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Caleb was cutting away. Vinezilla and Daisy wiggled free and flew into the air. Caleb finished cutting the rope. He grabbed a hold of the rope and Monica did as well. The dagger fell to the ground. Monica screamed as the Nidhwal's jaws closed just two inches away from her feet. "One more jump and we're screwed," said Caleb. He grabbed Monica's wrist. He pulled her up and she climbed onto his back. She then hauled herself onto the branch. Caleb was about to climb up when he saw the Nidhwal leap again. "Oh no!" he yelled. Monica screamed. Suddenly, mighty roar erupted from the clouds. A red dragon dove out of the clouds and sped towards the Nidhwal. "Daddy!" yelled Daisy. Daisy's father roared again and sent a torrent of red flames at the Nidhwal. The animal yelled in agony and dove back in the water. The magician riding the Fanghur yelled. He leaped on his Fanghur's back and the Fanghur leaped into the air. Caleb and Monica jumped on Daisy's father's back. But where was Monica's father?
Flame flew higher into the air. He then dove back down, dodging an oncoming Fanghur. Caleb and Daisy shielded their minds from the Fanghur, as did Flame. The two animals then locked on to each other, biting and clawing. Luckily Flame had his armor on. Daisy and Vinezilla flew towards Caleb and Monica. The two caught them and hugged them close. They also held onto the saddle that they were in. "Where's my dad?" Monica asked. The four of them looked down and saw Monica's father dueling with the magician. Monica's father's red Rider sword, Magma, was slamming into the magician's sword. The Nidhwal was preparing to attack them both. "Oh no," said Caleb. Vinezilla dove out of his arms. "Vinezilla!" yelled Caleb. The green dragon let loose a shriek of anger. He then rammed into the Nidhwal's neck. The creature roared and spun on Vinezilla, who was already out of reach. Caleb leaped from Flame's back. "Caleb!" yelled Daisy. Caleb dove towards the Nidhwal. Vinezilla picked up the dagger and threw it towards Caleb.
Seth headed back to Randy's house. When he got there, the sun was almost under the horizon. Seth walked in and saw Randy, Sarah, and Daniel watching TV. Angelica was in her room. "Where's Shadow?" Angel asked. "He got tired so he stayed in my room," said Seth. Seth then saw his hammer on the table. He took it and put it under his belt. He walked over to Angelica's door and knocked. "Come in," she said. Seth walked in and saw Angelica reading a book. "I'm going back to my room," said Seth. "Aaw," said Angelica. She closed her book and got up. Seth saw that she was wearing a T-shirt and some shorts. The two hugged and kissed. "I'll be here to pick you up for the celebration tomorrow," said Seth. "Ok," said Angelica smiling. She kissed his cheek and Seth went home. When he got there, he saw Shadow and Rippleback chasing each other around, laughing. Seth chuckled and joined them. He then took a shower and put on his night clothes.
Seth made a little bed for Rippleback next to his own bed. "Now Rippleback. This is gonna be your bed until you're as big as Shadow is now. Understand?" Seth asked the Fanghur. Rippleback nodded and curled up in the little bed. Seth nodded and looked out the window. Night fall was approaching. Shadow leaped onto the bed. "Eventually, I'm gonna break this bed," he thought. Seth chuckled. "Eventually, we're gonna be sleeping in big tree houses like Eragon and Saphira did," said Eragon. "I thought those were only in Ellesmera?" asked Shadow. "They're here too," said Seth. The moon rose. Seth smiled and went to sleep, Shadow lying right beside him. Rippleback was asleep as well. Seth couldn't wait for tomorrow. Shadow couldn't either. But he felt like something was going to change their lives forever.
Caleb caught the dagger and stabbed the Nidhwal in the eye. The Nidhwal cried out in pain. Caleb repeatedly stabbed and stabbed. The Nidhwal swayed its head. Finally, the Nidhwal died and plunged back into the water. Caleb leaped off the Nidhwal with the dagger. He landed on the ground. Caleb then threw the dagger at the distracted magician. The dagger impaled itself in the man's left temple. The magician yelled out and collapsed. Monica's father was stunned. He looked at Caleb and nodded, throwing the dagger back to him. Caleb caught it. Flame and the Fanghur fought towards the ground. Caleb leaped out of the way as Flame rammed the Fanghur into the ground, crushing the other magician. Monica's father came over and drove his red sword into the Fanghur's neck. The Fanghur released a death cry and went still. Afterwards, they all went home. Caleb got his dagger back and gave Monica hers. Her father and Flame learned to respect Caleb and Vinezilla. Caleb and Monica kissed each other goodbye and went home.
As the two headed into the house, night fall came. "We made it mom," said Caleb. His mother smiled and had his dinner ready for him on the table. His dad was asleep on the couch. Caleb ate. Vinezilla ate deer meat. When they finished, the two watched some TV. Soon, Vinezilla fell asleep. Caleb smiled and picked up the dragon. "Good night mom," said Caleb. "Good night baby," said his mother. Caleb carried Vinezilla into his room and closed the door. He laid Vinezilla on the bed and then took a shower. He then placed on his night clothes and got in the bed. He placed his dagger on the night stand and then went to sleep. Caleb dreamed about the Agaeti Blodthren. Vinezilla dreamed about chasing deer through the trees. Tomorrow was the big day. All the Dragon Riders in the world were preparing and ready for the celebration.
Seth woke up. It was finally Sunday. Shadow was snoring next to him. Seth sat up and looked down at Rippleback, who was still asleep. Seth yawned, stretched and got out of bed. He showered, got dress, and brushed his teeth. He then grabbed his hammer and tucked it under his belt. Shadow woke up. "Good morning," Seth thought. "Good morning Seth," thought Shadow. He yawned, exposing his sharp teeth and forked tongue. Rippleback did the same. "Alright. Let's head to the celebration," said Seth. Shadow leaped from the bed. Seth opened the door and ducked. A wicked sword slashed the air where his head was. Seth grabbed his hammer and struck out, bashing a dungeon man's chest in. The man convulsed and died, dropping his sword. "How the heck did a dungeon man get in here?" Shadow asked. Seth shrugged. He dragged the man out into the courtyard and saw Murtagh. "He tried to kill me. Where and how are they sneaking in?" Seth asked. "That's not a dungeon man," said Murtagh. "Its a practice dummy we rigged for you."
Thanks to this retarded phone, one of my posts was deleted. Seth and Shadow had a bad encounter with the baby Fanghur. Shadow whipped it away with his tail and then Eragon made the Fanghur submit. Then Seth had to take responsibility of the Fanghur.
Linnea heard the reports of other dragon species being subjugated by magic users and attacking young riders. In Ellesmira her students were safe but she kept them close regardless. Sophia and Roslin turned into second shadows in particular. Hiverda and Gladier stayed fairly close but Garvolz and Vanier just buddied up and kept the twins close despite their Erbitha's direct orders, the other three were with Kakashi. The were light would be lit later in the day and the partying before the real party started. Linnea really let loose during the Blood Oath celebration, and Arget got drunk again. Their students wandered off but Itachi was there, elderberry wine in hand. He had a smirk on his face at some of the other's antics. Drunken dwarven and urgal riders were singing so badly it was funny. "Wow they get drunk fast..." "Is their singing always this bad?" "No and your little brother looks like he wants to join a drinking contest." his partner had more sense and was pulling on Sauske's pant leg trying to make his human knock it off. Linnea snickered "He's gonna lose so bad." "Arn't you supposed to be watching him?" "How else is he going to learn his alcohol limits? It's how I learned, I woke up under a dwarf and sprawled out over a kull wondering what happened. At least my clothes were still on. I puked all over said kull. My erbithal thought it was hilarious, Arget was just as hung over as me so I felt two hangovers at once." "Really? So you are going to let my younger brother do that too?" Linnea glanced over, "Not really, if you will excuse me I am going to stop him before he gets too drunk." Linnea ran over "Sauske time for some water and some protein, before you get a hangover!" Naruto and the rascal were about to pull the mother of all pranks on an elf (use your imagination). Sakura was dancing around with her little pink dragon in her arms giggling. The twins were chasing each other around while their riders were painting all over Arget laughing. Hiverda and Gladier were sitting in the Menoa Tree napping.
Seth, Shadow, and Rippleback headed towards Randy's house. When they arrived, Ghost, Aiden, and Aro were saddled up. Randy, Sarah, and Daniel climbed into the saddles. Angelica and Angel came running out the house with Wolfsbayne's Eldunari. "Hi baby!" Angelica exclaimed. Randy took the Eldunari and put it in a sack on the saddle. Seth and Angelica kissed. Angelica climbed onto Ghost. Seth climbed onto Aiden. Shadow and Angel nuzzled and flew into the air with the rest of the dragons. They arrived in Ellesmera just in time. The Agaeti Blodthren had begun. When they landed, Seth leaped down. Angelica did too. Everyone partied. Shadow and Angel flew around and hummed with the other dragons. Seth and Angelica danced. Seth showed off his Michael Jackson moves. Angelica and Randy laughed. Seth was surprised to see Linnea drunk. Arget was too. Seth ate some food and drunk some water. He watched the other Riders play pranks. Angelica joined him. Randy and Sarah danced their butts off. A drunken Ghost and Aiden roard
Caleb and Vinezilla woke up and got ready. Caleb's parents drove him and Vinezilla to the school. The celebration had started. Caleb and Vinezilla rushed out the car. Monica and Daisy were there socializing. "You missed Mike, his dragon, and Mr. Galloway's funeral," she said. "I know. I overslept," said Caleb. Monica smiled and shook her head. She then kissed Caleb on the lips. "Let's party!" she exclaimed. Everyone got down with the celebration. "This is what I call a party!" exclaimed Keisha. She was dancing with Ramses. Caleb laughed. Vinezilla and Daisy danced in the sky with the other hatchlings and adults. Flame was there as well as the elder purple dragon. Caleb showed off his moves. They then ate. After eating, the presentation part began. Caleb watched some of the kids dance, sing, and even play instruments. Caleb read his poem. Vinezilla presented his presentation. As did Monica and Daisy. Caleb then threw platforms into the air and Vinezilla flew and leaped to each one. He showed off his skills.
Seth saw that the presentation part was starting. He had his stone project with him. He saw that Shadow had his as well as Angelica and Angel. Randy and Sarah showed theirs first. Daniel and Aro went second. Ghost and Aiden also showed theirs. Wolfsbayne showed everyone a beautiful picture of his creation. Angelica showed her painting. Angel showed hers. Shadow went next. Seth was surprised to see his lucky glove. "That's where that was," he said. Shadow grinned. Seth showed his. Everyone was impressed. Other Riders showed their projects. Seth then performed with Shadow. Seth through up rings and hoops. Shadow spiraled, dove, and soared through them. The Seth showed off his magic skills and sparred with Angelica. When they were finished, Seth had beat Angelica again and finally, he beat Randy and Daniel. Seth sat down next to Angelica. Shadow sat by Angel. "This was fun," said Seth. "I know right?" Angelica said. She laid her head on his left shoulder. Shadow sneezed, black embers coming out. "Cool" Seth said
Caleb was laughing at some jokes one kid made. He then watched as his new teacher say a few words. When she mentioned the deaths, the students and their dragons went sad. Caleb placed his arms around Monica as she leaked some tears. Vinezilla comforted Daisy with Flame's help. Monica's father placed a hand on Monica's back alongside her mother. Flame and the elder dragon began to recite some poems as well. That's when the dance ritual began. Two girls started to dance. "They're trying to do what those famous elf twins did," said Caleb. Monica giggled softly and kissed his cheek. As the two girls were dancing, the werelights around them began to light up. The dragons, even Vinezilla, began to feel something. Caleb watched as the fire around them made smoke rise into the air. The smoke circled around and then formed into a dragon. Caleb was amazed. Monica was too. "Look Vine," said Caleb, but the dragon was in a trance, humming alongside the other dragons. Caleb watched as the dragon flew around the girls.
Everyone then sat around a fire. Two elf women came. They were the famous twins. "It's the twins," somebody whispered. Drums began to beat. Music began to play. Seth watched the elf twins disrobe. The twins had a dragon tatoo, connecting to one another's skin. The twins began to dance simultaneously. Seth heard the dragons humming, louder and louder. "What the heck is going on?" he asked Shadow. But Shadow was like in a trance. The dragon was too busy humming. Seth looked at the dragon tattoo. It was moving! The dragon lifted off of the elves skin, with only its tail attached to them. The dragon looked around. Its eyes stopped on Seth. Seth noticed that the dragon was looking at Sophia as well. "What's happening?" Angelica asked. Suddenly the dragon roared and flew around. He then stopped in front of Seth and Sophia. The two stared at it. They then opened their hands, exposing their gedwey ignasias. The dragon touched them both and Seth felt pain go up his right arm. Seth then fell backwards, as did Sophia.
Calebb watched as the smoky dragon twisted into the air. The dragon suddenly flinched, as if something bit or stabbed him. The smoky dragon looked off into the distance. He then looked down at the people. "The prophecy is beginning," he said in a deep voice. Caleb looked around. Everyone was stunned. Even Monica. "What prophecy?" Caleb asked, standing up. Some people gasped. The dragon looked at him. "The prophecy of two elf/human Riders, both of different genders, destroying the new evil alongside their dragons of black and red, they too of different genders," said the smoky dragon. "Their swords of 'Death' and 'Heart' are used to help vanquish the evil," uttered the dragon. Caleb was shocked. "The new evil will be destroyed!" exclaimed the smoky dragon. He roared and disappeared back into the fire. Caleb couldn't believe it. A prophecy was true! But who was the prophecy describing? He thought about the black dragon he saw why scrying. "Could it be?" Caleb asked himself. Vinezilla nudged him. "You ok?"

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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