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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Arran nodded and followed Sarah, as they went along he heard screaming coming from where they had left the people at the bus. Even though they were getting further away he could still hear the growls of zombies and the screams of the people. He heard one of them, the man that shot one of what Sarah had called quislings. He was calling out for help. Arran stopped for a moment, looking back but shook his head and kept going, following Sarah. He heard a few gunshots and more yelling and screaming, then finnaly there was silence. As they got further away not even the zombies could really be heard anymore.
Sarah said "The horse needs to rest and so do you." She still had radar ears going and she couldn't hear see or smell anything but the sounds of nature. She switched halves of her brain and looked like she was sleeping. This lasted long enough for the horse to rest eat and drink again. Then they were ready to go again. Sarah led the way and they got close to where the girl was. She was working a farm and in bad shape. Sarah told Aran to wait until night when the slaves and the slave masters were sleeping. Sarah could take out the guards with venom and get Aran's daughter and possibly a few others out. Sarah wanted to stick to just getting the girl and coming back with renforcements. She told Arran the plan. She didn't want to kill the guards and there were no shapeshifters she could detect. Paralysis was their best bet. Sarah waited for nightfall where the girls were put to sleep and dove in completing the task without incident. She brought the girl back to Arran and waited for the response. Sarah had told her not to scream otherwise they'd be detected. Apparently these people had wanted women thinking they were meeker and more easily controlled...

"Wait who the f--- are you?"

Arran looked up as he heard the voice and saw Sarah approaching with Liz. That wasn't her full name, but thats what her friends called her and she prefered to be called that for reasons Arran never really understood but he didn't really mind. "Liz.."

"Look I appreciat you getting me out of there but.." she paused as she looked from Sarah over to Arran. It seemed to take a moment for it to register "" she blinked, unsure of what to say. She looked beat up, there was a scar running down one side of her face and her clothes were torn, dirty and a bit bloody.

Arran walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, trying not to hurt her "You..have no idea how happy I am to see you.." he looked down at her "What did they do to you?"

"I'd..rather not go into details. Lets just say those people don't exactly care for disobediant 'slaves'" she sighed, it seemed she was trying to hold back tears " she..with you? I know she was taken away by another group but.."

"Um..listen..theres something I need to tell you. Not here, though." he looked back at Sarah "This is my friend, Sarah. Sarah, this is my daughter, Liz."

Sarah said "Nice to meet you Liz... Now we have to get going before that paralyzing venom I used wears off and they bring in dogs if they have any. If we go through the river and wade upstream a distance we might be able to throw off the dogs." Sarah led the way and they did what they could to throw off the dogs and got back on the move. This time Liz was on the horse with Arran and Sarah was in front in fox form finding a path the horse could take quickly. They covered a considerable distance and stopped for a rest. Sarah found food and cooked it with fire breath fanning the scent away. She fed the humans before going for some mice and one fiesty shrew to feed herself. Sarah then said licking her chops as she came back. Alright still no yelling crying is fine and if you react badly to me being a shapeshifter I am going to leave you and go back by myself. If there is one thing I loathe it's a biggot." Sarah curled up and said "But if you need something to cuddle don't squeeze too hard I still have to be able to breath."

Arran and Liz both chuckled, Liz looked at Sarah "Oh I don't have a problem with of my friends was one before i was taken by these people..I don't know what happend to her." she shook her head, looking at Arran.

"Seems losing friends is..a common thing these days." Arran sighed, looking at Liz "Theres..still something I need to tell you." Liz looked at him and raised a brow. Arran seemed to struggle for a moment to find what to say "Your mom..she..didn't make it."

"W-What?" Liz said "Wait what happend? I know she..they took her away but..I didn't know.." it was easy tell she was fighting back tears and she didn't say another word, she just moved over to Arran and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Arran let out a small sigh and held her there "I'm sorry..I wanted to find both of bring you back to me safe..but while I succeeded in getting one of you back I was too late for her.."

Sarah said "Well your mother did go down fighting... I saw the papers. She started an uprising and was executed... I'd imagine your shapeshifter friend wasn't much of a friend if she didn't try to bail you out but then again she might not have been willing to kill. One of the first things I learned as a shapeshifter was how to turn into a mouse to hide from my parents... Liz at least your dad cares. My dad would have rather I died being just a human. My mother pretty much followed his lead. They wanted me to birth many grandchildren for them like a good catholic girl. My grandparents supported me. Particularly my grandfather. That old man taught me to survive in the wilderness and how to fight. He taught me that I was a tool kit, and my mind was the handy person, the inventor. What I do with what I have is up to me. Taught me to take my fate into my own hands..." Sarah rubbed up against Liz again to offer some comfort.

Liz sighed, she looked down at Sarah, and smiled, moving her hand to rest on her head. That was the first time Arran saw her really smile since they were reunited "I didn't know.." she sighed "I knew she was taken away but I didn't know what they did with her.."

"I didn't know untill recently myself." Arran said, shaking his head "Sarah here told me..I didn't want to believe it at first but.. i don't know. I wish I had gotten to see her one more least you're still alive, safe, and with me now."

Liz nodded "So um..where are we going now? Cant go back home now that DC is pretty much just a huge pile of rubble."

Sarah sat there letting herself get pet. "We're going back to the shape shifter village." Sarah's ears swiveled around listening for trouble. She moved her head and sniffed the wind. She smelled deer and heard them getting active, there were coyotes getting to the business of hunting. Many predators including coyotes were deterred by the smell of a shapeshifter so Sarah wasn't too worried. Then she smelled another shapeshifter who showed up. He was in the form of a large wolf. "Who are you and what are you doing in my territory miss?" Sarah introduced herself and her group explaining the situation and giving him a list of what she'd taken from his territory in case he was keeping very close tabs on it. The other shapeshifter called himself Brian and seemed interested in the shape shifter village. Brian took the form of a handsome man about Sarah's age and like Sarah his clothes shifted with him. He had his own stuff with him and asked questions about the village. He mentioned he was a blacksmith and could find and refine his own ore. Sarah knew he'd be valuable to the village and how he was sizing up Arran. If one spent too long in any one form the instincts of that form did leave a bit of an imprint. Sarah was only serving as a guide she wasn't really running the show. Brian did not challenge Arran however and he actually just re took wolf form and went to sleep.

Arran sat back a bit with a small sigh. He kept his eyes on Brian for a moment before looking down at Liz who had fallen asleep leaning back against him. He was glad to finnaly have her back..still upset about the loss of his wife but at least he had part of his family back. He really couldn't thank Sarah enough for helping get her back. He wasn't sure what to do now. They were going back to the shapeshifter camp, but he wasn't sure after that. They'd stay for a while, but for how long he didn't know.

Sarah woke up bright and early. Brian stretched and yawned before shaking himself off and acting like a friendly dog he poked Liz with a cold wet nose to wake her up. Liz yelped and Brian had a wolfy grin on his face wagging his tail in a friendly position. He thought it was funny to wake people up like that apparently. Sarah didn't think it was funny but she didn't do anything about it just fed the humans and let the horse get a drink before moving them out. They avoided the town and managed to cover more ground and hit the halfway mark by sunset.

Arran looked back at Liz who was on the horse with him she had his arms around him holding tightly, her eyes closed. He let out a small sigh and looked forward again to pay attention to where they were going. Suddenly he heard gunfire and screams from nearby. He saw two people, one in military uniform and the other appeared to be a scientist. The soldier was suddenly tackled by a runner and knocked to the ground. "Sh--." Arran got off the horse and grabbed his crossbow. He fired at the zombie and took it out quickly, rushing to see if the soldier was okay.

"Is he okay?" Liz called out, begining to get off the horse

"Liz stay back." Arran said. The soldier had been bitten multiple times in the neck and around that area. There was nothing he could really do for him but put him down. He took his knife and finnished it before looking around to find the scientist. He found her hiding nearby clutching a small pistol, she aimed it at him as he approached "Whoa, hey calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you." Arran could tell she was scared, her hands were shaking as she held the gun "Listen just..put the gun down. If you fire that thing we're gonna be swarmed by runners in no time."

Sarah sniffed the supposed runner. "This place is crawling with quislings... The infection in that thing's mouth was going to kill that guy without strong antibiotics. MRSA was in his mouth." Sarah's vulpine lips curled in disgust. The scientist looked up and said "I am studying those and shapeshifters like yourself. I never thought to call them quislings. But I suppose that is a good name for them. I am studying behavior." The scientist's name was Martha and Sarah mentioned the shape shifter village and Martha's grey eyes lit up. "Please take me there! I thought shapeshifters were solitary." Sarah said "Some are but so are some humans. The village is accepting humans and if you have psychology degrees and could possibly play therapist we might have use for you. But if you want wild game you have to get it yourself without a gun." Martha nodded excitedly "You seem like you went to college." "I have a number of biology degrees yes." Brian said "I studied ecology. I don't like how the quislings as Sarah called them have been messing up the ecosystem. They go after animals and if animals eat them the animals tend to get sick. They trample plants and do a lot of damage. Almost as much as humans do."
"Didn't think there were any real scientists left." Arran said looking at Martha "Heard there were some trying to find a cure to this thing but alot of labs around the world had been overrun and they didn't make it out." he remembered when he was first stationed in New York he and a few other soldiers worked as a escort for one scientist through the city. before things got..really bad. Half his team died trying to protect him and ultimatly the scientist took his own life after recieving a bite from one of the runners. He sighed, all the soldiers lost trying to protect him for nothing, it still made him angry to this day
Sarah watched Brian grow in size to carry Martha on his back. Sarah was the guide, the path finder. She had to step carefully and find a path for the horse. Brian could find his own way. Sarah did have a degree in virology or the study of viruses and other infectious diseases. If she had the equipment she could manufacture vaccines from a large number of diseases but this disease was akin to AIDs it started with the immune system before jacking the brain. AIDs and HIV reproduced in antibodies eventually overruning the immune system and opening the flood gates for everything and it's grandmother to infect the infected. The zombie virus only needed one organism for a full blown infection. They'd have to genetically alter the virus to enable the body to learn to fight the real deal. Sarah did not have that training for that. She was not a genetic engineer and with nobody to train her in the field all she could do was cut off the infected body part and hope it wasn't too late. Sarah sighed and just went leading them along.
Arran sighed. At this point he figured trying to find a cure was pretty much pointless. It had been 12 years since this all started, if no one found a way to stop this in 12 years, chances were they'd never find one. He wasn't exactly a scientist but he could figure things out. As they continued on he noticed alot of bodies, some military personnel who had been either killed by zombies or had taken their own lives, alot of dead runners, a few spitters and even a few civilians. The bodies looked fresh, like they had been killed recently..were the military still trying to get people out? Up ahead they came to a area where there was a crashed helicopter. "Hmm.."

Aftermath (Zombie appocalypse survival RP)

The year is 2026. Abbandoned cities and towns, some having been bombed by the military when things started. Sewers and underground tunnels and shelters and other areas.


You're one of the few survivors of a outbreak that killed most human life on Earth. Its been 12 years since it happend, and some have tried to rebuild the lives they once had before the outbreak, but have failed horribly. Cities and towns are left abbandoned, the military almost non-existant aside from a few outposts and bases scattered around the world. Few remaining scientists continue to try and find a cure to the disease, but all attempts have failed. The problem is that whatever it is, when it kills you, you don't stay dead. The virus turns you into a mindless monster, only wanting to feast on human flesh (And these aren't the slow zombies you usualy see either. These are the fast ones. Really fast). You must find survivors (Other players included), find shelter, find weapons, do whatever you can to survive.


With all the dinosaur related RP's I've started here, wanted to do something a bit different we are.


*No killing other players unless they allow it.

*Don't get too graphic in killing the zombies. Or other people (Not exactly players unless..well refer to the first rule for this, but other survivors your character might meet)

*Just a note on the "Shapeshifter" species I added. This was something that came along after the initial outbreak happend. Years after everything went down, some survivors developed this ability for unknown reasons. One theory from scientists being the virus has a strange effect on some people. Not quite turning them into zombies but mutating them and giving them certain abilities in other ways.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Human Survivor
Military Personnel (Soldier, pilot, etc)

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

Current Characters
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