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Seth was waking up to a Saturday morning. He got out of bed and got dressed. He then ran down stairs. "Mornin' mom!" he called out. "I'm gonna collect some worms for my project!" Seth yelled. "Ok!" his mom yelled. Seth grabbed a bucket and went into the backyard. He began to scoop up dirt. Worms appeared. "Got some," he said. As he was picking them up, Seth heard a roar. He looked around. Suddenly, he heard a crash from the trees in front of him. Seth placed the bucket down and stood up. He walked into the trees. Seth looked around. Nothing. He walked a little farther. Seth dove behind a tree. He peeked around it and saw a black dragon. The dragon was lying on her side. She was holding something. Seth attempted to walk up to her, but stopped himself. "What if she attacks?" he asked himself. Seth shook the thought and walked up to the dragon. He bent down next to her, slowly. The female dragon looked up at him. Seth could see burned wounds on her. "She's dying," he said. The dragon moaned and showed what she was holding. It was a black egg. "You were protecting it," said Seth. She rolled the egg over to him. Seth took it. He then looked at the dragon. She really was dying. "I'll take good care of it," said Seth. The dragon smiled weakly and closed her eyes, placing her paw on Seth's shoe. She then stopped breathing. Seth leaked a tear. He then heard two other roars. Seth looked up at the sky. Two dark-brown dragons were flying his way. "Oh no," he said. Seth held on to the egg and took off. He ran by his worm bucket and into the house. He closed the door behind him and ran up stairs. He ran into his room. Seth placed the egg on his bed and looked out the window. The dragons were coming. Seth let out a sigh of relief. He turned around and removed a blanket that was covering something. It was an incubator. Seth opened it and placed the egg in it. He set the temperature to sixty-five degrees. Seth then lied down on his bed, tired and relieved.

Linnea was drilling her students in the old language. On this topic she demanded perfection, she'd met Elva and did not want any student of hers making that sort of mistake. Linnea had been at the teaching post for over a thousand years, and she was the only older rider still active. Arget had chosen to remain small and active unlike his elders There were troubling things happening a cult had emerged trying to resurect the old faith of human sacrifice. A minor group of dragon slayers had been causing problems too. Both had come out from the dungons. Arget wanted to move from Vroenguard back to the Beor mountains and Farthen Dur to stay. Linnea wanted to see how the city had changed. They'd have to ask their Ebithals about it later.

Every day, Seth check on that egg. He wanted to tell his mother about it, but it would just freak her out. She already hated the dragon policy. Once day, Seth's mother was vaccuming while Seth was outside. She hit the incubator by mistake. "Oops," she said. She then saw the cover over the incubator. "When is that boy gonna use this for a bird egg or something?" she asked herself. After vaccuming his room, she pulled the cover off. Seth's mother saw the incubator was on. She then saw the black egg in it. "Finally he's using it," she said. "But why is the egg bl-." Seth's mother paused. Her eyes then widened. "Oh no," she said. Seth's mother ran down the stairs and outside. "Seth Alvin McClain!" she yelled. Seth looked over at her while he was picking earthworms. "Yes ma'am?" he asked. "Come to your room now," demanded Seth's mother. She then stormed into the house. "Oh no," said Seth. He ran into the house. He then walked up the stairs. "What in the world is THAT thing doing here?!" she asked. Seth looked over at the egg. "Mom, a female dragon was holding on to it," said Seth. "She was protecting it while she was being attacked by two other dragons," said Seth. "Where?" Seth's mother asked. Seth pointed to the forest. "Oh my god," said Seth's mother. "Why didn't you tell me this before?" she asked. "Because I knew you would freak like this," said Seth. Seth's mother paused. "Please mom," said Seth. "I'm ready for a dragon," he said. "No you're not," said Seth's mother. "Why not?" Seth asked. "Dad owned one," said Seth. His mother stopped. She then looked back at Seth. "Are you sure you can handle a dragon?" she asked. "Like father, like son," said Seth. Seth's mother nodded and Seth ran into his room, cheering.

Tiri,the young redhead went for a walk down by the road.She glanced to her left and saw some of her friends playing on the corner.She also saw the man that ran the farm she worked for,Mr.Allo.She hated Mr.Allo beacause he was a cruel uncaring man and often talked to the dungeon people,like he was making a deal or something.The second Mr.Allo saw her he walked over with his creepy dragon headed cane.

"Well,looks like youve come to do some extra work?"he said with a evil grin.

"Well no i came to stroll by and its sunday my day off."Tiri said meekly.

"No exectptions,you will work!"he shouted.all of her friends stared at her with a silent and understanding sympathy,they hated him as much as she did.You WILL go and gather some milkweed from the forest my wife wants to cook some herbal soup."he said slyly.

Tiri nodded her head and slowly walked away shaken by the expirience.she walked into Air Claw forest and began to look around.She found some big and tastey milkweed but only picked the dry flavorless ones out of hatred for Mr.Allo.She bent down to grab a few more when she heard a sream.she ran over to the sound to see some robbers were robbing a poor man.She ran after them ready to protect the man.Even when they were armed.

Seth was watching TV in his room. In the incubator, the egg was shaking. Someone then knocked at the door. "I got it mom!" Seth yelled. He walked out of his room and towards the door. The egg shook some more. Seth opened the door. His neighbor Caleb was at his door. A green dragon hatchling stood by his side. "What do you want Caleb?" Seth asked, not happy that Caleb was here. The egg began to shake even more. A crack appeared. "I just wanted to show off my newly hatched dragon, Vinezilla," said Caleb. "That's great," Seth said, trying to close the door. The egg began to crack even more. Caleb stopped Seth from closing the door. "I don't see any dragon in here," Caleb teased. "Get off my door step!" Seth yelled. He then slammed Caleb's foot in the door. Caleb yelled out. He moved his foot. Seth slammed the door on an on coming Vinezilla. The dragon's tail was caught in the door. He pulled it out. The egg then hatched. A little black dragon emerged from the egg and shook himself. Seth stormed up stairs. He entered his room. He pulled the cover off of the incubator and saw the dragon hatchling. Seth was shocked.
Linnea and Arget were packing to go to Farthen Dur to stay Eragon had stationed them there because of rumors that the dungeons were being expanded under the tunnels of Farthen Dur. The pair were chattering about the things they'd do once they'd settled in. From flying, eating soup, getting drunk on dwarven ale and wines, to laying on the star sapphire staring into it. When they'd arrived aesthetics were the same but everything else was modern. Linnea unpacked in their new quarters while Arget went hunting. The students had yet to get to Farthen Dur so Linnea had time to do all the things she'd gone on about. She ate a savory mushroom soup, got a bit tipsy, and stared into the giant rose shaped sapphire. It was good to be home again...
Arya sat silently watching the blue female dargon and her two newly hatched daragon babies. One more to hatch thought Arya hours later and the egg still hadnt hatched. The mother dragon pushed away the egg and pulled the two hatchlings close. Arya crawled over to the egg and picked it up she carried it away.  'Mum Im home!' Arya yelled as she ran into her bedroom she picked up her ncubator and led the egg in it she turned the incubater on and sat watching it. Arya awoke to a small black dragon hatchling sat on her head. oh she whispered.
Seth opened the incubator and turned it off. The black little hatchling looked up at him and mewed. Seth had tears in his eyes. "Hi there," said Seth. He reached out with his right hand and touched the hatchling on the head. Seth suddenly felt a feeling of ice cold water go up his arm. Seth stumbled back, stunned by the touch. He looked down at the palm of his hand. A mark was on it. Seth had received his gedwey ignasia. "The egg was bonded," he whispered. Seth watched as the hatchling leaped to the floor and walked over to him. He kept stumbling because of his wings. "I'll name you Shadow," said Seth. The hatchling mewed happily. Seth was now a Dragoon Rider, but by accident.
When her students arrived Linnea quizzed them and since most of them had never seen Farthen Dur, she showed them around. The city hadn't changed much in terms of architecture, except the statue of Eragon and Saphira. Spell casters had fused real sapphires into the depiction of Saphira and into Eragon's sword. A statue of herself and Arget wasn't too far off carved in stone and forged silver, they were the first dragon and rider born and raised in the city. People hadn't cheered when she'd arrived. Not that she'd wanted them to. The youngest rider a human named Sophie was in awe, the elf Vanier was downright rude. He voiced his opinion loudly "What's the big deal? Where are the gardens?" Linnea glared at him and he shrank back, the urgal boy Garvolz laughed and patted the elf's back. Both their dragons were brown in color and still hatchlings following their riders around. The two dragons were brothers and refered to as the twins. Rarely saw one without the other. The dwarf Hivarda and her golden dragon Gladier, (named after the glorious dragon who had with his rider trained Eragon) glared at the pair, she'd grown up in the city herself. "You two are disrespecting my home and it's artisans. Care to take this to the sparring grounds?" Linnea broke the potential fight up before it started. Sophie's dragon was rose red and named Roslin, an affectionate creature rubbed up against Arget when he showed up, he had a soft spot for the red dragon since she was so sweet natured. "Hello hatchling it's good to see you again." "Hello Erbithal I missed you." The dragons started talking to each other. The younger dragons adored Arget and tried to curry favor often. Linnea remarked "Why can't I get the adoration he gets?" "Because you're a boring old woman Erbithal." Vanier said. "I am not physically old and I try not to be boring. You however need some manners beaten into you." 
Linnea and Vanier butted heads often but the student had some respect even if he never showed it. Linnea knew this well the elf obeyed direct orders. Linnea heard her 'cell phone' as they were called go off. When she answered it was Murtugh on the other end. "Linnea you are in Farthen Dur. Thorn and I just chased some would be slayers into the tunnels under the city. Think you can handle it? Thorn can't fit into those tunnels and it's going to take someone with experience with slayers to deal with it." "I have my students with me, but I can send them to the dragon hold and have guards stationed there to protect them. Then I can get Arget and myself ready to go down. Armor the works." Linnea had made Arget's armor with the help of Ruhun. It had complete protection including wing armor and mouth guard that could handle Arget's fire breathing. Arget was too large for some of the tunnels but once they got down there Linnena could get a fix on the slayers and make a strategy. Linnea was a good tactician and knew how the slayers thought.
Seth played around with Shadow. He introduced him to his mother. Seth's mom was stunned. "Well at least you got a normal dragon egg," she said. Seth cleared his throat, scratched his head, and showed his mom his gedwey ignasia. His mother gasped and almost fell back. "I can handle it mom," said Seth. "Why didn't you tell me it was bonded?" she asked. "I didn't know," said Seth. Shadow mewed and rubbed up against Seth's motther's leg. She stiffened and then moved away from him. "Get him out now!" she yelled. "But mom I-" "Now!" she yelled. Seth hesitated. Shadow was now cowering in the corner. "No mom," said Seth. His mother's eyes widened. "Excuse me?" she asked. "No. I'm leaving," said Seth. He ran out the house with Shadow at his heels. "Seth!" his mom yelled.
Linnea had found the 'slayers', young and inexperienced. Linnea showed herself thinking "They're just a bunch of kids" Arget agreed with her. The would be slayers were clearly scared of her. Their weapons were shaking along with everything else about them. "Y-You gonna k-kill us?" the apparently bravest one stuttered Linnea answered truthfully. "Not unless I have to, so don't force me to." Arget loomed from out of the darkness terrifying the kids more. Linnea smacked his armored snout. "Arget these kids are already scared don't scare them more." The brave kid spoke "He's your dragon?" Linnea nodded "More of a partner than a pet actually. The two of us have seen over two thousand years together. But enough about that, Why are you trying to hunt dragons?" "Cause they're nothing but dangerous animals." Linnea looked downright offended and Arget spoke to them directly while growling "Can a mere beast do this? Urgals were once considered nothing but beasts. I may not be able to speak with my voice but that does not mean I am a dumb animal. I am just as intelligent as you if not more so, and my wisdom far exceeds yours hatchling." Linnea let her partner rant at the kids for a while before remarking "He has sentient thoughts same as you or I. He feels love, hate, sorrow, anger, joy, pride, and regret as we do. If he is nothing but an animal then you are no better." The kids looked at each other for a moment before stowing their weapons and approaching Arget. Both dragon and rider watched them warily as one reached out to touch him feeling cool armor rather than warm scales. Linnea removed both of their helmets and then skin met scales warm and alive. "Does he not feel like a living being to you?" 
Seth kept on running. He then slowed to a stop. Shadow was lagging behind. "Come on Shadow," said Seth, picking the hatchling up. Shadowed mewed happily and collapsed in his arms. Seth hugged Shadow closer, tears still running from his eyes. He couldn't stay home if his mom couldn't accept Shadow. "We'll find other Dragon Riders," he said. Seth walkd on. He walked and walked until he collapsed. Shadow flew from his arms and landed on his side. The hatchling mewed and nudged Seth. Seth just groaned. Suddenly, a large green dragon appeared. Seth recognized the dragon. It was Firnen, Queen Arya's dragon. Arya was on Firnen's back. They landed in front of Seth and Shadow. Shadow ran behind Seth, who was sitting up. "Are you lost?" Arya asked. Seth looked at Shadow and then back at her. "Yes," he said, and fainted. Shadow's mewing was the last thing he heard. When he woke up, he was in a nice, fancy room. Shadow was sleeping next to him. The two were in Farthen Dur.

Seth looked around. The room was awesome. Shadow stirred in his sleep. Seth smiled. He then sat up. He rubbed his head. A knock came from his door. "Who is it?" he asked. A girl came in. She wore a white tunic. She had black clothes draped over her right arm. "Afternoon," she said. "I'm Angelica and this is your tunic," she said with a nice smile. Seth smiled. He stood up and took the clothes. "Thank you," he said. "You're welcome," she said. A white, female hatchling ran in. She was caring a pair of black socks in her mouth. "Oh, thank you Angel," said Angelica. She took the socks and gave them to Seth. Seth thanked her again. Shadow woke up. He saw Angel. Shadow mewed happily and leaped from the bed. Angel ran over to him. The two sniffed each other and played around. "They like each other," said Angelica. Seth nodded. "When did she hatch?" he asked. "She hatched as soon as you arrived, which was four hours ago," said Angelica. Seth shook his head. He had been asleep for four hours. "Where's Arya and Firnen?" he asked. "Oh you've heard of her?" Angelica asked. "Everyone has heard of Eragon & Saphira, Murtagh & Thorn, and Arya & Firnen," said Seth. Shadow came up to Angelica and rubbed up against her leg. Angelica giggled and petted Shadow on the head. "He likes you," said Seth. "Can he talk to you yet?" Angelica asked. "No, he's only six hours old," said Seth. "Well sixty-six more hours to go," said Angelica, smiling. She showed Seth her gedwey ignasia. Seth did the same. "Remember, you are a Dragon Rider now, so your teachers will be...Linnea and Arget," said Angelica. "Ok," said Seth. "What about the swords?" Seth asked. "You get those when you've mastered your swordsmanship and have finished training," said Angelica. Angelica patted her thigh and Angel came to her. "We have to go," she said. "Bye handsome," said Angelica. Angel mewed at Shadow. The two then left. "They were nice," said Seth. Shadow mewed happily and leaped into Seth's arms. "Love you too buddy," said Seth. He then placed on his new tunic and went on a walk with Shadow.

[uh Linnea hand picks her students so Seth might not make the cut]

The would be slayers followed Linnea out of the tunnels where Murtugh and Thorn were waiting. Linnea never liked Murtugh who had always been rude and honestly mean to her and Arget downright hated Thorn so glares and one snarl were exchanged. Linnea however remained polite and greeted the other rider properly and respectfully. "They're just kids Murtugh elda. Kids who were ill informed at that. I'm taking care of this. I'm surprised they let you in Farthen Dur." Thorn growled at that and the would be dragon slayers cringed behind Arget who spoke soothingly to them "He has never been right in the head, not since I met him. I thought he was going to maul my rider the way he glared at her. My kind are not stupid but we are far from tame..." The kids still looked scared. Thorn spoke to Lienna with clear contempt "How does my daughter Rose fare?" "All my students are well Thorn elda." Murtugh seemed to glare through Arget at the kids. "They need to be interrogated, and I don't have time for you to convince them to tell you." Linnea started glaring at Murtugh, "But I do not need the guilt of handing them over to you." She was getting angry. "I have wanted to say this for centuaries. You are a cruel man, my answer is no." Linnea had never defied the older rider before and the man looked confused for a moment. "What do you mean no?" "Exactaly what I said no. I will not hand them over to you." "Traitor, Eragon will hear of this." Linnea smirked "He'll listen to my side of the story. There is hope for these children. Arya and her partner approached "What is going on. The tension is so thick I can taste it. Linnea quickly told her side before Murtugh had a chance to open his mouth. The elf queen listened to Murtugh's argument too and decided to examine the would be slayer's minds. Linnea trusted the elf and allowed it. "These children know nothing we do not already know." "Thank you your majestey, I find Murtugh cruel so you know why I stopped him." The elf queen nodded and Murtugh found some of Linnea's former students waiting to escort him and his partner out of the city. If the riders were to become divided Liennea's students would side with her. In her 1500 years of training riders they numbered only nine in total including her current batch. Linnea hand picked her students, those that would excel under her guidence. Anyone who knew of her would be honored to be her student.

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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