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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

James smiled, finally hearing her voice. He could see that she was still a little shaken from his reaction to his nightmare. "It's ok," he said. "I'm not gonna hurt you," said James. "It's just that I was given this power with a lot of grief and anger," said James, remembering being bitten by the rabid wolf four years ago. James pushed the thought away, fearing that he would explode again. He looked back at Guaz. "I'll just call ya G girl," said James, although he admired the name Guaz. "So, how'd you get here?" James asked, knowing she got on the same boat like him. "Sorry for the stupid question, but I'm just trying to make conversation," said James.
Guaz smiled. "I trust you." she siad and she made herself comforable on the ground again. She stared straight ahead at the fire. "I knew Lokri from...well an accident. She invited me on the boat trip, hence why I ended up here. No not a stupid question. I admire you tring to talk to me. I admit, I dont talk much." She said and she poked at the fire with the last stick that was left. She sighed and through it into the fire. "I am going to need to go get fire wood later." she said very low and to herself.
James smiled. With his excellent hearing, he heard what Guaz said. "I got it!" he exclaimed. James sped over to the fallen tree. He picked up clumps of wood from the tree and sped back over to Guaz. "Here you are," said James. He placed the fire wood by Guaz's feet and saw her robotic arm. "Oh cool," he said, admiring the arm. "You have a robotic arm?" he asked. "I bet when you transform, it becomes a wolf leg doesn't it?" James asked, very interested in the robotic arm. He wished he had one for his right arm. James sat next to Guaz. He seemed to be bonding with her very quickly.

Guaz smiles and watches James. "Thanks, saves me a trip." She noticed him looking at her arm. "Oh yeah...this was from a little accident when I had first meet Lokri. Its alright I geuss. Sometimes I wish for my real arm back, but I get along. And yeah it does turn into a wolf leg when I shift...WHEN I ever shift." She smiled and turned to look over at James again and watched him as he sat next to her. "I would love to see hwo it works when I am a wolf. But I havnt had my chance of shifting. I will sometime maybe." She shrugs.


James thought for a moment. "I have an idea," he said. James pulled Guaz to her feet. "If anger doesn't come easy to your shyness, then speed will," he said. "Me and you, race towards the river where Smoke and Lokri are," said James. He pointed towards the trees where the few werewolves had went. "By the time me and you reach our destination, you should be in your wolf form," said James. He looked back at Guaz. "And if speed doesn't work, we'll try prey," he said. "A deer or rabbit will do," said James. "I know it did with me," said James. "Anger and speed also makes my wolf emerge," said James. "So, let's get to it G girl," said James, pulling Guaz to the starting line he made.
Smoke was content with the two fish he had caught so far and was watching the other two fish for a while before he got up and moved to another spot, standing perfectly still, his body tense waiting for the fish to swim by, but they seemed to be getting smarter and not coming near their feet.  Spotting one that dared to venture closer, he lashed out and gripped it tightly, plucking it up out of the water and he grinned to himself, with a total of three fish, that'd be enough to feed half of the group. Or just him if he was hungry enough, which he was, but he wasn't about to go eat all three.
Ash began geting frustrated as the fish seemed to be getting smarter. Even when he stood completely still they dodged and evaded him, but Ash soon got an idea. Wading back to the shore he broke off a branch that had a sligtly sharp end, he then went back into the water and stood waiting for the fish to come close enough. When one was within his throwing range, Ash launched the branch into the water, he remembered that water reflects light differntly and made sure to aim infront of the fish that way his 'spear' would strike the actual fish. With a splash the stick struck the water and Ash grabbed it and pulled it up. On the end was a medium sized silver looking fish, but this one had a blue stripe. "Cool, I think I found another good way to fish!" he said tossing the fish into the pit he made. "How many more you think we need? I might eat like two myself." he asked aloud.
Guaz shruged and shook her head," I doubt it will work. I might feel it try but it wont. I have had my test for speed. I was able to race like the wind as a human to save Lokri. No point in trying this. Hunting, I have been camping with Lokri had had quiet fun hunting down animals. That never changed me either. Its just not my time yet, I just have to wait and be patient." Guaz shook her head again and looked at James calmly. "I am quite sure this wont work. Its just not my time yet."
Lokri watched the fish grow smarter at the trap. But she knew her tricks. She watched them carefully before turning ehr head to look at Ash. "Nice job! Yeah I might only eat one, but we should get enough to feed the rest so maybe two or three each." she turned her head. The fish where stil staying a good distance. Her body tensed up and she quickly lunged forward splashing the water in all derections at her fast sudden movement. She lifted her arms up into the air holding the two fish she cought up in the air. She then turned and walked closer to shore so she could drop her new catch into Ash's pit.
"Oh," said James. He went quiet. He knew that sooner or later, G girl's wolf would come out. He looked at Guaz and smiled. "Don't worry, your wolf will come out one day," he said, placing his hand on her shoulder. James then turned away from her. "Now let's see if I can control MY wolf," he said. James sat crissed-crossed. He balled up his fist and pointed them towards the sky. James closed his eyes. He concentrated. James's eyebrow twitched. He began to shudder. Don't lose focus James thought. He didn't want to spook G girl again. Two minutes later, James opened his eyes and smirked. His irises were amber. James couldn't believe it. He had control over his werewolf a bit. He stood up and turned to G girl. "Bet'cha none of these werewolves could do this in their human forms," said James, showing G girl his amber irises.

"We are all still young her James. Everyone hear who has felt the touch of their wolf side have not been able to control it. We  all will in time, but not many of us can yet." she said nodding her head and looking at his amber eyes and she smiled faintly. "However those are some nice eyes. I only have brown ones." she shrugsed. "But I like them." she turned to look back at the fire then she slowly stood up. "I will be right back James." she said and smiled before turning and troting slowly off into the woods. The New Weres words made her want to go out and think and she felt better walking and doing something while thinking, and she knew it would be good for her to take a short walk.

James watched her leave. He smiled after taking a look at her backside. He looked back at the fire. Suddenly, the fire began to shift. James had a confused look on his face. The fire turned into a vision of when James was running with his pack. For some reason, his pack would change only on a full moon, while James could change anytime, anywhere, do to his anger, hunger, or speed. James smirked. His smile went away as the vision of him battling the huge vampire came into focus. "Seymour," he whispered the vampire's name. James and Seymour tussled. A girl came out of nowhere. James watched as she was struck with poison darts. The fire vision James yelled, "No!" He looked over at the dying vampire he had struck. James snarled and swiped at the fire, burning his hand. He knew that memory. That was the day he lost his girlfriend Jessie.

Guaz didn't think she had gotten that deep into the forest jungle area. But uneasiness washed over her. She looked around and a feeling of being hunted swept through her like a tidal wave. She tensed up and froze. Before she could even move to flee back to the camp, the smallest of movement caught her eye. It was to her horror, it was a large cat. Like the one Smoke had been attacked by and Lokri had helped him killed. She knew the cat wouldn't attack unless she was far enough away so she couldn't scream for help. She turned to face the big cat, backing away slowly. Guaz's heart raced.

The big cat stepped from the bushes hissing and growling tail flicking. Guaz now felt how the deer felt when they are close to death. It was utter terror. The Large cat leaped at her. Quaz felt all her muscles tense. Her body quivered as it over came a change she had never ever felt before. It was painful, but a good pain. She snarled loudly to meet the new threat, now in her Wolf form. She had never felt this type of rage before, but now she felt it and it ran through her blood like a group of rabid wolves. The Big cat and landed on the ground and hissed again, trying to think of a new way to attack its prey. Finally it leaped, both Werewolf and large cat rolled on the ground trying to defend themselves from the enemy. Quaz snarled as the Big Cat bit down on her robotic wolf leg. She took this chance to use her other free leg to claw at its face. The cat backed up and yowled, before leaping on Quaz again and sending her to her side. It had her in a death grip and Guaz couldn't escape.

Quaz's blood went from a rage to cold fear. She wiggled trying to get away but the jaws on her throat grew tighter, the claws clawing at her side grew so painful tears came to her brown eyes. She pawed at the Big Cat but even she realized her attacks where growing weaker. She was being killed. Guaz was dieing. Guaz tried to pull up her strength and let out a long wailing howl out for help. But she knew it was to late. She knew her friend would find her laying dead at the paws of a Large Cat. A Cat. But never the less the enemy that killed her.

Guaz's body went slack, she glanced up at her enemy's eyes growled weakly and everything went black. She had fallen to the island...Guaz was dead.

Lokri looked up from the water and out towards the tree line. She felt her blood turn ice cold. "GUAZ!" she cried out and ran towards the shore. As soon as Lokri reached that she ran to the tree line and vanished in the foliage. Dark thoughts filled her mind but she quickly forgot about them. She had to make her way to her friend. Soon she found the small clearing and froze at the edge. Quaz laid in her wolf form, dead and bloody on the ground. Lokri was frozen for only a nano second before her own rage over came her. Today even she felt the painfully good change of turning to a Wolf. She leaped form the pushed and slammed into the Big Cat with such force, she knocked it to the ground. She landed on her for-paws, hind legs still up in the air when she felt her jaws clamp down on the back of the Big Cats neck. She landed over on the other side, clear of the big cats legs.

Rage filled her from the death of her friend. Her first friend. She remembered that day that Guaz had saved her. And she was to late to do the same. She took her anger out of herself and the death on the large cat, already knowing full well this is what cause Guaz to be laying on the ground dead.

James heard the comotion. He stood up and ran into the trees. As he neared a clearing, James saw Lokri. She was grieving over something. A body. James took a closer look. His eyes widened. It was G girl; Guaz. James went down to his knees. "Why did I let you leave my side?" James asked hiself. He then looked over at the dead big cat. James snarled and stood up. He looked down at the dead cat. James's irises turned amber. James picked up the carcass and slung it into the air with ease. He snarled viscously and looked back at Guaz's body. "This can't be!" he yelled. James's werewolf was trying to come out. But James wouldn't let it. He pushed back the wolf inside him. James bent down next to Guaz's body. "I'm so sorry G girl," he said. James rested his head on her arm. He then growled and leaped away from Lokri and Guaz. He snarled as he transformed. James ran off on all fours. He remembered the time Nicholas was killed by a werecat. Guaz's death reminded him of Nicholas's death. James howled as he took off through the forest.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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