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Lien  dreamed of her mother, and the way her father used to smile. She dreamed of the laughter, the smell of the roses that used to grow around their land. Thunder crashed. Lien opened her eyes to find her father in the opening of the cave mouth. He was dripping wet and the rain fell in sheets behind him. The lightning allowed for Lien to catch a glimpse of the anger in his eyes.

She lay there, not saying a word, but her father was not to remain silent. "What did you do to them" He asked, his voice monotone but full of authority. Lien watched him, her eyes wide, but she said nothing. Her father was becoming impatient. "Lien! You will tell me right now: what did you do to the high alphas' son!?" He stood over her now, expecting her to submit to him, but instead Lien scowled at him. Her clear, green eyes glared at him through the dark, and her father returned her sharp gaze. Lien sighed. "If mother were here she would understand." She said. Her father was stunned by her words, and froze up. Lien got to her feet and stood up to him. She was about to say something..she wanted to tell him how she felt, but gazing into his eyes, she saw that he would never understand.

In his eyes was the same distant, lost look that has always been there after the accident. He was too far gone. Lien felt her eyes well up, and she closed them tight. "I can't do this anymore!" She said, shaking her head. She ran past her father out the cave mouth and into the rain, disappearing into the night.

All around the wolves were running for their dens to get out of the rain. Lien was soon the only wolf left out in the open. The rain was falling so hard, she could barely see. She stopped and waiting, the rain beating down on her back and head. She looked around, there was no moon to guide her at the moment, but lightning flashed again, and she could see the way to the forest. She didn't hesitate for a second, but ran for it.

The rain washed away her tears. Her heart tugged at her. She hated the idea of leaving her father like that..leaving him at all. But she was a logical thinker. She knew that before long she would get over it. Living on her own would be no trouble, as she had practically raised herself. She would follow her instincts. She found a large, hollowed out tree, which had been knocked over no doubt by the strong wind. She fought against the storm, and soon was under cover in the bark log. She would remain there, until the rain slowed down.

Moon pranced along Aarron and Aarre all running for the safety of dryness the moon was completely out of sight and the rain started coming down harder than it did a moment ago and if it wasn't for being so close Moon was sure she would have lost her companions. "Oh my gosh its raining hard" Moon shouted over the thunder that was beginning off in the distance. Just then then Moon seen a small cave it appeared to the be the biggest cave she had ever seen but that might have just been her it appeared empty and would keep them out of the rain. "Come on lets just go in there for the night" moon said to her companions.
The rain started slow for a few seconds, then suddenly, with a mere flash of lightning to kick it off, it started to pour. Aaron looked around him, the others with him were hardly detectable between the dark, and the rain. He listened as Moon pointed out a cave. It would have to do. "Right," He shouted "Let's go!" and he took the lead, with the other two trailing behind him. He felt the dressing start to unravel, and it soon ripped and fell as he was running. He muttered something, but no one could have heard it over the sound of the rain. Making it to the cave at last, he ran inside. His fur was glued to his skin, allowing for one to see his muscular build easier, along with his scars. He watched as the others caught up, and he shook off his coat. His dressing was gone. Sitting down, he looked out into the rain and laughed to himself. Today just isn't my day. he thought aloud.
Moon shook herself off in the cave her wet fur made her seem smaller because it clung to her skin but she was proud to say she had thick fur so there was no bald spots because of the rain. Then when she was partially dry she looked at Aarron and ignored his injured eye"Wow you have a beautiful eye color" she said turning her hear to look at it better.Moon then looked at Aarre who looked like a blob of brown and grey fur and let out a laugh. Just then thunder sounded off in the distance cutting her laugh short "We should probably get some sleep its good for you" she said. Moon walked to a corner of the cave walked in a circled and laid down. "Don't either of you leave" she said and closed her eyes.

Aaron watched as the other two entered the cave soaking wet, and he walked over to them. Moon was as peppy as ever, even in the torrential rain. He couldn't understand it, and he tilted his big head in confusion. He was caught off guard when she looked at him the way she did. She looked past his scars and the blood stains in his fur, into his eyes..and she complimented him. Aaron hesitated, but with a genuine look on his face, he looked back at her. "Thanks." He said simply. It was something so strange to say, but he smiled faintly to himself after she turned away.

Aaron watched as the others got ready to sleep. He nodded, and realized he was still very tired from his travels. He walked to the far end of the huge cave, out of the way, and made himself comfortable. Finally, he laid his big head on his paws, and before long, he was drifting off into sleep.

The night was over now. The forest was still and peaceful, with not a sound but that of the morning birds chirping happily. The trees overhead were still dripping from the storm, but now the sun had broken through the clouds with its soft rays, which warmed the earth. A drop of water dripped from the lip of the log, landing on Lien's nose, causing her to stir. Opening her eyes, she looked around. She grunted as she shifted, her body stiff from having been laying on a hard tree all night.

Coming too, she saw large trees all around her. "Right." She said, remembering that she was a runaway. Her stomach rumbled to break the morning peace. It was past her breakfast time. Getting up, she decided to take a look around. Hopefully she would find herself a decent meal.


Aarre felt uncomfortable and suddenly out of place. The sensation he had had earlier, that nagging belief that he would find what he was searching for by following these two, had left. He now just felt like the third wheel. He was tagging along and clearly the odd man out. 
When they're both asleep, I'll leave then, Aarre thought to himself. So he followed them into the cave, shook the rain from his fur, and curled up near the entrance of the cave. Facing both Moon and Aaron, Aarre could watch them drift off into slumber. When he heard faint rumbling snores coming from one of them, he rose silently to his feet. Taking one last look at them, Aarre padded noiselessly out of the cave. 

Once outside, he stared up at the sky. It was beginning to dawn now. Rosy pink tinged the clouds near the horizon. Aarre headed towards that glow, with no clue where he was headed, but sure there would be something interesting to find along the way. 

Lien had been on the trail of something. Something big. When she was on the hunt, she was stealthy and focused, and didn't allow time for any distractions. The ground was wet and muddy, and hoof tracks were left imprinted in the ground. Lien followed them quickly, stopping every now and then to sniff the air. That's when she noticed something. Another scent was mingled in with that of the prey she was stalking. Her stomach rumbled. Lien stopped in her tracks and looked around. She stood her ground and her muscles tensed up. She was not willing to share her prey. Such was her sense of pride. She would rather let the prey get away than share it with a wandering stranger.

She realized that the scent was unfamiliar. Rogue. She was one of the only clan wolves aware of their existence..maybe the only one. She remembered spotting one only once, when she was younger, in the spot she used to go to be alone and train. She dug her claws into the earth, and pin pointed the direction the stranger must have been coming from. "Who's out there?" she barked. Again, her stomach growled.

Moon felt her ear twitch as she dreamed of some thing she could not remember.Images of a wolf who she called mother yet she only remembered her father who was the alpha who called her weak and scrawny.Moon whined in her sleep and then she opened her eyes the sun wasn't quite in the sky but moon got up anyway. Moon looked around the cave and seen Aarron but no sign of Aarre. Moon walked outside hoping to see him or find his scent but there was no sign of him the rain washed his scent away which meant he left at night and moon felt her ears droop down this wasn't the first time she had lost a companion. Just then there was a noise in a bush Moon looked at the bush and felt herself growl. Then a rabbit came out and Moon let out a sigh. "Aarron we should leave" Moon said from outside the cave. 
Aarre heard the voice call out. It was an unfamiliar bark, but the scent in the air mingled with the unmistakeably superiority in the voice told Aarre volumes. The wolf ahead was a clan wolf. Aarre hated run-ins with clan wolves, since they usually led to some sort of a brutal fight. Normally he would go to great lengths to avoid the clan wolf, but this morning was different. As uncomfortable as Aarre had felt with Moon and Aaron, since he felt like a tag-along and like they sometimes didn't even notice him for watching each other, he missed the company. He, a rogue wolf, had realized he enjoyed the company of friends. 
Because of this loneliness, Aarre did something he'd never done before. He walked up to the clan wolf, tensed just in case of trouble, and said, "Hello. I am Aarre. And you are?" 
Aaron felt the warm sun resting on his face, and he opened his eyes without moving. His ears perked when Moon called his name. He growled at the sound and leapt to his feet, snarling at her and bearing his teeth. He had been dreaming things, and it affected his whole demeanor. He had to take a few moments before he realized where he was, and who he was with. Then, his muscles relaxed, and his body language followed. He looked around confused, then back at Moon. "I'm..sorry about that." He said, trying his best to sound like he meant it. Silence followed. Then he looked around. "Where's Aarre?" He said, surprised that he remembered his name at all. It had been so long since he actually took the time to socialize and make acquintances, he hardly remembered his own name at times.
Lien had been standing firm. Her face was calm, her eyes focused and watching her surroundings, but her stance was that of a wolf ready to fight. She had a sense of professionalism and authority about her that was uncanny for someone of her age. Soon, she heard rustling coming from the direction in which she was looking. She braced herself. In no time, a tall male wolf emerged from the brush, and approached her. Lien locked eyes on him. He had introduced himself, and was waiting for her to return the favor. But she remained silent. She analysed him, looking him over from head to toe, and when she determined he was not a threat, she loosened up, and her expression changed. She smiled a small, mischeivous smile. She was a sight next to him. For starters, she was much smaller, and her coat was a mess, but she seemed to carry herself with dignity and strength. "Lien. Were you after my lunch? Because you know, if you were, I would have to kill you for making me lose track of it." she said, but this time she was not smiling, and it was hard to tell if she was serious or just messing with him.

Chain had been minding his own business stalking his prey when all of a sudden two other wolves where chasing his prey also first a female then a male. Chain felt anger boil in his mind and he was very angry. Just then they where talking to each other they talked nonchalantly which meant they didn't know each other. Chain stepped out of his spot and bared his teeth his ears where flat against his head and his fur was sticking up"You chased away my prey" he growled showing his perfectly sharp white teeth his eyes where glaring. Chain didn't care who they where he wanted to know why they had interfered with him.
Moon stared up at Aarron and smiled at him she knew how some wolves became like this from a hard past plus he had said sorry to her. "Where's Aarre?"  Aarron asked her. Moon looked up at him "I don't know he left last night while we slept" she said. Then moon looked out at the forest then looked at Aarron and smiled her eyes twinkling. "We should probably catch something for breakfast" she felt herself say practically jumping up and down. Just then Moon looked at Aarron and smiled "You can probably catch big prey I will help" she said and trotted ahead taking the lead.

The setting takes place in a large continent divided by borders. The terrain changes from cold to hot, rocky to desolate depending on which direction you travel.
Imagine being the target of forty different neighboring clans you once had been in alliance with. Over the years, your clan and the others around you had enjoyed peace and prosperity. But the funny thing about alliances is that they require a great deal of trust. What happens when a few bad apples decide to keep secrets from the rest of the clans? A conspiracy to take over as head of the Forty Clans has been lurking in the shadows, and many wolves have disapeared without a trace. Evidence of betrayal points to your clan. Not surprisingly, the traitors in your clan refuse to give themselves up, so the entire clan takes the fall. The Forty Clans wipe out your home, and everyone in it. But by the skin of your teeth, you escape. You are alive, but if any of the other tribes found out it would spell the end for you. So you live on, without a name, without a clan. You are a ghost to the rest of the world. You have your freedom, but what do you choose to do with it? Are you one of the traitors, swearing to finish what you started in the first place? Or are you one of the innocent victims who have been forced to go rogue? Will you seek revenge? Or will you do what you can to keep the peace in the already hostile environment? The choice is yours, but watch your step.
You are either a rogue wolf or a member of the Forty Clans. The rest of the history is basically in the plot..

No controling each other's characters please

Violence will obviously happen, but please, nothing too graphic. We don't need every detail..

Romance? Eh..Whatever. But once again, these are WOLVES. PG PLEASE! Oy..

NO POWERS. This is not fantasy, besides the fact that the wolves can obviously talk..keep it as realistic as you can beyond that.

Odd acceptable. I don't really mind at all.

Have fun :) That's what we are here for people. Any questions, message me :)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Clan Wolf
Rogue Wolf

Second RP Master
Smile (#18991)

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