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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

I apologize. islingr means light-bringer/illuminator in the ancient language. Angelica ment to say istalri.
Seth was fast asleep on the couch. Angelica was lying in his lap, asleep as well. The sun was high in the sky. Even the dragons, save Wolfsbayne and Shadow, were asleep. Randy and Sarah had fallen asleep under the tree with Ghost and Aiden. Daniel and Aro fell asleep under the sun roof. Angel was asleep by the couch. Shadow noticed this. "I guess they all got tired," he thought. "We all get tired once in a while little one," thought Wolfsbayne. "Do you miss being in your body?" Shadow asked. He felt Wolfsbayne's mind turn sad. "I do Nightscales. But, I'm just as powerful with my mind," thought Wolfsbayne. Shadow nodded. By Wolfsbayne's command, he rolled the Eldunari into a good spot. Shadow then flew into the air. He practiced his spirals and dives. "I love flying!" he exclaimed. A bird flew by him. Shadow growled and chased it. Shadow caught the bird in five seconds. He ate it. Shadow loved being a dragon. He just wished he could breathe fire. Shadow soared in the air for an hour, learning how to endure it.
"Audr!" yelled Caleb. Vinezilla shot into the air. "Letta!" yelled Caleb. Vinezilla stopped, flapping to stay in the air. "Ganga fram!" yelled Caleb. Vinezilla flew forward. "Raehta! Aptr!" yelled Caleb. Vinezilla shied to the right, dodging an arrow. He then went backwards, dodging an oncoming ball. "Now flauga!" yelled Caleb. Vinezilla flew threw the air. Caleb was excited that Vinezilla could still fly well. "Kausta," said Caleb. Vinezilla flew down to the ground and landed in front of Caleb. Caleb handed him some deer meat and water. Vinezilla happily took it. "I want to see if I can scry people," said Caleb. "Ok, but don't overdo it," thought Vinezilla. Caleb nodded and said, "Draumr kopa." A wavy picture showed up on a puddle of water. "Monica," he said. The picture showed Monica and Daisy. Monica and Daisy were training. "She's so beautiful," said Caleb. He then thought about his brother. "Daniel," he said. The picture turned to Daniel and Aro. They were both asleep under a sun roof somewhere.
Shadow landed next to the sun roof. He went inside the house and picked up Seth's glove. This was Seth's favorite glove that he used to wear at school. It was made for the right hand and it was black. Shadow walked outside with the glove. He then walked over to Daniel and Aro. He nudged Aro, but the large dragon just growled. Shadow snorted and ran off with Seth's glove. Shadow found his own little project he made for the Agaeti Blodhren and added the glove. "Seth is going to be surprised," thought Shadow. He then flew back to the house. When he got there, Angel was up drinking water. Shadow landed by her. "Hello beautiful," he thought. "Hi handsome," thought Angel. The two nuzzled and flew onto the roof. They then twined tails and slept. Shadow dreamed of one day killing the lead lizard of the Dungeon Lizards. Angel dreamed about having eggs of her own and breathing fire to protect them.
A knock came from the front door. Seth woke up. He looked down at Angelica, who sleeping peacefully. Seth picked her up and laid her at the other end of the couch. Angelica smiled in her sleep. Seth answered the door and saw Murtagh and Thorn. Gildernein the Wise was with them. Murtagh had Zar'roc drawn. Gildernein had a small box in his hands. "What's going on?" Seth asked. "We have a gift for you Rider McClain," said Gildernein. He opened the small box and took out a necklace. "This necklace will keep others from scrying you," said Murtagh. Gildernein placed the necklace around Seth. "I hear by give you a gift from my heart," said Murtagh. He touch Seth's left and right shoulder with Zar'roc. "Elrun ono," said Seth. "You're welcome," thought Thorn. The three of them left. Seth closed the door. He sat back on the couch. Angelica woke up and pulled Seth down to her. She smiled and went back to sleep, her arms around his neck. Seth chuckled and lied down with her, admiring his new necklace. He then slept.
Caleb chuckled as he saw his brother and Aro asleep. Vinezilla looked as well. They both gasped when a black, dog sized dragon entered their field of vision. The dragon had a black glove in his mouth and was nudging Aro. Aro growled. The dragon snorted and flew off into the trees withe glove. "Did you see that?" Caleb asked. "I did," thought Vinezilla. Caleb ended the spell and sat down. "That glove. That black glove belonged to...Seth!" Caleb exclaimed. Vinezilla was shocked. "I knew I recognized that glove," said Caleb. "If the glove is there, then Seth is there," he said. "And since Daniel and Aro are in Farthen Dur, then Seth is too," thought Vinezilla. "Yep. And remember the black egg shells in his incubator?" Caleb asked. "Yes," said Vinezilla. "I bet you that was Seth's dragon," said Caleb. Caleb knew it now. His little nerd was alive and well in Farthen Dur with his own dragon. "We'll see Seth soon," said Caleb. He then tried to scry Seth. All he saw was blackness. "I can't scry him though," he said.
Seth was dreaming. He dreamed about fighting a dungeon man and his lizard. Shadow was with him. He and the dragon fought the man and his lizard on a high rock formation. They then got separated. The dungeon man knocked Seth onto his back. The man stabbed Seth in the chest. Seth could feel the burning sensation. He then woke up. The necklace he was wearing was glowing. It was also stinging his chest. "So that's what that was," said Seth. He picked up the jewel dangling from the necklace and looked at it. "Someone's trying to scry me," he said. Seth then felt Angelica shift in her sleep. She was shivering. Seth grabbed a blanket and placed it over her. He then walked out the backyard. Shadow and Angel were nowhere to be seen. He walked out further and saw them on the roof. Seth chuckled and went into the trees. He found his stone creation. He made sure it was alright and went back into the house. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. The news came on. Seth's heart dropped as he saw Mr. Galloway andMike
"Maybe he's dead," said Caleb. "No. If he was dead, that black dragon would be going crazy. If you noticed the dragon's mood, you would see that he was pretty calm and happy," thought Vinezilla. "He probably just has one of those scrying necklaces on like Mr. Galloway had," said a voice. The two turned to see Monica and Daisy. "You could be right," said Caleb. He stood up and kissed Monica on the lips. "But he has to be alive in Farthen Dur," said Caleb. He told them about what he saw. They then played around with each other. Daisy and Vinezilla rolled around in the grass. Caleb picked Monica up and she laughed. Caleb then threw her in a pool near by. He leaped in. The two laughed and splashed each other. Monica then stopped splashing and wrapped her arms around Caleb's neck and kissed him. Suddenly, Vinezilla and Daisy took off into the air. Monica tasted the water around her lips. "This isn't chlorine," she said. Caleb's eyes widened as he knew what was happening. He grabbed Monica and leaped out the water.
Seth couldn't believe it. His teacher Mr. Galloway and friend Mike were dead. Even Mike's dragon was killed. Seth leaked a tear. The news man also said that the killer was a dungeon man and his lizard. Caleb and Vinezilla's picture came up. The news man said that they were also attacked but survived. Seth was angry. The man was dead, but not his entire race. He had killed Seth's teacher, friend, friend's dragon, and almost killed Caleb and Vinezilla. "Oh I'm definitely getting revenge," said Seth. He had to. His father and father's dragon was killed as well. Seth shook his head and felt a hand on his left shoulder. He looked at Angelica who was waking up. "Are you ok?" she asked. Seth told her what he saw. Angelica comforted him. "That dungeon man was close to killing my friend and could have put my mom in danger," said Seth. Angelica kissed him on the cheek. "It's gonna be ok. We'll get those Dungeon People," she said. She hugged Seth close to her. Shadow and Angel were at the back door listening. "Seth."
Caleb and Monica gasped as a large serpent like creature rose out of the water, jaws snapping closed. The creature looked at Caleb and Monica. "What is that?" Monica asked. "A Nidhwal!" yelled Caleb, grabbing Monica and leaping away from another jaw crush. Monica and Caleb go to their feet and ran. They stopped twenty feet away from the water. Vinezilla and Daisy landed next to them. "Why didn't you warn us?" Caleb asked Vinezilla. "Because the creature was keeping its mind closed so we couldn't detect it until it came up," thought Vinezilla. They watched as the Nidhwal went back under the water. "Who in their right mind would own that?" Monica asked. Caleb saw a man walk out of his house. "It's a mgician," he said. "Close your minds now," he whispered. The four of them closed their minds and hid. They peered around their hiding spot and watched as the magician tapped the water. The Nidhwal camme back up. "Hi Cherry," said the man. The Nidhwal smiled and acted like a little puppy when the man touched him.
Shadow and Angel flew over to Seth. They put their warm, membrane-like wings over him. "We're with you Seth," thought Shadow. Seth smiled and hugged the dragon. They all had a group hug. Sarah came into the house. "You guys hungry?" she asked. They nodded. Sarah laughed and cooked dinner. She made a plate for Seth, Angelica, Randy, Daniel, and herself. Ghost took Aiden, Shadow, Angelica, and Aro on a hunt. Randy toted Wolfsbayne's Eldunari into the house. They all washed their hands and ate cornbread, chicken, mash potatoes, and green beans. When they finished, Seth and Angelica washed their plates. Shadow came back, dragging a pack rat. Angel caught herself a juicy pack rat as well. Ghost, Aro, and Aiden both caught five deers. The dragons shared their kills with each other. When they finished, they drank out of the river and watched the birds and the clouds. Their Riders joined them. Soon the sun began to go down. "The Blood-oath Celebration is tomorrow guys," said Randy. "I hope you're all ready," he said.
Caleb was stunned to see this. A Nidhwal, the most viscious sea creature alive, was actually being tamed by this magician. Caleb wanted to just yell. "Let's go now," said Caleb. They all turned to go, but was stopped. In front of them was a Fanghur. It had a collar on. The Fanhur was growling at them. On its back was a man. He was also a magician. "Get them," said the man. Caleb, Monica, Vinezilla, and Daisy started to feel pain as the Fanghur attacked mentally. "No!" yelled Caleb. He reached for his dagger, but it was snatched away from him by the first magician. "So these are our intruders," said the man. He used the hilt of the dagger to knock out an advancing Vinezilla. "Vine!" Caleb yelled. He pushed back the mental blow and leaped at the magician. The man knocked him down. The magician then uttered something and Caleb, Monica, and Daisy went to sleep. When they woke up, the four of them were tied up, dangling from a tall tree branch. Underneath them was the Nidhwal's water area. "Caleb we go to go!"
Seth saw a messenger come into the backyard riding a brown horse. The messenger climbed down from the horse's back and tied it to a post. The messenger ran over to Seth. "Eragon would like to see you at the infirmary," he said. Seth looked back at Randy. "Go ahead," he said. Seth nodded and stood up. The messenger ran back to his horse and untied it. He then climbed onto the horse's back and galloped away. "I'll fly you there," thought Ghost. Seth and Shadow climbed onto the large white dragon. Ghost flew off. He landed in the courtyard in four minutes. Seth and Shadow thanked him and headed towards the infirmary. Ghost flew off. Seth and Shadow entered the infirmary and saw Eragon. "We need to talk Seth," he said. Seth and Shadow followed Eragon into the room where Shadow recovered. Eragon stood next to the incubator. His mind then closed when he gestured to the bed. Seth and Shadow saw a small winged, greenish- brown creature on the bed. It was a baby Fanghur. The little creature attacked with his mind..
Caleb looked around. The two magicians were laughing at them. "If only I had my dagger," he said. Vinezilla began cutting the ropes around them with the spikes on his tail. "That's it! Daisy, bite the rope!" yelled Caleb. Daisy began to knaw at the rope. "Monica, do you at least have your dagger?" Caleb asked. "Yes but its stuck under the rope," said Monica. The Nidhwal leaped from the water. Its jaws closed on empty air just twenty feet away from their feet. "Hurry!" yelled Caleb. He was reaching into the rope. He felt Monica's side. "Hey! That tickles," said Monica. Caleb held back a laugh. He then found the hilt of the dagger. They all felt the wind from the snap of the Nidhwal under them. Its jaws closed ten feet away from their feet. Caleb pulled at the hilt of the dagger until it was free. He then began to cut the rope. Vinezilla and Daisy were halfway done when the Nidhwal's jaws closed only two feet away.
Seth took Shadow and the Fanghur to his room. "What are we gonna name him?" asked Seth. Shadow mewed something, but it came out as a raspy growling mew. "What?" Seth asked. Shadow showed him a picture of names he saw when he went on a fly with Ghost. They were male names. "If you can show me a picture with your mind, then you can talk," said Seth. Shadow shook his head and thought, "Name him Rippleback." "Why?" Seth asked. "His back looks a little thorny and the back of his wings are also covered in little thorns," thought Shadow. So Seth named the Fanghur Rippleback. "You're gonna be a surprise to everyone tomorrow," said Seth. He turned to Shadow. "Watch him. I'm going back to get my hammer and tell everyone good night," he said. "Ok," thought Shadow.

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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