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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

James was lying on the beach, soaking wet. He stood up and shook his fur. James looked around. There were foot prints from where the other werewolves had ran off. James followed the foot prints into the forest in front of him. As he ran on all fours, James could smell the fresh air. It had been a while since he was in his wolf form. Suddenly, a flash of brown zipped by him, almost knocking him off his feet. James snarled as the deer went by. "Oh no you don't!" he growled. James leaped after the deer. The huge beast bounded through the trees, closing in on the deer. The deer was about to leap a fallen tree when James sacked the deer, biting down on its neck. The deer released a death cry. James placed the carcass on the ground. He then howled his victory kill howl. The strong, beautiful, pure howl echoed through the forest for all to hear.

Lokri nodded. "It is never wrong to hope." She smiled softly. "Alright. I will start packing some stuff. The watter is fresh enough and we have some empty bottles. We can fill those with water. As for food. I geuss we will have to find that along the way. As for other stuff...I have no idea, do you ha-" her question was cut short by a cold chilling howl of another wolf. Her eyes darted back and forth then stoped on Smoke waiting to see what he thought of the sound. She remained croutched on the ground. Not as tense as before.

Smoke was scanning the tree line as Lokri spoke, his head tilted a bit at the howl, forming a slowly growing grin as he listened.  He would recognize that particular howl anywhere, it was over a kill. He looked in the direction it came from, able to tell that it was a little ways, but not far off. He was overly relaxed dispite the howl, and there was something oddly familiar about it.  He could tell it wasn't one of just a normal wolf. He looked at Lokri. "I'll bet that's another survivor, that certainly wasn't just some wolf howling." He said looking back at the trees again.
Lokri turned her gaze from Smoke and back to the tree line. "If it is another survivor should we follow after and see who it is?" she tilted her head ever so slightly as she took a quick glance and Smoke then looked back over at the tree line. The forest/ jungle like area was already growing dark with shadows. 'Atleast its another survivor.' Lokri thought her herself and relaxed. "Could it possiably be the same one was before, though Smoke? If so that survior might flee again if we come to it." The last thing she wanted to do was scare the wolf more or even provok it into attacking out of fear. Though she highly doubt the wolf would do that let alone attack a group of werewolves. She shruged toherself and turned her attention back to Smoke.

James ate his new kill. He then walked towards a stream and drank some water. James licked his chops and ran through the trees. He finally had something to settle his stomach. Suddenly, he could smell something familiar. It was the scent of two werewolves. "This should be fun," said James. He stalked into the trees. He finally saw the wolves a distance away. "Maybe if I walk up slowly, they might not attack," he said. James then shuffled out of some bushes and ran up to the wolves. He then stopped himself. James hid behind a tree. He couldn't approach the wolves. They might not recognize him. He peeked around the tree. James saw the female werewolf. She was beautiful. James felt like he was in love. He then fell from love struck. He looked up and saw the werewolves looking at him. "Uh oh," he said.

Lokri scaned the tree line again. She would claim this as a habit now after that big cat had attacked Smoke. Her eyes stoped at a small movement and she looked at it closer. It was a wolf. Defintaly no a normal wolf, but a Were. She was close enough to tap Smoke on the shoulder and she reached over and did so.  "Smoke...look. A diffrent wolf then last time. I think its another Were. Might be the one we heard howling." she shruged ever so slightly and looked back over at the other wolf. It was still there and standing rock still.

Smoke was looking at Lokri when she fired out questions at him.  He simply shook his head, it couldn't be, he knew it wasn't, deep in his gut he knew it wasn't just a wolf. "No, that howl was to deep to be the wolf that ran off." He said and looked at the trees before looking at the lake.  He was deep in thought when she tapped his shoulder and he looked at her then to the wolf.  He gave a small nod as he looked at it a moment longer then at her again. "It's watching you, Lokri." He said with a smirk before looking back at the new Were again.
James stood up and dusted himself off. He smirked at them. "Sorry to disturb you, but I was just running through when I smelled the beauty of this she-wolf," said James, gesturing to the female wolf. He then looked over at the male wolf. The werewolf looked the same age as James. But James knew he was taller and just a tad bit buffer. James didn't want to apply dominance though. The last time James ran a pack, he was called in to help form a team of myths. He still keeps in contact of hi s pack, so he decided not to run this one, for the other werewolves were standing right in front of him. "So, you wolves are survivors as well huh?" James asked, looking over at the the male wolf.

Lokri rolled her eyes and let out a small sigh. "Yay. What does this make me? The star of the show?" she asked and took a sideways glance at Smoke. "Come Jaws" she said referring to that day out in the lake," we should see if this new Were is friendly or not. Or speaking more so, see if we can get him to trust us." She smiled softly at Smoke and turned her head to look back at the Were who watched Smoke and her intently. She really didn't know how to approach the wolf. He might just be as nervous on approaching us.

Smoke gave a simple nod at the other males explination for being there, pretending to shrug off the comment about the beautiful she-wolf. "Yeah, we are, I'm Smoke, this is Lokri, those two over there are Aries and Ash, and then that's Gauz." (Whom has yet to say a word Elite... lol XD) He said motioning to each of them.  He looked at Lokri again and chuckled at her rather sarcastic sounding joy. "Yes. As a matter of fact it does." He teased and stood up with a smirk at the little nickname, knowing exactily where she got it from.

James looked over at the other wolves and then back at a chuckling Smoke. James felt a chuckle come on, but stopped it. He was around werewolves that he didn't know. Chuckling would feel strange. James then shuddered. He got down on his knees and yelled out. His claws disappeared, along with his sharp teeth, pointed ears, snout, and fur. James had transformed back into his human form. "Aw vampire crap!" he yelled. "I still need to work on controlling my wolf," he said, smiling, this time his voice a tad bit higher than his real deep werewolf voice. James remembered that when you go werewolf, your clothes rip apart. Luckily, his clothes rip only a little bit when he turned. James still had his clothes on, to his relief. Can't have a girl seeing my junk James thought. He stood up. "You know where I can rest?" James asked the werewolves, looking around.

(Fine she will talk! Bleahhhh....xD)

Guaz waves her robotic hand quietly and gives off a shy smile. She shifts in her spot by the small fire then gets up and walks over. "Hi." she says quietly, almost bearly above a whisper. Listening to the new Werewolvesremark of rest she pointed. We all just rest along the campfire. Nothing fancy, sorry about that." She turned and walked back to her spot and sat down her brown eyes turning away from the others and back to watch the fire. She remained there quiet as ever and stone still, like she usually remains. She only bearly moved when she breathed.

(Happy now? xD)

Lokri looked at the new wolf and his comments. 'Hmmm,' she thought but shruged it off. She turned her head and watched Guaz, who till this point had remained quiet and still by the fire, come up and say a quiet hi and pointed to where they were resting. "Yeah, its no Five Star Hotel. So very sorry about that." She said and turned to face the new wolf. She watched as he shifted and blinked. Almost everyone where that she knew of, but Guaz and herself, and felt the change to wolf then back to human. In someway that pleased her yet at the same time frightened her. She turned her head and loked at Smoke. "Well Jaws now what? Apparently wolf is a friendly." she said commenting on his nickname and she turned and walked over to sit next to Guaz again. She relized she had her dagger she had made sheathed and she took it out to scratch it along the ground, into another drawing.

((Hehe, yush, yush I am x3))

Smoke watched with little to no emotion as James transformed back.  Though he knew how it felt, just getting over a transformation not to long ago. He looked at Gauz when she came up and he gave a faint smile when she spoke up. At least she wasn't being super reserved.  He gave a nod in agreement when the both of them meantioned the fire. "Right, I built a little leantoo hut over there, but it gets colder here at night so we tend to stick to the fire, both for sleeping and messing around, as much as some of us dispise being pelted with raw fish." He said and looked back at Lokri with a raised brow. Though when she meantioned a what now, he grinned slowly. "I'm going fishing." He said and started towards the lake.

Lokri smiled and manged a small giggle. "Yes, we all know SOMEONE here loves to be pelted with raw fish." She smiles at Smoke. When he mentioned going fishing she looked at him. "Mind if I come? Or do you want to be alone. And no, I wont throw a little fishy at you." Lokri couldnt help but smile faintly. She was tempted to call him Jaws again. She relized that nickname for him was going to stick. She shook her head slowly as she smiled and she looked back up. "I dont think Guaz would mind hanging out with the new wolf, if you dont care if I come, that is." Not admitting it, Lokri just wanted something to do. As each day past she grew more and more restless and just sitting her. She feared something, what it was she didnt know but she jsut wanted to leave this area quickly, but with the new wolf needing rest, that would not happen for a few more days.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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