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Aphelia slaughtered and slaughtered. Thorn, who was bulldozing through the dungeon men, looked back and saw her. "Aphelia!" he yelled with his mind. "What the scales are you doing here?!" he yelled. "Fighting for our right to live peacefully," snapped Aphelia. She crushed a lizard under her. Thorn growled and set fire to ten dungeon men. "Just be careful," he thought. "Got it," thought Aphelia. She then heard a yell. She turned to see Monica's father and his dragon Flame battling a dungeon man and his lizard. Aphelia thought of Seth's father. He was battling like this as well. Aphelia's heart sank as a dungeon man snuck from the shadows and stabbed the Rider in his stomach. Monica's father yelled out. Flame did as well. Aphelia flew over to them. She killed the two dungeon men and the lizard. Aphelia and Flame examined Monica's father. "I told you to place on your wards!" Flame yelled with his mind. Aphelia took out the sword. Monica's father was in pain. Aphelia burned a dungeon man to mush.
Seth slashed through the duungeon men. He then leaped over Caleb and killed the advancing men. He turned to Caleb and nodded. Seth then leaped back into the battle. Angelica was sparring with a man. Angel was fighting with a lizard. The dungeon man flipped Angelica onto her back. "Angelica!" yelled Seth. Ghost appeared as his daughter was turned onto her back as well. Randy leaped from the dragon's back and slew the dungeon man that was about to slay his sister. Randy helped Angelica up. Ghost helped Angel up. Seth and Shadow came to their sides. "You ok?" he asked. The two hugged. "Yes," said Angelica, and she kissed his cheek. "Hey! We don't have time for this!" yelled Sarah. She and Aiden had their hands full. "Coming babe!" yelled Randy. Suddenly, the large Fanghur arrived. He landed in front of Randy. The dungeon man on top threw his wicked sword at Randy. The sword stabbed through Randy's chest. "Randy!" yelled Seth, Sarah, and Angelica. Ghost roared in agony. Randy fell to his knees. The man laughed.
Monica heard the roar of Flame. She and Daisy made their way over to Monica's father. Aphelia was there. Caleb and Vinezilla joined them. Monica's father was lying on his back, coughing up blood. "Daddy!" Monica yelled. She sheathed her sword and got on her knees. She grasped her father's hands, tears in her eyes. "Baby," said Monica's father. "Promise me that you will live to tell your mother that I love her," he said. Monica began to sob. Caleb was angry. "Promise me," her father said louder. "I-I pro-I promise," Monica sobbed. Her father smiled, blood on his lips. "And I love you, Daisy, and Flame," he said. Monica smiled. Flame lowered his head down to his dying Rider. "Take good care of them Flame, Caleb, and Vinezilla," said the man. Caleb was shocked. "Protect my daughters," said the man. He then closed his eyes and his breathing stopped. Monica bursted out in tears. Flame keened alongside Daisy. Monica's father was dead. Caleb leaked a tear and comforted Monica. Vinezilla comforted Daisy.
Aphelia watched as Flame's Rider passed into the void. She keened alongside them. Thorn landed next to them with Murtagh. "What happened?" Murtagh asked. "He was killed," sobbed Monica. Murtagh laid a hand on Monica's shoulder. "He was a good Rider," said Murtagh. "And a fine student," thought Thorn. Flame nodded. Aphelia roared. Thorn looked at her. "Let's get those evil creatures," she growled. Thorn smiled. "With pleasure," he thought. Murtagh got on Thorn's back. The two large dragons launched into the air. "For our seven hatchlings!" yelled Aphelia. Thorn smiled and roared with her. The two set flames to the lizards and men. The Riders shouted in happiness. Arya and Firnen joined Aphelia and Thorn. Eragon and Saphira stayed in the battle. The three dragons blew fire at the Dungeon People and Lizards as they flew over them. Aphelia dodged an arrow. "That was close," she thought. An arrow flew at Thorn. Aphelia knocked it away. They then rejoined the battle. Aphelia roared and slaughtered. "Die!" she yell.
Randy began to cough up blood. Angelica and Sarah knelt over him, trying to keep him awake. Seth leaped at the laughing dungeon man and sliced his head off. Shadow killed the Fanghur. Rippleback arrived. Seth stood over Randy's body. Randy held Angelica and Sarah's hands. "Listen to me both," he said. "Don't try to heal me," he said. "Save your magic," Randy said. "But they're impervious," said Sarah. "When they are together. Split them up," Randy said. He coughed up more blood. "Ghost, we've trained for this," Randy said. Ghost nodded, a sad feeling releasing from him. Randy looked at Sarah and Angelica. "I love you both," he said. "And you four as well," said Randy to Seth, Shadow, Angel, and Ghost. "Take care of my sister Chosen One," said Randy. Seth nodded. Randy smiled and closed his eyes. "Randy no! What about our baby?" Sarah asked. Seth and Angelica were amazed. Randy went still. Angelica and Sarah cried over his body. Ghost let out a roar of anger and sadness. He then went on a rampage. "Shadow!"
Caleb grasped Oakmar's hilt. He hugged Monica close and kissed her on the forehead. He then climbed onto Vinezilla's back. "Flame," said Caleb. Flame looked at him. "Let's get back at these idiots!" Caleb yelled. Vinezilla roared. Flame did too. Monica got on Daisy's back. "We're just gonna leave his body here?" asked Monica. "Drag him into the bushes," thought Flame. Daisy did. The three dragons flew back into battle. Caleb and Monica slaughtered. Caleb turned to see Coal fighting. The wolf was then injured in his side. Coal whimpered and whirled on a lizard, killing it. Caleb leaped from Vinezillaa's back and healed the Shrrg's injury. He then saw Randy lying dead on the ground. His dragon Ghost was on a rampage. "He's dead too huh?" asked Caleb. Angelica looked up at him. A lizard leaped at her. Golden fire burned it down. Ramses landed. Keisha leaped off his back and slew a dungeon man. "Where's Monica's father?" she asked. "Dead," said Monica. Keisha was silent, then she saw Randy's body. She gasped.
Aphelia flew at a dungeon man. She watched as a Rider and his dragon perished. "We're getting hammered," thought Aphelia. She looked up at the leader of the Dungeon People. He was slaying and slaying. His lizard was a well fighter. The lizard killed three dragons. "I'll take this lizard out," thought Murtagh. "Let me!" yelled a voice. Aphelia turned to see a girl and her dragon fly over towards the lizard. It was Brianna. She sparred with the leader. Her dragon fought with the liizard. "Brianna no!" yelled Aphelia with her mind. Brianna's dragon perished under the lizard's wrath. Brianna yelled in agony. She then dodged a blow from the leader's sword. Half her long hair was sliced off. Brianna fell on her back. Aphelia roared and leaped forward. She sent a torrent of gold and red flames at the leader. The leader dodged them. Aphelia grabbed Brianna and her dead partner. Aphelia sat them down by a tree. Brianna cried over her dead dragon. "I'm sorry," said Aphelia. Brianna cried in agony. She was very upset.
Shadow was at Seth's side in an instant. Seth hugged Angelica. Angelica sheathed Hvitr and clung to Seth. "Don't leave me," she whispered in a sob. She repeated it. Seth held onto her. "I'm never gonna' leave you," he said, tears in his eyes. Seth kissed Angelica's cheek. Angelica cried some more. Sarah stood up. She then threw up. Seth looked at her. "Aiden, get Sarah out of here," said Seth. "I'm fine. Go," said Sarah. She got on Aiden's back with Randy's body and flew into the air. Angelica kissed Seth on the lips, passionately. "I got to take care of this," said Seth. He let go of Angelica, and she held on to him. "Please come back to me Seth," she sobbed. "I will," said Seth. Shadow nuzzled Angel. Seth climbed onto Shadow's back. Shadow then flew into the air. He landed in front of the entrance where the Dungeon People leader was at. "Yo leader!" yelled Seth. The leader turned to him, his lizard growling. "Me and you got beef," said Seth. Shadow blew fire at them. The man dodged it and leapt on lizard.
Caleb and Vinezilla watched as Seth and Shadow flew over to battle the leader of the Dungeon People. "Kill him Seth!" yelled Caleb. "He killed my uncle!" he yelled. "And my father!" Vinezilla roared. Suddenly, an arrow thudded into Caleb's arm. Caleb and Vinezilla roared in agony. Caleb staggered back. Monica snatched out the arrow. Caleb healed his injury and saw the archer. It was a dungeon woman! She aimed at Monica. "No!" yelled Caleb. The arrow shot towards them. Caleb knocked it away and yelled, "Kausta!" The bow and arrows came to him from the dungeon woman. She turned to run, but a pink sword pierced through her back and out her chest. The sword snatched itself out and flew back to Monica. She caught it. "Dang," said Caleb. Caleb and Monica fought back to back. Vinezilla looked up and saw a helicopter. It was for the news. "We have a serious battle going on here folks," said a man in the helicopter. Vinezilla roared at them. The helicopter flew over to the rocks where Seth and Shadow were. "Stupid."
Aphelia noticed the copter flying around. "Foolish whirlie-birds!" yelled Aphelia with her mind. "This is no place for you!" Aphelia flew into the air. She flew over to Saphira, who was destroying her enemies with claws, teeth, and blue and yellow flames. "Saphira! We are being slaughtered! We have lost Monica's father, Brianna's dragon, Randy, another Rider, his dragon, and fifty others," thought Aphelia. Saphira looked at her. "Where is Eragon?" she asked. To answer her question, Eragon leaped over her tail, killing a dungeon man with Brisingr. "We are being creamed," said Eragon. "Do I roar now?" asked Saphira. "You must roar with Shadow," said Eragon. "But Shadow and his Rider are fighting in the rocky cliffs," thought Aphelia. "Barzul!" cursed Eragon. "First he starts the battle, then he fights alone," said Eragon. "I have one hell of a student," said Eragon. Saphira and Aphelia laughed. "Where is the other Chosen One, Sophia and her dragon Roslin?" asked Aphelia. "They must be waiting with Linnea."
Seth watched as the dungeon leader and his lizard charged them. "Flauga!" yelled Seth. Shadow flew into the air, dodging the lizard. "Are you a coward like your father was?" asked the leader. Seth smirked and held the middle finger up at the man. "I know you're not strong enough to take us on," he said. Shadow then flew towards the higher parts of the rock cliffs. The dungeon lizard roared, yes roared, not screeched, and bounded after Shadow. The lizard ran up the rocks and cliffs. The two reptiles made it to the highest parts of the rocky cliffs. Seth leaped off of Shadow's back. So did the dungeon leader. He drew his wicked rapier. Seth drew Deyja. Shadow and the lizard growled. "Bring it on," said Seth. He and the dungeon man charged at each other, just as their partners did. The four of them collided. Seth and the dungeon leader sparred, wicked rapier vs Deyja. Shadow and the lizard leader tussled. Seth dodged a blow and the man did too. The two exchanged blows. The man and Seth parted. Seth smirked.
Caleb stabbed a dungeon lizard in its neck and sliced off another's head. He then sliced a dungeon man in half. Caleb saw Brianna run into the action. Her sword was raised. She went wild and crazy, just like Ghost, Flame, and Monica. "She lost her dragon Caleb," said Riley. Keisha killed a dungeon man. Ramses killed the lizard. Riley leaped over Keisha, killing another dungeon man. His dragon, Gray Matter killed two lizards. Keisha looked at Riley. "Thank you," she said. "You're welcome," said Riley. He winked at her. Keisha blushed. Brianna came over to Caleb. Her eyes were red. "I'm sorry Bri," he said. Brianna nodded. Together, Caleb and his friends took down some dungeon men. Vinezilla looked up at the rocky cliffs. "Seth and Shadow are battling the leader," he thought. Caleb sliced off a man's arm and looked up at the cliffs. "He needs Sophie up there," said Monica. "Yes he does," said Angelica, who approached with Angel. Caleb nodded at her. "Sorry about Randy," he said. "It wasn't your fault" she said.
Aphelia flew over Caleb and his friends and landed next to Aiden, who was fighting with a lizard. "Mother? What are you doing here?" asked Aiden. He pinned the lizard down. "Fighting for peace," thought Aphelia. Aiden growled as the lizard bit his tail. Aiden whirled on the lizard, snapping its neck. Aiden threw the body over towards a tree. "Mother, the eggs. What about my brothers and sisters?" Aiden asked. Aphelia killed a lizard. "They are fine," she thought. "Wolfsbayne, the elves, and few other Eldunari are watching them," she thought. Aiden sighed and sent a torrent of yellow flames at two dungeon men, killing them. Four lizards leaped at him. Aiden and Aphelia went back to back. Gold, red, and yellow flames scorched them as mother and son blew fire. The two then spiraled out of a few wicked swords' way. Aiden and Aphelia killed the dungeon men. Sarah leaped in, killing a lizard. She climbed onto her dragon's back. "For Randy, my baby, and your hatchlings!" she yelled, raising her sword high.
Seth and the dungeon leader collided again. The two sparred. "You think you can defeat me child?" asked the man. Seth felt a streak of pain go up his right leg. Shadow had been ripped open on his right thigh. The dragon growled and bit down on the lizard's tail. Seth refocused and dodged a blow. He then spun around fast, slicing open the man's leg. The man yelled out. Seth looked over at the lizard. The lizard didn't even look back. "Just as I thought. No bond," Seth thought to himself. The man swung at him with the wicked rapier. Seth blocked the blow with Deyja. They then exchanged blows again. "Sophia. Where are you?" Seth asked in his mind. Two Chosen Ones were needed. The lizard was knocked Shadow upside the head with its tail. Shadow rolled over the cliff's edge. "Shadow!" yelled Seth. He ran over to the edge. He watched as his unconscious dragon fell to his approaching doom. Seth leaped away as a blow came at him. He sparred with the man again. The man then blocked it hit and kicked Seth off the cliff.
Linnea still had the foreigners in the reserves with her and the medics. She sent some medics who could fight into the fray. She was nervous as hell. She hadn't been in an all out brawl like this in centuries. Itachi was with her Akane and Arget. What she and Eragon had gone over in advance was an ambush from behind. That's what her troops were waiting to do. One of the foreigners summoned a toad somehow and it was larger than Arget. It caught Shadow and Seth before they fell... Linnea had the trump cards with her. With the additional foes, she thought she'd have been called in. She'd been watching via bird sight. Meaning she was watching through the eyes of a carrion bird flying over the fight. Any enemy that strayed from lizard protection had fallen by the words of death spewed from her lips. She guided archer's arrows to lethal hits, the $@#!* in the lizard magical protection. Linnea was drawing small amounts of energy from dragon fire and was slowly depleating a small diamond that was still overfull. Linnea sent her own signal stating she was about ready to jump in anyways, AKA her nerves were getting shot. She got the signal and gave her silent signal. She cast an invisibility spell and sent the others in ahead. She was going to make the dungeon people think that there was a way for spells to affect their lizards with a deceptive manuver. No battle cry was uttered just the start of the slaughter. Arget was tearing into a lizard with precision. One strike one kill, and the tactic worked the enemy was getting spooked and more strayed from the lizards and fell. When Linnea dropped the spell fifty of the four hundred had fallen by the combined efforts. When the toad started stomping people stared but one bite from a large lizard and poofed. Linnea showed herself as Arget spewed fire making it appear as if she and Arget had come in a burst of silvery white fire. The theatrics were for shock and awe. Sophia had done the same. The others faded into view. Linnea and Arget had been storing energy in gemstones for centuries. Just for this sort of thing. Linnea and Arget took to the air and started a dog fight with someone on a fanghur. The creature tried to bite Arget's wing but the armor on the wing saved it from damage. Now that she was in the fray the real battle had begun. Medics had guards and were healing on the field. Antibiotics would come later after the fight...

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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