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Bonez and Rylee stayed within the trees walking to where the herd was, but they also saw some were coming to the watering hole. Perfect. They both ran back to wait until they reached the watering hole. A small group of Iguanasaurus were making their way to the waters edge to get a drink, but they never made sure it was safe for them too. Bad mistake. A mother and her baby were the closest to Bonez and Rylee. Both decided to take down the mother for they were very hungry and needed to get the babies ready.

Bonez and Rylee spread out in formation and then attacked the mother Iguanasaurus. Bonez went for the throat while Rylee ripped into her stomach. Successful kill. They both started to drag the kill back to the nest. Once they brought the kill back, the babies were excited but curious onto what this was. It was time to grow up.

Snaggletooth was upset that he let the Nanotyrannus get away but that wasn't going to stop him from not eating for the night. When he walked back to the watering hole he noticed that the Utahraptors have taken and Iguanasaurus down on the other side. Snaggletooth knew taking their kill would be too easy so he let them drag it back to their den so he could later follow them back. He then started to drink the water then, he started to taste the faint flavor of blood. Snaggletooth wondered if a wounded dinosaur has been to the watering hole. He then stopped thinking and slowly followed the Utahraptors back to their den 

Bonez and his pack went back to the den, not knowing a follower close behind. The four babies went right into the den to sleep. Kane, layed outside of the entrance, Rylee jumped on top of the den and was looking around. Bonez disappeared somewhere, maybe something was wrong and he wanted to see what, or there was a rival pack of Utahraptors close behind and he went to mark the territory.

Bonez was walking around the territory when he saw a male T-Rex walking slowly to the den. Then he heard something to his right and two lone male and female utahraptors came up to him submissively wanting to join him. He let them and so he ordered them to follow close behind. They were going after the T-Rex, Bonez's pack was too tired adne exhausted to let such a monster into the terrf let alone too close to the babies. He then heard help calls from Rylee and Kane.

Rylee called out for help. There was a threat in the group, a male T-Rex has wondered into the packs nesting area looking for the food Rylee's pack drug up. Kane was still injured and still was in pain a bit, but was strong enough to fight. Rylee stayed on her rock hissing and screaming at the threat. Kane was also hissing as well.

Rylee saw Bonez and two other utahs behind the creature. She saw they were a male and female loner pair that came to join the pack, Rylee promised to take care of them later, but for now there was a terror amongst the group. The new male circled around to the right side of the T-Rex, and the female circled to the left. Bonez came running past and leaped up onto the den with Rylee and screamed at the male T-rex. The male T-Rex was a bit scared and didn't know who to watch for. He was surrounded and the group was moving in close and were hunched over ready to fight. The male T-Rex ended up backing away leaving the group alone and not taking any of the food.

jubilee saw a male tyrannosaurus rex....again. and it was the same one she saw a little bit ago. this is where she drew the line, she motioned for her injured baby to follow her.

the two were moving to a new nest, away from these carnivores, and closer to the herbivores, she wanted a spot close to herbivores, and far from carnivores, but that was impossible...nearly impossible. she waded through the water hole, growling at the herd of styracosaurs. she didn't care about those. her baby seemed curious about so many things he had not seen before...what a strange world that they live.

After the male T-Rex left Rylee jumped down from the top of the den and went stragiht for the two newest members. They hunched close together submissively and purred. Rylee bared her teeth and was hissing. Bonez didn't dare step in because now Rylee took the role of being leader and alpha female. Rylee looked them both over and soon they were accepted into the pack, but Rylee wasn't ready to leave her babies alone with them yet, so she walked over to Bonez and the two of them were chirping and squawking at each other. Soon after Bonez ran to the edge of the trees and called out to Kane, and the two members. It was time for Rylee to walk the babies around and get them use to their surroundings. She called them out and took them to the carcuss and all four were hesitant but became curiou and started to nibble. They were eating the meat.

Bonez, Kane and the two newst members ran out in the open, not normal for Bonez to do this, but it was time to hunt and pick out who they want to kill. The carcuss they had killed ealier is for when they need it if competion was too great. But these for were hungry and didn't want to get in the way of Rylee's alone time with her babies.

Bonez was after and easy meal, but thats hard to come by these days. So he made the right plan and took his three hunters to the trees to plan out their hunt alot easier.

Snaggletooth gave up after being surrounded by Utahraptors and left them alone. Snaggletooth was getting fustrated and decided to go after a sleeping herbivore. He wandered untill he saw the silhouette of a Hippodraco. Snaggletooth stalked the large hadrosaur untill he was close enough to strike. He then wrapped his jaws around the back of the Hippodraco's neck and started shaking his head untill it stopped struggling. Snaggletooth then started to feast on his late night kill in the moonlight. He let out his last roar for the night before he dragged his kill into a spot between two widely spaced trees and layed down next to his carcass to go to sleep
Bonez had his eye on a group of Anototitan's. There was one male and the rest were females. One was small and could be easily taken down. Bonez chirped out to everyone else who he wanted. Kane and the other two got into position. Bonez lead the strike, the group screamed in terror and tried to stampede away, all but the small female. The raptors piled onto the small dino and killed it within 5 minutes. They feasted pleasently and were satisfied. Bonez wanted to know who these two raptors were, so he chirped and purred at them as if saying to them 'Whats your name you two?' and they chirped and purred back. Their names were Kira and Voodoo. They were from a back that was whiped out from a rival pack and managed to survive. After the chatter it was time to go back and sleep.
Rylee was proud of her babies feasting on their first meat chunk. The carcuss was still there, and Rylee had her fill too. Rylee lead the babies into the den for the night, for it was the start of hunting small dinos. They were getting big and becoming very intelligent like a Utahraptor is suppose to be. The babies bunkered down in their usual spot and fell asleep. Rylee leaped on top of the den, layed down and waited for the other four to arrive back. It was a beautiful moon glistening over the watering hole, and Rylee could see everything. Finally the four came back with bellies full of meat. Rylee was happy to see them back. She jumped down to greet them, Bonez told them the two new ones their names. Rylee walked over to them both and gave them her welcome, she even allowed them to sleep in the den. Everyone but Bonez slept in the den. Bonez had a spot on top of the den where he has always slept and to keep watch over everyone. The pack was growing.

to jubilee, it seemed that they had been walking forever. as it was now nightfall. the nesting grounds were bigger than when she last saw them, and this was the first time her baby saw them. 

jubilee growled, the pain was still there, and her baby was busy bouncing around, his ripped calf already clotting the blood. she was rather jealous. but she was happy, as she was sure this one would grow up to be a strong male, in about a month or two. 

she stopped suddenly. smelling a faint scent of a carnivore, but it was practically gone now. they must've moved for a better oppurtunity of hunting, or had left the area and had decided not to go to the nesting ground due to the lack of competition at 'home'. the area she was in was lush with bushes, and a few prehistoric trees. perfect for camouflage! she quickly set the markers and slept in the bushes, her baby nestled beside her.

Bonez woke from his spot on top of the den. He yawned and looked towards the watering hole. After he strected he jumped off the rock and chirped everyone awake. When everyone came out yawned and stretched they all went to the carcuss to feast on it, including the four babies who were getting tall. They were already half the size of the adults already. Bonez was proud, then he remembered they dont have names yet. Bonez called to Rylee, she came over nudging on Bonez and she chirped to him and he chirped back. After they feasted everyone followed Bonez and Rylee to the watering hole where the sun was warm and the air was cooling.

Bonez layed down in the sun as did Rylee. Kane, Kira, and Voodoo walked over to get a drink while the babies wrestled and were chasing each other, and jumping all over the place like they would if they were adults. Bonez chirped to Rylee. They both finally named the babies. The oldest baby was the color of Bonez light green with black striping on tail, neck and face, his name is Jake. The twins were both female, one was yellow green color with inpressive blue markings on hands and feest, her name is Marra. The other was same color, but instead of blue markings she had red, her name is Fara. The last one looked exactly like Rylee, so to her he was special. She personally named him Skeler.

While laying in the sun Rylee got up and nudged Bonez to get up and play. Utahraptor play is quite impressive, they only wrestle, tackle, and sometimes kick, but never purposly inflict pain or wounds, if so they console and help heal. Bonez and Rylee jumped and leaped at each other chirping and squawking at one another. Then everyone became playful. After playing everyone layed down. Since the babies were half the size already, it was time to hunt. The first hunt requires a small animal that is easy to take down. Bonez and the pack walked for a while until they saw a lone Acheroraptor wondering around looking for small food. It was perfect. Rylee showed the babies the prey and they did what she expected, they stalked the Acheroraptor, until the prey saw them, it started to run, and the babies went after it. Jake was faster and so he leaped and tackeled it to the ground. Marra, Fara and Skeler crowded around and they started to feast on it. The adults jogged over and they were all proud, soon when they get older and taller it would be time to hunt a fully grown herbivore. And it would be time for them to come along on hunts.

After they ate, Rylee took the babies back to the nest, so she could too go on the hunt.

Jubilee had slept almost all day, way into the cretaceous evening, smelling th herbivores mostly. perfect. she heaved herself up, sore from the utahraptors attacking her. most of them were healing, a bruise there, a couple of bleeding scrapes on her back. she snorted, dinosaurs weren't built to whine about their problems, they were wired to deal with them, as soon as possible. Jubilee realized she had a new problem...

Finding a mate, and getting her baby to grow independent. and soon. she left the nest, leaving him hiding in the bushes, well camouflaged in case trouble decided to come waltzing in.

here was her search for a newer life.

Bonez, Kane, Rylee, Voodoo and Kira wandered around across the nesting grounds to go and hunt. They came across a male Iguanadon and was proud to see him, because they were hungry. Bonez hunched low and the others split so they could circle him. The Iguanadon saw Bonez and screamed. Bonez bolted after the giant, and soon the others joined and all leaped onto it, Bonez climbed to his neck and chomped down biting harder and harder until the beast crashed into the ground. Everyone leaped off before the crash and all started feasting while it was still alive, Bonez then made the final blow so it was put out of its misery. Everyone was eating and watching all around them.

The struggle

as a dinosaur you don't really care, as long as you can live.


for all you know, you're all just in one giant blob of land together, differant climates, plants...etc.




desert, tropical forest, forest, semi-desert, plains, semi-forest, full grasslands. hills.


You're a carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaur in the creataceous years...



everyday is a constant struggle for life, carnivores test the boundaries of eachother, whilst trying to keep the next generation-and themselves-alive.


history will be made up as we go.





1. general EX rules.

3. fighting is allowed, as dinosaurs did, but don't let it get too...bloody.

4. no curses.

5. your characters cannot talk, rely on body language and your epic literary skills.

6. your dinosaurs can be 'odd' colors, like blues and purples, but no rainbow dinosaurs/neon dinosaurs please(however awesome those are)

7. be realistic about your dinosaur. if your young/offspring/dino childrens stray off and into the wild, there's a slim chance of living. (about a 5% chance, anyone?) especially if it is injured!

8. baby dinosaurs stay with their mom and dad until they reach 2 years old, before that, they are not counted as actualy characters.

9. the age scale that you will type in is in years. human years, please.

i'd hate to find a dog age calculator xD

10. be realistic about friendships! it is unlikely that two large male carnivores will be buddies due to territorial competition! or a carnivore and an herbivore. Species don't usually befriend eachother, besides the offspring and the mother father bond thing. or if the dinosaurs befriending eachother are meant for packs, like utahraptors, dromaeosaurs, deinonychus, atrciraptors, etc., T-rexes are not going to form packs(if they did we'd be doomed!) besides a small family group that disbands when the young grow up.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
tyrannosaurus rex

Second RP Master
Bonez (#29506)

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