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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Aphelia flew after her son. Aiden was quite fast. "Get's it from hid father," Aphelia thought. About two miles later, Aiden's musky trail lowered to the ground. Aphelia landed and she saw a flash of yellow by some trees. Aphelia walked up to the trees and saw Aiden. He was sitting down, his back turned to her. "Aiden?" she asked. Aiden didn't reply. "Aiden, you cannot be angry with me," thought Aiden. "Then what am I mother?" asked Aiden, surprising Aphelia with an upset tone. "Why are you so upset?" Aphelia asked. "Because of you...this," snapped Aiden. He gestured to her stomach. "Why are you angry that I am pregnant?" Aphelia asked. "Mother, you went behind father's back," thought Aiden. "You mated with another male and just forgot about father," thought Aiden. "I loved your father Aiden," thought Aphelia. "When he died, I was heartbroken and it took weeks for me to recover," she thought. "But I have moved on," thought Aphelia. "I am blessed with my son, a new mate, and a new family," thought Aphelia.
"What the hell did you do to yourself?" Seth asked. "Well, I was flying on Angel and sparring with Randy," said Angelica. "I got cocky and leaped off Angel, forgetting that I was strapped down," said Angelica. "My right leg twisted and when I sliced at Randy with Hvitr, I missed and broke my arm on one of Ghost's spikes," said Angelica. Seth chuckled and shook his head. "At least I didn't ruin my beautiful face and hair," she said with a smile. Seth smiled. "You want me to heal you?" Seth asked. Angelica grabbed Seth's left ear and rubbed it. Seth flinched a bit and then brought his head down to her face, where she kissed him again. "If you could," she said, "then thatt would be wonderful." Seth nodded and kissed her hand. He then uttered a few words with Waise Heil. Angelica's right leg was fully healed. But her left arm was only fifty percent healed. "You tried," she said, and stood up. "I'll help you to Angel," said Seth. Afterwards, Angelica and Angel left. Seth and Shadow flew towards the Beor Mountains.
As Caleb and Vinezilla headed for camp, Vinezilla suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" thought Caleb. "I want to fly just a little more," thought the green dragon. Caleb groaned. "Alright fine, but just this once until we get the Farthen Dur," thought Caleb. Vinezilla snorted and flew into the clouds. He did loop-de-loops and spirals. Caleb enjoyed every moment. "Ok, now this is fun!" exclaimed Caleb. Vinezilla chuckled. He then dove towards the ground. Before he could crash, he opened his wings and shot back into the clouds, a green diamond shooting through cotton. Vinezilla flapped his wings. Caleb let out a yell of excitement. Vinezilla responded with a triumphent bugle. The two then laughed. "Let me hear ya' roar!" exclaimed Caleb. Vinezilla snorted. He then roared his might, sending echoes throughout the land. A flock of birds were frightened and flew off towards Farthen Dur. "Nice one," thought Caleb, patting Vinezilla's scales. "Why thank you," thought Vinezilla. They did a few more tricks. Caleb had fun.
Linnea and Itachi were kissing when Linnea found out Robert was dead. Another rider had mistaken him for a slayer despite being informed of the operation going on. "Friendly fire... Now I have to tell his brother and sister in law..." "Need help?" "I have to do this alone in person." Linnea left and since they lived in Farthen Dur it was easy to speak to them. "I have bad news... Robert is dead... friendly fire. A mistake in identity." Robert's brother asked "Who did it?" "Another rider, Robert had been under cover as a slayer so it was an easy mistake..." "And you sent him. It's your fault then rider." "I know as his lady he was my responsibility. I shouldn't have let him convince me to send him in. I had informed the other riders about his status as our agent, but the other rider failed to recognise him." "My brother asked to do what got him killed? How did he wind up serving you anyways?" "When I healed you years ago he swore himself to my service as a way to repay me. I told him he owed me nothing but he insisted. I had him doing small errands until he begged me to send him on the spy assignment. We had no volunteers so I stupidly thought it was a good idea." Linnea sighed "What's done is done, but I wanted you to know he died honorably." "What rider did it?" "I don't know him but he was a trainee very inexperienced and jumpy. His Erbithal should have kept a better eye on him. Robert's death is a loss and there is nothing I can do to fill the void, I am so sorry..." "Just go and never ask us for anything." "Very well but if you need me all you have to do is ask any rider for me Linnea..."
Seth and Shadow were heading towards the mountains when they suddenly heard a triumphent bugle. "Was that another dragon?" asked Seth. "It was," thought Shadow. A mighty roar sounded out, causing a scared and frightened flock of birds to pass by them. "Guess the dragon scared them," thought Seth. "That dragon sounds like he's not from here," thought Shadow. "You're right," thought Seth. "Let's go investigate," thought Seth. Shadow flew forward. He sped through clouds and passed by geese. They were nearing the mountains when Shadow smelled something. "I smell the dragon," he thought. "Where?" asked Seth. "Below us," Shadow thought. "And he's with another human," thought Shadow. Seth unsheathed Deyja. "Then let's get them," he thought. Shadow nodded and dove downwards. They both saw a green sparkle appearing. Seth let out a war cry as they came closer to the dragon and human upon his back. Shadow roared as well. He was like a giant shadow as he sped towards the dragon and what appeared to be a Rider.
"So you just want me to accept the fact that my own mother couldn't even tell me the fact that she wanted to start a new family with another dragon?" Aiden asked. Aphelia snorted. "Not like that, I just want you to be happy for me," thought Aphelia. Aiden growled and turned to her. Aphelia backed away as he stomped forward. "Fine," he thought. "I'll accept the little hatchlings when they come, but I will not socialize with them," thought Aiden. He then flew back to Sarah. Aphelia sighed and flew after him. When he landed, she landed by Thorn. "Everything alright?" Sarah asked. "Everything is fine now hurry up and get on," snapped Aiden. Sarah was surprised by his tone. "Fine," she snapped back. She climbed onto his back and Aiden flew off. Aphelia watched him go. Tears began to form in her eyes and she keened. Thorn comforted her. "At least your daughter is fine with this," she sobbed. Thorn wiped away her tears. "Come on, let's go get you checked up," he thought. The two flew off. Aphelia had flashbacks.
Caleb and Vinezilla had decided to do more tricks. Then Vinezilla justed wanted to try and stay in mid-air. They both suddenly heard a roar from behind them. Vinezilla turned around, but was enveloped by a black shadow. "What the heck?" Caleb asked. He then remembered his dream. Only there wasn't any black fire. A war cry came to Caleb's ears. Caleb drew Oakmar. Vinezilla roared back. That's when the two noticed a larger, house-sized, black male dragon coming towards them. Vinezilla and the dragon clashed. The two dragons fought. "If only you could breathe fire," Caleb thought to himself, not even daring to open his mind to the Rider of this large dragon. That's when Caleb saw a black Rider's sword swing at him fast. Caleb could only give a weak block. He almost dropped Oakmar. Caleb lashed out, but was stopped by the sword again. Caleb and the Rider sparred, while their dragons bit and buffeted each other with wings. Caleb then saw the Rider's face. He looked like a elf, but with human complex. "Who're you?"
Shadow and the green dragon clashed. Seth watched as the two fought. Seth lashed out with Deyja, aiming for the other Rider. He felt his elf-like power as Deyja slammed into a sword. "What a weak block," Seth thought to himself, but he didn't want to open his mind out to the Rider. Seth blocked a weak strike from what was now a green sword with the glyph, "Oakmar." Seth and the other Rider sparred while Shadow and the green dragon bit each other and buffeted each other with their wings. "We should've have armor," thought Seth. He then looked at the Rider while sparring. The Rider examined him and asked, "Who're you?" Seth smirked and jabbed at the Rider with Deyja, stabbing him in the right side. "Your worst nightmare," said Seth. He snatched out Deyja and heard the agonized roar of the green dragon. Shadow knocked the dragon aside and struck him in the face with his tail. Shadow then roared. Seth let out another war cry. "This is going great," he thought.
Linnea and Arget heard the ruckus and caught the two riders and their partners going at it. Arget roared to get their attention and Linnea yelled "Enough both of you! We're on the same side!" Arget growled at the two younger dragons "What is the matter with you two? I'd expect better behavior from dragons your age! Talk before you fight another rider and their dragon!" The pair gave the four of them a good chewing out after making them land and, before Linnea checked and healed injuries. Linnea smacked the two boys upside the head for good measure [Senior rider she gets away with this all the time. She's hit her students upside the head before when she could reach. She also got it from NCIS her favorite tv show.] Arget slapped the two young dragons upside the head with his tail too. [He got it from Linnea.] The senior rider and dragon then pointed them to Farthen Dur. "In the dragon hold all four of you now! I out rank both of you. Seth you may be a chosen one but that's no excuse to do something stupid like that." Linnea had a pregnant dragon to check over and the female's son to chew out too.
Caleb yelled out as he was stabbed. He could hear Vinezilla's roar of agony as well. He then felt Vinezilla rock away as the other dragon's tail slammed into him. Suddenly, Caleb heard a voice. A roar split the air. Caleb looked to see a woman and her dragon. She yelled at the four of them. Caleb felt his wounds and Vinezilla's wounds heal. They all landed. Caleb then rocked forward as he was hit in the back of the head. Vinezilla was too. Caleb froze as heard Seth's name come out of her mouth. Caleb turned to her. "Wait...Seth?" he asked. Vinezila was surprised as well. The two turned to the elf/human hybrid and his black dragon. "Seth?" Caleb asked. He stepped up to him. "It's really you?" Caleb asked again. Vinezilla sniffed Seth, and received a growl from the black dragon. "Seth you're alive!" Caleb exclaimed. He hugged Seth. Vinezilla released another triumphent bugle. Caleb then got mad and punched Seth in the face, bruising his own hand. "Why the hell would you attack us like that man?" Caleb asked. "What is wrong with you man?" Caleb asked again. Vinezilla growled. We thought you were dead he thought. Caleb sighed and climbed onto Vinezilla's back as they were ordered to head to Farthen Dur. "Wait, I have a group of friends in Beor Mountains that I came with," said Caleb to the woman. "We were led by my girlfriend's dad and his dragon Flame," he said. "I need to inform them," he said. Caleb then looked back at Seth, still shocked to see him; the Chosen One.
Seth landed with Shadow. Linnea and Arget scared the mess out of them. Seth felt Linnea hit him in the back of his head. It didn't hurt. Shadow rocked forward as Arget hit him. Seth then heard the other Rider say his name. Seth looked at the Rider. He then noticed it was Caleb, his bully and unlikely friend. Seth felt Caleb hug him, and then the punch in the face. Seth shrugged it off. He noticed Caleb's now bruised hand. "I thought you two were intruders," said Seth. "I'm sorry Linnea, I should've talked first," he said. Shadow nodded. Seth then got on Shadow's back. "I'm not dead, I'm alive and well," said Seth to Vinezilla, who had grown a lot. Seth then heard Caleb say something about his friends in the Beor Mountains. "You have a girlfriend?" Seth asked. He then remembered Monica and Daisy. "Let me guess, Monica's father guided you all here?" Seth asked. He wanted to see them too, but Linnea ordered them back to Farthen Dur. "Fine, we'll go Linnea, but I do miss my friends," he said. "I would like to visit them and see if they're alright," said Seth. May we go? asked Shadow. Seth sheathed Deyja. He noticed Caleb's sword. "Nice sword," he said to Caleb. "I apologize about what I did," he said again. "And yes, I'm the Chosen One, or one of the Chosen Ones in the prophecy," he said. He then looked at Vinezilla. The dragon was big now, but a little smaller than Shadow for some apparent reason.
(Just to be sure, Wulfraptor, the Dragon that you're going to chew out is a yellow male named Aiden. His Rider is Sarah, your former student) Aphelia's flashback was beautiful. She remembered when she first met Aiden's father. He and her flew every where together. When Aiden and his siblings were born, the two protected them dearly until Aphelia's mate was killed. The flashbacks ended as Aphelia and Thorn arrived at the doctor's office. The doctor told them that Linnea and Arget would be here to check on Aphelia. Aphelia thanked him. "Are you sure Aiden's not going to hurt them?" asked Thorn. "He's my son," thought Aphelia. "He won't lay a claw on them," she thought. "Ok," thought Thorn. "Are you sure you're pregnant?" Thorn asked. Aphelia smiled. "Of course I'm pregnant. I did throw up a healthy breakfast," thought Aphelia. Thorn laughed. The two nuzzled. They then released a torrent of red and gold flames into the air. Aphelia was happy that Thorn was with her. Sophia and Roslin flew by and greeted them.
Linnea found Aiden and Sarah. "Sarah... Arget and I need to speak with Aiden.""More like chew him out about something." Sarah replied "Should I be upset with him Erbithal?" "I'd rather you stayed out of this just for now. Arget spoke to Aiden "Do you realize how rare it is for a monogamous dragon to mate once their first mate has died? It's a miracle that your mother and Thorn did it. She did not betray your father. I think he would have wanted your mother happy. Think about that, before you mistreat your future siblings even if it's by ignoring them. We can't be getting like this when our race is on the threatened list." Aiden looked puzzled "Threatened?" "Still extinct in some parts. We need as many younglings as possible, from sound genetic backgrounds. This is something to rejoice. Our kind once roamed the entire world except for the Asian continent, certain portions of Africa The Arctic, Antarctic and the Americas. Then we were confined to the Aligasian continent. There were once many different kinds of creatures the humans dubbed dragons, now only seven remain. Not counting sea serpents of course." Linnea continued "You're upsetting your mother and running the risk of endangering your siblings... Now I have to go check your mother. Mull it over... I thought we taught you better..." Linnea went to check Aphilia and found she was a bit stressed just as expected. Linnea got a hold of a dragon sized chew toy, and with some help gave the massive she dragon a scrub down, cleaned her teeth, and essentially gave her what Arget usually received on a regular basis. It seemed like a spa treatment but it was meant to alleviate stress and improve circulation. Thorn was watching Linnea and her help like a hawk. Aphilia was clearly being relaxed and the effects of her son's earlier behavior were being countered. Arget was scrounging for a very fresh whale carcass. Good nutrients for an expectant mother in large quantity. When Arget found it he realized he'd need at least Thorn to help him move the thing. Linnea notified Thorn and remarked "It takes alot for Arget to admit he needs help with something. We've been looking after pregnant dragons for years nothing beats a whale for nutrients in quantity." Thorn left to go bring his mate the recomended food... Linnea sighed "I really thought Arget and I did better with your son Aphilia... Arget and I had a talk with him hopefully his attitude will change."
"And I thank you for that," thought Aphelia. She felt better. Now that her son was properly talked too, she could relax even more. Aphelia and Thorn nuzzled. Aphelia then ate some of the whale. It was deliscous! Aphelia had never tasted whale before. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed. She cooked some of the whale with her fire and ate some more. Aphelia finished the whole thing, only leaving a few scraps left. Thorn was shocked. "You sure are hungry," he thought. "I'm eating for about eight now so yeah," thought Aphelia. Thorn laughed. Aphelia thanked Linnea and Arget again and flew off with Thorn. Aphelia watched Thorn spiral, dive, and do loop-de-loops next to her. "I'm not doing that," she thought. "And why not?" asked Thorn. Aphelia rolled her eyes. "Because I'm pregnant you big red hunk of hansome," she thought. Thorn chuckled. Aphelia smiled and the two flew off towards Murtagh, who was busy handling the reports on the Dungeon People and Dragon Slayers. "I will participate in the upcoming battle."
Vinezilla flew into the air. "If you want to see them, just follow us," called Caleb. Vinezilla roared and flew off to the mountains. They flew through the clouds. "I can't believe it," thought Caleb. "Seth is a part of the prophecy," he thought. "And he's a Rider with a serious dragon," growled Vinezilla. "I had a hard time keeping him at bay," he thought. "Well if me and you had left when Seth did, we would've been evenly matched," thought Caleb. "True," thought Vinezilla. They were reaching the mountains. Flame was in the air, waiting for them. "What took you two so long to come back?" he asked. "We got caught up in our tricks," thought Vinezilla. "And we met two more Riders," thought Caleb. Caleb pointed behind him and then Vinezilla landed. Monica and Daisy ran up to them. "Are you ok?" they asked. "I'm fine," said Caleb and Vinezilla. "Guess who we met?" Caleb asked. "Who?" Keisha asked, walking up to them with Ramses and Coal. "My little nerd is an epic Rider!" exclaimed Caleb. Vinezilla smiled."What?"

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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