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Lokri whimpered as she circled her fallen friend. Lokri was on a breaking point now. She could feel it. It felt like ever peice of sanity in her was snapping and she was going to lose it. She droped down on her belly and touched her nose on Guaz's face. She whimpered, trying to bekon her friend to come back to life, even though she knew it was worthless. Lokri's small whimperes turned into loud cries for the fallen friend. Lokri threw herself next to her friends body, her own body quivered from grief as she cried. She didnt know what to do now. Lokri felt exhausted and tired. She still lay at her friends side still whimpering softly.

Smoke had been faintly able to hear the conversation that went on between the new wolf and Gauz, though he wasn't paying much attention to it, or listening to it really.  If he had been, he knew he would have stopped them.  But he didn't. He was to focused on the fish to care.  Smoke was about to grab another when Lokri screamed and ran through the water towards the trees and it quickly darted away.  Though he was to freaked by the fact Lokri randomly called out Gauz's name. He waited a moment, thinking about what he wasn't paying attention to.  He remembered the talking growing silent but he hadn't realized Gauz had just walked off into the trees.  He heard James's howl as he ran through the trees and he froze and looked at Ash, then back at the trees again.  Scrambling up onto the shore, he dropped his fish in the sand pit before charging into the trees. He knew it now, that something definatly wasn't right.

After exchanging a look with Smoke, Ash new something wasn't right by the look on his face. His suspicion was confirmed when he dashed off into the forest. Ash scrambled out of the water and up onto the bank. Still dripping wet he charged after Smoke, Aries following quickly at his heels. Ash smacked at vines and ducked under branches, he was going so fast that he could now see Smoke as he barreled through the brush. Aries must have been feeling the same rush of adreneline and speed as he was because she was now covered in soft brown fur and speeding ahead, hazel eyes slitted with determination. Ash was also in his wolf form, crashing through the jungle. Finally they burst into the clearing, and witnessed the shocking, heart wrenching scene that lay before them......
Smoke's breathing was heavy and labored as he ran, his heart pouding hard in his chest and that all to familiar ache returned as his running speed doubled, moving from two legs to four as his muscular black figure formed, the white moon shape on his eye standing out against his face as he zipped through the dense foliage, leaping over the fallen trees that were in his way.  Reaching the scene his usually bright ocean blue eyes dulled dramatically and he slowly padded over towards Lokri, or whom he assumed to be Lokri, as she laid next to Gauz, sitting down.
Lokri felt the presence of others before she really knew they where there with her. But she was unsure of who they where. She spun around snarling loudly when she meet Smoke's eyes. She relaxed a bit knowing they where friendly. She whimpered silently and turned back to nudge Guaz, she turned ehr head and looked at Smoke and the others. She didn't know what to do. Her childhood friend laid dead before her and was already losing her warmth. Lokri slowly laid back down and put her nose on her friends paw, sense Guaz was still in wolf form.

(Bout time I posted for her XD)

Aries' hazel eyes swirled to gray when she saw Guaz lying dead. The air was filled with a blanket of sorrow so thick you could taste it. Aries walked over to Guaz's body and sat next to it, across from Lokri. A tear dropped from her eye and she lifted her head, a long, melodic, mournful howl escaping her lips. Ash hung his head with sadness, and used his claws to scratch a picture of a winged wolf flying high above the clouds the wolf had a robotic leg and looked just like Guaz. You will be forever missed. Ash wrote under it. Slowly, Guaz's body began to glow as she shifted down into her human form. Aries almost swore she saw Guaz's spirit float up and wave goodbye before floating away.

Lokri whined and she bowed her head. she didn't know what to tell her fallen friend. She just sat there. Soon her body glowed faintly as it changed from wolf to human. She sat there on the ground, hair hanging down over her face. "Ride the winds and dive through the heavens my friend. Sing with the storms and dance among the stars." she reached and touched Guaz's shoulder then she stood up and lifted her head to look at her other friends. She wipes her tear streaked face. "What now?' she asks quietly still trying not to start crying again in front of everyone.

Smoke watched, attempting to be emotionless and not cry.  He never cried, and if he did, certainly not in public.  Smoke Kindle was never a sensitive, touchy feely type of person, but now he could feel tears burning in his eyes as he looked at Gauz's body as it transformed back to a human.  Turning his attention to Lokri, he knew she was hurting, so swallowing his pride.  He stood up and padded over to her. Lifting a paw, he touched it to her side and nuzzled her once gently in attempt at comfort, just shaking his head at the question.  What now? He honestly had no idea, he actually liked Gauz and having her around, and inside, there was an empty space without her. He considered her a friend, and a close one.
Lokri smiled faintly and looked at Smoke. She touched his shoulder with her hand then looked back overat Guaz. Her friend was gone, but they where going to have to get through life without her. Lokri took in a small breath and let it out, she was still shaky but she was more relaxed then what she was. She realized her hand was still on Smoke's shoulder and she quickly removed it and looked back over to them and shrugged. Exhaustion had filled her now and she didn't know if it was from shifting into a wolf and back or the events of today.
Smoke looked at Lokri when she touched his shoulder and he touched her hand with the end of his nose lightly. He looked at Gauz again for a long moment then up at Lokri when she pulled her hand off his shoulder.  Stepping towards her, he closed his eyes and licked her hand once lightly before turning and walking off a little ways and started digging, he wanted to dig her a grave and at least make her death honorable instead of leaving her out where the predators would get to her and probably eat her remains.  He wouldn't stand for that, not one bit.
Lokri smiled and brought her hand to her chest before getting up to walk over to where Smoke was digging. She knew what he was doing and she agree. Lokri did wish she was still in her wolf form so she could dig more effectively in the ground, but she was going to have to make do. She dug the soft dirt back with her hands and brushed her hair out of her eyes a few times. She kept glancing over at Guaz and over at Smoke then back at the hole. She was glad she still had her other friends.
James stopped running. He had to go back. He turned around and raced back the way he came. As James approached, he saw the wolves digging a grave for Guaz. James stepped forward in his wolf form. Everyone had their hands on their chest. James went back to his human form behind them. He then stepped by Lokri and watched as Smoke dug into the ground. Although James was new, he leaked a tear for Guaz. He didn't know her very well, but James felt like it's been ages since he seen Guaz. James wiped away the tear and growled. He had been this upset since his little sister, father, best friend Nicholas, and girlfriend died. James couldn't bare to watch the ceremony. But he had to show that he wanted to be a part of this pack as well. There was now a war between the werewolves and the big cats of this place. They reminded him of the werecats that attacked James's city. James looked into the forest, noticing a feline like figure shambling east of the ceremony. James could feel his wolf ready to burst out and attack the cat. But not now. Now was the time to attend a funeral.

Smoke looked over at Lokri when she started to help digging then looked up when James came back and stood behind Lokri.  He shook his pelt turning the dusty brown color back to black again before turning back and continuing to dig. He was putting more effort than nessessary into this, trying to stop himself from breaking down and letting his emotions catch up with him over Gauz's death. He continued shoveling dirt, kicking it back behind him in a pile and worked his way around the rectangular shaped hole, making sure to make it deep so nothing would dig her back up again.  

Lokri turned her head and paused a moment in digging. James was back and she gave a slight dip of her head as a welcome back. She turned back towards the hole again and puled out some more dirt. Her hands were caked with dirt and alittle bit of mud. But she didnt care and she just kept digging. She didnt know how everyone else felt but she was tired and sad and she didnt know how she was going to get over this death, but something deep within told her she would. But the main thing on her mind was to get away from this area, the nice lake of water seemed to me a hell hole full of lava now waiting to kill her or another friend, and she hoped she wouldnt have to dig another grave on this island.

She stoped for a moment to look at the hole again. "I think its almost done." Lokri said quietly but loud enough for them to hear.

(I'm back and I get to keep my computer for another week or two since the damage isn't too bad and the people said they had full orders)

By now Ash and Aries had begun to help Smoke and Lokri dig Guaz's grave. There wasn't much left to go but they worked hard anyways. Aries barely knew Guaz but she felt as if she was a friend for years. She didn't know weather it was how nice Guaz had been to her and Ash or the fact that one of her own had fallen prey to the island, either way it filled her with deep sadness that broke her heart. All while she was digging tears dribbled down her face.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

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100 words per post.

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DinoLover (#4089)

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