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Aaron smiled back at Moon. He was glad that he didn't frighten her by snapping the way he did. Aaron sniffed the air to catch any lingering scent of Aarre, but to no avail. He nodded. "Yeah, he's gone alright." Aaron brushed it off. Lately he had been trying hard not to get too involved in other wolves lives, or form any close friendships. It was better that way. Getting up, his body looked almost doubled in size as the sun and shadows created an illusion with his stature. He shook the leaves and dirt clumps that were sticking to his stale fur that was not yet completely dry after last night's downpour. Aaron looked at Moon, his golden eye shinning in the morning light. "Listen, I'm gonna be--" He said, his low, rumbling voice trailing off as Moon mentioned breakfast and hunting. 

Aaron quickly dismissed his thoughts. While Moon didn't know it, Aaron was planning on leaving early before Aarre and Moon woke up. But he was so tired from the previous days travels that he overslept. He hesitated. Moon was radiating joy at the thought of a morning hunt, and the sight of her excitement moved Aaron. She was like a child. He chuckled. "Yeah, I do pretty well. After all, I got a big tank to fill."  he said smiling, referring to his stomach. He smiled as she ran ahead, and taking one last look at the big cave, he walked out and joined up with her.

Moon listened as Aarron was going to say something to her but then he stopped and said they would go hunting. Moon ran close to Aarron with a spring in her every step her fur shining bright white in the sun. Just then she seen something off in the distance moving it looked like a deer. "Aarron there is something over there" Moon whispered quietly to Aarron. Moon started moving slower her each step becoming precise she was a good hunter its just she couldn't take down large game with out help because she was so small. "Aarron what do we do" she whispered tensing up.

Lien was just warming up to he first male rogue when another showed up as if out of no where. This one, however, looked angry. Lien turned to look at him, noting his obvious hot temper. She blinked, obviously undaunted by his bad manners, but she was amused by it. Giving him her full attention, she strained her neck to get a closer look at him. "Hey buddy, you're drooling." she said, then crinkling her nose, she backed away a bit "And your breath wreaks!! Maybe you should be hunting down a breath mint instead dog breath." She said smiling.

Looking at his muzle, she noticed the crimson stains around his mouth. Scoffing, she became serious, and getting up in his face she let him have it. "Your prey, huh? Looks like you've had your fill already dog breath. And besides, I didn't chase him away. I stopped and stayed behind because this mutt over here with his big ol' clumsy paws distracted me. Your breath must have chased it away instead." She said, puffing out her chest and scowling at him, more than ready to fight this guy if he started anything. There was no overlooking her headstrong personality, and she almost taunted him with her eyes.

Aaron followed Moon for about a mile. The fresh morning breeze felt good against his healing wound and fur. Moon was trotting happily beside him, and he was distracted by her jolly dancing so much that he hadn't noticed the large buck almost directly ahead. Moon pointed it out first, and Aaron locked eye on it. He lowered his body, becoming low to the ground. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do." He said, becoming completely consumed by his technical thinking. "You, you're gonna go on that side of the buck, behind that bush," He said, motioning to the bush on the far right of the buck.

"I'm gonna be on the opposite side on it's left. Okay?" He said, staring straight into her eyes to make sure she was paying close attention. "Now, when I give the signal, you're going to rush it from behind the bush, causing it to run towards me. That's when I'll take it down, got it?" He said with a deep, but hushed voice so as to not scare the buck off prematurely. And when he finished, he slowly started making his way to his end, gesturing for her to move to hers.
Chain perked his ears up this female wolf was spunky "Ha I smell fine plus I heard both of your heavy foot steps from miles away I have been living alone for a long time" Chain sniffed the air. Then he lunged at the female her clan scent making him angry they where the reason for his clan getting destroyed. Chain bit into her but didn't dig his teeth into her just as a reminder he was a male and stronger and more experienced considering he had to fight to stay alive unlike a clan wolf then all of a sudden he let go and backed off suddenly and turned to the male who was probably shocked at the events happening completely ignoring the female wolf he had just attacked. "Where you around any other wolves" chain asked him suddenly smelling something that seemed oddly familiar.
Moon listened as Aarron told her his plan to catch the buck with great interest he had a interesting way of hunting. Moon nodded her head and went to her position that Aarron had told her to go to because she believed his plan would work perfectly.She stared at him from the corner of her eye and watch as he made the signal to come out of her hiding spot and chase the dear towards him. Moon ran from her position snapping and snarling causing the Bunk to get scared and it ran in the opposite direction of her straight for Aarron. Moon felt her tail start to wag she had done her job perfectly and she caught up to Aarron just in case he needed help
Lien watched to see how the wolf would react, as that was half the fun of taunting him. She heard him mention living alone and she laughed. "I can't imagine why, I mean, you are quite the charmer dog breath." She said with a mischevious tone, egging him on even further. It was then that she noticed him smelling her, and within an instant he was leaping through the air and landing on top of her. He wrapped his teeth around her scruff without adding pressure - a sign of superiority meant to evoke submission. But Lien stared into his eyes, there was fire in her own, but she was not going to submit. When he released her, she barked after him. "What's that matter, too scared to fight like a real wolf, you ugly mutt?" She said, but the rogue was now talking to the other male. Lien shrugged, and while the two others were conversing, she listened in and watched to see what the fist rogue was all about. So far, he just seemed cocky. Nevertheless, Lien didn't mind him so much.
Aaron, having given the signal, watched as Moon played her part. He was impressed at her precision and fearlessness, as she usually seemed so frail and helpless. He smirked, and soon the buck was heading his way at full speed. Aaron dug his claws into the ground, and with a viscious bark he leapt at it, facing it head on. He landed on it, and the buck nearly buckled under the massive wolf. Aaron did not hesitate, and within seconds, the deer was down. Aaron released it, and stepping aside, he ushered for Moon to join in and eat. It was a good size meal, and it would hopefully fill both of them to satisfaction.
While the other two were still talking, Lien was getting bored. Letting out a yawn, she stretched and started to sniff the air. She caught a scent that made her ears perk. She focused, and tried to listen to hear any voices, but the two rogue males were chatting up a storm. Lien became impatient for a moment, and her small short tail stood up as she barked "Could you two quit your yapping?" She said, her small voice getting shrill. Closing her eyes, she listened with her trained ears, and they twitched at the sound of a deep, rolling bark and a crash. Lien opened her eyes and perked up. She started to run down a trail, her eyes fixed on a bush at the end of it. When she reached it, she peered through a gap in the brush and could see two wolves, and a freshly killed buck, and one of these wolves were massive! She growled none the less, "There are the culprits" and she emerged from behind the bush. "Hey!" She shouted, her eyes full of fire and her fur standing on edge "What are you doing with my lunch?" She asked
Moon felt her ears lift up as she heard a voice and suddenly a smell which smelt familiar and another which reminded her of a bad memory. Moon seen Aarre but she was scared of the clan female whose scent seemed to go into her brain. Moon crouched her ears flat to her head and tail tucked between her legs she hid behind Aarron hoping to feel safe. Moon felt herself shake with fear from the female yet strangely she felt a little comfort behind Aarron but that didn't mean she stopped shaking in fear at the female with the clan scent. Moon peeked around Aarron and stared at the female and another male and Aarre all happiness suspended around this female. 

Aaron hadn't yet taken a bite of the kill. He waited until Moon had taken her fair share, and while she was eating he surveyed the area. He became alert all of a sudden, his stance changing and he was standing tall as he listened to the approaching sound. He lowered his head. "Moon.." He said in a hushed voice, and his tail swept the ground behind him, his body becoming tense with anticipation. He looked around, and suddenly a small black wolf had leapt out in front of him. She appeared to be very demanding when referring to the food, and was no doubt bold.

Aaron looked at her through his good eye, not moving or making a sound. She carried the scent of the clans. Bold indeed, she was facing off against a couple of rogues. Moon hid behind Aaron, and he could sense her anxiety and will for him to defend her. A flash of images came to his mind all at once. Memories, and his eyes widened. Aaron lowered his defense, and his body eased up. He turned his head and spoke to Moon, "It's alright Moon, she's okay." He said. Then looking at the black she-wolf, who was hardly much older than a cub, he asked "What are you doing?" Dismissing the fact that she appeared poised to fight.
Chain sniffed the air the scent of the wolf behind the gigantic wolf seemed familiar and he tensed up not sure if it was good or bad. Then he seen her peak out from behind the massive wolf her silver and white pure fur shining bright in the sun. Chain looked at her then at the big wolf who was staring at the black  young female who was annoying. Chain looked at her again and then he knew she was moon but he didn't acknowledge her it might scare her because of what he did especially if she remember the best he could do now was watch over her. 
Gonna slow myself down..Aarre/Hae needs to catch up lol. Whoops.
Aarre ignored the rude wolf's question, and in fact ignored the female wolf now too. He had no interest in getting involved in this scuffle, the fur flew far to fast for his taste. He snorted loudly at them in frustration and then turned on heel and took off back in the direction he came. He had found himself missing the company of Aaron and Moon. 
What is going on?? He wondered to himself. Here he was, a rogue all his life, and he was missing the company of two strangers. He decided he would search for them a little and see if he could find them. If not, he would just have to continue on his way. But first.. he thought, I should hunt. I'm hungry! 
So he crouched low, sniffing the breeze. A rabbit rustled the grass to his left and he pounced. He missed, but the chase was a short one. After successfully catching and devouring his prey, Aarre resumed his wanderings, pausing occasionally to sniff the air for the scent of Moon and Aaron. 
Hae sniffed the morning air. It was thick with dew from the rain the night before. She trotted out from behind the waterfall and stared out at the crisp and clean forest before her. A rumble in her belly kept her from admiring the scenery for too long. She took a deep whiff of the air. Somewhere to her right she caught the scent of a herd of deer. She smiled to herself and took off in their direction. When she got closer, she crouched low and moved silently through the underbrush. The trees thinned out as she stalked forward, giving way to a large, grassy field. Six large deer were grazing calmly in the clearing, completely unaware of her presence. Locking onto a target, the smallest of the deer, Hae lunged out of her hiding. She latched onto the deers haunches, but it shook her off and sprang out into the forest. Angrily, Hae charged after it, bleeding from a cut on her shoulder inflicted by the doe's sharp hooves. It was a hard chase, as the deer were agile and quick, but they made one mistake. The doe led the herd into a small box canyon formed by some hills that had caved in. Trapped, the deer turned and charged in mass. Hae jumped to one side and waited, then sprang, snagging the doe she had already wounded. Both were exhausted, but Hae was stronger, and this time she easily subdued and killed her prey. She ate hungrily, thankful that she'd made this catch, then trotted off, leaving the rest for scavengers.

The setting takes place in a large continent divided by borders. The terrain changes from cold to hot, rocky to desolate depending on which direction you travel.
Imagine being the target of forty different neighboring clans you once had been in alliance with. Over the years, your clan and the others around you had enjoyed peace and prosperity. But the funny thing about alliances is that they require a great deal of trust. What happens when a few bad apples decide to keep secrets from the rest of the clans? A conspiracy to take over as head of the Forty Clans has been lurking in the shadows, and many wolves have disapeared without a trace. Evidence of betrayal points to your clan. Not surprisingly, the traitors in your clan refuse to give themselves up, so the entire clan takes the fall. The Forty Clans wipe out your home, and everyone in it. But by the skin of your teeth, you escape. You are alive, but if any of the other tribes found out it would spell the end for you. So you live on, without a name, without a clan. You are a ghost to the rest of the world. You have your freedom, but what do you choose to do with it? Are you one of the traitors, swearing to finish what you started in the first place? Or are you one of the innocent victims who have been forced to go rogue? Will you seek revenge? Or will you do what you can to keep the peace in the already hostile environment? The choice is yours, but watch your step.
You are either a rogue wolf or a member of the Forty Clans. The rest of the history is basically in the plot..

No controling each other's characters please

Violence will obviously happen, but please, nothing too graphic. We don't need every detail..

Romance? Eh..Whatever. But once again, these are WOLVES. PG PLEASE! Oy..

NO POWERS. This is not fantasy, besides the fact that the wolves can obviously talk..keep it as realistic as you can beyond that.

Odd acceptable. I don't really mind at all.

Have fun :) That's what we are here for people. Any questions, message me :)

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Clan Wolf
Rogue Wolf

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Smile (#18991)

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