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(Lol. I counted seven eggs, not eight.) Seth, Shadow, Angelica, Angel, Sophia, Roslin, and Rippleback made it to the gates. More Riders and their dragons were arriving. Seth even saw Caleb and the rest of their friends arriving. Eragon smiled as the Riders poured in. "Where is Linnea?" he asked. "She should be on her way," said Arya, who was arriving on Firnen. Saphira and Firnen nuzzled. "She had to help Aphelia give birth," said Arya. Roslin and Aiden let out a triumphent bugle. Sophia and Sarah cheered. "I'm a bigger brother!" exclaimed Aiden. "And I'm a bigger sister!" exclaimed Roslin. "That's nice," said Seth. Shadow looked at Angel, who winked at him. Seth thumped him on the head. "After the battle," he thought. Shadow growled and nodded. Eragon watched as the Riders formed together, ready to head into battle. "When Linnea, Arget, and their students arrive, we will leave," he said. Seth nodded.
Monica's father and Flame led Caleb and his friends to the gates. They all landed. Vinezilla landed on the left side of Shadow, seeing how Angel was on the right side of him. "I'm ready, to slaughter, I'm ready, to slaughter," sung Caleb. Seth and Angelica laughed. They then heard the news of Aphelia's egg laying. They all cheered. More Riders poured in. They then all formed together, ready to fly out and battle the Dunegon People and Lizards. Eragon and Saphira were in middle front, Seth and Shadow behind them. Arya and Firnen was on Saphira's right side, Angelica and Angel behind them. Caleb and Vinezilla were looking at an empty spot. "Where is Murtagh and Thorn?" he asked. "With Aphelia," thought Firnen. "Those two, as well as Linnea and Arget, need to hurry if we're to battle," said Eragon. "I wonder if Aphelia's going to participate in the battle like she said she would?" asked Monica. "She might," thought Daisy. Caleb and Vinezilla faced forward, ready to go. "We just need two more Riders and dragons."
Aphelia released a triumphent bugle. This was her second clutch in her whole life. Aphelia and Thorn nuzzled. "Seven little ones," thought Aphelia. "Thank you so much Linnea, Arget," thought Aphelia. Wolfsbayne's happiness flowed through Aphelia's mind. Aphelia looked down at the black and red egg. "You are the special one," she thought. "I do believe you will be a male," she thought. Thorn snorted. Murtagh then leaped on his back. They turned to Linnea and Arget. "Round up your students. It is time to join Eragon and the rest of the Riders at the gates," said Murtagh. Thorn nuzzled Aphelia again and flew into the air. "I will return my love,"l thought Thorn. He flew off towards the gates. Aphelia turned to her eggs. "Should I stay or go?" she then asked Linnea. "I want to be here with my eggs, but I also want to battle," thought Aphelia. "If you choose to go, I and a few other Eldunari will watch over the eggs," thought Wolfsbayne. "And so will we," said soome elves and dwarves. Aphelia thanked them, flying.
Linnea was late cause she was managing the foreigners. She also had to manage the ratio of medic to fighter. Linnea walked up to Eragon huffing "Why did they have to show up last minute?" Arget had the 'leaders' of the varying groups from different Villages. Rock, Leaf, and Sand. Sand was three students and their teacher. The one kid disturbed Linnea big gourd on the kid's back smelled like blood. She put him and his team with Murtugh... He'd seen some sick AND twisted crap, she doubted the kid would surprise him. Rock: one weird rapper with like six swords, annoyed the heck out of her but was clingy going on about the 'hottie' rider whatever that meant. Leaf: her students, Tsunade and apprentice, and a strange white haired man who ogled Linnea shamelessly recieving a glare from Itachi and a growl from Arget... Linnea put her foot down concerning the sword bearing rapper's sunglasses... More like Arget pinned the man down with his foot as Linnea removed the stupid things. "We'll be heading underground sir no sunglasses." "Why you be making the dragon hold me down? It's so un chill!" Linnea smacked him when he stood back up "His name is Arget. You will treat him with respect, I also expect you to do as either of us command when we place the order. Understand? We are over a thousand years older than you. We know what the heck we're doing." "Yeah but I be the eight tails jinjuriki. You all should be respecting me." Linnea smacked him again. "I don't care about that in the slightest, you have to prove yourself worthy of my respect. I can demand your obediance since you are under my command for now..." Linnea face palmed with nuts and perverts in her care it was going to be a looooonnnggg day! She needed a beer or something...
Seth and his friends laughed as Linnea smacked the retarded Rider. Thorn then landed next to Eragon's left side, right in front of Vinezilla. "We are ready," said Murtagh. Eragon nodded and climbed onto Saphira's back. Two large kull opened the gates. "Listen up!" yelled Eragon, his voice booming. "There are 300 of those Dungeon People and Lizards. There are 350 of us," said Eragon. "Fifty of us will go into the dungeons and wait until the signal, which would be Seth and I war cries," said Eragon. Seth nodded. "Three hundred against three hundred," said Seth. "When we need you fifty, just listen for the signal," said Eragon. He then pointed out fifty Riders, which were ten Urgals, ten elves, ten dwarves, and twenty humans. "Linnea. I want you and your nineteen to be the humans to go into the dungeons," said Eragon. "The rest of us will be in the field, battling," said Eragon. They all faced the open entrance. "Let's go Riders!" yelled Seth. Shadow roared, alongside the other dragons and they all flew out.
Caleb chuckled as the Rider was smacked. He then heard Eragon's plan. Caleb looked over at Monica, who blew him a kiss. Caleb winked at her. Vinezilla and Daisy nuzzled. They then got ready. "Let's go Riders!" yelled Seth. Caleb heard Shadow roar. Vinezilla roared as well, with Daisy, Angel, Ramses, Flame, and other dragons joining in. "Here we go!" exclaimed Caleb. "Let us fly!" exclaimed Vinezilla. All the dragons flew out the gates. The two kull that opened them waved at them goodbye with battle axes in their hands. The two kull got on their dragons. The rest of the Riders and dragons flew off, following Eragon & Saphira, Arya & Firnen, and Murtagh & Thorn. "I can't wait till we reach that field. "Where is Coal?" asked Vinezilla. Caleb remembered. He had left the Shrrg at the gates, forgetting to strap the wolf to Vinezilla. "Oh no!" yelled Caleb. Monica looked at him. "I forgot Coal," thought Caleb. "It's fine. He should stay out of the battle anyway," thought Monica. Caleb nodded. They then flew on.
Aphelia was rounding the gates. She then saw them about to close. "No wait!" she yelled. The kull who were on their dragons looked up at her. "I must join them," thought Aphelia. "Sorry Aphelia. Thorn ordered us not to let you pass," said one kull. Aphelia growled. She sat on her haunches. "This isn't fair," she thought. She then saw a horse-sized, black male Shrrg pacing back and forth by the gates. "Coal?" Aphelia asked. The large wolf stopped and looked over at her. He barked happily and ran over to her. "They left you behind too did they?" Aphelia asked. Coal whined. Aphelia then looked over at the kull and then at the gates. "I have an idea," she thought. Three minutes later, Aphelia busted through the gates, with Coal behind her. "Aphelia, wait!" yelled a kull, who was tied up to an unconscious kull. Their dragons were as well. "Sorry boys, but I have some Riders and dragons to help save," called Aphelia. She flew through the air after the Riders, Coal running through the trees below. "He's fast."
Seth looked ahead of them. They had been flying for only fifteen minutes when he saw the tip of a rock. As the dragons came into view of the large, open field, Seth could see the tall, rock towers. "Land," called Eragon. Saphira dove downwards, followed by Thorn and Firnen. Shadow, Vinezilla and Angel dove down, as well as the rest of the dragons. They all landed, sending thuds through the ground. "That should get there attention," said Randy. Ghost snorted. They all scanned the field and rocks. Shadow's eyes fell upon a brown tail that slid into the rocks quickly out of sight. Shadow growled. "Over there," he thought. Seth nodded. "Get him," he said. Shadow released a ray of black flames from his maw, the first time ever. Seth was amazed to see the black flames shoot across the field and into the jagged rocks, melting a large boulder. Seth and few other Riders cheered. Their happiness faded as they saw an entrance into the rocks. Standing there was a large dungeon lizard, the biggest Seth had ever seen.
Caleb was surprised to see the flames fly from Shadow's maw. Caleb clapped. He then stopped clapping as he heard Vinezilla growl. Caleb looked ahead and saw a dungeon lizard. By the size of it, it had to be thhe leader. A hideous, ugly man with strong muscles, a black cape, and a wicket rapier at his side sat upon the growling beast. Saphira, Thorn, and Firnen growled. Vinezilla, Angel, Daisy, and Shadow did as well. Caleb kept his right hand on Oakmar's hilt. "And what do you think you're doing here?" asked the dungeon man. "We're here to settle this, now," said Eragon. Vinezilla was ready for action. "You think you can actually defeat my NEW army?" asked the man. Caleb's eyes widened as four hundred Dunegon People and Lizards emerged from the rocks and under ground tunnels. "I thought it was three hundred?" Caleb asked Murtagh. "They must have added more at the last minute," said Murtagh. Thorn growled. "If it's a fight you want, you will not recieve until one of you strikes first," said the leader.
Aphelia flew for ten minutes and then stopped to drink. Coal joined her. "I see you're a little tired from running," thought Aphelia. Coal wagged his tail and kept on drinking. Aphelia sniffed the air. "Oh yes," she thought. "They passed over alright," she thought. "We just got five more minutes to go and we'll reach them," thought Aphelia. Coal nodded. The two then froze as they heard a howl. It was the howl of a lone female Shrrg. Coal's ears perked up. He then howled back, is howl deep and beautiful. Coal was telling the female that he was here and in a hurry to go. "Keep it in your fur Coal," thought Aphelia. She flew into the air and followed the Riders and dragons' trail. Coal followed on land. Five minutes later, the two arrived and saw the dragons together. In the rocky cliffs were the Dungeon People on their Lizards. "No one has attacked yet?" asked Aphelia. She snorted and landed, out of sight of the other dragons. Coal sat by her, watching the dragons. Aphelia then saw a boy with a gray dragon.
Seth almost flew at the dungeon man. Here were the killers. The ones who murdered Mike and his dragon. The ones who murdered Mr. Galloway and sent his dragon away. The ones who attacked Seth and his friends. The ones who put Seth's mother in jeopardy. The ones who killed his father. Seth then looked back and saw Aphelia land. "What is she doing here?" he asked. Shadow shifted, making Seth turn back to the Dungeon People. "Master Eragon, he said we will not fight until WE make the first move?" asked Seth. "Yes Seth," said Eragon. "Then forgive me for this master," said Seth. Shadow was already in link. Shadow leaped into the air. "Stenr Risa!" yelled Seth. A large stone lifted into the air. "Jierda!" yelled Seth. Tthe large stone was sent flying across the field, slamming into one of the dungeon people and their lizard. The two hideous creatures crumpled and died. Shadow flapped. "Get them!" yelled the dungeon leader. His lizard reared up and screeched. The rest of the Dungeon People and their lizards charged.
Caleb heard the sound of flapping and looked back with Seth. Aphelia landed way in the back. "Well, she's here to fight," he thought. Vinezilla nodded. Caleb turned back and watched as Shadow flew into the air. Seth used two spells and killed one of the Dungeon People and their lizard. Caleb watched in horror as the Dungeon People charged at them. Caleb and Monica held hands. Vinezilla and Daisy twined tails. "Get ready my love," thought Vinezilla. "Draw your swords!" yelled Eragon. Eragon drew Brisingr, Arya drew Tamerlein, Murtagh drew Zar'roc, Caleb drew Oakmar, and Angelica drew Hvitr. The rest of the Riders drew their swords. "Attack!" yelled Eragon. Saphira flew forwards, followed by the rest of the dragons. "This is it!" yelled Caleb. Vinezilla roared and flew forwards. The dragons and lizards collided. Caleb slew three dungeon men quickly. Vinezilla killed a few lizards as well. Monica and Daisy were fighting. Keisha and Ramses were as well. Brianna and her dragon burned some. Caleb leaped off.
Aphelia and Coal watched as the dragons and the lizards collided. The two side went head to head. "We should be out there now," thought Aphelia. Coal shifted next to her paw, a whine escaping him. Aphelia followed his gaze and noticed that he was staring at Caleb, who handling himself well. "Do not worry Coal," thought Aphelia. "I will make sure no one hurts your friend," she thought. She then watched Seth, who was fighting wildly. Seth was slicing and dicing every dungeon man in his way, making his way to the leader. Aphelia then saw a riderless lizard. The lizard went straight for Caleb. Aphelia had flashbacks of when Seth's father, Caleb's uncle, and a third Rider fought the Dungeon People. A lizard snuck up behind Caleb's uncle. Aphelia roared and flew forwards. Coal snarled and charged. The two entered the battle, with Aphelia killing the lizard before it caught Caleb. Coal leaped at a dungeon man and killed him. He then killed a lizard. Aphelia set gold and red flames to a few dungeon men and lizards.
Seth slashed and gashed at the dungeon men. He killed them quickly. He was able to dodge their blows easily. He wanted the leader though. A dungeon lizard leaped at him. Out of nowhere, a large, horse-sized, black male wolf leaped on the lizard, killing it. "Coal?" Seth asked. The Shrrg shook his head and howled. Seth turned to see Aphelia. She was battling as well. A wicked sword came at Seth. Seth spun around and knocked it away. A dungeon man stood without a weapon. "Shouldn't have done that," said Seth. A large, house-sized Fanghur landed next to them both. The man smiled and leaped on the Fanghur's back. "Get him my pet!" he yelled. The Fanghur roared and mentally attacked Seth. Seth was able to block it. Suddenly, a horse-sized Fanghur leaped from the commotion and tackled the large Fanghur. It was Rippleback. "Get him Rip!" yelled Seth. Seth then fought some more. Things were going great. Seth then looked over at Shadow, who was fighting bravely. Seth looked at Angelica, who held her own.
Caleb sparred with a few dungeon men. He then killed them. "Oakmar is awesome!" he exclaimed. He then heard a growl behind him. Caleb whirled around to see a riderless lizard. Before the lizard leaped at him, Aphelia arrived and tackled the lizard, killing it. Caleb was happy to see her. His heart sank as he saw Coal. Coal fought and killed. He saved Seth from a lizard and howled. "Coal!" yelled Caleb. Coal ran over to him. He licked Caleb in the face. "You're not supposed to be here," said Caleb. He then whirled around and stopped a wicked sword. Caleb killed the dungeon man. He turned back to see Coal killing a lizard. Vinezilla was fighting as well. Green fire erupted from his maw, scorching some lizards. Caleb fought more dungeon men. He was having a hard time though. He was getting tired. Monica killed a dungeon man. Daisy helped out Vinezilla, pink fire leaping from her mouth. Caleb killed two of the dungeon men. The other two advanced. Caleb got ready to slice. "Come on," he said. The men leapt.

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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