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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Sarah saw everything was totaled and tried to lead the group on to avoid this actual pack of undead if the virus mutated to become transferrable through the skin there'd be trouble. Sarah got the group past the bio hazard cleanly. Then they were back on the way covering more ground. Sarah was heeding the horse as much as her own senses. The whole time they were near those bodies she'd been upset and Sarah had figured that the horse could confirm what her senses were telling her. Sarah had mistaken the scent of quislings for runners. If the quisling stumbled they caught themselves meaning they were more of a menace because they had that split second in speed...

"That crash looked recent..whhy was the army here?" Arran wasn't really asking anyone in particular. "Maybe to try and find survivors but..hmm..and what caused the crash?"

"Maybe someone was infected and got on the helicopter. Turned when they were in flight and caused them to crash." Liz said.

"Hm..guess that makes sense.." he looked around as they kept going. The area almost seemed..peacefull. Well..aside from the crash site they found back there. No sounds of cars running on a nearby road, no sounds of people in a town going about their daly lives, he couldn't really even hear any zombies. He was sure there were some around but they seemed far off

Sarah was very careful to avoid all contact human living or undead the rest of the way back. When they did arrive a few days later, the scientist Martha stole some of Sarah's paper and started taking notes. Fox and Brian took one look at each other then at Sarah then back at each other. These were two dominant individuals and they were trying to figure something out. Sarah didn't stop to think that they could actually fight over her, she was too independant. Then she went over to Dragon who was watching this and asked him what they were doing. The man laughed flashing sharp teeth and a forked tongue. "Deciding whether or not to fight over you little Rose. You fail to realize the position you are in. You brought humans and a smooth transition for the humans. That afforded you status with us. A high ranking woman is something to be coveted. There is also the issue of who is in charge. I do not care to acheave dominance but Fox has awarded his most loyal followers high rank as well. Fox cares for you the wolf admires you. Pick one and stop the fight before it even starts." Dragon walked off and offered to teach Liz how to deal with runners and spitters bare handed.

Arran watched Liz wander off and went to find his stuff. His guns and other things he left behind were still there. He set the crossbow Sarah had given him down near them and sat down. He decided to rest and laid back, starting to dream almost immediatly.

"Are you going to come back daddy?" he heard his daughter ask, he was in the kitchen of his house back in DC, sitting with her at the table. He had just recieved the orders to ship out to New York..he couldn't tell her why he was going..hell at the time even he didn't really know. At that point there had just been weird stories on the news.

"Of course I am." he said with a smile "I wouldn't leave you and your mom here alone forever. I just..have something I need to do. I know you understand."

"I know.." Liz said frowning a bit "I just don't like when you leave..I get scared that you'll never come back..that--"

"Hey, hey don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen to me. I'm gonna take care of this and then I'll be back here in no time. I promise." he smiled and stood up and walked over to hug her. He closed his eyes for a moment but when he opened them he wasn't in his kitchen anymore. He was in a dark room. Liz was on one end, cowaring in the corner, crying and he could hear scratching at a door near them. He tried to move toward her but he couldn't move. He wasn't sure why. Suddenly the door was bust open and several zombies came in, seeming to ignore him and go straight for Liz. She screamed and Arran tried to move again as they closed in on her "No!"

He woke with a start from his dream turned nightmare, gasping and panting loudly as he looked around "Its okay..everythings okay.."He told himself, sighing softly.

Arran sighed as he got up, not feeling like going back to sleep, he grabbed his stuff and decided to go for a run into the city. Normaly he'd go for supplies but as far as he knew they didn't really need anything at the moment, and he just wanted to get out and do something. There was something he found oddly..relaxing about the abbandoned city. He knew how New York was back in the day, noisy with cars, taxis, all people trying to get to their jobs and whatnot..of course this was before things started..after the outbreak there was noise of a different kind. Screams, panic in the streets, gunfire, store windows being broken by looters trying to take what they could..the sounds of the dead rising again to feast on the everything was strangely quiet. No cars, no taxis, no people going about their daily lives, just..silence. For the most part. Every once in a while he could hear a zombie or two, but they didn't seem to notice him and as long as they didn't try to come after him he ignored them. Then there were the animals. Some birds, stray dogs and cats left behind after their owners were long gone..they survived..for some reason the virus didn't seem to effect animals, thank God Arran thought. The runners and other zombie types were bad enough, he imagined a fricken zombie dog coming after you wouldn't be much better. Or a pack of them for that matter.
Running. That was all Star could do at this point of time. He had manged to get away from the crowded and infected town of Boston, only to end up in some kind of no man's land. Every where she looked, the undead wandered or even ran after her from. The feminine male quickly rushed to the nearest building that could only be used as shelter against these gruesome monsters, where she decided to hang out when the coast was clear. But being unlucky, the zombies had caught sight of poor Star making a run for it. The strawberry blonde managed to get the only entrance closed bfore the rampaging corpses collide with the weak door. Loud groaning and the scent of the creatures' decayed breath "Damn..Damn..Damn..", thought Star, looking around for some weapon that could be help her defend herself against these DISGUSTING, AWFUL CREATURES. He softly began to weep once she didn't see anything to be her salvagation. "This is not how I want to die..",was all that Star could think of right now.

Arran kept looking around when he suddenly heard screaming, he took off running to where he heard it coming from and suddenly found two survivors running away from a huge horde of zombies. One tripped and was trying to get up when two zombies ran and grabbed him, he called out to the other survivor for help but they kept running. Arran heard the survivor that had fallen screaming and yelling as the zombies attacked him, he grabbed his crossbow and fired a shot at the poor mans head, knowing he wasn't going to make it. Seeing the remaining survivor running at him with the zombies following close behind, he pushed Arran through a door to a nearby building, standing up and locking it behind him "Thanks.." Arran said looking up, blinking as he saw a gun aimed at his face "What the--"

"Your weapons, supplies, everything, drop 'em." the man said holding him at gun point.

"Seriously? You saved my life just so you could rob me?" Arran said, hearing zombies outside banging at the door, it wouldn't hold them back for long

"Just give me your stuff and I wont shoot you, I'll give you a fighting chance to get out of here before those things break down the door." the man said, gun still aimed. Suddenly the door burst open and the zombies started to come in, he turned to look just as Arran kicked him toward the horde and got up, starting to run. Arran heard the man screaming as the zombies grabbed him but he didn't turn back. He had to find another exit

Arran made his way around to a back exit of the building. He opened the door and closed it behind him. He wasn't sure if any of the zombies had followed him but he just wanted to be safe. He looked around, he was in a back alley near a parking area. He noticed a few zombies wandering around nearby. He pulled out his crossbow and took out one, then another. As he passed by them he collected the arrows so he could use them again and kept going. He needed to get back to the shapeshifter camp.
Sarah watched Fox and Brian for a few minutes before going to find Arran or something. She made it back to the city and found him sticking her head into the alley in dragon form. She'd figured out how to make herself talk in dragon form. "Really now? back in the city?" She was throwing her voice so it didn't carry. "I'm throwing my voice so they can't hear me. Come on..." Sarah started going slow enough for the human to keep up and picked paths he could follow and still stay hidden. Sarah waited for Arran to follow her. Seriously that human should just learn to follow her around...
"Oh, uh..hey." Arran scratched his head a bit, looking back as he heard more zombies coming, he started walking, following Sarah "Yeah I..decided to come here and..relax a bit. I know that sounds strange but..well, knowing what this city was like before the outbreak, its nice not hearing all the cars and stuff anymore." he said looking around "I actualy lived here for a while..before I met my wife and moved to DC. This just wasn't my sort of place, I guess. Lived here for a few years but after a while I decided to leave." he jumped slightly as he felt one of the many stray dogs in the city run passed him.
Sarah was listening on the way back when she heard a roar unmistakably a tiger... When the new york zoo was abandoned animals got out and started breeding. Sarah could take a tiger in this form if she got the jump on it and broke it's neck with one bite. But she had a human so she made sure to avoid it. She heard the sounds of two tigers fighting and accidentally came across the brawl. Two males fighting over territory or something there wasn't a female anywhere around... But a breeding population if they made the jump across the bridge could be trouble... It was good for her to take the information back either they'd hunt tigers or prepare for them... Sarah just kept Arran right behind her and told her to watch his back and if a tiger charged "Don't run whatever you do. You act like prey you get eaten. Unlike the undead these things rarely pick fights they don't think they can win. You stand your ground and they think twice. If it doesn't break off the charge... I'll take care of it. I can easily snap it's neck. Guard your throat..."

Arran peaked out to look at the tigers, still gripping his crossbow tightly "Yeah, I know. My sister was.. a zoo keeper years know before this all happend.." he paused for a moment, since everything had happend he had only really thought about his wife and daughter, not any other members of his family..he had a brother and 2 sisters..they could all be dead by now for all he knew.

Sarah nodded and got them back safely. Brian and Fox were still glaring but going about their days. Sarah actually grabbed both of them and said "This glaring and posturing does NOT impress me. Dragon clued me in and thinks this is funny." Sure enough Dragon was laughing hard. Fox said "Well then pick one of us..." Sarah said "Let me get back to you on that one... I can't just pick and choose a person like that..." That might have been a lie considering she pretty much just picked Arran to help out like that... Sarah still had no freaking clue why she did that.

Arran sat reading a book that he had picked up during his run into the city when he looked up suddenly, hearing the familiar sound of a fighter jet flying overhead. He watched the sky as two more flew over, followed by what appeared to be some sort of bomber "What the.." he cut himself off as there was a series of explosions from inside of the city, and he instantly thought of what had happend in DC after the outbreak. Arran quickly reached for his backpack to find the radio he had kept, he had to try and contact someone "Hello? This is Sergeant Arran Geshel, can anyone hear me? There are still survivors in and around the city. Call off the bombings." There was a bried moment of silence before he heard a voice on the other side of the radio

"Sergeant, I'm sorry but the bombings will not stop. If you want to survive I suggest you and your other survivors leave now and get as far away from the city as possible."

"What do you mean you cant stop them? Whats your name? Rank?" there was no answer "Hello?"

Sarah watched all the stuff go kaboom and miss the shape shifter village entirely. The blast radius and ditrus landed just about two miles from the town. Sarah watched the fighter jets and bomber go back to base. Fox announced that they were moving as soon as the crops could be harvested and the animals moved. That was too close for his comfort. Dragon said "They should be done blasting... We look like one old farm house, fields, and some abandoned pasture from above."  Brian said "My old territory is too close to those slave farms..." Sarah said "I think we should head somewhere they've already bombed or just stay put. They might won't be inclined to hit the same area twice... it's pointless..."

Aftermath (Zombie appocalypse survival RP)

The year is 2026. Abbandoned cities and towns, some having been bombed by the military when things started. Sewers and underground tunnels and shelters and other areas.


You're one of the few survivors of a outbreak that killed most human life on Earth. Its been 12 years since it happend, and some have tried to rebuild the lives they once had before the outbreak, but have failed horribly. Cities and towns are left abbandoned, the military almost non-existant aside from a few outposts and bases scattered around the world. Few remaining scientists continue to try and find a cure to the disease, but all attempts have failed. The problem is that whatever it is, when it kills you, you don't stay dead. The virus turns you into a mindless monster, only wanting to feast on human flesh (And these aren't the slow zombies you usualy see either. These are the fast ones. Really fast). You must find survivors (Other players included), find shelter, find weapons, do whatever you can to survive.


With all the dinosaur related RP's I've started here, wanted to do something a bit different we are.


*No killing other players unless they allow it.

*Don't get too graphic in killing the zombies. Or other people (Not exactly players unless..well refer to the first rule for this, but other survivors your character might meet)

*Just a note on the "Shapeshifter" species I added. This was something that came along after the initial outbreak happend. Years after everything went down, some survivors developed this ability for unknown reasons. One theory from scientists being the virus has a strange effect on some people. Not quite turning them into zombies but mutating them and giving them certain abilities in other ways.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Human Survivor
Military Personnel (Soldier, pilot, etc)

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

Current Characters
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