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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Calypso walks through the forest after she woke up on the beach. She had a few cuts on her right arm, but other than that she was fine. While trying to see if there was a place where she could rest, Calypso thought of the drawings she saw while traveling along the beach. She thought that they looked like how Lokri draws so Calypso thought she must be alive and the others could be with her. When Calypso found a place to rest underneath a large tree, she sat down and listened to her surroundings. She thought she heard movement behind her but she ignored it. After getting some of her breath back she got up and continued to search for the others.
Finally emerging from the tree line; Smoke huffed in a breath of air and looked around. His gaze settled on the fire and he quickened his pace, kneeling down next to it and piled some wood on it to get it going again. Glancing over, he smirked seeing Lokri asleep in the sand and he scanned over the ground for Gauz. He spotted her down by the water and then turned back to the fire again, stirring the tiny flames and heaping the coals on top of the new wood so it would start light and get the fire going again.

With a little help from Aries, Ash followed Smoke through the forest. Even though Smoke did his best to break a path for them, it was still slow going because of his injured leg which made Ash feel even worse. If Aries didnt have to wait for me, we could have been there already he thought with a sad frown. Ash shook the thought off and continued walking, faster this time, ignoring the jarring pain in his leg and shoulder. Finnaly after a while, Ash and Aries came to the camp.

Aries immidiately made Ash sit down and began examing his wounds, Ash protested with his natural stubborness, but Aries looked at him with her intense gaze, "Look, I know you're hurt, so its no use trying to act like you're not. I've known you for too long, and I can tell when you're lying." Ash just shook his head but he didn't say another word. Aries sighed and looked over his wounds, she bit her lip when she saw that some of them looked even worse than before.

Guaz turned her head and saw them emerge from the tree line. Her eyes landed on the new arivals. She smiled. Good she had some extra fish if they were hungry. She prushed her air out of the way with her Robotic hand. She walked back up the beach and smiled at Ash and Aries. "Hey guy's." She said with a friendly smile and a wave of her hand. She then bent down by the fire and looked over at Smoke and droped her voice to a low whisper. "Hey Smoke, what did you do to poor Lokri? I havnt seen the girl that scared sense...well yeah..." She trailed off not sure how to start that long story and she just looked over at the sleeping figure then at Smoke.
Smoke was stirring the fire when Gauz came up next to him. He smiled at her but it faded when she mentioned how Lokri was scared.  "Even the entire time that I was gone? Wow, that creature out there must have really stirred her up to get her freaked out that much." He said in a hushed, quiet tone of voice then looked back at the fire again.  He was not about to apply that he was the one who scared her, unless Gauz went and said right out that she knew it was him that did it. Though when she had cut off her sentence, he looked at her with the most curious expression you would ever catch on his face.

Guaz shrugs half heartedly and sighs. "She has never been scared of just some creature before." She put in but didnt say anymore. She sat and stared at the fire frozen then she just got up and walked over to were Lokri was laying peacefully. She walked around the picture staring at it nad sometimes a faint smile would appear, other times a quiet sad expression.

Soon she kneeled down next to Lokri and started at the picture before gently shaking Lokri's shoulder. She was just going to shake her out of sleep. She stoped shaking her when she relized this wasnt going to work."Ah, might as well let her sleep." She looked at the large picture carved into the sand before heading back to the fire.

Smoke watched her, rather intrigued now by her comment. His gaze followed her as she walked over towards Lokri and attempted to wake her up.  She wasn't.. She didn't mean that she thought that Lokri was afraid of him.  Did she? The thought hurt a bit but he shrugged it off. 

When she had come back over to the fire again, he remained quite for a while, thinking the question over in his head. "You-you wern't implying that you think that she is scared of me right?" He asked with a concerned tone to his voice.  He wasn't a scary guy to start with, and he normally didn't try to be scary, but a practical joke, he didn't think it would go so far as to have her frightened so much.

"No...Any way how would I to know? If you think she is scared of you why dont you ask her yourself. You know if she wakes up." Guaz said simply staring at the fire then turning her head towards Smoke. "But in my oppinion she isnt scared of you. If she was she proably would and ran and hide some where Isolated where no one other then the ones she wants she show herself to could find her." Guaz blinked and turned back to the fire."Call be whatever but I think she might like you..."Guaz grins and turns her head ever so slightly and winks at Smoke.

Smoke turned his attention to the flames, dancing over the logs of the fire. Ask her? Maybe he would, after all, there really wasn't any harm in asking right? He smirked, and gave a near silent chuckle. That was true, if she was afraid of him, he probably would never see her. 

At her last comment, his head shot up and he looked over at her, catching the wink, he almost blushed. Almost. Slowly, he looked back at the fire again. "Ha. I doubt it. I'm not really an easy one to like in that way." Though he wasn't sounding all to sure of himself. She wasn't serious was she? No, there was no way Lokri could actually like him. He shook the thought and kept his attention, strictly on the flames.  Though his mind started wandering again.

Guaz didnt reply she just bent up to pick up the feather Lokri dropped. She smiled. "I am saprised Lokri trusts ANYONE do to her past. But thats the past. She is a smart girl to know to let it go. Well almost all of it..."Guaz turns her head to look at the large drawing in the sand. Anyone could praobly feel the burried sadness in that picture. It was beautiful yet it held a meaning to it. Guaz sighed.To bad they didnt have paper for Lokri to draw on. Knowing Lokri she could build a boat with the paper.

Guaz then turned her head to the fish. She had them on a large leaf and she disided Ash and Aries would need the food. Getting up she grabed the fish and walked over to them. "If you two are hungry." She then turned around and sat back down next to Smoke.

Smoke blinked a couple times. There she goes bringing up her past again.  What on earth happend to that girl? He wondered, though he kept his thoughts private and followed her gaze over towards the picture in the sand.  He narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to make out the image in the sand from the position that he was in.  He turned back to the fire again though, only watching from the corner of his eye as she brought the fish over towards Ash and Aries.

When she came back he looked over at her again. "What happend that was so dramatizing? It was obviously something." He asked in a low voice, then turned back to the fire again.

Guaz froze. Her head turned slowly to Smoke. "She was a small girl. Age of 6. Coming back home from a fun camping trip with her Dad. Humans. The werewolf hunters managed to sneek up on them. They promised her father to let her live as a carpet for there house and Lokri's dad told her to run. Lokri was a good girl and listened. She ran. The poor man didnt have a chance to phase and attack them humans. He was shoot. Five times before the sixth time they shoot him in the head. They came at her next. My friend and I were to slow to catch up to her oh how fast she was."

"Anyway they cought her managed to drag back before she could slip underneath the fence. They stabed her in her side over and over again. Finally when..."

Lokri walks up to Smoke and Guaz. "Finally when I had no more fight in me they desided to end my misery there after doing the most unpleasent things. They aimed the gun at me. And thats when the horid flash backs happened. I wasnt by my Dad I was were I was laying. However I think I saw or part of me was out of my body. My Dad managed to switch. How in the world he was still alive after being shot in the head was amazing. He craled towards me and I saw the person behind him with the kinfe. I screamed out then just as the man in front of me pulled the trigger. I saw my father fall in a bloody mess and I heared the wait of Guaz as her friend was shoot. However the girl that saved me pooped and killed the two men. She died in the hospital."

Smoke was begining to regret asking as he listened to Gauz tell the story. He did dare look at her, so his gaze remained on the fire as he listed. His expression grew solemn and he looked over at her when she had paused.  He blinked once hearing Lokri's voice and he glanced over at her when she walked up to them and continued on.  He looked at her for a moment as she spoke then looked back at the fire again.  Listening closely to her. 

When she finished he let out a sigh.  "So, that noise in the woods.. It brought back all these memories and that's why you were freaking out?" He asked then looked over at her after thinking for a moment. "And out of my own curiousity, how long had you been listening to us?" He added as an after thought.

Lokri side and sat down next to Smoke. "Yeah thats the reson I freaked out in the woods." she said staring at the fire. Her golden eyes seemed to reflect the danceing flames and the jumping sparks."Listening to you...sense you arrived with Ash and Aries." she said almost emotionless. She had sat the dagger down by the pile of timber that Smoke had collected and watched the fire. "Yeah I couldnt fall asleep. Last time I tried you got attacked. I dont trust this place. It may seem nice...but two things in a short amount of time..."She shivered slightly and turned her head to look at her two friends.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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