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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


the herd was busy drinking at the large water hole, driven by the heavy rain. they let out small grunts to make sure everyone was in check, especially marsh.

he was busy keeping watch while his herd was focusing their energy elsewhere. suddenly a strange smell came to him..a young t-rex on the prowl...he raised his large head, and sounded a large alarm, instantly, they stopped drinking and ran, if they could put a gap between them and the t-rex, there would be no need for the familiar 'surround the others' formation. but the sound only called the t-rex, and was coming at a fast sprint towards them, the herd stopped at some point and all gathered around, babies and elders at the center of the group. roaring and bellowing before the t-rex. it roared, challenging the group, circling around and looking for the weakest member to grab and run. he tried grabbing a young adult styracosaurus, who was trying to fend it off with his long horns. the t-rex reached over, and grabbed the styracosaur by the back shaking it until it was motionless, the herd took this oppurtunity and ran.

marsh looked backwards...that styracosaurus was his sibling.

Snaggletooth was awakened by the roars and bellows of a nearby Styracosaurus herd. He knew that there was another Tyrannosaurus in the area which made him feel uneasy. Snaggletooth then lt out a loud roar that echoed in the distance. When he heard no reply, Snaggletooth sighed and got up from the ground he was laying on and then continued his search for new territory and a companion. Snaggletooth stopped by a watering hole to drink some water before he set off. He then felt hungry so he sniffed the air for any scent from a herbivore. He then caught the scent of an Diabloceratops herd. He then followed the scent to see a small herd grazing in a large meadow. Snaggletooth then looked for any weaknessess in the herd and saw an young male with a deep gash in his side.

Snaggletooth then got into position and waited for the perfect moment to strike when out of the corner of his eye he saw a small pack of Dromaeosaurus run out of the forest and towards the Diabloceratops. The herd then fomed a circle around the young and bellowed at the Dromaeosaurus. Snaggletooth sighed and ran out of the forest and into the direction of the Diabloceratops.

At the sight of Snaggletooth, the dromaeosaurus pack scattered and the Diabloceratops tightened their protective circle. Snaggletooth roared at the herd and circled it trying to find an opening, but the Diabloceratops had completly circled their young and their weak. Snaggletooth then gave up and looked for something easier to hunt

the herd kept running without disruptions, into the semi-desert earea of their world. they stopped, for now, being nomadic dinosaurs. marsh gazed from one way to another, and only sparse vegation was avaliable. and the bushes were not big enough to feed two dinosaurs, so, unfortunately, they spread out, still close to eachother, but still vulnerable to a large predator. marsh munched on a small plant, somewhat flowering. he easily pulled it out of the ground and ate the whole thing. but spat out the dirt, and uneeded parts.

after marsh and his herd were done eating, they lifted their head in unison, smelling a familiar scent.

a tyrannosaurus rex..

Rylee and her newest friend heard a big commotion out in the distance. and thought 'food' so they ran to that direction. Rylee was real happy now that she has a partner to take down a much bigger animal. When Rylee and her male friend came to where the commotion was they saw a herd of Styracosaurus way out in a distance scenting also what Rylee and her friend smelled, a T-Rex, but this was a different male T-Rex. But Rylee and her friend were hungry and they already ran a good distance, so they decided to press forward and see what this heard was like and if they saw the male T-Rex or heard him getting closer they will run off.

So now their hunt has begun. Rylee neared the heard and made sure they saw her. She also noticed they were not expecting a Utahraptor to pop out either, so they were startled a bit. The animals did their formation to protect their young. Rylee's friend was out circling seeing if there was a way to scare the animals to seperate the young from the bigger animals. Rylee roared, and the male charged in anger, which Rylee made sure he was focused on her. And so her friend made the move to scare them, and the herd ran, and the babies weren't fast enough to run and her partner killed one. The male turned and saw what had happened, and he wasn't happy and bolted to Rylee's friend in full anger. Rylee ran after him too to try and stop him.

Marsh just saw his herd being torn apart, and one of his little babies was now dead...

in anger, he charged at the male utahraptor who had done the disgraceful deed, for an herbivore. he used his tremendous weight, about 3 tons, to knock the carnivore away. but marsh wasn't done there. he kicked mud and dust at the fallen utahraptor, roared and spit in it's face, and continually stomped on it. Marsh was too overcome with fear and anger, and instinct, to notice the female running after him. he snorted, growling at the utahraptor, held down at the tail by his foot. he gripped one of it's frontal limbs in it's beak-like mouth, and applied all the pressure possible. there was a loud snap before he let the utahraptor go. he quickly ran out of the way, and returned to his herd, again in the protective circle, trying to move away. it's a bit difficult to move in a circle.

Now injured Rylee didn't know if this was the end. The herd was still there, and She couldn't believe what had happened, did she misjudge the sheer strength of this monster or was there something else? Rylee got up and staggered towards her now dead friend, and she was angered and full of sorrow. Rylee turned and looked at the herd still in formation and saw the male that injured her and killed her friend. Rylee growled deep and limped off into the woods to nurse her wounds. For a Utahraptor this may be the end, but Rylee was strong and always looking for ways to make sure she will survive, but this was too her leg was broken and possibly could get infected and kill her. Rylee was now defenseless and couldn't hunt or scavenge. Rylee reached to where she had her den, but it was still two miles away. She was now in the terf of the mother Nanotyrannus and her one baby. Rylee was hoping it was the end, but she still wanted to see life in full spectrum.

Snaggletooth ventured around looking for food when he saw a lone bull Pachyrhinosaurus. He tried to sneak up on the Pachyrhinosaurus but it already knew that he was in the area. The Pachyrhinosaurus then began to run away from Snaggletooth. He then gave chase to the Pachyrhinosaurus. The Pachyrhinosaurus was fast but Snaggletooth was fast enough to keep up.

 The chase lead into the semi-desert. The Pachyrhinosaurus was slowing down because it was tired and thirsty. Snaggletooth was soo close to killing and devouring the Pachyrhinosaurus but he gave up and began to search for water. He found a small pond and started to drink from it. Snaggletooth felt refreshed and then began to search for the Pachyrhinosaurus. It was laying down and was resting because of the tiring chase. Snaggletooth then walked up to the Pachyrhinosaurus and bit down on it throat. The Pachyrhinosaurus bellowed then stopped struggling. Snaggletooth then began to eat the carcass. Then, the smell of styracosaurus filled his nose. He ignored the smell and continued to eat his kill

Bonez, Kane and Crush walked along the river side at the edge of their terriory trying to find the female Utahraptor who had invaded their terf. Bonez watched the otherside while the other two were scuffling around. Bonez roared, turned around and leaped onto the two and nipped them on the side of the neck. Kane and Crush gave Bonez a submissive look, and Bonez carried on his search to find a safe way to cross. The best way to cross a river is to find bolders, so Bonez was searching the water to find big bolders. He found some and now the hunt for the intruder was on.

Jubilee was out on the hunt again, and was bringing her youngster along with her, what's wrong with another noisy mouth and a cautious set of eyes, hmm?

she was preferrably looking for a small herbivore, so she could set yet another example for her young male nantyrannus. but a small carnivore could do, though not preferred. she sniffed the air, smelling herbivores and carnivore in the west. she didn't like the desert much, as it didn't provide much camouflage, and only went there went desperate. she and her child were capable of not having food for a couple of days.

then a scent hit her nose, a small pack of utahraptors, crossing one of the deeper rivers in the land, were they after her? she quickly gathered her offspring under her, and continued to proceed on the hunt, keeping an extra watchful eye on the utahraptors.

Bonez saw the Nanotyrannus mother and her baby. They all stopped and stared at her. Bonez rose his body and set his posture in defense and then roared real loud saying 'Watch yourself, I am strong too' when the mother didn't do anything, but just made 'mock biting' Bonez looked at his two members and carriesd on. A familar scent then strained into Bonez's nose it was the female Utahraptor, and she smelled like she was injured. Perfect. Bonez, Kane, and Crush bolted through and she wasn't far she was in the same field as them and the mother Nanotyrannus and her baby. Bonez didn't like the situation, so he waited in the trees along with his two pack members.

jubilee watched the small pack go off into the trees. she pondered about whether to go after them to secure her baby and get rid of competition, or just proceed with the hunt. but, upon further notice, she smelt a female utahraptor...

the same exact utahraptor that had claimed the life of one of her offspring, she growled low at the pungent smell of blood. this could be her chance to stake her revenge. but the utahraptor pack was in the way, and she may take out a few, but in the end, those 3 utahraptors may be able to claim her-and her offspring's life- as well. so, she just sat there in waiting, her baby under her, letting out chirps, as if asking,

'hey, where's the food?'

Rylee heard the comotion and didn't like what she was seeing. She saw the rival pack, and the mother Nanotyrannus arguing with eachother. The pack ran off, and Rylee knew they were after her, and so she had to think of something to get away. But there was a problem, mommy was in the way, and she knew that if she saw her she may attack. So Rylee just layed low and tried to think on what to do. Nothing was coming up, and she was panicing, because she knows how strong this pack is and she also knew they really weren't scared of anything, but doesn't mean anything. This is a world of life an death, and Rylee was sitting on deaths door. She was only hoping there wont be an infection and that this is only a sprian, but the chances of that are slim to nothing. So Rylee just layed there watching both groups. Only hoping nothing bad comes to her this time.
It was a waiting game now. And Bonez was getting irritated. He wanted to kill something. So he stepped out of the trees and looked at both mommy Nanotyrannus and then over at the female Utahraptor. Both woul be easy to kill because he has numbers, but is it worth the risk of facing the mother or is it easier to just take out the rival female and claim that prize? Bonez was at a stand still. Kane and Crush were getting bored and stressful. So Bonez thought quick and made his move towards the female Utahraptor. Mommy Nanotyrannus snarled potraying a defennsive posture protecting her baby Bonez only snorted, it didnt fase him that there was a bigger predator right there, that could kill him. His only intentions were to kill the female.

jubilee watched the pack debate wether or not to try to attack her,or the lone utahraptor. shetook a step backwards in surprise, as they decided to move in on the female utahraptor.

but jubilee also hada deed to fill, but she, jubilee,wanted the utahraptoralive to carry the message thatsheshould never mess with her or her current,or even future young, ever again. shestill sat there, dumbfounde. as shewasnt sure what to do. if sshe ran ahead to attack the young female first, thatwould put her baby in dnager!andthat, truly, was the lastthing shewanted.  so likethe semi-clever dinosaur shewas, shewaited in the bushesfor the utahraptorto run intoher.

Rylee was scared now. The pack was moving in closer to her. Was this her last day on earth or was this a way to get her last fight in. When the male appeared over her, Rylee closed her eyes and waited. But nothing happened. The group layed next to her and one male was licking her wound and was trying to heal her. She was very suprised, but didnt know how to react. All Rylee did was lay there and watch the mommy Nanotyrannus stand there in complete confusion. Rylee was now thinking on what would happen now, what will the out come be for her now if she does heal? The lead male layed next to her and nuzzled under her neck and purred. She was being accepted into the pack. They liked her and so in respect she purred back.

The struggle

as a dinosaur you don't really care, as long as you can live.


for all you know, you're all just in one giant blob of land together, differant climates, plants...etc.




desert, tropical forest, forest, semi-desert, plains, semi-forest, full grasslands. hills.


You're a carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaur in the creataceous years...



everyday is a constant struggle for life, carnivores test the boundaries of eachother, whilst trying to keep the next generation-and themselves-alive.


history will be made up as we go.





1. general EX rules.

3. fighting is allowed, as dinosaurs did, but don't let it get too...bloody.

4. no curses.

5. your characters cannot talk, rely on body language and your epic literary skills.

6. your dinosaurs can be 'odd' colors, like blues and purples, but no rainbow dinosaurs/neon dinosaurs please(however awesome those are)

7. be realistic about your dinosaur. if your young/offspring/dino childrens stray off and into the wild, there's a slim chance of living. (about a 5% chance, anyone?) especially if it is injured!

8. baby dinosaurs stay with their mom and dad until they reach 2 years old, before that, they are not counted as actualy characters.

9. the age scale that you will type in is in years. human years, please.

i'd hate to find a dog age calculator xD

10. be realistic about friendships! it is unlikely that two large male carnivores will be buddies due to territorial competition! or a carnivore and an herbivore. Species don't usually befriend eachother, besides the offspring and the mother father bond thing. or if the dinosaurs befriending eachother are meant for packs, like utahraptors, dromaeosaurs, deinonychus, atrciraptors, etc., T-rexes are not going to form packs(if they did we'd be doomed!) besides a small family group that disbands when the young grow up.

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
tyrannosaurus rex

Second RP Master
Bonez (#29506)

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