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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


jubilee's baby had woken up a few minutes ago, dazed from the recent lack of sleep and the burning pain in his leg. it was no pretty sight for such a young dinosaur, bruised, scratched, cut. and the skin wasn't truly visible. he shook his head slowly, and got up.

his mother had left him again...he growled lowly, as he wasn't yet in the condition for full and proper hunting, but maybe for a small herbivore like a baby hippodraco or something similar. he sniffed around, and he was in luck..there was a herd of hippodraco nearby. so he headed out. but it seemed as his luck had ran out, as they had smelled him and ran off. he snorted in frustration.

meanwhile, jubilee had found a couple of nanotyrannus, both saw her, and began jousting to win her affection. jubilee waited patiently for a winner, as this may take a day or two, even.

Snaggletooth had been awoken by the loud squacking of a Chirostenotes. He look at his kill to see a Deinonychus pair feasting on his kill. Snaggletooth roared at the pair, then the Deinonychus male hissed at Snaggletooth and ran away with the female following close behind. Snaggletooth sighed and got up to see what was left of his kill. There was enough to last him for a few hours, then he would have to hunt again. He decided to hunt for another Hippodraco, maybe a young one this time to snack on before he goes after something bigger later.

 Snaggletooth found the Hippodraco herd but they where startled by something in the other direction that is when he noticed the Nanotyrannus on the other side of the clearing

After their meal it was time to check on the babies, so Rylee went alone. When she arrived at the nest she saw they were wrestling and chasing eachother until she chirped loudly. All for came running to greet her. She began to walk back to the rest of the pack and this time they followed. They saw the baby Nanotyrannus alone and having a hard time hunting since the Hippodracos ran away in fear. Jake, Marra, Fara and Skeler huddled close behind mom hunched low to the ground trying to make a sound. Rylee hissed real low and hoped the baby didnt see her and the babies, but if so it would be his last, and the babies better be ready for a fight.

Bonez decided it was a good time to go back and see what the hold up was. As he walked off what was left of the carcuss, so did the others. To the left of Bonez there were two Nanotyrannus males sparing one another for the mommy Nanotyrannus, but where was the baby? And then out in the distance he saw Rylee and the babies, but there was something clearly wrong, and then he saw, the baby Nanotyrannus in front of them. Bonez hissed and bolted down the plains. The others followed seeing what he was seeing and so it was on.

Bonez, Kane, Kira and Voodoo reached the dispute in time, Bonez came between the two and screamed at the baby Nanotyrannus, the baby jumped back a bit. Kane, Kira and Voodoo hissed at the babies right side just in case the baby attacked. Bonez was thinking to himself 'Will there be any peace between us?'

jubilee's baby was in a sticky situation, there was a huge pack of utahraptors in front of him, he knew he was no mach for them..and he did not see his mother...did she finally decide to leave him? and here he thought this nest was safe. safe from what?

he jumped back when they screeched at him, and now, due to the fact that he was wiser, he started backing up some more, widening the gap. he knew not to run, not yet, at least, as the carnivors could chase him down, but he was much more agile and a bit faster. nanotyrannosaurs were built to manneuver quickly in and out of things. he let out a small 'help me' call to his mother, which only she would recognize, as this call had formed when he and his sibling were born.

Jubilee was to the left of the utahraptors, still watching the sparring males. it seemed no one wanted to give up...but then a small, familiar..'click' came to her. her baby was once again in trouble, she about-faced, seing the whole pack plus a few members in front of her baby. she ran after them, surprising the sparring males, who were still fighting, hoping she might return. jubilee quickly put herself in front of her baby, even though she was in a much weaker state, together, they started backing up, growling at the huge utahraptor pack.

it seemed they would never get along, much to their own demise.

Bonez, Kane, Kira, Voodoo, Rylee and the youngsters were startled by when the mother came up on them and roared. Bonez could sense her weakness, but he had to come up with something fast. He then squawked at his group, Rylee and Kane covered the left side while Kira and Voodoo covered the right still. Bonez wasn't gonna let the youngsters step in so they ran to the den. They all hissed at the same time at the mother and baby. All hunched over ready to strike if they had too. Both mother and baby didn't know who to keep an eye on, and this was the second pickle they were in. Who was gonna back down first?

jubilee sometimes snapped at the utahraptors, keeping an eye on all of them occasionally. they were still backing up, for this was a fleeing dinosaurs goal, to make the gap bigger. the baby knew not to start a fight again, so he stood under his mother as best as he could, as he was now too tall to do so, and it made them look like a carnivore with two heads. they growled in unison with the utahraptors.

they weren't going to win this fight, even if they would was not worth it...jubilee was still young, as was her baby, who hadn't even experienced real adulthood yet, and again, dignity did not exist with dinosaurs, all that existed was the thought of survival. nothing more, nothing less. jubilee and her baby backed up enough, so they could outrun the utahraptors, and put themselves near the trees so they could out-manuever them as well. and then they ran, swerving in between the trees and bushes to confuse the utahraptors if they had decided to give chase. they stopeed running when they got back to the nest, and jubilee waited for the utahraptors, to either give chase or give up and go home, so that she could resume her quest... and this time she would make sure her baby was hidden, and would stay put. no matter his hunger.

Rylee and Bonez and the others didnt give chase, as long as they were away from the nest. Rylee knew that the next time the mother or baby was alone not to hesitate to kill them, for this was too common. Rylee was angered and leaped onto Kira aggressivly and clawed her and bit her vigurously. After realizing what shes doing Rylee stopped and apologized to Kira and licked her wounds. Rylee called to the youngsters, it was time to hunt as a pack. This was going to be the first hunt for the youngsters and they were excited. Hopefully no interruptions this time  as Rylee thought to herself.
Bonez lead the group to a small herd of Brachylophosaurus, a pretty big dinosaur but worth it for the babies first kill. Bonez positioned the younglings to lead the chase with Bonez closely behind. Jake being the oldest and strongest didnt think about who to pick out and mistakingly picked out the strongest bull out of the group. As Jake lead the chase the bull turned around and tossed Jake into the air throwing him pretty far. Marra and Fara leaped at the same time and struck the bull with their sharp claws. Skeler went for the rib cage. Jake got back up and went for the neck. Perfect shot, Jake clamped onto the neck pretty hard and the bull slowly went down, but Bonez came in jumping up and grabbing the beasts nose giving the final blow. This was a prize kill and it was going to be a good feast for everyone.

After a while, jubilee concluded that that going was safe, this time, she hid her baby in larger, lusher bushes, and covered him in some leaves, then turned tail, and left. jubilee couldn't really smell her small predator, due to the fact that it smelt of leaves.

jubilee turned tail and left, returning back to the males, one was on top of the other now, asserting it's own dominance. the males got off of eachother, and the largest male(the dominant one) quickly met up with jubilee, showing a submissive pose, sort of 'danced' towards her, showing off his muscles and his strengths that he could pass on. jubilee sniffed him, deciding he was not much of a threat.

then, they both headed off into the woods.

Snaggletooth ventured off after watching the dispute between the Utahraptors and the Nanotyrannus. He thought that they would never get along. Snaggletooth pondered about what he should do next. He wasn't hungry nor tired, he just felt like finding a mate and hopefully creating a new generation.

 Snaggletooth walked towards the watering hole and let out a few mating calls and waited for an answer, he heard nothing. He kept calling till the sun started to set and still heard nothing. When Snaggletooth was finally going to give up and find somewhere to sleep he heard a faint response to his call, it was a female Tyrannosaurus Rex and she wasn't too far from his location. He began to walk to the source of the sound with a feeling of happiness. When he got there, he felt frustrated that his "female" was only a Chirostenotes mimicing his call. Snaggletooth let out a loud roar and frightened off the Chirostenotes and watched as it ran away into the nearby underbrush.

 Snaggletooth sighed and went off near the watering hole and layed next to a large tree and went to sleep

After feasting from the youngsters first hunt and kill it was time to go back. The babies were proud of their first kill and would often run up ahead and tackle one another. Bonez hadn't seen any recent sign of the rival pack that he smelt and seen a while back, but he only hopes they keep their distance. Not only is it a threat and that his pack could possibly take them, but if they did get the advantage the first thing they would do or leader is kill the young. Bonez would often lift his head in the air and take in breathes to see what was around.

There it was to the east of the den sight was the pack, on the otherside of the watering hole. Bonez hissed and ran up ahead. Rylee was confused and told the rest to stop and wait. So they went into the trees to wait.

Bonez was at the den and sniffed around. They were here, it was only a matter of time.

Rylee and her pack were in the trees waiting for Bonez to return, then Rylee heard snapping of twigs in the further dense forest. Rylee got up from laying down looking the direction and growled. Everyone tensed up, the youngsters corralled behind Rylee. The snapping was getting louder and louder. Then the leader of the rival pack showed himself, he was a big male and very strong looking, he had many scars from battle and probably from hunting. His pack also had strong members, this was Bonez, Kanes and Crush's old pack. Kane cowered to the leader and knew he wasn't happy. All of a sudden Bonez came between his pack and the rivals, he screamed loudly and hissed. Rylee and the group ran out into the open. Bonez was still in the trees and then him and the leader were scratching and rolling out into the open as well. The leaders pack members walked out but didnt do anything. The pack had many females, and babies around the same age as Rylee's. Was this going to be the end?

jubilee had returned to her nest, her new mate in tow. she could see her baby get out of his cover and excitedly rush over to her, but was cautious of the male, whom would get rid of him if he got in the way. jubilee had quickly decided it was time to hunt, as her baby and herself had been waiting a few days.

all three of them headed out, sniffing around for prey, after all, three heads were better than one, for now. when the hatchlings got a month old or two, she would have to kick them out, for now. Jubilee had smelled a few hippodraco herd that scattered after the recent attackings from predators, lesser numbers meant they were wary, but they could work with that, jubilee stepped towards the herd, her baby and her mat spearated to ambush the prey when it got close. jubilee rushed at the weakest member, causing it to run for it's life. and it came into striking distance of her two other pack members, who would not be her pack members for long. her mate would have to leave soon, as would her baby.

The battle went on between Bonez and the rival leader. They were screaming and hissing at each other. Scaring herds around them or at least making them pay attention to them. The rival leader wanted to get away and kill the youngsters and take Bonez's pack, but everytime he tried Bonez would grabbed him. Both males were very strong and perfectly muscled to face eachother. Bonez managed to kick the leader off and as the leader leaped to land a kill shot on Bonez, Bonez leaped up and took charge of slamming the rival leader onto his back, hard. The leader thrashed in pain and clawed Bonez deep in the flank and Bonez screamed. Bonez got off in pain hunched over hissing. The leader got up, took in a deep breathe and started to circle Bonez.

The struggle

as a dinosaur you don't really care, as long as you can live.


for all you know, you're all just in one giant blob of land together, differant climates, plants...etc.




desert, tropical forest, forest, semi-desert, plains, semi-forest, full grasslands. hills.


You're a carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaur in the creataceous years...



everyday is a constant struggle for life, carnivores test the boundaries of eachother, whilst trying to keep the next generation-and themselves-alive.


history will be made up as we go.





1. general EX rules.

3. fighting is allowed, as dinosaurs did, but don't let it get too...bloody.

4. no curses.

5. your characters cannot talk, rely on body language and your epic literary skills.

6. your dinosaurs can be 'odd' colors, like blues and purples, but no rainbow dinosaurs/neon dinosaurs please(however awesome those are)

7. be realistic about your dinosaur. if your young/offspring/dino childrens stray off and into the wild, there's a slim chance of living. (about a 5% chance, anyone?) especially if it is injured!

8. baby dinosaurs stay with their mom and dad until they reach 2 years old, before that, they are not counted as actualy characters.

9. the age scale that you will type in is in years. human years, please.

i'd hate to find a dog age calculator xD

10. be realistic about friendships! it is unlikely that two large male carnivores will be buddies due to territorial competition! or a carnivore and an herbivore. Species don't usually befriend eachother, besides the offspring and the mother father bond thing. or if the dinosaurs befriending eachother are meant for packs, like utahraptors, dromaeosaurs, deinonychus, atrciraptors, etc., T-rexes are not going to form packs(if they did we'd be doomed!) besides a small family group that disbands when the young grow up.

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
tyrannosaurus rex

Second RP Master
Bonez (#29506)

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