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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Rylee watched in horror. When she what happened to Bonez she got worried. The rival leader wasn't paying any attention to her or the babies, so sh chirped at them that it was going to be okay, she then looked over and saw the Nanotyrannus, her baby and one other. She started to think on how to lose them, so then Rylee chirped at her members and they all bolted towards the Nano's. The rival leader hissed and screamed at his pack members to follow and kill them.

Rylee ran towards the Nano's and ran right in front of them startling them for a moment. Once she and her group got into the trees she turned and looked and saw the Nano's attack the pack members, but what about Bonez? The rival pack leader decided to attack as well.

jubilee and her gang quickly wolfed down all the food they could eat before the utahraptor pack had gotten to them, and then they hit them, frightening them slightly. but the group knew their strengths, and each one took a pack member in it's mouth by it's back, dhook it violently, then flung it elsewhere, though they knew they would stand no chance fighting the rest of them, each member took a bit of meat, and then fled back to their nests with surprising speed and agility.

they quickly resumed their normal activities, checking to make sure everyone was okay, for, jubilee could not afford to be injured any further.

Bonez was laying on his side still injured. The rival pack was damaged from the Nano's, so they all fled into the trees to recover their babies. He noticed Rylee was gone, but he could smell her. He got up with a struggle, with his flank bleeding. Bonez limped in the direction where Rylee was and saw he wouldn't be able to get by the Nano's without them attacking, so he went back to the nest. Bonez began to call out to Rylee and hoped she would return soon. Bonez licked his wound, and was exhausted, and he only hoped that the rival leader was dead leaving the pack to no leader, so then he would be able to take them in and rule over them as well.
Rylee was satisfied with the out come of the rival pack, and was happy to see her family still in one piece. She then heard Bonez's call, 'He's alive!' She chirped at the members and all ran to him at the nest. in relief he was still alive, but badly injured. She walked up and nudged his head. She heard Voodoo hiss, and she turned to see the rival pack members. Rylee hissed and growled, the alpha female chirped saying to her that the leader is dead and there is no where they could go. Rylee looked at Bonez who was still injured and rejected the offer, so they left in shame. It was going to be a long night in recovery.

jubilee, her mate, and her lone little guy had all bundles up for the night, the large male-her mate-stood out more than they did, for he was a light blue in color, with orange stripes on all of his legs. peculiar coloration, indeed.

jubilee woke in the early morning, the night still there and the many numerous stars present. she got up quickly, snorting. this woke the others, reluctantly getting up. you could now tell that jubilee was carrying eggs, as eggs took time to develop, even. but maybe in a few days they would come, in the familiar form of a dinosaur egg. they all decided to go out of the nest, sniffing their surprise, the hippodraco carcass was still there, but raptors of some sort were feeding on it. nanotyrannus had no such problems with a small raptor pack, so they charged in and took their breakfast.


Rylee woke and saw Bonez still injured, she got up and took the pack with her, she also went in search for the rival pack. She called out and they all came running, she chirped and squawked at the alpha female and told them they could join, they were relieved. Rylee nounced her dominance to the female and positioned her as the omega, her babies were gonna remain alive. Rylee took them and they went hunting all 18 of them. Rylee wanted a Styracosaurus and she knew she could get one, because of numbers. She preyed on a female. Rylee and the members managed to seperate the female from the group and kill her easily. They all ate in peace, after the feast Rylee took a chunk of meat for Bonez so he could eat too.
Bonez woke to find Rylee with a chunk of meat in her teeth for him. Then he saw the rival pack members, he growled. Rylee explained it to him and he relaxed, he also told her, she would need to drive some away for there were too many, and Bonez doesn't like that many, thats what drove him away when he was "Scouting". She agreed and went to drive some away. Bonez ate in peace and was still hurting, but he was going to heal and be okay. The bleeding has stopped and the healing began. He was proud to have a mate like Rylee, so he was glad he, Crush and Kane didn't kill her in the field when they met her.

all of the group woke in unison, chirping and calling to eachother to wake everyone up. on purpose. brokenclaw quickly walked over to the juvenile males, leaping on them and nipping them to put them into their places, and they weren't strong enough to simply take him on.

suddenly, a smell wafted over them. a recently killed herbivore, soon everyone noticed it and they growled. this quickly sent broken claw into some sort of craze, launching his body after the scent, and the others willingly followed, they stopped nearby a kill, a large female styracosaur dead, a worthy meal for a pack of 30-40 members, yes? but a utahraptor pack stood in their way, and broken claw sized up the competition. 18 one ton utahraptors, but with smaller babies, against aroung 30 full-grown members and a few healthy juveniles. ah, decisions, decisions.

Rylee stood out in the open near the den area looking around. in front was the watering hole and then herds to her left. The wind picked up and something new came to her nostrils. She was curious, because she has never smelt this smell before. She walked heading to the smell which lead her to where she had killed the Styracosaurus, and surrounding the carcuss were smaller raptors, Deinonychus. There were alot of them too, way bigger then her pack. A Utahraptor facing against one is easy, but this many is no chance what so ever. She quickly and quietly turned and ran back to the den sight to tell Bonez.
When Bonez woke from his nap to see Rylee rushing back, he knew something was wrong. He chirped in concern and Rylee chirped back. He was in shock. They never dared to come near where Utahs lived, but this was different, when he heard the numbers, Bonez became scared, not weeed. They had to move, or at least get more members to support them. Bonez was able to get up, and wanted to see this pack for himself, but not alone. He took Kane, Voodoo and other members to keep his back. It was time to see this pack, Rylee then decided to leave the babies and take the rest of the adults and follow as well.

the deinonychus quickly swarmed the carcass, for the utahraptors were gone, for now. they were in an ultimate feeding frenzy, hissing and spitting at eachother, shoving eachother out of the way, but broken claw got most of the spoils, the meat in the stomach and others. he let his favorite female eat with him, but not without a hiss or spit at her. the juveniles tussled over a piece of rich meat, shaking their head to try and get it away from the other, but it separated in two and their own fun was ruined, sadly.

broken claw quickly gorged himself, and he jumped off, watching more and more deinonychus swarm the styracosaurus. it almost looked like a carcass of moving deinonychus with the head of a styracosaur. broken claw then smelled the utahraptor pack, minus the babies, leaving a pack of about 13-15 members. he screeched, assembling his team, once everyone got up, most of the meat was gone. this might be a fight for nothing, but maybe territory, the pack resided here.

Bonez and his pack saw they were ready to fight. Bonez purred showing he wasn't a threat, so did everyone else. Bonez hunched low to the ground but sniffing and constantly moving his head, tilting it checking these creatures out. Bonez hasn't seen these for a very long time, and thought they vanished, so the sight of them scared him most. These were ruthless animals and will challenge anything if at will. Bonez didnt want to fight for he was injured, and he has a whole pack to take care of, so he kept purring. Bonez kept a close eye on the Deinonychus studying them to see what move they will make, Bonez's pack were backing up purring and staying hunched like Bonez. Bonez also started to back up as well, not daring to turn his back, for it could mean death.

Broken claw saw the utahraptor pack approach, being surprisingly submissive. they could take them if need be, as they were around 35, and they were only 15 or so, they were strategic little raptors. 

cautiously they all sorted themselves into a two-filed line, approaching the group, encircling them and sniffing their scent. smelled like leaves and meat. typical, they seemed easy enough to ignore, but dangerous enough to keep an eye on.

but they were still in a feeding frenzy type of lapse, the brain of a deinonychus went haywire during such a time, and they returned to the carcass, some feeding on what was left, while the others flashed their teeth at them, not sure what to do.

Bonez backing his pack away, stopped them because of the Deinonychus circeling them, so they froze, until they went back to the carcuss. Some still stood there flashing their teeth at Bonez and his pack. When Bonez was in his pack before he left, had fought these monsters many times and knew they were ruthless fighters and dont give up easily, so Bonez knew not to flash back but be as submissive as possible. The other pack members follwoed Bonez's lead and dared not to show any sign of challenge to these dinos. Bonez chirped to his pack members to go back. Bonez stayed behind making sure everyone of his family members were safe, once Bonez saw they were far enough away, Bonez walked back too not showing any threat.
Rylee has never seen these creatures before for she was in a pack that feared many an never got challenged. Rylee wanted to show her teeth, but saw how many of them there were, and followed her mates lead. When she lead to the group away, they went back to the nest greeting the babies. Rylee made her decision to move the pack for the risk of running into those dinos again and not have a nice encounter. She waited until Bonez got back and chipred to him about moving, he agreed. The babies never understood why, but they listened anyways. Bonez knew they were going to stay over where the herds where, so Bonez took his pack to the other end of the watering hole and hopefully a bit more safety away from these killers.

The struggle

as a dinosaur you don't really care, as long as you can live.


for all you know, you're all just in one giant blob of land together, differant climates, plants...etc.




desert, tropical forest, forest, semi-desert, plains, semi-forest, full grasslands. hills.


You're a carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaur in the creataceous years...



everyday is a constant struggle for life, carnivores test the boundaries of eachother, whilst trying to keep the next generation-and themselves-alive.


history will be made up as we go.





1. general EX rules.

3. fighting is allowed, as dinosaurs did, but don't let it get too...bloody.

4. no curses.

5. your characters cannot talk, rely on body language and your epic literary skills.

6. your dinosaurs can be 'odd' colors, like blues and purples, but no rainbow dinosaurs/neon dinosaurs please(however awesome those are)

7. be realistic about your dinosaur. if your young/offspring/dino childrens stray off and into the wild, there's a slim chance of living. (about a 5% chance, anyone?) especially if it is injured!

8. baby dinosaurs stay with their mom and dad until they reach 2 years old, before that, they are not counted as actualy characters.

9. the age scale that you will type in is in years. human years, please.

i'd hate to find a dog age calculator xD

10. be realistic about friendships! it is unlikely that two large male carnivores will be buddies due to territorial competition! or a carnivore and an herbivore. Species don't usually befriend eachother, besides the offspring and the mother father bond thing. or if the dinosaurs befriending eachother are meant for packs, like utahraptors, dromaeosaurs, deinonychus, atrciraptors, etc., T-rexes are not going to form packs(if they did we'd be doomed!) besides a small family group that disbands when the young grow up.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
tyrannosaurus rex

Second RP Master
Bonez (#29506)

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