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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


(Sorry I know I promised to post but right after I get out of school I have to go to track practice then I go home and shower and eat then I tend to my gigantic pile of homework! *dies from bring waaaayy to busy*)

Ash silently sat watching the seen unfold around him. He listened as the others talked to this new werewolf, they seemed to warm up to him easily but Ash needed to get to know him more before he could trust him. Aries on the other hand was bright an welcoming, she walked up to James with a warm smile on her face, and her hazel eyes twinkling with kindness, "Hello I'm Aries, its nice to meet you." she said shaking his hand. Ash watched as Aries introduced herself and he just gave the were a curt nod and a slightly sideways glance before limping off to the lake. He washed his face and took off his mostly shredded shirt to wash and rinse his wounds. Aries watched Ash leave and shook her head before turning back to the were, "Don't worry once he warms up to you he can be a big softy and a great friend." she said with encouragement that faltered a little. She knew how stubborn as could be and how much first impressions mattered to him. (No offense to James though I just thought I could add some interesting persona clashes or something ;) )

After he was done Ash waded out to where Smoke was, "Hey, you need any help, I'm getting kinda bored sitting around waiting for something to attack us." he said with one of his half smiles.

(Is 284 words good for a make-up post? :D)

Smoke glared at Lokri a moment at the fish comment before he turned to leave.  When she mentioned coming with, he glanced back at her with a shrug. "No, I don't care if you come, I'd enjoy the company, and honestly, I'm glad you wont be throwing the fish at me, that way I get a chance to throw one at you this time." He joked though there was a sly grin on his face.  He glanced back at Aries and Ash, his gaze flickering over at Ash when he asked about helping and he shrugged. "Sure, you can help to." He smiled and pulled off his shirt once he reached the waters edge, dropping it in the sand and wading in a little ways.

Lokri jumped to her feet and followed after the two guys. "Yay...fishies..." Lokri said with a hint of amusment in her voice as she waded into the water after the two. She felt more relaxed in the cool water. When she got deeper in and stoped and stood rock solid. She looked down at the water and stared at it intently. She waited for the medium sized Silver bodys to swim by. When one would swim by she would quickly snatch it up in her hand and hold on for it for dear life so it wouldnt get away. She held the medium sized silver fish in her hands.

Guaz looked over at the new Were and smiled again before turning her head to look over at the fire. She was growing hungry and couldnt wait for the other to return with the fish. She watched the fire as it grew smaller and smaller. She frowned and looked over at the small pile of wood next to her. She through the rest into the small flame and watched it lick hungerly at the new wood. When the others come back she would need to go collecting wood again. She decided that would be a way for her to leave and go for a small walk.

"Wow Lokri that's impressive!" Ash said when he caught a glimpse of Lokri catching the fish. Ash copied her moves, and waited for the silver looking fish to swim by, he tried to catch one but failed horribly. When he lunged for the fish he slipped on the scum like water plants that coated the lake bed. Ash tried to get his balance but his hurt leg made him jerk and fall headfirst underwater. Luckily the water wasn't deep and he knew how to swim, so Ash popped up with a silly grin plastered onto his wet face. "Got it!" he said holding up a large sliver fish.

Lokri giggled and walked over carefully to Ash,"Very good Ash! For your first time! The First time I tried to catch a fish like this...pfft...I failed miserablely." She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder. "And thanks!" She said smiling warmly. She turned to look over at Smoke. "Hey Smoke, you give it a try." She said loud enough for them to hear but quiet enough not to scare the silver fish away. She stood stone still again so any movement wouldnt scare the fish away so Smoke could try and give his hand on catching one. Lokri watched, standing next to Ash.

James found the resting area. He thanked the other wolf and rested. He then lyed down. James thought about his pack. He remembered how they fought off the pack of werecats they came into the city. He then remembered protecting a woman from getting raped by two men in an ally. He turned to see a shooting star. "I wish Nicholas was still alive," he said, remembering one of his pack members were killed by the werecats. James got mad and leaked a tear. James wiped away the tear and went to sleep. He dreamed of running through the streets of New York at night with his pack. The pack was suddenly attacked by the werecats. The werecats destroyed his pack. James tried to fight them off, but they kept growing larger and larger. James was then pinned on the ground by the werecats. The werecats pinned him down. The lead werecat approached him. "Now you die!" he yelled. James yelled as the werecat's teeth came down on his whole body. James woke up with a snarl, transforming into his werewolf form. He had destroyed a tree next to him. James breathed in and out heavily. James looked around.

Quaz and turned to look over at James, the new Were again. He was asleep, but apparently trroubled. She tilted ehr head and watched. Her gaze did not waver as she stared at the new Were. He was deffiantly haveing a Nightmare. She watched, knowing she could help, but it was better to let it run its course. She remained relaxed and clam as she watched. Finally the new wolf had leaped up shifting in a few seconds and clawed at a tree savagly. Guaz and leaped to her feet body tense eyes wide and the sudden movement. She was spooked yes but not deathly scared either. She looked at the new Were eyes still wide body still alittle tense.
Smoke watched as the other two successfully caught their fish and he grinned, chuckling softly at Ash's little show.  He looked at Lokri when she told him to take his turn.  Standing incredibly still, his gaze locked on the water.  He was intentionally ignoring the commotion that went on up by the fire, as bad as it sounded.  Seeing the sleek body swimming by him, he lunged downwards at it.  He managed to grab it, but slipped from his hands and flew through the air, landing on Lokri's head. He looked at her a moment before he burst out laughing. 
Lokri looks up at the sky and grabes the fish from off her head. "I should count that as my catch." She rolls her eyes and smiles. "Well Jaws managed to loose alittle fishy and got it to land on my head." She looked at him and smiled again a bit wider. "Very well, you got me back!" she tossed the fish back over to him. "Maybe I should just keep throwing raw little fish at you, hmmm?" She asked giggleing and walked around to find another spot. She stoped and looked back down at the water and quickly catched another one and walked back voer to Ash. "How many fish should we take back? So far we have four."
Smoke grinned winningly as she pulled the fish off her head.  "No, we're even now, you have no right to keep throwing them at me." He said catching the fish when she tossed it back to him, watching as she moved to another spot and caught another.  "One for each of us at least." He said looking back at her as he moved slowly through the water, barly making a ripple as he watched for more fish to catch, though this time he'd be sure to keep a hold on it and not let it slip out of his hands.
Lokri nods and transfers the fish to her other hand and uses her free hand to catch the one other she could hold. She walkes away and then stands in the water and watches it. The Silve rbodies of the fish come by but not close enough to lunge and catch. Lokri stays as still as a stone still and watches, breathing slowly so she wont spook anything as she stands int he cool water. Finally one fish dares to come to near and swims around. Lokri watches tenses just a bit then lundges forward feeling the cold slimy scales of the fish. She picked it up out of the water and turned to face the others slowly.
When Ash heard all of the commotion he gave a quick glance to be sure there wasnt any trouble then he realized that it wasnt a big deal and went back to fishing. After watching Lokri and Smoke do it a couple of times Ash decided to try again, he waded a bit farther away and stood stock still, the fish darted about just out of his reach, as if they were taunting him, this frustrated Ash but he kept his cool. When one attempted to dart past it strayed to close and Ash seized the opportunity, grabbing the fish in his hand. He then wadded back to the shore and made a dip like depression in the ground, Ash dropped the fish in the hole to keep them from flopping away . Ash then went back to catch more.
James smiled nervously at the female wolf. "I apologize," he said. "Something very bad hit me," he said. James transformed back into his human form and walked over to the female wolf. "The name's James," he said. "What's your name?" James asked, the female wolf, trying to calm her down from the fright. James was wondering if she was going to run and tell Smoke, or calm down and talk it out with him. He could feel his wolf form trying to come back out. He didn't want that. The other werewolves shifted in their sleep. James looked back at the surprised expresson on the female wolf's face.
Quaz started to relax again. She didnt talk much so her voice cracked a bit with nom use but still came out mostly crystal clear. "Its fine. I Kind of could tell you where haveing a Nightmare." She relaxed more and finally was easy around the new Were named James. "My name is Guaz Nasir, just call me Guaz." she smiled faintly and looked at the new Were. "Its nice to meet you James. Welcome to the group." her voice was still alittle bit above a whisper but a bit louder then she usually talks in. She was comfortable around the new wolf. She returned sitting by the growing fire.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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