. The stallion was putting up a fair fight, and Poe respected that. But she was no quiter, and though her front legs nearly buckled underneath her for a moment, she regained herself and kept up the chase.


Poe was getting closer. She watched the stallion and noticed he must have been toying with her. Making it to the base of the hill, something caught Poe off-guard. Another tiger was closing in on her from her side. Poe, forgetting the horse for a moment, skidded to a stop and stood her ground. Her stance was defensive, her body low and her head craned downwards with her ears flat to her skull. If this cat wanted the stallion as well, it would have to put up a fight.
Firefly looked in Sola's direction, confused. She glanced at Tala. "I'm going to go to the den. You might want to watch her." She ticked her head in the direction of Sola, then walked off. She made her way into the den, looking for Kai. He leapt up and walked over to her. "Here, follow me. We scraped together something for you." The other pups walked with Firefly to her new den. Their tails wagged slightly in anticipation. Firefly was shown a messy, but acceptable bed to sleep in. It was obviously made by the other pups, for there were flowers and shiny rocks woven into it. Firefly smiled slightly. "It's awesome! Those little daisies smell awesome!" She slowly laid down, feeling feathers tickling at her belly. "Thanks, guys." The pups all went off to their beds, save for Kai. He smiled at Firefly, then began to walk towards the entrance. Firefly settled into a deep sleep.

When Sola saw the other tiger, she instantly became much more aggressive. Her posture was similar to this other female. The fur along her back stood on end, and her ears pinned back to her head. A loud menacing hiss tore itself from her throat.

Baring her fangs and claws extended she made herself look as large as possible, saying through body language that this was her territory. "Who are you?" Sola spit out as if she had eat a piece of vile meat. Tiger stand-offs were very serious, though rarely ended in a fight. Normally, one would back off and leave the other. However, as the thought of the defenseless pups back at the den crossed her mind, Sola knew she would not back off.

Zelos silently thanked his mother, who had always told him that patience was the greatest of virtues. It seemed to be true; he had stuck around against his better instincts, and it looked like it was set to pay off.  He`d get to witness a fight after all, but he was conflicted--his instincts were harkening him away from there; advising him to exploit the disorder to slip away. On the other hand, his mischievous side made him want to stick around and watch the scuffle that was surely about to break out. 

His eyes shot from the tigers to the open glade that he`d previously been grazing in and back irresolutely, but he found himself unable to look away; it was just too enthralling an opportunity to pass up. Foolhardiness having won out over reason; he stayed put and watched keenly. It`s not like they were close enough to him to pose any immediate threat--by his logic anyway.

Poe watched the tiger and circled, making sure not to give it any opening to attack. She kept her eyes locked on the tiger with a sharp gaze, her teeth beared and muscles tense as her tail flicked with rage. Poe hissed, and the opposing tiger grew larger, as if asserting it's dominance.

Poe glared at the tiger, and when seeing this behavior she was most unamused. "What's it to you?" Poe roared, "You think I'm gonna bow out? As if this was your territory? I smell nothing but wolves here, and last time I checked, they were the enemy." Poe scoffed, watching the tiger in front of her, and noticing she seemed very defensive of something. "Or am I to believe a tiger is living among wolves? Don't make me laugh." She growled in anger, and peaking back at the stallion for a brief moment, she locked eyes on the tiger. It appeared to be trying to ward her off. "Listen, just beat it. I'm not in the mood, alright? One's gotta eat, you know how it is."She confirmed, growing impatient. "I'd really rather not have to take you down."

Tala and Sola had been talking with Firefly for no more than two minutes, and the trio were getting along pretty well for the most part. However, as Tala spoke, she could detect a head peaking around the heavy brush, it's eyes watching them with intrigue. Tala raised a brow, and watched, but figured whoever it was meant no harm. Suddenly, however, Sola became tense. A low growling could be heard somewhere off in the distance, and it sounded like another big cat. Tala peaked over at Firefly, to make sure she was still around. Sola was starting to sneak off, her body was tense, and she was moving fast in the direction of the threatening sound.

Firefly looked at Tala and told her she should go after Sola. "Firefly, make sure you stay with an adult! I don't want you wandering off. Stay here, alright?"  She said with a motherly tone, and she was not ready to negotiate. She would never forgive herself if something happened to the pup. Tala watched Firefly until she entered the den with the pups, and started to take off in the direction of Sola. She had taken a few steps, when suddenly, she ran smack into a pair of amber eyes. The male wolf smiled at her, and greeted her in a charming manner. Tala was completely taken aback. She hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to make of the situation. She peaked over his shoulder and saw Sola disapear behind the brush. Looking back at the male, who was obviously not a member of her pack, she recognized his stark resemblance to someone she knew all too well. Tala's ears flattened and she got tense, growling. When the male asked her name, she did not respond, but instead barked "Don't move any closer! I'm warning you.."

Coal was taken back. This female oblviously thought he was a crazy rogue male like the other males. But he was different. As he heard her growl and yell at him, he wanted to growl back, but he couldn't. She was just too beautiful. Coal's ears went back as he noticed he was a few inches taller than her. He could easily over power her, but remembered that she was a beautiful female. "My apologies," said Coal. He bowed and backed away. He then walked off and noticed another animal a few feet away from. Coal shook his head, looked back at the female wolf, and then walked off with a flick of his tail. He wouldn't leave their territory, but he would watch and keep his distance.

Tala stayed in her stance, tail raised high and head low. She watched the male through narrow eyes as he stared at her, puzzled. Apologizing, he backed away slowly and silently. Tala snorted and turned her back on him, but when she did, she caught the eye of her father, who was watching the whole thing nearby. Tala loosened up when she saw him. She read his eyes, and suddenly felt bad for the way she treated the male, but she wouldn't admit it. Approaching her father, she became a little defensive. "Father, one can never be too careful." She said, putting on an air of authority. Her father looked at her with kind eyes, and then glanced over to where the male stood just moments before. "But what kind of threat was he posing?" He asked simply, gazing back upon his only daughter. Tala tilted her head in confusion. "You're taking his side? But he--" She started, "But he's not." Her father rebuttlaled. "But how can you be so sure?" She asked, slightly frustrated. Her father just looked at her, saying nothing. Tala sighed. She nodded to her father and backed away.


Tala ran after the male, who had not traveled too far apparently. He was sitting along the edge of the camp grounds, watching her as she approached. Tala analyzed him, and couldn't help but scowl a bit when she saw him a second time. However, she softened up a bit. "Forgive me. It's just.." She started, looking down at the ground, and then back into his amber eyes. "You shouldn't have snuck up on me like that. I mean, you look a lot like HIM." she said, getting a little defensive again, as terrible memories brought on by the sight of this rogue began to flood her mind.

Coal was sitting down when he heard the female walk up on him. He turned to look at her, a thing of stunning beauty. "Him?" asked Coal. He stood up, looking her dead in the eyes. "Who would this 'Him' be?" he asked. His mind then wandered back to when he was a pup. He remembered his father, Blaze, joining the war, but with a different side. His father didn't join the good wolves, but joined an evil wolf. A wolf who's name was never mentioned in love or good. It was Volkov, the traitor of his own kind. Coal felt sympathy for the female. His mother, who had joined the good wolves, died in battle. Blaze, his father, was so heartbroken that he attacked Volkov. But his father was no match for the evil wolf, who slew him instantly. Coal looked at the female. "I look like Volkov, don't I?" asked Coal. He looked away from her. Coal sighed. "A lot of people don't know this, but Volkov is the reason why I look the way I am," he said. "That evil wolf is the only reason why my coat is black, my height is taller than others, and why nature is the way it is," said Coal. He then turned back to the female. "The wolf you see standing before you is none other than Coal, the nephew of Volkov," said the black wolf. He was embarressed and sad to be related to the traitor. Coal didn't believe his mother when she told him, but his father told him. Volkov was Blaze's brother. The two were blood brothers. Coal sat on his haunches. "This may be the reason why I'm having a hard time searching for a mate," said Coal, flicking his tail. His amber eyes looked at the female, waiting for a response.
Squeeky woke up, sniffing spring in the air. She took a quick look and listens, to see if its safe. Just some singing birds. No dangers close. She carefully climbs down from her tree and starts looking for food. Hmm? Whats that? Squeeky sneaks closer to take a look. Its an acorn! Without thinking she runs straight for it. But when she picks it up, she realizes it was just an empty acorn hat. Disappointed, she starts sniffing for food again. A blue butterfly flies infront of Squeeky. She watches it as it flies.

Squeeky finally finds some buried food. She puts it in her cheeks and runs home. She notice some wolves nearby, and hurries to climb up her tree. Squeeky carefully watches the wolves. 

Tala was sitting near the male, watching him closely. She had been so focused on him that she nearly forgot about Sola, the colt, and the strange sound which Sola rushed off towards. Her tail flicked up and down as she listened to the male. His eyes were like the harvest moon, round and bright, and his coat was as black as the night; this is what Tala couldn't stand. Only once before had she ever seen a black wolf, and the years she spent with him she would never be able to get back. He was a monster. So when the male, after thinking about something for a short moment, confessed that he was actually related to Volkov, Tala's eyes grew wide, and her ears perked. She jumped to her feet, snarling with teeth bared. "So I was right!" She barked. Tala had never before seen this male, but when she looked at him, all she could see was the Villian.

Tala's father heard the commotion and rushed over, seeing his daughter on the defensive and the male in front of her. "Tala! Is everything alright?" Her father asked in alarm. He looked over at the male, and then back at Tala. She didn't dare take her eyes off the male. "You're uncle was evil! He killed countless numbers of innocent people, and tore the community apart! Do you even realize--" She continued in a frenzy, but was distracted by a roar that sounded off somewhere in the distance. Her ears perked and her head lifted high in alarm. "Sola" She said, suddenly remembering the situation at hand. She got up and was heading off to aid Sola, when she looked back at the male. "Father, keep an eye on him." she asked, then taking a last look at him, she sneered "Don't get any ideas. If you try anything, you'll be answering to me." she growled, and pushed off the ground in a full sprint towards Sola.

Kai spied on Tala and Coal, laying low and hugging the underbrush. His eyes flickered with anger at the giant black wolf. It looked like Volkov. It smelled like Volkov. Kai's head felt as though as it was bursting, a flashback overtook him. 


A freezing morning, amber eyes, a pelt black as night. Kai was face to face with Volkov, the traitor. His brothers lay heaped around him as he played dead. Those cold, cold eyes. A cackle.


A tear streaked Kai's face. Tala was so nice. How could she speak with this traitor?! He dashed back to the den and roused Firefly, telling her everything. His green eyes glowed with tears in the darkness. “Firefly, follow my lead. I have some serious investigating to do.” He smirked as Firefly looked at him in wonder. He was much more crafty than most would think.


Kai and Firefly crept out of the den, past the oafish guard. The pair went and sat down near Tala and the other wolf, in a bush out of sight.

Squeeky watches and listen to the wolves at the same time as she eats. "What are they talking about?" she thought. Done eating, Squeeky carefully climbs down her tree, trying to get a little closer to hear what the wolves was talking about. She narrows her eyes, realizing that one of the wolves was running straight for her. Squeeky gets so scared that she freezes, just standing there, but the wolf runs past her. "Phew, I thought she was going to eat me", she whispers to her self.

Squeeky notices two male wolves sitting down not far from her. One of the males was black, and Squeeky got scared of him, and she ran up her tree again. 

Four Seasons: Spring
The setting takes place in a land that feels the extremities of each season, in Spring, the flowers bloom abundantly and radiantly. In Summer, the heat is brutal and tries even the strongest souls. The Autumn time paints the leaves with gold and amber, and the Winter is the harshet of all. Animals of every species coexist in this land. Large mountain ranges line the horizon, and the trees divide the woods from the plains. It is a beautiful land, but one which has suffered great damage over the course of the latest Winter, only time will tell if this land will survive.


Spring is here, and with the new season, a hope reborn. A hope for restoration, after the winter war left the land scarred and the woods divided. A rogue wolf known Volkov with a brutish personality and a desire to reak havoc has planted seeds of deception throughout the land over the last year, which resulted in the ruination of relationships and destruction of tight knit communities and a resulting season of chaos. But now, Volkov has been brought to his knees and has retreated for a time. Now for a new season. A season to rebuild and restore relationships, or perhaps for new ones to blossom. Volkov is not dead, and this season of peace may indeed last for a single Season. With the scent of trouble lurking somewhere in the shadows, will the community be restored, bonds be reestablished, and will they be strong enough to withstand what the new year might bring, or to stnd up to Volkov and his army if he should return? 


The creatures of the land have been divided and wared against each other the entire winter before, but with the new Spring they have a chance to pull together, while not all will take the opportunity.Traitors will rise and join Volkov's army, while meantime the community will reunite. As bonds are formed in the raciance of Spring,  The fires of Summer, and the returning Winter will put them to the test. It's a test of the heart.



This RP is to be the first of 4 RP's, that is, if it does well. The characters developed and the bonds that they forge in this RP will be carried into the next Chapters, so this RP in particular is important for character development.

Also, whoever wishes to play as Volkov the Wolf must be the first to message me about it.


Rules are simple:

-No bad language

-Violence is obviously going to take place, but let's keep it G RATED! Nothing too graphic ( i.e. mutilation or getting too into detail over violent affairs. G rated. )

-No controlling other people's characters

-Romance is allowed (G)

-No powers/odd coloring/etc. Keep it as realistic as possible beyond the fact that the animals can obviously talk..

Message me if you have any questions or concerns. And remember, this is just for fun, so let's get along and just go with it :)

Also, since there is so much room for different species, if you have an idea of a species that you think I should include for playable characters, let me know. As of right now, I am using the generic ones.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Komodo Dragon
Snow Leopard

Second RP Master

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