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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Smoke nodded, inside he felt terrible, though he didn't dare show it.  Still, he was unable to resist a smirk when she said that she had been listening, basically the entire time.  She certainly had him fooled into believing she was asleep. He looked over at her where she sat then quickly looked back at the fire again at her last comment. Now he felt just plain ill. He wanted to tell her, and he probably reall should tell her, about what he did out there.  He sighed "It was just, one, thing. Since we've been here." He said in a hushed tone, not daring to look at her.  
Lokri tilted her head slightly and looked at Smoke with a confused look. "What do you mean by ONE thing?" She asked quizically. She had no idea what Smoke was talking about and she was somewhat deep down inside scared to know. Other then that small nagging feeling she was curious." There was you getting attacked by that panther, which by the way almost gave me a heart attack, and then the werid thing that happened in the woods a few hours ago...Unless I am counting wrong which I know I am not...that is two." she said even doing the two fingers up to show.

Smoke looked over at her and bit his lip. He shook his head "No, me getting attacked happend yes, and sorry about that happening, I didn't expect to get attacked out of the blue like that. But, the thing that just happend in the woods, that wasn't wierd, I know exactily what it was and it wasn't really something that we can count that happend to us while we've been here." He said quietly and rather quickly, immediatly turning his attention back to the fire so as to avoid the looks he figured that she would be giving him. His fingure twitched nervously in his lap, tapping against his leg.

Lokri tilted her head still clearly confused. "You KNOW what did that in the woods?" she said confusion in her voice. She was quiet confused on this whole conversation. She wanted to know what spooked her back in the woods and seeing that Smoke knew she could find out. But him being quiet spooked on telling her made her deep down and growing not even want to know and just leave it at that.

" can tell me..." she said softly. She didnt want Smoke to be SCARED of her, let alone not able to talk to her with out freaking out.

(Sorry I poofed again, but I'm back so yay!)

"Thanks." Aries said when Guaz brought the fish over, sitting Indian style she nibbled on the fish, "Hmm this is actually pretty good." she said taking a bigger bite. Ash took a few bites and nodded, but after a few more he pushed it away not hungry. Aries frowned at him, "Eat you need your strength." she said pushing it back towards him. "Not hungry." he said pushing it back towards her. Aries pushed it back and looked at him her face serious, eyes sharp as daggers, "I don't care if your hungry or not, you are gonna eat." she said, her accent kicking in ever so slighty. Ash sighed and took some more bites, satisfied Aries went back to her own food and looked around as she chewed. Her face lit up when she spotted the lake(is it a lake?) "Hey, is the water safe to swim in?" she asked looking at the others.

((No big, and yes, it is a lake.  A small one, but a lake none the less :D))

Smoke took in a deep breath and nodded quickly. "Yes. I know what it was. And it wasn't anything that was super scary either, well I hope you wouldn't think of it as scary." He said quietly, his gaze never leaving the flames of the fire.  It took a minute after Lokri said that it would be safe for him to tell her what happend, but he inhaled a breath, about to tell her. "It was-"

He stopped when Aries spoke up and he looked at the water and nodded looking at her again. "Yeah, safe to swim in and drink if you're thirsty." He said then looked at Lokri again then the fire. "It was me." He said quickly "But on my defense you threw a fish in my face. I didn't expect you to get as freaked out as you did. Just a little spooked." He added on immediatly and looked down, not daring to look at her.

Lokri stayed silent and frozen her own eyes and trailed to the fire that Smoke was intent on looking at. "YOU did it..." was all she managed to say. She didnt know what else to say at that matter. She didnt know how to act or what to say or what to do, or anything. It was that strange wash over of Emotionless drain of life that some just happen to get when they are lost. Finally sh managed to say. "Forgiven...only because I through a fish on you...three times..." She couldnt help but giggle at that. "And to let you know I have no regrets throwing the fish at you...AT ALL... Just tell me on thing...How in the world you didnt see the fish coming all three times...Hmm tell me that Mr. Jaws."

Smoke gave a small nod. Normally, he loved the quiet, he was able to think, but this silence was driving him crazy.  He wanted her to say something so he couldn't think about what she was going to say, he heald his breath nervously.  When she did finally speak he let it out a little relieved. He was about to say thank you when she giggled. "Okay, it was twice. I'd like to have a little pride left. The first one, I partially deserved cause I dragged you into the lake. The second, that one I honestly didn't see coming, it was a little random.  There was no third." He stopped and looked over at her. "Wait a second, you're hiding one arn't you?" He asked suspiciously and scooted away from her a bit. 

Lokri giggled and just droped the fish into Smoke's lap. "Yes I was hiding one." she said almost casually,"And the second time was for you being so stuborn. Lighten up why wont you. Yeah we got ship wreaked and had are fair share of injurys and frights or whatever else but atlest we got each other. For me...thats more then I could ask for." she looked at everyone with a faint smile played across her lips then she turned her head back to the fire. "We are still alive and well...we might be hurt and broken in some ways or others but we are alive....and fine. And when Aries and Ash get settled in and when Ash gets better can I put in something we should do?" she asked.

Smoke looked down at the fish in his lap then at Lokri, just listening to her. He looked down at the sandy ground. At least they had eachother... Sure, they wern't on there own, but that doesn't mean anything if they get attacked again. And it was more like broken in every way, fact of the matter was, his ribs were still hurting, dispite being healed for the most part, his shoulder was shooting pain down his arm and across his back.  Course he would never admit it, but to him, dispite the water and somewhat of a shelter, and the fire.  This place was like heck on earth. "If your suggestion is to get everyone in on pelting me with raw fish, then no, you may not. But if it's something else, go right ahead." He said blandly, his gaze remaining on the ground, now deep in thought.

Calyspo jumped when she saw something in the bushes. The creature that emerged was a fairly large leopard, and it didn't seem to happy. Calypso darted out of the way as the leopard lunged. She could feel her adrenaline rising as she dodged the leopard. Calypso froze and colapsed on the ground as she began to change into a werewolf. The leopard stopped dead as Calyspo began to change into a black wolf, its expression looked like it was smacked with a fish. When Calyspo turned into the werewolf, she threw her head back and let out a some what deep, and long howl.

The leopard, now recovering from its confusion, lunged at her. Calyspo turned and jumped out of the way as the leopard landed on the spot where she was. She lept on top of the leopard and bite down hard on its neck and it fell limp. Calypso looked at the  now dead leopard in horror, because of what she has done. She ran away from the leopard body and after a few minutes opf running she jumped out of the bushes and into a campsite with other people in it.

Lokri laughed. "Yeah no I was not going to say that...but thanks for the good idea Smoke! No it was to investagte this Island further. I am just getting agitated just sitting here. Its as if we are waiting for another attack to happen. I just think its time for us to move and find something better, and that this place might have some cool things." she said looking around.

She was getting ready to add more to the point when a loud SNAP and crushing of plants echoed around the campsite. She turned her head and saw the black wolf staring back at her.

Smoke looked at her and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you're welcome." He mumbled and took a deep breath, letting it out in a huff.  "Yeah, I guess I'm sick of just sitting around to.  I mean, there's obviously no rescue coming, might as well figure out what's on this island. I bet there's some pretty cool caves up on those rock cliffs." He said motioning towards the far mountains.  He was just about to stand up when he hard crashing through the brush and he spun around, looking the the wolf, his gaze studdying it a moment before slowing rising to his feet.
Lokri watched the wolf, tensed. She didnt know if it was friendly or not. But if it did wouldnt have long to figure out it picked on the wrong group. Lokri slowly stood up as well. The wolf's fur rose then it spun and ran from the sceen(If the actual RP'er has a problem with that then they can let me know...but sense they have been quiet I doubt they will). Lokri relaxed a bit and looked over at Smoke. "Do you think that might have been a friendly?" she relaxed fully now and was more comfortable. Something told her the wolf wasnt going to be much of an issue anymore.

Smoke's eyes narrowed as he looked at the black wolf, but before he had the chance to do anything, it had run off.  He relaxed a bit and looked at Lokri.  He shrugged. "Could have been, but it's a miracle there's this many survivors already. The thought of more is just to out there.  Though, a person can hope I suppose." He said thinking and looked over at her again. "So, about exploring, I'd rather get some supplies packed up before we headed off."

((Yeah don't worry about it, it's no big deal for now unless they protest and get all angry and stuff :3))

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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