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Every time those two brothers got anywhere near eachother there was tension and it annoyed Linnea greatly. Her and Arget's arguement was as good as forgotten. Arget had gone into Itachi's mind and told only Linnea. Then the dragon felt comfortable leaving them alone despite the death glares from Itachi. Linnea had told team seven as they were called some sage advice, "Live every moment like it were your last, and don't blink. Your lives will fly by and the memories you have may be the greatest treasures you'll ever have." Four eggs came along and hatched, pink belonging to Sakura, blue black Sauske's, golden Naruto's little rascal, and Itachi a rich darker red. Itachi was around the ae that the old riders were chosen in their twenties. Linnea figured either her or Fang would make the best teachers for the three kids. Itachi was considered a special case and it was up to her Erbithal to decide his fate. Eragon was around helping set things up. Linnea wasn't allowed in on the conversation between the two which worried her. She'd always been Eragon's favorite student why was he leaving her out? She'd taken on Naruto and Sakura without thought, Sauske she wasn't so sure of. The boy needed therapy that Linnea wasn't sure she could provide to him. 
Seth and Shadow headed into town after Angelica and Angel left. Shadow showed off his flying skills to Ghost and Aiden. The two then ran through the courtyard, racing each other. They then stopped to eat. "Let's do some sort of flying trick," thought Shadow. "Ok," said Seth. The two then saw four new Riders. One had a pink hatchling, one had a blue black hatchling, one had a gold hatchling, and another had a darker red hatchling. Seth greeted them all. He and Shadow then found Linnea and Arget. Shadow greeted the large dragon with a friendly growl. Seth bowed in front of Linnea. "My training is going well Linnea-elda," said Seth. "Shadow has learned how to fly and I can't wait to get my very own sword," he said. "I can't wait to breathe fire like my ancestors," thought Shadow. Seth could picture riding Shadow into battle, black fire erupting from his maw. Seth smiled at the thought.
Caleb and Vinezilla ate lunch with Monica and Daisy after the sparring lesson. Keisha joined them with her friend Mike. His young dragon was black with white stars. The eight of them ate. Keisha then brought up Seth. "Where do you think he is?" she asked. "I don't know," said Monica. "He might be dead since no one's seen him," said Mike. Monica and Keisha gasped. Caleb punched Mike in the arm. "He's still alive," he said. "Seth is alive somewhere in the world with his dragon," said Caleb. "He's probably with the Riders in Farthen Dur," said Keisha. "My grandfather said that when my dragon is big enough for me to ride, he and Aleria would show us the way to Farthen Dur," she said, looking down at Ramses. Ramses was asleep, full of meat. "I bet you he is with the Riders," said Caleb. He pictured Seth flying on a dragon, dueling another Rider. But the dream Caleb kept having came to him again. "What the heck does it mean?" he asked himself.
Linnea looked over at the younger rider and the little black dragon. She said simply "It's nice to see you two again, you're both turning into prodegies at this rate. I see Ryan has yet to rob you of your manners. By the way I only expect formalities and honorifics from my students. If you don't mind however I have two classes to teach." Linnea left to start her new students on the old language. It was always the first thing she taught. Her more advanced class was starting magic and the dragons who could fly were starting flight exercises with Arget. Eragon came to Linnea regarding Itachi stating that he and Sapphira were going to handle his case. But the man needed some medical work done, and Eragon whispered the symptoms in her ear. "If that is what I think it is, I'd best start brewing the medicine. I have the ingrediants and can speed the process with magic, but I'll require a willing eldunari and an operating room with staff for the rest." Eragon patted her back and smiled. "I knew I could count on you for this." Linnea would never tell a soul but her true name did state she was a healer by nature among other things.
Seth's teacher is named Randy, not Ryan. I laughed when I saw that. Common mistake.
Seth watched Linnea leave. "She sure is a great teacher," he said. "Yeah. No wonder she has good stu- wait," thought Shadow. Seth looked down at him. "What?" Seth asked. "Did Linnea just say Ryan?" Shadow asked. The two looked at each other. They then laughed. "It's a mistake. I almost called Randy Ryan one time," said Seth. The two then walked into the Training Grounds. Daniel and Aro were there practicing. Aro lit twenty three practice dummies on fire. The orange flames melted the dummies. Daniel was sparring with a sparing robot. The robot had moves, but Daniel decapitated it. Seth watched the sword Sunset move around in Daniel's hand. Shadow watched Aro breathing fire. The two wanted it. Seth wanted his own sword. Shadow wanted to breathe fire. "I can't wait till I get it," said Seth. Shadow said, "You'll get it when training is done, which means I have to be large and old enough to fight," thought Shadow. But the dragon wanted to breathe fire now.
Linnea had everything ready by the next day. "Itachi I know how to use the modern anesthesia but I prefer the arcane method. Is this agreeable?" "I'd rather use the modern methods thank you." "If we were using purely modern medical skills, you'd need a new pair of lungs. But I'll use the anesthesia you requested, any other accommodations you need or want??" "No. I am ready." A nurse prepared the iv and other equipment. Linnea had people watching the procedure so they might be able to pull it off. [surgeons in training do this] Linnea started as soon as her patient was out. She had to remove the necrotic lung tissue and regrow healthy lung in it's place. The medicine was to help stablize the newly grown lung. She wasn't prepared for the extent of the damage. All but one lobe of his lungs were dead. I won't go into further detail of the procedure. A few hours and one pair of lungs regrown it was all up to Itachi to do the rest. Linnea had to rely on the eldunari's energy to preserve her own life. Itachi should have been dead by the time she'd gotten to him. It was times like this she needed a drink. Vanier was the one who brought it. The boy was old enough to drink. Sophia had been one of the attendees of the procedure. Linnea toasted "To miracles great and small. Itachi Uchiha living this long with lungs that bad being one of them." Sauske was watching the exchange and asked "That bad?" "All but one lobe of lung were dead and rotting. By all accounts he should be dead by now." Sakura had been holding the boy's hand the whole time. "Sauske kun you ok?" "I'm ok, I just have questions for Linnea sensei." "That's Erbithal Linnea to you." "Erbithal Arget has been in his mind right? What did he find out?" "That is your brother's tale to tell not ours. We have no right to tell his secrets. Just as only I can decide who may learn my true name. Arget is the only one who has the right to reveal his if he figures it out." Eragon interuppted "You know your true name? Are you going to tell anyone?" "I think I do and no I'm not about to share my true name." Sauske asked "What's a true name?" "Who and what you are, if someone knows it it can give them huge power and influence over you. Elves know theirs instinctively but it can change. But you have to change everything about yourself as a person to do it."
Seth and Shadow did a little sparring with Daniel. Seth had taken the robot's sword. He and Daniel went back and forth. Of course Daniel beat Seth, but Seth was getting better. He then took a break. Shadow had just finished racing in the sky with Aro. The black dragon had learned to do perfect spirals and dives. He even flew really high. Seth almost fainted when Shadow fell out of the clouds, nearly out of breath. Shadow took a break too. They then began to work on the flying techniques that Shadow would do. When they finished, they went to the group area. Most of the dragons and their Riders were there socializing. Angelica and Angel were there talking and laughing with Randy, Ghost, Sarah, and Aiden. Angelica saw them both. "Seth!" she exclaimed. She ran up to him and the two kissed. Shadow and Angel nuzzled and joined Ghost and Aiden. "I was doing a little sparring with Daniel at the Training Grounds," said Seth. Everyone and their dragons gathered together as Arya and Firnen approached. "We need to talk."
After lunch, Caleb, Monica, Keisha, Mike, and their dragons went to class. They were learning the art of the Rider's sword while the hatchlings were learning the art of fire. "We'll be able to breathe fire when we're six months of age," thought Vinezilla. His ebrithil nodded. Caleb smiled and rubbed Vinezilla's head. "Caleb, when do Riders receive their very own sword?" his teacher asked, pulling out his sword. Caleb gulped. He then reached for the old sword under his desk. "When they finish their training," he said. His teacher nodded and put his sword away. "Now class. A Rider's sword is not like any other sword. This sword is an iridesent blade that can cut through wards," said the teacher. "By receiving a sword, you become a true Rider," he said. "Your sword will be the color of your dragon," said Keisha. "Right," said the teacher. His sword was dark brown. His dragon, of course, was a brown dragon. As school ended, Caleb saw Vinezilla leap at his ebrithil. The large dragon laughed as Vinezilla amused him
Seth, Angelica, Shadow, and Angel went on a walk. The sun was starting to set a bit. "Why did Daniel name his sword Sunset?" Angelica asked, looking at the sun. "Because it setted the sun for his enemies, meaning the sun was the enemy's life and by setting it, he ended it," said Seth. Angelica understood and giggled. "What are you gonna name your sword when you get one?" Angelica asked. "I don't know, but its gonna have to be something related to Shadow and his scale color," said Seth. He looked at the two dragons. They were side by side, tails twined. Angelica smiled and wrapped her left arm around Seth's right arm. The four of them stopped at the beach. It was beautiful with the sunset. Seth saw Daniel and Aro flying in the sky. Aro was almost invisble thanks to the sunset. "I can't wait to kill those Dungeon People," said Seth. Angelica nodded. Shadow and Angel flew over them. The two dragons circled each other, mewing lovely tunes.
Night fall came. Seth and Shadow walked Angelica and Angel to Randy's house. Randy taught Seth several more spells and Ghost taught Shadow a few more aerial tricks. The two then headed home. As they neared the courtyard, Seth saw an egg sitting beside the well. He walked over to it. Shadow sniffed it. "Is this a dragon egg?" Seth asked. "No. It doesn't spell like one," thought Shadow. Seth remembered learning about the Ra'zac and the Lethrblaka. "Its not a Ra'zac egg because their extinct," said Seth. The egg wasn't blackish-blue. Seth saw how it was a disgusting brown color. He remembered the Dungeon Lizards. "Oh no," he said. Shadow growled. Seth took out his dagger and whirled around. A Dungeon Lizard, two of them, were advancing. "This can't be happening," said Seth. The lizards attacked. Seth leaped on one's back and stabbed it in the eye. The lizard yelled in agony. The other one came at Seth. Shadow rammed the lizard away from his Rider. Seth watched the dog sized dragon fought the bear sized lizard.
Linnea was going over the various members of the dragon evolutionary tree. "The water dragon is intelligent but much more well... raw than our partners are. They've been known to eat dragons including their own kind given the chance. They are too dangerous for us to have a live specimen here for you to see. The oriental dragon is unrelated to our dragons in terms of evolution, their branch of the dragon classification might not even share a common ancestor. The wind viper however is a close cousin, they use a mental shriek to help them capture prey. Unlike their marine cousin and our partners they stay fairly small but fast. But nobody has ever ridden one..." 
(You mean a Nidhwal and a Fanghur? I'm glad you brought those up. They will serve as natural enemies when we fight the Dungeon People) Seth repeatedly stabbed the lizard in the eye. The lizard yelled in agony and threw Seth towards the well. Seth caught himself before he fell in. He then looked down at the egg. He examined it more closely. It was actually not an ugly brown but in fact a greenish-brown color. "It can't be," he said. The sound of Shadow and the other lizard fighting snapped his head up. Shadow was under the lizard, ripping at its chest. The other lizard was running towards Seth. "Letta," said Seth. The lizard kept coming. "But how?" Seth asked. He then saw two Dungeon People with wicked swords. "Your magic won't work as long as we are near the Lizards!" yelled one of them. The lizard swung at Seth. Seth leaped to the ground. He picked up the egg and put it in his sack. He then threw the dagger at the lizard, impaling it in the lizard's chest. The animal gave a death cry and died. Seth smiled.
Caleb and Vinezilla kissed Monica and Daisy goodbye and the two headed home with Keisha and Ramses. After dropping Keisha and Ramses off, Caleb and Vinezilla went home. As they walked, Vinezilla flew in the air. The moon was full and bright. Vinezilla sparkled like green jewels. Suddenly, the sparkling was knocked out of the sky. Caleb gasped as a giant, bear sized lizard tackled Vinezilla to the ground. The lizard bit down on Vinezilla's left wing. Vinezilla yelled out. "Vine!" Caleb yelled. All of a sudden, an ugly man came out of hiding and knocked Caleb to the ground. He stabbed Caleb in his left arm. Caleb yelled. Caleb and Vinezilla felt each other's pain. "Dungeon Man!" yelled Caleb. The man smiled evilly. He then grabbed Caleb by the neck and squeezed hard. Caleb choked. Vinezilla was also choking. The lizard had him by the throat. "You die tonight Rider," said the dungeon man. Just then, a golden sword sliced through the man's side. The dungeon man yelled out as the sword when through his other side.
The iridescent sword was gleaming with black blood. The dungeon man collapsed and went still. Caleb fell on his side. Someone walked by him with black boots. The lizard threw Vinezilla towards that person. Caleb saw Vinezilla landed next to him. The dragon was unconscious. "Vinezilla," said Caleb painfully. He then heard the sound of the sword go through skin and bone. The lizard's death cry rung out. Caleb heard the lizard collapse to the ground. Caleb was lifted off the ground and thrown over his savior's shoulders. He saw Vinezilla get lifted too. As his savior carried them off, Caleb got a glimpse of the dead dungeon man and lizard. "Who are you?" asked Caleb. His savior didn't answer. Caleb looked over at Vinezilla, who was still unconscious. "Buddy," said Caleb and then fainted. When Caleb woke up, it was Saturday morning. He was lying in a bed. Vinezilla was lying beside him. Caleb saw that he was in fact breathing. Caleb saw that his arm had been healed somehow.

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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