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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Shadow and Angel landed in Ellesmera. The two walked up to Seth's tree house. Nightfall came. Seth and Angelica walked into the tree house. Rippleback was already there, asleep on the bed. "He must've beat us here," said Seth. Shadow flew to the top of the tree house with Angel. Their was an opening, big enough for the two to sleep in. They both fell asleep. Seth and Angelica went to bed as well. Seth dreamed about fighting with his black sword Deyja. He and another Rider were sparring. This Rider had a green, iridescent sword. Shadow was also fighting a green dragon. The Rider and Seth locked swords. Seth then got a look at the Rider. He seemed familiar. "It can't be," he said. The Rider was shocked as well. The two parted and had a clear look at each other. "Seth!" exclaimed the other Rider. Shadow and the other dragon parted and looked at their Riders, with the green dragon surprised as well. "Seth you sly devil you," thought the green dragon.
Itachi was still rubbing Linnea's ear grinning when Murtugh left. Linnea was watching Sophie and Vanier dancing. Linnea had never learned to dance properly. "Itachi?" "Yes Linnea?" "You know how to dance?" "Yes you want to?" "Could you teach me? I won't step on your toes." Itachi didn't make fun of her like the last person she'd asked. They got up and Itachi guided Linnea through the steps easily and very soon she had it. Linnea wasn't the best but she could do it now. Linnea had failed to mention how Itachi's normally dark eyes drew her in. They pulled her deeper than any other eyes ever had before, there was the spark of madness faint but still there that somehow eased her mind. When he stared at her she found it hard to look away. When Murtugh came back he asked his brother loudly "Did he teach her to dance?" "Apparently and he did a better job than your failed attempt two hundred years ago." "She told you about that? I told her to never speak of it again!" "She told Arya who told me laughing about what a klutz Linnea can be at times. During her training she ran into a wall once." "I still told her to keep quiet about it." "She tells Arya almost everything I thought you knew that." "I said keep quiet should have specified that included the elf queen..." Eragon laughed. Itachi asked Linnea "You ran into a wall?" "I was trying to run up the wall and my timing was off." "Ah..." A spark of mischief entered Itachi's eyes. "Want to make Murtugh angry?" "Depends on how." "Kiss me then." Linnea happily obliged with a soft and sweet kiss that Itachi deepened. Murtugh was fuming and Eragon held him back stating "She'd never date you brother let it go. But it's about time she moved on from Mathias. It's been fifty years since that accident and he wasn't a rider or elf so she knew the odds were higher of that happening." Murtugh calmed down a bit and said "It took weeks for her to talk again. Good thing she had no students at the time." "Yeah..." Sapphira was talking to Arget who was actually her son. "So she moved on, that's good to see. Any luck with the Lizard?" "Not yet Mother. Linnea doesn't know I've been trying on my own, she's been distracted by the students and honing the ability to draw energy from other sources." "I still can't believe she did that." "I saw potential for greatness when I picked her." "I know that full well. You chose well, Linnea seemed like the perfect choice for you when she and I met."
Caleb twisted and turned in his sleep. Vinezilla was sleeping near the window when he felt Caleb's mind. He woke up. Caleb was having a nightmare. Vinezilla growled and entered Caleb's mind. He then entered the nightmare. It was about Caleb running through a forest, Dungeon lizards chasing him. Vinezilla roared. The lizards stopped in their tracks and vanished into thin air. Caleb stopped running and collapsed next to Vinezilla, snuggling up to him and falling asleep. "You're safe now Caleb," thought Vinezilla. Vinezilla then left Caleb's dream. He stood up and shook himself. He looked into the window. Caleb was sleeping peacefully, Coal lying next to him. Vinezilla smiled and went on a nightly hunt. He flew into the air. He looked down and saw Mrs. McClain. She was sitting on her roof, watching the stars and eating ice cream. Seth's baby picture and Seth's father's picture was lying in her lap. Vinezilla landed by the house. He arched his neck, looking over roof and looked down at Mrs. McClain, scaring her.
Murtagh and Thorn left the celebration as nightfall arrived. Aphelia said good night to them all and flew off. She entered the temple where most of the Riders and their dragons were sleeping. Aphelia laid down in the clove next to Wolfsbayne's. "How was it?" he asked. "Incredible," thought Aphelia. Wolfsbayne laughed. "Good night Wolf," thought Aphelia. "Good night Phelly," thought Wolfsbayne. Aphelia growled at her nickname. "I told you to never call me that again," she growled. "I know, but I couldn't help myself," thought Wolfsbayne. "Besides, you called me Wolf," he thought. "Because you actually LIKE your nickname," thought Aphelia. Wolfsbayne chuckled. Aphelia rolled her eyes and closed them. She shifted a bit to get comfortable. Once she was, Aphelia drifted off to sleep. She dreamed of the day she met Aiden's father, Boston the Brave. He was a dandelion colored dragon. Aphelia loved Boston, until one day, he was attacked and killed by a large and hungry Nidhwal. Aphelia growled and pushed it away.
A Week Later.....
Today was the day. Seth and Shadow were going to duel with Eragon and Saphira in the sky. Seth got ready and ran out the tree house. Shadow flew down to him. "They're waiting," thought Shadow. "I know," said Seth. He fixed his sword's holder on and sheathed Deyja. He then climbed into the saddle on Shadow's back, careful not to impale himself on Shadow's spikes. Shadow roared and flew into the air. He flew all the way to the Crags of Telnaeir. When they arrived, Saphira was saddled up. Eragon was sitting next to her. Sophia and Roslin were there as well. Shadow landed. "Morning," said Seth. "Good morning," they all replied. Sophia climbed on to Roslin. Eragon ran up Saphira's foreleg and climbed into the saddle. "Let us begin," he said. Saphira roared and flew into the air. Shadow and Roslin roared too, flying after her. Saphira leveled out. Shadow and Roslin circled her. Eragon unsheathed Brisingr. Seth unsheathed Deyja. Sophia unsheathed Hjarta. "Come get me," said Eragon. Seth and Sophia let out a war cry.
Caleb was in the front yard with Vinezilla and Coal. School was out. Today was the day that Caleb and his friends joined the Riders in Farthen Dur. Caleb's parents came out to him. "I'm gonna miss you Calley," said his sobbing mother. She hugged him close. Caleb's father sniffled and hugged him as well. "We gotta' take a picture," he said. Caleb, his parents, Vinezilla, and Coal got in position. Caleb's father took the picture. "I'll be back in five months," said Caleb. He hugged his parents again. Caleb then climbed into the saddle on Vinezilla's back. Coal yipped at them. Vinezilla crouched. Caleb sheathed Oakmar. "Come on Coal," he said. The wolf pup bounded up Vinezilla's foreleg. He sat himself in front of Caleb and Caleb strapped him down. "Tell Mrs. McClain that I will bring Seth back alive," he said. His parents nodded and waved as Vinezilla leaped into the air. Caleb was leaving his home. He met up with Monica, Keisha, Brianna, Riley, and the rest of his friends at the park. They were already to go.
Aphelia woke up. She stretched in the clove or aclove that she was in. The gold and red she-dragon shook herself and yawned. "Good morning everyone," she thought to the Riders, dragons, and Eldunari. "Good morning," they all replied back. She then turned to Wolfsbayne's Eldunari. "Morning cousin," she thought. "Good morning to you too," thought Wolfsbayne. Aphelia walked out of the temple. Her tongue flickered out, tasting the air. Aphelia flew into the air sky and went hunting. She landed in a nearby forest. There, she called some deer and wild boar. Aphelia ate happily. Suddenly, she heard a very distinctive roar. She looked up to see her mate Thorn. The red dragon landed next to her. "Morning," he thought. "Good morning," she thought. The two then nuzzled. They shared the kills. All of a sudden, Aphelia felt sick and arched her neck over a log. She threw up. "Are you ok?" Thorn asked. Aphelia nodded. She then felt her belly. "It can't be," she thought. Thorn looked at her. "What is is Aphelia?" he asked.
Roslin flew towards Saphira. The two dragons collided. Saphira snapped at Roslin. With Saphira being the size of Glaedr, she could easily take down Roslin. But Roslin was no weakling. She dodged Saphira's snaps. "Here it comes," thought Saphira. She opened her maw and a torrent of blue and yellow flames came out. Roslin dodged the fire and opened her maw, releasing a ray of scarlet flames. The fire sailed around Saphira, not even singeing her. The two collided again. Sophia and Eragon sparred. "Our turn," said Seth. Shadow roared and flew at Saphira. He rammed into her shoulder, causing her to roar. Seth sliced through the wards and cut Eragon upon the leg, making him yelp in pain. "Got him," said Seth. Shadow latched on to Saphira's thigh and bit it. Roslin dodged Saphira's maw and bit down on her foreleg. Saphira roared in pain as she was being pulled down by the two dragons. Eragon sent a blast of magic at the two Riders, who blocked it. Seth and Sophia then uttered, "Jierda!" Eragon was hit off Saphira.
"Alright guys. Let's fly!" Caleb exclaimed. The dragons flew into the air. They all said goodbye to the elder purple dragon. The dragons flew through the air. Flame, Daisy's father, joined them nine minutes later. Monica's father was riding him, his sword Magma sheathed. Caleb and Vinezilla were on the right of Flame as he and his Rider led the group on. Coal fidgeted a bit. Caleb unstrapped the wolf pup and hugged him close. The group flew on and on. They then stopped and landed next to a river. They all drank from the river and ate some of the food they brought with them. The dragons went hunting while Caleb fed Coal some deer meat. They then got back on track. Two hours later.... the group arrived in the Beor Mountains. "Just ten minutes or so away by dragon is Farthen Dur," said Monica's father. "We will go tomorrow, for now, we make camp here," thought Flame. The Riders set up camp. The dragons hunted again, this time with Coal. "I hope he comes back," said Caleb. "He will baby," Monica said.
Linnea and Arget stood at the above ground entrance to the dungeons with Itachi and the much smaller Akane at the underground one. Akane was almost full grown and lovely. Linnea and Arget when it came to dating went on physical age not technical so by that logic Linnea was fine dating Itachi. Arget wasn't the monogamous sort, not all dragons were. He'd stick around and take responsibility for the chicks he'd sire but then he was free to pursue other females who went by the same policy. Linnea was serially monogamous one lover at a time until they parted ways be it by death or just drifting apart. Some people and some dragons found a life mate and stuck with them forever. Linnea might do that if she found the right man, Arget not so much. His kind were still on the threatened list so he had to make his contribution to the gene pool, he neither showed or even carried any genetic conditions. To top it off a stronger immune system than most made his contribution more benificial. Linnea hoped she and Itachi would last a long time if not forever, and Arget liked him alot. A noise at the entrance broke her train of thought. A slayer exited the tunnel. A lone dragon slayer meant alot of trouble. Linnea took a defensive position in front of Arget untill the man raised his hands in surrender and kneeled "My Lady Linnea I mean no harm to Arget Shining Scales." He removed his helmet and Linnea recognized him Robert as one of her agents. He had sworn fealty to her when she'd healed his gravely ill brother. She'd sent him in two years ago to infiltrate the slayers. "What kept you?" "Had to gain their trust... I have information." Linnea's replacement came and she invited an old friend to lunch after he'd gotten cleaned up. Itachi walked in on this looking hurt and she explained the situation. Itachi had visibly calmed down after hearing the situation. Robert continued speaking "They think I'm spying for them my Lady." "I'll send false information along then." "They have heard of the prophecy Lady Linnea, and think that it refers to wiping out the riders and the dragons. That the prophesised will slay their own dragons and the other riders will follow their example." Linnea absorbed the information and spoke carefully "Are you sure of this?" "Yes I am absolutely certain. Examine my memories for the truth if you wish." "I will I'd like to be able to call you away from the mission and if I can scry them I just might be able to." The conversation continued for quite some time.
"I'm pregnant!" exclaimed Aphelia. Thorn was shocked. Aphelia laughed and flew into the air. "We're going to be raising a new clucth of hatchlings!" she exclaimed. Thorn then smiled and flew up to her. The two nuzzled and flew off. They landed in front of Murtagh in three minutes. "Aphelia is pregnant!" Thorn thought. Murtagh dropped his cup of juice and his mouth dropped. "How? It can't be," he said. "Do you doubt my 'skills'?" Thorn asked, stepping up to Murtagh. "No, no, no," said Murtagh. "It's just that I can't believe it," he said. Thorn and Aphelia let out a triumphent bugle. "I'm going to be a sister?" Roslin asked, flying out of the sky with Sophia. Thorn nodded. Sarah and Aiden flew in with Randy and Ghost. "You mean, I'm going to be a brother?" asked Aiden. "Yes," thought Aphelia. Sarah climbed down. "That's wonderful," she said. Aiden growled and flew into the air. "Aiden!" yelled Sarah and Aphelia. The yellow dragon roared and released a torrent of yellow flames into the air. He flew away.
Linnea had to send Robert back but she sent word to his family he was alive. Itachi looked at her and said "So you're a spymaster." "Not really, it's just Robert and he begged me to send him. He's one of the two people under my command. He swore fealty to me after I healed his brother's almost fatal sickness. The other had a child so I had to formally let her go." "Did you deliver the child?" "Yep, Eragon will want to hear this or Murtugh will do. But he'll try to chew me out for accepting Robert's vow of service." Linnea found Murtugh staring at Thorn and Aphilia muttering something about his partner's 'bad timing' on something. Roselin and Sophia were there and Linnea greeted the two of them fondly. Then she spoke to Murtugh quietly. Murtugh yelled "You accepted a man's vow of service?!? What is the matter with you?" "I healed his brother and he threw himself at my feet in the mud begging me to allow him to serve me. Then he begged me to assign him something important. So I did. The information I got was disturbing to say the least. He's pulling 'double agent at the moment. Meaning we can confuse them." "You want to play head games?" "If it will keep Sophia and Roselin alive and stop the slayers yes." Sophia stated "You really care about us don't you?" Linnea answered "Of course once my student always my student. I look after my students. Oh you have juice in your lap by the way Murtugh." "I just received some shocking and untimely news." He adressed Thorn "It's good news just surprizing and badly timed..." 
Seth and Shadow had decided to take a fly after practice. Sophia and Roslin had flown off to Farthen Dur. As Seth and Shadow flew, Seth began to chuckle. "What is so amusing?" asked Shadow. "The way we just took down Saphira," thought Seth. "It's like she wasn't even trying," he thought. "Well maybe she was," thought Shadow. "At least they're alright," thought Seth. "I thought master Eragon was gonna' hit the ground after we knocked him off Saphira," thought Seth. Shadow chuckled. Suddenly, Angel joined them in the sky. Angelica wasn't with her. "Hey Angel," thought Seth. "Where's Angelica?" he asked. "Injured," thought Angel. Seth and Shadow were shocked. "Take me to her," thought Seth. Shadow followed Angel to Farthen Dur's imfirmary. The two dragons landed. Seth leaped to the ground and ran inside. He found Angelica's room. She was lying on the hospital bed, her right leg in a cast and her left arm in one as well. Her face wasn't injured though. "Hi baby," she said, smiling. Tthe two kissed passionately.
As they ate in the camp, the dragons came back with Coal at their sides. "Glad you two made it back in one piece," said Caleb. Caleb and Vinezilla then went on a fly. "Do you think we could go to Farthen Dur right now?" asked Caleb. "Not unless you're willing to take the heat from Flame and Monica's father," thought Vinezilla. Caleb chuckled. As they flew, Vinezilla did loop-de-loopsa dives, gliides, and altitude risers. He then leveled out in a nice soar. "I love flying," thought Caleb. "So do I," thought Vinezilla. He scared a flock of birds and almost grabbed an eagle. "I remember my ebrithil told me to never hunt or kill any hunters of the sky," thought Vinezilla. "True to that," thought Caleb. They flew some more and decided to head back to camp. "Let's go back so I can hug my girlfriend and let her squeeze me in her arms," thought Caleb. Vinezilla laughed and flew off. "I wonder if Seth is really in Farthen Dur?" asked Caleb, looking back at where the peak of Farthen Dur was. "He is," thought Vinezilla.

Dragon Riders
In modern day times, only that dragons are now apart of the world. You can choose to find an egg in the forest or pick one at the Dragon Mart.

You are a dragon rider. Thanks to Eragon, you now have a choice to pick your very own dragon egg and raise your dragon to become a new warrior.


Or you can choose to be a newly hatched dragon once found or bought.

Once your dragon is grown, train him/her to become a warrior in order to take down the dungeon people and their pets, the dungeon lizards.

(Remember: Each dragon will breathe the same colored fire as their skin color. And DUH! you will be able to use magic).


Ever since Eragon took down Galbatorix, he has been raising Dragon Riders. Sixteen centuries later, dragons are now thriving with the humans and other animal species. Underground, the dungeon people have been created and are now starting to pop up, rarely. There is also a prophecy: Two elf/human hybrid Riders, both different genders, lead the way into victory by destroying the Dungeon People and their Lizards. The two are helped by their dragons, one of black and one of red, both of different genders, as well as their swords of "Death" and "Heart". The two pairs must combine their power into one in order to vanquish the new evil of the land.


Second Arc: Welcome to the Naruto world riders. The Akatsuki are going down. Senior Rider Linnea and her partner Arget are leading the charge.

Ninja grab your Kuni and get ready for the arrival of the Riders. Are the newcomers friend or foe? That's up for the Kages to decide. But the Akatsuki's days are still numbered. 


1. No cursing

2. No killing other players or dragons unless you get permission from them.

3. No acting like a god

4. Get ya' fly on!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Brown Dragon
Dark Brown Dragon
Dragon Rider
Dwarf Dragon Rider
Elf Dragon Rider
Gold Dragon
Gray Dragon
Green Dragon
Mixed Colored Dragon
Orange Dragon
Pink Dragon
Purple Dragon
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
Urgal/Kull Dragon Rider
White Dragon
Yellow Dragon

Second RP Master
Wulfraptor (#170)

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