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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Snaggletooth had woken up due to all the comotion and let out a loud roar into the sky. He looked at the water that glistened in the moonlight then got up in search of food. As he walked away from the watering hole he saw a Utahraptor fun right between his legs. Snaggletooth turned his head back and saw it was running to the qatering hole. Snaggletooth grunted and kept walking when he saw somthing that looked like a baby Tyrannosaurus.

It was dark so Snaggletooth couldn't see very well. He walked closer to it and it backed away and started screeching at him. Then Snaggletooth realised that it was a baby Nanotyrannus and not a. Tyrannosaurus. Snaggletooth then knocked the baby on its side and pinned it down with it's foot. The baby Nanotyrannus called for its mother hoping that she would come to its rescue

jubilee stopped right before she got to the utahraptors, hearing her young baby's troubled cry. looks like his taste of independence did not serve him well, she roared, as a signal she'd be after him soon, and she turned her attention to running back to her baby.(looks like rylee got lucky :3)

she skidded to a stop when she got there. it was that t-rex from before, not the old, war-scarred one, but the short one that took her food, and now it might kill her last survivor frm her first clutch. now, this simply wouldn't do for her, she hissed, spat, and kicked whatever dust she may find at the male tyrannosaurus rex, yet she knew she stood no chance in a fight. all she needed was for it to divert it's attention to her so her baby could make a run for it.

Bonez, Kane and Rylee were now on guard. The babies were safe in the den sleeping after running a long ways. Bonez saw the T-Rex pinn the baby Nanotyrannus onto the ground, and was wondering why the mother hadn't shown up, but soon will see what will happen. The nice was that Bonez's group was near the watering hole and could get a drink anad easily ambush prey from the protection of the trees. But for the night Bonez, Kane and Rylee lay in the den and fell asleep. Morning was a new day and new work to complete a mission.

this RP is only a few days old and has 8 pages! *O*


keep it up!


for the record:

you can kill eachother's character here, again, stay withing the bloodiness rules...

if your character is killed, sorry about that, dinosaurs die. feel free to join a new character, or if that character had babies, hopefully they lived:)

arsh cared not for what happened to the carnivores, what matter was his newly born family members, in the form of eggs. their nest was place near the local water hole, so it was easier to defend if the need be. they had lost a few members, but the ones taken were weak, and would not survive to adulthood anyways. most of the eggs he knew were his, but a few amles he had let breed, for no reason. they spotted a few small raptors trying to attack them, but they easily outweighed and out...heighted them?

the herd continually spent their day grazing, with not much more excitement wahtsoever...

Rylee was to tired to see what will happen, but she was thankful that the mommy Nanotyrannus didn't try to prosue the attack on her and the babies when her baby was in danger. Rylee knew that in the morning she wanted to take her babies to the watering hole again so they could play and have fun, while Rylee watched over them. In the coming weeks while they live here she will slowly start introducing them to the taste of meet, and then teach them how to hunt. Rylee was feeling proud of her ways of being a new mom, but also feeling how the mommy Nanotyrannus feels when she killed her baby and left the other to live. Being a mother was hard but rewarding.
Snaggletooth was just about to crush the baby Nanotyrannus under his foot with his weight when the mother showed up and tried to defer him from killing her baby. Snaggletooth looked up at the mother and roared very loudly at her, then turned his attention back to the baby Nanotyrannus. Snaggletooth began to apply pressure to the baby Nanotyrannus and it started to let out cries of pain. The mother Nanotyrannus then kicked dirt into Snaggletooth's eyes, which caused him to step of of the baby and shake his head wildly trying to remove the dirt from his eyes. The baby Nanotyrannus stumbled to his feet and limped back to his mother. Snaggletooth walked away trying to find the watering hole to rinse out his eyes. He kept bumping into things but he finally made it and dunked his head into the water. When he came up for air he felt a little better but was still hungry. When he came back the Nanotyrannuses were long gone 

jubilee and her baby had ran back to a familiar nest. it appears they ran some distance and appeared near the utahraptor nest...great. more fighting..?

her baby was stumbling everywhere, coughing up dinosaur spit and dust that he swallowed when crying. jubilee hoped he would be okay. she nuzzled him then lifted her head, seeing some of the utahraptors were looking at her. this was about to get really frustrating for her. she gathered her baby under her, musterring all the courage left in such a dinosaur that she could. that was the thing keeping her going, mainly instinct, but courage too, she glared at the utahraptors, who she knew she couldn't kill, but maybe scathe or something worse, to at least one of them.

she didn't move a muscle, however.

Bonez saw the mommy Nanotyrannus in fron of him, she was the one who injured Crush who ended up dying. Bonez hissed and Kane came out too. They both stood there ground and hissed at the mother. The mother had no clue what she was getting herself into since this pack was frustrated and ready to kill, let alone they had babies, but luckily the den was made with big bolders that no dino could move and the den hole couldn't fit her inside nor the baby. But Bonez was a strong Utahraptor, he leaped up onto the top of the den and was ready to strike. While both the mommy and baby were focussed on Bonez this gave Kane a chance to circle around to face the babies flank. Kane didnt get close but now the Nanotyrannus were feeling trapped. Only god knows what Rylee will do when she wakes up.
Rylee woke up and saw the Nanotyrannus and her baby being slowly surrounded by Bonez and Kane. Rylee was not happy to find these two so close to the den. Rylee screamed in anger and leaped up next to Bonez ready to strike as well. The mother Nanotyrannus knew that she should back down, but was her baby? If not this would surely kill him and leave her with nothing. The mother Nanotyrannus was backing up with her baby with her, and Kane followed slowly and Bonez and Rylee watched. Bonez jumped down to follow. Rylee stayed where she was unless she was weeed enough to strike. Rylee will die for her babies, even to a dino twice her size.

jubilee snorted at the two, mainly keeping focus on the stronger utahraptor. that's the one that could easily kill. she bllowed and growled lowly, tuck her face in with her chin so it would be hard for the utahraptors to take hold of the front and/or the back of her neck.

jubilee's baby growled at kane, he could take him on, he was almost fully grown and was quite muscular, he hissed and spit, just like his mom taught him to. unfortunately, or maybe not, jubilee's baby started this temendous fight by taking hold of kane's leg, and when he was done scratching that up with his teeth, he bit into his sides, or what he could fit his mouth around, this may not kill the utahraptor, but send it into great pains.

it seems like these groups on nanotyrannus and utahraptors will never be neutral with eachother.


And then it happened, Kane was injured, but still was strong enough to fight. Bonez leaped real high onto the mommy Nanotyrannus's back, drove his claws into the upper rib cage, and his hands clung onto the side of the neck area. Rylee leaped off and went for the baby, so did Kane. Rylee and Kane managed to seperate the two from eachother. Bonez sunk his teeth into the back of the neck of the mother, and swung his body over and drove his two big toe claws into her neck, dropping her to the ground. Kane and Rylee both at the same time slammed into the baby and slammed him to the ground. Kane though he was injured leaped onto the babies side and drove his claws into the gut area. Rylee jumped over him and put her foot on the babies neck. He was fussing.

Bonez knew this mother was weak now, since there was blood everywhere. Bonez was in the zone of killing that he was foaming, he bit into the neck a bunch more times and then was thrashing into her with his feet and hands.

The baby thrashed around in pain, screaming for mother, but she was on her own fight. Rylee scrachted her feet and hands into the neck and face area. Kane and Rylee let the baby up. But before letting him up Kane took a big chunk of the babies calf out and let the muscle hang, now infection can really set in.

Rylee and Kane let the injured baby up, and he staggered around. Bonez had a good hold on the mother. Rylee walked in front of the mother face and looked into her eyes, the mother saw revenge written all over this female. Bonez let her up and the mother Nanotyrannus turned to her injured baby and walked off and they were for sure not to come back if they dared. Rylee was proud for what she done, but then there was Kane, he was injured, but hopefully will heal before infection set in. Kane, Rylee and Bonez went back to the den to lick their wounds, and keep the babies safe.

jubilee looked back behind her, seeing all of the angry utahraptors behind her..she hissed at them before walking to the water hole, so they could wash of the blood. her baby limped behind her, though he seemed to deal with such an injury better than she ever did, it seems younger ones heal fast if given the chance. when they arrived, they sniffed it quietly, and dove right in, staying in the shallower parts, and it sent a small surge of red through the water. carefully, they got out of the water, and sniffed the air, deciding it was safer to go back to the nest.

so they walked and/or limped back home.

Rylee took a deep breathe of relief that they have finally gone. She walked out of the den after she knew they were completely gone. The babies followed closely. Bonez and Kane folloed too, down to the watering hole. It was still alittle night out, but it was about an hour before the sun would peak through the horizen. The watering hole was about 2 yards away from where the edge of the trees were, but it was still a good chance for a predetor to come and snatch a baby up.

When it was safe Rylee, Bonez, Kane and the four babies went to the waters edge and drank their fill. The little ones chased morning bugs. Rylee chirped for her babies to follow back to the den, so she could go hunt. Kane would stay behind for he is still badly injured.

The struggle

as a dinosaur you don't really care, as long as you can live.


for all you know, you're all just in one giant blob of land together, differant climates, plants...etc.




desert, tropical forest, forest, semi-desert, plains, semi-forest, full grasslands. hills.


You're a carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaur in the creataceous years...



everyday is a constant struggle for life, carnivores test the boundaries of eachother, whilst trying to keep the next generation-and themselves-alive.


history will be made up as we go.





1. general EX rules.

3. fighting is allowed, as dinosaurs did, but don't let it get too...bloody.

4. no curses.

5. your characters cannot talk, rely on body language and your epic literary skills.

6. your dinosaurs can be 'odd' colors, like blues and purples, but no rainbow dinosaurs/neon dinosaurs please(however awesome those are)

7. be realistic about your dinosaur. if your young/offspring/dino childrens stray off and into the wild, there's a slim chance of living. (about a 5% chance, anyone?) especially if it is injured!

8. baby dinosaurs stay with their mom and dad until they reach 2 years old, before that, they are not counted as actualy characters.

9. the age scale that you will type in is in years. human years, please.

i'd hate to find a dog age calculator xD

10. be realistic about friendships! it is unlikely that two large male carnivores will be buddies due to territorial competition! or a carnivore and an herbivore. Species don't usually befriend eachother, besides the offspring and the mother father bond thing. or if the dinosaurs befriending eachother are meant for packs, like utahraptors, dromaeosaurs, deinonychus, atrciraptors, etc., T-rexes are not going to form packs(if they did we'd be doomed!) besides a small family group that disbands when the young grow up.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
tyrannosaurus rex

Second RP Master
Bonez (#29506)

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