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Aphelia cheered with the other dragons. She and Thorn nuzzled. Aiden flew over to Aphelia. "We did it and we're alive!" he exclaimed. Aphelia and Aiden nuzzled. Sarah hugged them both. Murtagh patted Thorn. Eragon and Arya hugged Saphira and Firnen. "Now let's party!" exclaimed Sarah. They all went to the party. Aphelia and Thorn hummed and rocked to the music. Aiden was lying down next to Ghost and Sarah. Angelica and Angel were with them, looking down at Randy's grave. Aphelia felt sorry for them. She then remembered her eggs. "Come," she thought to Thorn. The two dragons flew back to the temple. They entered and greeted Wolfsbayne. They then looked down at the eggs. "They are beautiful," thought Thorn. Aphelia smiled. "The black and red one is a little weak, but will pull through," thought Aphelia. Thorn nodded. They nuzzled. They rejoined the party. "This is the best day of my life!" exclaimed Aphelia with a mighty roar. She sent a torrent of gold and red flames into the air. She then spiraled in the air.
Seth heard the Riiders and dragons cheering. He smiled and threw over the leader's head. He then turned to Sophia, Roslin, and Shadow. "We got them," he said. Sophia nodded and the two hugged. They then sheathed their swords and climbed onto their dragons' backs. "Let's go!" exclaimed Seth. Shadow and Roslin roared and flew off the cliffs. They joined the Riders and dragons on the way home. Rippleback greeted them. Coal ran under them. When they arrived, they all partied. Seth walked up to Angelica. She threw herself at him and hugged him. Seth and Angelica kissed passionately. "I love you Seth," she said. "I love you too," said Seth. Shadow and Angel nuzzled. They then performed the mating ritual and flew off. Seth and Angelica danced. They then ate. Angelica looked at Randy's grave one last time. "I'm glad we're all still alive," said Seth. "Me too," said Angelica. Seth smiled. He then sat back, Angelica in his arms. "We did alright for a bunch of teens," said Seth. Angelica giggled. She then kissed him.
Caleb saw Seth over with Angelica. He and Monica made their way over to them. "Hey buddy," said Caleb. (I got permission to speak for Spino345) "What's up Caleb?" asked Seth. The two man hugged. "Hey, you kicked butt out there man," said Caleb. "Thanks bro. You too," said Seth. Caleb looked at Angelica. "I'm sorry your brother had to die," said Monica. "It's ok. I'm sorry your father had to die," said Angelica. Monica nodded. "So. Our dragons have just flown off to God knows where to mate. What do you guys wanna' do now?" asked Caleb. He saw Seth thinking. Caleb smiled. "How about I keep your mother's promise and bring you home?" asked Caleb. Monica and Angelica gasped. They looked at Seth, who was shocked as well. "She'll accept you buddy. She's your mother and it's been six months since you saw her," said Caleb. "The time is now. We'll leave first thing in the morning," said Caleb. "Agreed?" Caleb asked all three of them. "Agreed," said Monica. "Agreed," said Angelica. Caleb looked at Seth. "Well?"
Aphelia walked over to the two couples. "Before you agree Seth, let me tell you about your father," thought Aphelia. "Your father, Seth Alvin McClain Sr., received his dragon at the age of thirteen," thought Aphelia. "His dragon, a silver male named Sultan, was his best partner," thought Aphelia. "Seth received his silver sword at the age of fifteen and named it Ivory," she thought. "He and Sultan met your mom when your father turned twenty," thought Aphelia. "The two got married when Seth was twenty-three and had you nine months later," thought Aphelia. "When you were eight months old, your father left with Sultab on a mission with the Riders," thought Aphelia. "He fought with the Dungeon People and was sneekly killed by the leader," thought Aphelia. "Sultan was killed by his lizard," she thought.
Seth was shocked to hear what Aphelia was saying. His father became a Rider at the age of thirteen, got a silver dragon named Sultan, got his sword at fifteen, married his mom at twenty-three, and had Seth nine months later. Seth had to sit down. "So it was a sneak attack on my father?" asked Seth. He sighed. "Well if he had a sword, where is it?" asked Seth. "And the armor that Sultan wore?" asked Angelica. "I know who can tell you that," said a voice. They turned to see Arya. "If you do go back, head to the police station. The third friend works there with his dragon," she said. She then walked off. Seth looked at Caleb. "Agreed. We're leaving first thing in the morning," he said. "Just the four of us and our dragons," said Seth. Angelica smiled and kissed Seth. Seth looked at Caleb. "I hope you're right about my mom," he said. "She better accept us or I'm never going back again," said Seth. Two hours later, Shadow and Angel came back. Seth, Shadow, and Rippleback went to sleep in the tree house.
Linnea had everything set to go. In a few days time she'd go ahead, Itachi had become both her lover and assistant. For now she and Arget needed rest. Three of her students and Itachi would be joining her for this journey. They'd establish a base of operations and public relations, paving the way for the others. Arget wanted Fang and Lin to join the campaign after seeing them handle themselves during the battle. That Pein man she'd have to assassinate from a distance. If he could send Arget flying like that he was dangerous. Linnea skipped the party and went to research the Akatsuki, all the information the foreign allies, the riders, and Itachi had was at her disposal. Deidara would make a favorable ally, but his loyalties were not garunteed. Linnea had to be careful with him. Itachi could be trusted so could the others, but the blond was a wild card. He wanted his freedom and revenge. One Linnea could grant the other she would not. The guy would have to decide if vengance was worth it, and who it was against...
Caleb nodded at what Seth said. Two hours later, Vinezilla and Daisy came back. "Had fun?" teased Caleb. Vinezilla grinned. Caleb and Monica kissed. Caleb, Vinezilla, and Coal went back to their tree house, while Monica and Daisy went back to theirs. Caleb took a shower and then put on his night clothes. He got into bed. Coal slept at the edge of the bed. Vinezilla flew up to the top of the tree house where the opening for him was. He flew in and landed. Vinezilla yawned and went to sleep. Caleb stayed awake a bit. He thought about how Monica lost her father, Flame's Rider. He thought about how Angelica lost her brother, Ghost's Rider and Sarah's boyfriend. Last, he thought about how Brianna lost her dragon. "I thank God I didn't lose Vinezilla, Coal, Monica, Daniel & Aro, Seth, or anyone of my loved ones," said Caleb. Caleb looked over at his sheathed sword, Oakmar. Caleb had killed many of those Dungeon People with it. He smiled about that. Caleb then went to sleep, dreaming about Monica and he.
Aphelia and Thorn went on a hunt. They caught some deer and then ate them cooked. "What do we do now?" asked Aphelia. "I guess we wait for our hatchlings to hatch so that we could raise them right," thought Thorn. Aphelia then remembered. "We forgot which ones would be bonded!" she exclaimed. "That's right," thought Thorn. The two dragons flew to the Crags of Telnaeir and talked with Eragon and Saphira. All four of them flew back to the temple where the eggs were waiting. "Ok Aphelia. Which eggs would you like to be bonded?" asked Eragon. Aphelia thought. She then looked at each egg. "I want the black and gold one, the black and red one, and one of the dark indigo ones to be bonded," she thought. "Very well," said Eragon. He then said some spells and the eggs Aphelia chose were became bonded. Aphelia and Thorn thanked Eragon and Saphira. Murtagh arrived and he left with Thorn. Aphelia yawned and said goodnight to Wolfsbayne. She curled up in her aclove, careful not to crush the eggs, and went to sleep.
Seth woke up. He got dressed and brushed his teeth. Seth then hooked on his sword's sheath. Seth sheathed Deyja as well. "Rip," said Seth. The Fanghur woke up and looked at him. "I want you to stay with master Eragon and Saphira until we get back. Got it?" asked Seth. Rippleback nodded and went back to sleep. Seth chuckled. He went outside and Shadow flew down to him. "Morning," they both thought. Seth leaped onto his dragons's back. Shadow flew to the Crags of Telnaeir where Seth told Eragon what he was doing. Eragon agreed and Seth and Shadow flew off to Farthen Dur. Angelica and Angel met up with them. "Good morning," Angelica said. "Morning," said Seth. Shadow and Angel nuzzled. The four them then flew to Caleb's tree house. Shadow and Angel flew up to where Vinezilla was sleeping. "Caleb! Wake your sleepy behind up! We gotta' go!" yelled Seth. Angelica giggled. Monica arrived with Daisy. "He's still not up?" she asked. "Nope," said Seth. Shadow and Angel flew down with Vinezilla. Vinezilla nuzzled Daisy.
Caleb awoke to someone yelling outside and the flapping of wings. Coal was also licking him in the face. "Alright I'm up. I'm up," groaned Caleb. He got dressed and brushed his teeth. "You ready to go see mom and dad?" Caleb asked Coal. The black wolf barked and wagged his tail. Caleb smiled and patted him on the head. Caleb then hooked on Oakmar's sheath and sheathed it. Caleb and Coal went outside and saw Seth, Shadow, Angelica, Angel, Monica, Daisy, and Vinezilla waiting for him. "Sorry I'm late. I was dreaming about a good dream," said Caleb. "Was it about me?" asked Monica. "Heck yeah," said Caleb, smiling. Monica giggled and the two kissed. Caleb got on Vinezilla's back and said, "Good morning." "Good morning Caleb," thought the green dragon. Monica got on Daisy's back. "Wait. How are you going to move Coal? He's as big as a horse," said Monica. Caleb looked at the Shrrg. "Vinezilla, will you carry him?" asked Caleb. "Sure," thought Vinezilla. He picked up the large wolf. "Let's go," said Caleb.
Seth laughed and was about to climb onto Shadow. "Hold on," said Angelica. Seth looked at her. He stood on his two feet. "What?" he asked. Angelica grabbed his ears and the two kissed. "I just wanted to do that," she said, smiling that wonderful and lovely smile. Seth grinned. The two got on their dragons. "Let's fly!" exclaimed Seth. Shadow, Angel, Daisy, and Vinezilla roared. The four dragons flew into the air. The four dragons flew side by side. Seth looked down at Coal, who didn't seem troubled. Seth then looked forward. He looked at Angelica and she blew him a kiss. Seth caught it and held it to his chest. Angelica smiled. Shadow and Angel talked to each other as they flew. Seth knew that in five months or so, his partner would be a proud father. "To think I just found you six months ago," thought Seth. Shadow smiled. They flew on. Seth would stop by the station first before they went to his house. He had to hear about his father and Sultan badly from the surviving third friend. "I wonder who he is?"
Caleb peered over at Monica. He winked at her. Monica giggled and kissed at him. Caleb smiled and patted Vinezilla. "We should reach the town in two hours," he thought. "I know. I'm the one that flew you here, remember?" asked the dragon. Caleb chuckled. He then looked at Monica. "What are you going to tell your mom?" he asked with his mind. "I'm gonna' have to tell her that dad died. Simple as that," she thought back. "Flame should have come with us," thought Monica. "You're right," thought Caleb. Just then, Flame appeared behind them. "Daddy!" exclaimed Daisy. "What? You thought I would let you go without me, Daniel, and Aro?" he asked. "Wait. What?" asked Caleb. Daniel and Aro appeared behind the red dragon. "I wanna' see mom and dad too," thought Daniel. Aro released a bugle. Caleb chuckled. "Then I guess we're ALL going," he thought. Two hours went by. They had finally reached the town. "We made it," said Caleb. "We're home," said Monica. Vinezilla, Flame, Daisy, Aro, Shadow, and Angel landed.
Seth was surprised to see Fame, Daniel, and Aro appear behind them. "I guess they're joing us too," he thought. "Well they do have to see their family," thought Shadow. "Yeah," thought Angelica and Angel. Two hours later, they reached the town. "Here we are," said Seth. The dragons landed in front of the police station. "The town's nice from the sky," said Angel. "And on the ground," said Angelica. Seth chuckled. He then turned to the police station. "Alright. Let's find my dad and your uncle's third friend," he said to Caleb. "I'll go to find your mother," thought Flame to Monica. "I'll come with you," said Monica. She kissed Caleb and Flame, Daisy, and Monica flew off. "I'm going to find our parents," said Daniel. He flew off with Aro. Seth, Shadow, Angelica, Angel, Caleb,and Vinezilla entered the station. Coal ran off, following Aro. They all looked around, greeting officers. "McClain Jr. and Jones," said a voice. Seth turned to see a cop with a big stomach and a red beard. "Hey Officer Collins" said Seth.
Caleb nodded as Daniel, Aro, and Coal took off. He wanted Monica to stay, but he knew she had business to take care of. As they entered, Caleb could smell doughnuts and coffee. He saw the cops walking around, some being followed by dragons. He then heard a familiar voice. Caleb turned to see Officer Collins. "Hey Collins," said Caleb. "How are you two doing?" asked the red bearded man. "We're fine," said Seth (got permssion). Collins looked at Angelica and their dragons. "Three young Riders. Who might you be little lady?" he asked. "I'm Angelica, Seth's girlfriend," said Angelica. Collin smiled. He then examined Seth. "Caleb, what happened to him?" he asked. "Little McClain here looks like an elf," he said. "The Blood-oath Celebration and the prophecy," said Caleb. "Ah. Your father knew tthis would happen," said Collins. Caleb looked at Collins. "You knew Seth's father right?" asked Caleb. "Of course. Now that you're here and older, I can now tell you that I'm the third friend who survived," said Collins.
Seth almost stumbled back. He looked at Collins. "You were the one that survived?" he asked. "Of course. Me and Aries," said Collins, gesturing to his large, red-orange dragon. The male dragon lowered his head and thought, "Sultan and Forest were my best friends." Vinezilla grunted a bit. "Ya' see, I met Seth and your uncle in middle school when all three of us got our dragons," said Collins. "I think it was in the...seventh grade?" asked Collins. "Yes," thought Aries. Seth was surprised. "Yeah, all three of us were buds. Then we grew up and joined the Riders," said Collins. "I dread the day your father and your uncle was killed," said Collins. "It should've been me because it was my fault," said Collins. Seth got angry. He almost drew Deyja when Shadow stopped him. "Careful Seth," he thought. "I thought I ccould take on the leader myself. Turns out I was wrong," said Collins. "Collins got cocky and Seth had to intervene," thought Aries sadly. "We were then pinned down by magic from a wicked magician."

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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