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Seth and Shadow were watching Wolfsbayne and Ghost practice dueling in the sky. Seth then saw Angelica painting. Angel was buillding something out of clay. "We need to make something for that Blood Oath Celebration," said Seth. Shadow nodded. He then walked off. Seth found a nice large stone. He grabbed some tools and went to work on the stone. He finished his masterpiece in two hours. In front of him was a statue of he and Shadod made out of stone. Seth painted it and let it dry. Shadow came back with a small tree the size of Seth's arm. The tree had been formed to look like a roaring dragon head. He didn't let Seth see it though. The four of them hid their creativities for the celebration. Seth and Angelica sat next to each other. "What's wrong handsome?" asked Angelica.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" Seth asked. "Because it's true," said Angelica. The two were quiet. "If you want me to stop, I'll qui-" "No you're good," Seth said, smiling. Angelica smiled and scooted closer to him. "You're fun to be around Seth," said Angelica. "Thanks," said Seth. They watched as Angel tackled Shadow to the ground. Seth laughed. Angelica did too. The two saw Angel lick Shadow on the cheek. Seth's eyes widened. He saw Angelica blush. Seth watched the two dragons enter the house. Angelica looked at Seth. Seth looked at her. Angelica leaned in. As did Seth. The two were stopped by a growl. They turned to see a giant lizard, ugly in the face.
Caleb was watching TV when he heard a knock at his door. Caleb went to get it. "Who is it?" he asked. "It's your friends," said six people. Caleb opened the door and saw his friends Vick, Stacy, Daniel, Foster, Haley, and Brianna. They had their dragons Vahstie, Strickland, Aro, Rocky, Jody, and Pearl. "What are you guys doing here?" Caleb asked. Vinezilla appeared behind him. "We want you to hang with us now," said Vick. Caleb sighed and went outside with Vinezilla. He and the dragon played soccer with the other dragons. Daniel and aro were old enough to leave. "I think it's time for me and Aro to join the Riders in Farthen Dur," he said. Caleb thought. "Why?" he asked. "Aro's only five months. He can't breathe fire yet," said Caleb. "We're ready," thought Aro.
Caleb sat down. He remembered Seth's mother saying he ran away and no one seeing him. "I think Seth's in Farthen Dur," he said. They all looked at him. "What makes you thinl Seth is with the Riders?" asked Haley. "Because his new dragon was bonded," said Caleb. "I believe he was found and taken to Farthen Dur to train," said Caleb. His friend guffawed. "I'm serious," said Caleb. "One day me and Vinezilla are gonna find him and bring him home safe," said Caleb. "That's right," thought Vinezilla. Caleb was ready to search now, but knew he needed more school time. "Just give me..... six months," said Caleb. "Seth will be here wiith his dragon and the other Riders," said Caleb. "Let's just hope the dungeon people don't get him," said Brianna. Caleb wantted to kill the dungeon people.
Seth and Angelica yelled and leaped to the ground as the lizard attacked. "What the heck is that?" asked Seth. "DUNGEON LIZARD!" yelled Angelica. Wolfsbayne leaped from the trees and tackled the lizard. Ghost and Aiden appeared from the front of the house and attacked as well Randy and Sarah came running out of the house, swords held high. Four dunegon people came and attacked. Randy killed two while Sarah slew the other two. Wolfsbayne and the first lizard tussled. Two more lizards appeared. Ghost and Aiden attacked them. Seth and Angelica ran over to Shadow and Angel. Angelica and Angel hugged. Shadow leaped over Seth and bit down on another smaller lizard. This one was Shadow's size. The two fought. "Shadow!" Seth yelled. Five more dungeon people advanced. Randy and Sarah took care of them. Aiden killed the lizard he fought. Ghost killed the lizard he fought, but was injured. Seth made his way to Shadow, stick in hand. The lizard had Shadow pinned down. Shadow growled and kicked it away. He then bit skin.
Shadow shook the lizard. Seth arrived and struck the lizard upside the head. He then grabbed Shadow and pulled him away uttering, "Brisingr!" The lizard caught on black flames. It shrieked, causing Seth to cover his ears. Wolfsbayne and the lizard wrestled towards a tree. The lizard did serious damage to Wolfsbayne. Wolfsbayne bit down on the lizard's neck. Randy and Sarah finished killing the dungeon people with Ghost and Aiden's help. Another came out of nowhere. "Jierda!" yelled Angelica. A large rock struck the dungeon person, cracking his skull. Angelica laughed. Seth and Shadow ran over to them. Aiden and Ghost flew towards Wolfsbayne. The lizard had Wolfsbayne by the throat. It shook his head and snapped Wolfsbayne's neck, killing him. "NO!" yelled them all. Seth uttered, "Deyja!" He hadn't even known it. The lizard died instantly.
Caleb and Vinezilla walked with their friends to Caleb's backyard. The dragons played around, but Vinezilla started training. "I think we should be training too," said Caleb. "Since when did you start listening?" asked Brianna. "I want to be ready," said Caleb. "This is our time to relax," said Haley. Caleb was silent. Vinezilla was waeving through his obstacles. Soon, Vinezilla would be taught to fly and breathe fire. Caleb couldn't wait to ride the green dragon and own his very own sword. After that, Caleb's friends and their dragons left, except Daniel and Aro. "We're gonna leave tomorrow Caleb," said Daniel. Caleb shook his head. "If we get to Farthen Dur by then, we could find Seth and bring him home," said Daniel. Caleb looked down and then the two man hugged. Daniel then adjusted Aro's saddle and climbed onto the orange dragon's back. "We are off!" thought Aro. The dragon flew into the sky, roaring. Vinezilla mewed after him. Caleb sighed. Two of his best friends were breaking away.
Caleb was lying on his bed, reading a book about Eragon's life. "Vinezilla, did you know that Eragon's cousin Roran is somehow still alive?" Caleb lied. Vinezilla scowled at him. "I'm kidding," said Caleb. He then read about how Eragon found the eggs, Eldunari, and Cuaroc. "I wanna meet Cuaroc," said Caleb. He then closed the book and turned off his lamp. Caleb took a shower, got dressed, and went to bed. Vinezilla snuggled up next to him. The dragon was warm to the touch. Caleb then dreamed about him flying in the sky on Vinezilla. Suddenly, black shadow descended on them. Vinezilla whirled around and heard a roar. Black fire came at them, followed by a war cry. Caleb pulled out a green sword and fought the Rider of the now seen dragon. Caleb then woke up when he dropped his sword and got wounded on his left side.
Seth looked down at the dead lizard. "Did that word really come out of my mouth?" he thouht. Randy came over to him. "Where'd you learn that word from?" he asked. "Nowhere. It just came out of my mouth, like Jierda did," said Seth. Randy's eyes widened. "You just uttered one of the twelve words of death," said Randy. Seth gasped. They then heard Aiden and Ghost keening, as well as Angel. Shadow was comforting her. Sarah and Angelica were crying over Wolfsbayne's corpse. Randy started to cry too. Seth was about to leak a tear when he felt another mind somewhere in the trees. Seth walked into them and gasped. "Guys look at this!" he yelled. They all came running over to him. They all gasped as they saw a purple crystal like ball in front of them. It was glowing. "Wolfsbayne's Eldunari!" exclaimed Sarah. "He must've gorged from it before the fight," said Randy. Seth smiled. They all greeted Wolfsbayne. He greeted them, laughing and saying how he almost had them. "Now you can't fight anymore," said Seth. "Aye."
Randy brought Wolfsbayne's Eldunari into town. Seth and Shadow went with him to get to their fancy room. Angelica and Angel stopped at the food stand. Seth opened his room door and saw something on his bed. He lifted it up and saw that it was a dagger. "Someone's either given you weapon as a gift, or it's a threat," growled Shadow. Sethh read a note on it. "This is frim me to you," he read. "From Arya," he said. Arya gave him a nice looking dagger. Seth chuckled as he stabbed the air. Shadow flicked his tail and Seth took a shower. He then placed on his night clothes and got into bed. Shadow curled up next to him. Seth said goodnight, as well as Shadow. The two the went to sleep. Seth began to dream. He dreamt that he was flying on Shadow, who was now big. Suddenly, Shadow flew down. He roared and Seth saw a green dragon with a Rider. Shadow blew black fire at them. Seth let loose a war cry and battled the Rider in the air with swords. Seth knocked the Rider's sword away and wounded his left side. Seth awoke.
Caleb heard that the Blood Oath Celebration was coming up. He got up, brushed his teeth, and got dressed. Vinezilla woke up, shook himself, and yawned. The two went downstairs and saw Caleb's dad cooking breakfast. "Morning dad," he said. "Mornin' son," said his dad. His mom came into the kitchen. She kissed his father and then him. "Good morning Vinezilla," she said. Morning mother said Vinezilla. The four of them ate and then Caleb and Vinezilla went to school. When they arrived, they saw Daniel and Aro. Aro had his saddle ready. Daniel had his tunic and orange sword, Sunset. Everyone was crowded aroudn them. Caleb and Vinezilla pushed through. "Today is the day Aro and I join the Riders in Farthen Dur," said Daniel. Aro nodded. Vinezilla keened. Caleb comforted him. Daniel got on Aro's back. "We'll see you all in a year or so," said Daniel. He then looked down at Caleb. "See ya' later little brother," he said. Caleb leaked a tear. Aro shot into the air, roaring. Everyone waved goodbye. Vinezilla held his head down. "It's like he's going off to college," said Monica, who was arriving with Daisy. "Yeah," said Caleb. The two hugged. Vinezilla and Daisy nuzzled. "Come on. Let's start making something for the Blood Oath Celebration," said Monica. The four of them walked into the school. Caleb made a poem. Vinezilla made a sculpture. Monica made a very fancy necklace. Daisy made a nice painting. They then hid their projects. As lunch came, Caleb and Vinezilla sat outside, looking up at the sky. "I can't wait until you're grown," Caleb said. Why? asked Vinezilla. "I'll be able to ride you to Farthen Dur and join my brother and possibly Seth," said Caleb. Oh. Well I'm gonna have to keep training said Vinezilla. Caleb chuckled. The two then ate with Monica and Daisy. Caleb and Monica started going out after school was over. Vinezilla and Daisy were destined to be together.
Linnea had everyone ready and their artworks packed up to go to Ellesmira. She'd been made fully aware of Naruto's resident who apparently could speak to Naruto. She'd explain it to the guardian of the city telepathicaly. The forigners were going to do some sort of performance for their display of art. Linnea herself had made a farth of a memory from her training days. Arget was going to be embarresed he'd been a chick at the time. It was their reflections in a pond hanging from a tree. Linnea by her knees Arget by his tail making silly faces mid afternoon, back in the innocent years of their lives. Some moments you never forget no matter how long you live. Now older and wiser she knew how precious those moments can be. They arrived before the party had begun, so Linnea would have some time to give the newcomers a tour and have some time to remanice about her training years. Romances, old freinds long gone, everything she'd learned seen and done so far. The kid Naruto followed her at times and they talked, The boy's teacher had more questions. Sakura asked for some advice from her as a woman, and Sauske was trying to figure out how to get a dragon to like him so he could have it slaughter his brother. Linnea tried to make the kid let it go and just live his life. "Sauske if a dragon chooses you it will not be so you can take revenge so you may as well drop that, and just live life. You survived the massacre but you have yet to actually LIVE your life. A dragon is a life partner through the good and the bad. They share your pain and your joy. I've asked Arget why he picked me many times. Want to know what he said?" "What?" "Because I held only love, kindness, and a fighting spirit inside me. If I had known hatred he wouldn't have chosen me. We've argued like all relationships having a dragon partner isn't so easy. We don't always agree, we're not perfect." "So you're telling me to let the man who murdered my family go?" "No I'm telling you not to obsess over it, it also seems that he might have had a reason other than a fit of madness... When you get to be as old as I am you learn things are never as they seem. The man was your brother, I've seen older siblings act as if they were mad for their younger sibling's sake. I'd have to examine his mind to be certain. For now be at peace enjoy the blood oath celebration, make memories for a life well lived."
Seth and Shadow woke up. Seth got dressed and the two left with Seth's dagger. They both saw Murtagh and Thorn in the courtyard. Murtagh was making breakfast while Thorn slept. "Want some?" Murtagh called. "Yes please," said Seth. He and Shadow ate with Murtagh. A roar pierced the sky as Seth was finishing up. Thorn woke up and they all saw Ghost in the sky. Randy, Angelica, and Angel were on his back. Thorn moved a bit as Ghost prepared to land. Seth and Shadow bowed as Ghost landed. Randy and Angel leaped from his back. Seth ran over to help Angelica down. "Morning," she said with a smile. "Morning," said Seth.
Vinezilla was chasing a rat. The plump rodent was cutting around obstacles. Vinezilla was too. "Come on Vinezilla, get him!" yelled Caleb. "I'm trying," thought the dragon. He was gaining on the rat. "I almost got you," growled Vinezilla. The rat shrieked. Vinezilla growled and tackled the rat. He grabbed the rat by the neck and killed it. Vinezilla gave a victory cry and threw the rat into the air. Vinezilla sprang into the air, leaping twelve feet into the air. Caleb thought his saw the dragon's wings open up and flap. Vinezilla caught the rat and ate it. "That's how ya' do it!" yelled Caleb. Vinezilla pranced around. He then sneezed, little green embers shooting from his nose. "Whoa!" said Caleb. Vinezilla was stunned.
The Blood Oath Celebration was in three more days. Caleb had to prepare. His project for it was done. He looked around. "I need to think of something else to do as well," said Caleb. He then remembered the jump Vinezilla did. "I know. I'll let Vinezilla do tricks in the air while I throw him platform plates," said Caleb. "I'm not a dog Caleb," thought Vinezilla. "Come on Vine," said Caleb. Vinezilla shook his head. Caleb grabbed some deer deat and threw it into the air. Vinezilla growled leaped into the air. He span around and caught the meat, twelve feet into the air. Vinezilla used his wings to parachute down. "I think you're ready to start practicing your flying lessons," said Caleb. Vinezilla scowled. The two then worked on the jumping thing.

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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